Saturday, December 07, 2024
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[06:47:44] <超牛狂人> 7of9: fuck xmpp
[06:47:50] <超牛狂人>
[16:40:13] <hook> I have a dying SSD in my YunoHost box. I plan to replace it with an HDD (actually two HDDs in a Btrfs RAID1).
[16:41:12] <hook> I’m not concerned on how to put in the disks and I’m fairly confident in the setting up of the volumes etc.
[16:41:47] <hook> But it has been way too many years since I’ve last migrated a whole system from one disk to another. Is there a good howto for that? Or how do I go about that?
[16:43:08] <hook> My first thought is boot from an USB and then rsync everything from /mnt/dying_ssd to /mnt/new_hdds/ …but I’m pretty sure there’s a snag somewhere, esp. on a server.
[16:53:29] <Salamandar> if you want to go the rsync route, ensure the partitions are mounted read-only
[16:54:02] <Salamandar> (although you can do it multiple times when it being read-write, and then a final time readonly, to ensure minimal "downtime")
[17:11:35] <hook> Salamandar, if there’s a better idea, I’m all for it.
[17:14:15] <hook> It’s literally been ages since I had to migrate a whole working system. Usually it was on my laptop/desktop, so it was easier to do a fresh install and migrate the home directory. For servers I used to run ARM before, so whenever I was migrating, I _had_ to reinstall anyway and set everything up from scratch.
[17:14:58] <hook> Here it’s just a prematurely failing SSD (on a amd64 now), so whatever is the best way, I’d be happy to try that.
[17:16:05] <hook> And I guess I need to chroot and re-install Grub too, afterwards.
[17:17:35] <Salamandar> the ssd you're talking abuot
[17:17:42] <Salamandar> is it the system disk or just data ?
[18:00:44] <hook> The SSD is currently the only drive in there, yes.
[18:00:57] <hook> 😬
[18:01:31] <hook> So my plan is to move everything to the (dual) HDD(s in Btrfs RAID1).
[18:01:57] <hook> And maybe later re-introduce an SSD for the more faster mounts, after I’ve set up a proper backup system.
[18:22:26] <hook> But the “how exactly” to move everything is the question that I’m struggling with right now.
[18:25:22] <Salamandar> Anyways if you introduce RAID the partition scheme will change (not sure what your hardware is but EFI partition needs to be outside raid, and ARM boards need a boot partition outside RAID too)
[18:26:17] <Salamandar> So hmmm maybe not the most straightforward thing to do would be yunohost backup, fresh install, partitioning, yunohost backup restore
[18:26:36] <Salamandar> Also it would ensure your initramfs etc is properly configured for RAID
[18:28:56] <Salamandar> If you're versed into Linux shenanigans, a system duplication then proper configuration then only reboot would be a possibility
[18:29:00] <Salamandar> But be sure to have a fail safe plan
[19:09:15] <hook> I’m on a standard x86/amd64 now (just mentioned ARM as that was what I had experience with for the past few years)
[19:17:07] <hook> There doesn’t seem to be any EFI partition (oddly enough, even though this is a fairly new CPU)
[19:25:02] <Salamandar> Efi is not mandatory usually
[19:25:26] <Salamandar> Dépends on the bios configuration at the time you booted the live usb
[19:34:09] <hook> Yeah, probably did not see the worth and kept it super simple for my first YunoHost install.
[19:34:32] *hook goes read up on `yunohost backup`
[19:35:55] <hook> So the idea would be to `yunohost backup` (ideally) to a separate (3rd) disk; do a fresh simple install on the new disk(s); and `yunohost backup restore` from that separate disk?
[19:36:10] <hook> And that should put back up everything as it was?
[19:44:09] <hook> I’m still on YunoHost 11, BTW. Partially waiting for 12 to be more tested, and partially because I don’t want to further stress my failing SSD 🥹
[19:48:03] <hook> Good news: `/home/yunohost.backup` already _is_ mounted to a separate HDD, so that simplifies things 🙂
[21:26:01] <Salamandar> > <hook> So the idea would be to `yunohost backup` (ideally) to a separate (3rd) disk; do a fresh simple install on the new disk(s); and `yunohost backup restore` from that separate disk?

Not mandatory to be a third disk, you can just mount your old SSD when your new system is booted, if you have either enough sata slots or a USB to sata adapter
[21:26:01] <Salamandar> > <hook> Good news: `/home/yunohost.backup` already _is_ mounted to a separate HDD, so that simplifies things 🙂

[21:26:11] <Salamandar> > <hook> And that should put back up everything as it was?

Obvi that only works if you don't have too many manual system tinkerings 😉
[21:26:39] <Salamandar> > <hook> I’m still on YunoHost 11, BTW. Partially waiting for 12 to be more tested, and partially because I don’t want to further stress my failing SSD 🥹

Ah uh backup on 11 and restore on 12... Meh ?
[21:27:35] <Salamandar> > <hook> I’m still on YunoHost 11, BTW. Partially waiting for 12 to be more tested, and partially because I don’t want to further stress my failing SSD 🥹

In that case maybe you will want to clone the old ssd to a safer hdd, make the upgrade, backup, then install 12 fresh, restori
[21:27:37] <Salamandar> Idk what's the easiest
[21:46:35] <hook> I was thinking of just installing 11 on the new disk(s) and migrating to 11. I can always upgrade later on, no?
[21:47:17] <hook> Dunno if I want to mess with a distro-upgrade (+ migrate from Metronome to Prosody) at the same time too.
[21:49:37] <Salamandar> > <hook> I was thinking of just installing 11 on the new disk(s) and migrating to 11. I can always upgrade later on, no?

That's doable too
[21:52:56] <hook> I’ll try that then.
[22:02:45] <xabi> Hello 👋 I'm trying to make a 2nd yunohost server reachable. I've enabled advanced sec settings but I cannot find the feature. Is the SNI-based forwarding still a thing? `Other` tab only shows `backup compression` and `network` (mine set to both)
[22:36:06] <Hook> > <hook> I’ll try that then.

But first, hacking the HDDs into the mini ITX case.