<Solrac> Hello. I have a question.... this might not bbe the best place, to ask but I figure I'd ask YH anyway. So I'm currently running my YH instance behind a Reverse Proxy, because my network is behind a CGNAT. Even though I have plenty of challanges with it, it has been working pretty well for me. (Except nginx Streams, how do you people even do that?) But I saw FUTO's video with Louis Rossmann about running your own server and he mentions this issue, his work around was to use a dynamic dns....
I figured I'd check if my router allows for this, and yes... it does, but not with my domain provider, so that could mean I have to switch domains (besides mine ends up in .top which is being rejected by LetsEncrypt lately </3)
So that left me wondering... Considering the above, would make sense to attempt to do local dynamic dns and drop the VPS Reverse Proxy, specially if with a new domain?
<Salamandar> (cgnat… the thing that wouldn't be needed if industrials had already moved to ipv6)
<Salamandar> > <@lsolrac:matrix.org> Hello. I have a question.... this might not bbe the best place, to ask but I figure I'd ask YH anyway. So I'm currently running my YH instance behind a Reverse Proxy, because my network is behind a CGNAT. Even though I have plenty of challanges with it, it has been working pretty well for me. (Except nginx Streams, how do you people even do that?) But I saw FUTO's video with Louis Rossmann about running your own server and he mentions this issue, his work around was to use a dynamic dns....
> I figured I'd check if my router allows for this, and yes... it does, but not with my domain provider, so that could mean I have to switch domains (besides mine ends up in .top which is being rejected by LetsEncrypt lately </3)
> So that left me wondering... Considering the above, would make sense to attempt to do local dynamic dns and drop the VPS Reverse Proxy, specially if with a new domain?
i have approximately exactly zero experience with CGNAT, but wouldn't a VPN fix your issue ?
<Solrac> thats the solution I have
<Solrac> Sorta. Local CGNAT -> VPN <- VPS with nginx reverse proxy <- internets
<tommy33> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/tutorial-block-requests-by-country/19045
is this still the best guide for GeoIP blocking?
is there a better way to do it?
<tommy33> i'm upgrading to yunohost 12.0 now
<tommy33> ```
configuration: broken
- 2024/12/11 15:56:15 [emerg] 1840#1840: "proxy_redirect" directive is duplicate in /etc/nginx/conf.d/XXXXX.d/droppy.conf:16
- nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
description: Serves or provides access to all the websites hosted on your server
last_state_change: 2024-12-11 15:55:31
start_on_boot: enabled
status: failed
<tommy33> so, i commented out L16 in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/XXXXX.d/droppy.conf` # XXXXX = my domain name
<tommy33> L16 was:
`proxy_redirect off;`
<tommy33> ```
configuration: broken
- 2024/12/11 15:56:15 [emerg] 1840#1840: "proxy_redirect" directive is duplicate in /etc/nginx/conf.d/<MYDOMAIN>.d/droppy.conf:16
- nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
description: Serves or provides access to all the websites hosted on your server
last_state_change: 2024-12-11 15:55:31
start_on_boot: enabled
status: failed
<tommy33> So, now: Yunohost works. but idk if GeoIP blocking is working.
<tommy33> Is there a better way to do GeoIP Blocking?