Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[08:18:04] <@cam:camomail.org> ça fonctionne!
[08:18:21] <@cam:camomail.org> yes ça fonctionne!
[11:53:49] <morkr> Hello,
my first time writing here. I see lots of french; I hope writing english is equally ok.

My question: I need/want to place custom links on my yunohost sso login page as well as in the portal. For imprint/admin info and privacy policy. Is there a simple way to do so?
And if not a simple way, any other way?
I would probably link from there to a custom web app with the necessary documents.

I found this thread on the forum from 2022 asking the same question, but it was never answered: https://forum.yunohost.org/t/how-can-i-add-an-impressum-imprint-on-the-start-page/20212

System: Yunohost 11.3.02 (planning to update to 12 soon-ish) on a Raspi 4B

All the best
[12:18:56] <nicofrand> > <@morkr:tchncs.de> Hello,
> my first time writing here. I see lots of french; I hope writing english is equally ok.
> My question: I need/want to place custom links on my yunohost sso login page as well as in the portal. For imprint/admin info and privacy policy. Is there a simple way to do so?
> And if not a simple way, any other way?
> I would probably link from there to a custom web app with the necessary documents.
> I found this thread on the forum from 2022 asking the same question, but it was never answered: https://forum.yunohost.org/t/how-can-i-add-an-impressum-imprint-on-the-start-page/20212
> System: Yunohost 11.3.02 (planning to update to 12 soon-ish) on a Raspi 4B
> All the best
> morkr

If you don't find anything at all, maybe you can play with themes, which allow a custom js script (which would add links). Not sure this is enough in regards of the laws (as it would only appear on browsers supporting js) though
[12:20:43] <morkr> Thanks for the suggestion!
That would be an option, I guess, since I do not strictly *have* to have an imprint as a private person. Something is better than nothing.

I will wait a bit longer if anything else comes up, though. Learning javascript was not really on my todo list yet ;-)
[15:47:57] <lud0> > Ça semble fonctionner!
Qqchose ne fonctionnait plus ?
[16:51:01] <icyisolation> # In case of a need to edit, please edit the settings from the Yunohost admin config panel
# or create a custom file in: /etc/matrix-synapse/conf.d/
# and add in this file all your custom settings
[16:51:01] <icyisolation> it says at the top:
[16:51:01] <icyisolation> How do I overide the synapse matrix configs, step by step? I need it to *not* be https and a whole bunch of other tweaks since its a lan only server
[16:51:02] <icyisolation> or rather I would assume that changing the `public_baseurl` from `https://synapse.local` to `http://synapse.local` would update the servername conf in nginx but it does not?
[16:51:02] <icyisolation> also, I need to change `/etc/nginx/conf.d/synapse.local.d/synapse_server_name.conf `
[16:51:02] <icyisolation> but no instructions on what to do specificially. for example, I need the yaml file to NOT have any ip blacklists (idk why but having ip blacklists breaks ntfy and notifications), before I would just comment out the ip blacklists, but what do I add to do I add a /etc/matrix-synapse/conf.d/test.yaml to disable the ip blacklists? do I add a bunch of commented out ips?
[16:51:03] <xananax> I don't have much hope, but bumping this, just in case someone's around who has a clue. I'm gonna try once again
[16:51:03] <icyisolation> For now I'm just going to go back to manually editing the yaml itself and simply not updating synapse, but I'd like my changes to persist next time round so any help would be appreciated
[16:51:15] <samuel> hi :3, could anyone help me? i tried instaling funkwhale to my new instance and it dump me something like this: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/mapuxiveya

dunno what did i do wrong
[17:19:09] <anubis> samuel, hello, did you tried previously to install funkwhale outside the yunohost app? It looks like to be an issue with Postgresql authentification issue.
[17:23:10] <samuel> > <anubis> samuel, hello, did you tried previously to install funkwhale outside the yunohost app? It looks like to be an issue with Postgresql authentification issue.

