<nicofrand> > <@beedee:matrix.org> Iir there is a post on the forum about this and I think the solution was to force upgrade vaultwarden or switch to the testing version
I am not using the self-hosted bitwarden
<orhtej2> Shoutout to whoever did the quick add domain on app install screen! Excellent feature I did not realize I always wanted in my life <3
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Smol poke [@axolotle:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@axolotle:matrix.org) ^
<Aiso Plee> Hello Guys. Did anyone ever had the issue that a fresh setup Yuno did'n appear on the FRITZ!Box? It is working though, so when i enter the IP Address i can access it through Web and/or SSH so - it is in the network
<Aiso Plee> ah i found the issue
<huskyz> hi, can you add the italian language pack on phpbb please?
<huskyz> thank you
<orhtej2> you can manually add it on the server by unpacking it to `/var/www/phpbb`
<Steve> I tried to install Nextcloud, but got 404 error: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/nuvuqawozu
<orhtej2> > <@Dzsingisz:matrix.org> I tried to install Nextcloud, but got 404 error: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/nuvuqawozu
Cf https://forum.yunohost.org/t/installation-nextcloud-la-version-29-0-9-nexiste-pas/32294/4
<orhtej2> (not really ynh's fault)
<Steve> Thank you!