<Steve> Is there any working form/survey app which I could try with yunohost? I tried framaform, but it's kinda broken, got lot of error messages about outdated plugins/drupal core. I use nextcloud at home, and I know it has a working form plugin, but nextcloud can't be installed righ now.
<anubis> Steve, maybe https://apps.yunohost.org/app/limesurvey? If nobody does it before I will try to package LiberaForm https://apps.yunohost.org/wishlist?search=liberaform begining of next year 😅️
<Steve> Yep, I checked it, but actually I need a simple sign-up form only for a class. Maybe this time I'm going to make a form "by hand", I'm just not sure where should I put the html+php files to be accessible from mydomain.ltd
<Steve> Or maybe it should be handled by MyWebapp?
<miro5001> I am also looking for a good responsive form builder.
I found these
I didn't have time to see which one is better so I may package it. Not now since I am very busy
<Steve> Thanks for the answers! And thanks for your work with all these apps... I really appreciate that I can enjoy so many foss apps so hassle-free. (Right now I solved my issue with the 'my webapp' app and my own form, that's good too.)
<huskyz> I did but it doesn't work 😭
I extracted the zip file to `/var/www/phpbb/language`, did `chown -R www-data:www-data language-pack-folder-name` and now from the admin panel when I go to the language pack section it crashes, without giving any error, completely blank page
<@tomasekeli:matrix.org> after updating today (lots of troubles, but most things are working again) the main app listing only shows two of my apps even though i have four others that are marked to show in the main landing-page. is this a known bug?