<rodinux> > <@satadaes:matrix.org> issue still occuring, version is deb12 amd64 latest 12.0.7 stable
Perhaps you have deasactivate `security_experimental_enabled` first...
<satadaes> > <@rodinux:matrix.org> Perhaps you have deasactivate `security_experimental_enabled` first...
odd thing is it was deactivated, it no longer is erroring though so weird
<hook> Hmmm, I recently got a SMART warning about a Samsung NVME SSD in my YunoHost server. The drive is about a year old, but to my untrained eyes, this looks serious. Is it?
<hook> This is my main drive in that server, so that’s potentially painful.
<anubis> > This is my main drive in that server, so that’s potentially painful.
Hi hook, I think a more general linux chatroom would be more appropriate for this topic. I'm not an expert, but the disk is still very new (4100h). What suspicious is the temperature (67°C), it seems your server would need a better cooling :')
<hook> anubis, It’s mini-ATX with Noctua cooling, that’s weird.
But what a colleague noticed is that SMART claims it already wrote 2 PT in 4 K hours (it’s a disk I bought new last August!), so something’s weird here.
<hook> They say that the disk claims it’s pre-failure, so I guess I’ll need to buy a new one …but I’d like to avoid this happening with the next ones. Sounds _waay_ too much write for less than on year.
<anubis> 2 Peta / 4000h ~ 138M/s *permenantly*, it seems uncreadible (do you make video editing or host lot of matrix rooms or... on this server?). You can check the current usage of the disk with `iotop -a`
<hook> anubis, No, this is what I’m running:
BorgWarehouse (currently not working)
Collabora Online
LanguageTool server
Movim (currently not working)
Scrutiny (SMART monitor)
Universal Media Server
Wallabag (currently not working)
WireGuard (currently not working)
<hook> In addition, I have Biboumi to bridge IRC to XMPP.
<hook> And Zellij, which I _just_ found out is causing some silly I/O:
<hook> I did have Nextcloud in debug mode at some point by accident. So that might have caused part of it.
<hook> `systemd-journald` is at the top of `iotop --accumulated`, followed by `zellij --server` and `rsyslogd`.
<hook> But JournalD seems to orders of magnitude more active then the rest.
<hook> 16M since I started
<hook> To compare: PiHole is at 300 K and PHP for Nextcloud at 200 K in the same time.
<hook> 25 M now disk write on JournalD.
<hook> Stopping Collabora Online seems to have gotten rid of much of JournalD’s crazyness.
<eric_G> hook: what version of Nextcloud are you running on?
<hook> eric_G, Nextcloud 29.0.9 (just updated from the 29.0.8) on Yunohost 11
<hook> Also NC complains that .htaccess is not working and that files could be exposed to the internet. (unrelated, but concerning)
<eric_G> if you can update to testing (version 30.0.2) you may get some improvement on the warning side (as well as UX)
<hook> > if you can update to testing (version 30.0.2) you may get some improvement on the warning side (as well as UX)
I'd rather stay on stable. Am waiting for yunohost 12 to get a point release 😅
<eric_G> testing is the new stable 😅
<eric_G> since you don't seem very adventurous, I won't mention this blazing postgresql Nextcloud branch...
<hook> Ooooh, that is intriguing. But for another day. I used to run NC on Postgres on ARM
<satadaes> anyone aware of any app to use for employee scheduleing/clocking i/out etc compatible with YH?
<satadaes> and having difficulty figuring out how to OCC into a nextcloud install everytime I try it says
-u nextcloud php8.3 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ
bash: -u: command not found
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you started your command with "-u" right in front so it thinks the command you're trying to execute is literally "-u" which doesn't exists
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you probably meant to use "sudo" before this
<satadaes> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> you probably meant to use "sudo" before this
basically in order to properly federate i need to occ this "occ federation:sync-addressbooks" but i'm not sure how to properly tell YH via command to execture that
<satadaes> sudo -u nextcloud occ federation:sync-addressbooks gives
"sudo: occ: command not found"
<plamazo> > <@satadaes:matrix.org> sudo -u nextcloud occ federation:sync-addressbooks gives
> "sudo: occ: command not found"
php before occ
<satadaes> was what I needed
<satadaes> tyvm for help :)
<satadaes> yunohost app shell nextcloud
php occ federation:sync-addressbooks
<satadaes> this allowed for two nextcloud servers on same YH server to share contacts and file in addi8tion to changing the nextcloud config by Adding
'allow_local_remote_servers' => true,
to a line in the nextcloud config file