[17:23:40] <samuel> Maybe one time few years ago with docker on another machine inside my network
[17:23:47] <samuel> But never since
[18:10:22] <Hook> The console output still says "preparing archive for restoration""
[18:10:22] <Hook> How long should a whole system 220GB `yunohost backup restore` take between two HDDs? It's been over 2h now
[18:10:22] <samuel> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> How long should a whole system 220GB `yunohost backup restore` take between two HDDs? It's been over 2h now

It's okay, it takes some time
[18:10:23] <samuel> Even between ssd
[18:13:01] <Hook> Not that it helps you in any way, samuel , but I've noticed a lot of error logs for Funkwhale on my install, so I guess something's not right with the package right now
[18:13:01] <Hook> Thanks.
[18:13:02] <James Richardson> Has anyone figured out how to get the jellyfin apps to connect to the server in Yunohost? Web access works flawlessly, but I cannot for the life of me get the apps to recognize the server to connect to it.
[18:13:02] <samuel> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/bosoluvixe
[18:13:47] <samuel> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> Not that it helps you in any way, samuel , but I've noticed a lot of error logs for Funkwhale on my install, so I guess something's not right with the package right now

ohh thanks :D, it helps a lot :) i will try something else
[18:14:56] <samuel> i wana automaticaly dowland music and then stream it... what app/combo should i use?
[18:18:37] <samuel> i was thinking about headphones
[18:19:46] <Hook> > <@samuel:paluba.me> ohh thanks :D, it helps a lot :) i will try something else

I only noticed it recently, so I assume it was ok before.
[18:22:34] <Hook> Funkwhale is that, but with big emphasis on federation. If you just want to stream, something else might make sense
[18:22:34] <Hook> > <@samuel:paluba.me> i wana automaticaly dowland music and then stream it... what app/combo should i use?

Something that supports Subsonic/Ampache might make sense, I think
[18:22:35] <samuel> yall where are you running your instances? i was thinking about buying external x64 Nas like PC, (laptop is not taking it anymore)
[18:23:19] <samuel> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> Something that supports Subsonic/Ampache might make sense, I think

it would, but i need something that is going to dowland my music automaticaly
[18:23:35] <Hook> Navidrome?
[18:24:58] <Hook> You can have something else download it to the multimedia.shared folder and then a streaming app play from that folder
[18:24:58] <James Richardson> I don't know if you have used Sonarr/Radarr for TV and Movies, but Lidarr is essentially the same thing to download music. Then just point the Funkwhale or Subsonic app to the folder where Lidarr dumps the downloads. I do something similar with Plex.
[18:24:59] <Hook> Doesn't have to be the same app doing both
[18:25:14] <Samuel> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> You can have something else download it to the multimedia.shared folder and then a streaming app play from that folder

thats fine for me
[18:25:32] <Samuel> > <@tokenwizard1:matrix.org> I don't know if you have used Sonarr/Radarr for TV and Movies, but Lidarr is essentially the same thing to download music. Then just point the Funkwhale or Subsonic app to the folder where Lidarr dumps the downloads. I do something similar with Plex.

Okayy, thanks :)) im going to try it
[18:26:05] <Hook> If you have Nextcloud there is probably Nextcloud apps to do both
[18:26:56] <Samuel> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> If you have Nextcloud there is probably Nextcloud apps to do both

I don't Wana depend on next cloud :D i want to get rid of it assap
[18:27:55] <Hook> Fair enough
[18:31:47] <Samuel> anyone know how to force close all running yunohost acitions?
[18:32:12] <Samuel> i know its bad idea but i did silly mistake and i dont wana wait years
[19:49:28] <James Richardson> Sorry, I do not. Other than maybe a restart of the service?
[21:43:34] <Samuel> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> 5h and counting … is it supposed to be _this_ slow?

What is yourtimezone?
[21:43:34] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it all depends on the read/write speed of your HDD, yunohost doesn't has much to do with it
[21:43:34] <Hook> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> How long should a whole system 220GB yunohost backup restore take between two HDDs? It's been over 2h now

5h and counting … is it supposed to be _this_ slow?
[21:44:41] <Hook> > <@samuel:paluba.me> What is yourtimezone?

UTC+1 (+2 in summer)
[21:44:41] <Samuel> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> UTC+1 (+2 in summer)

Wait till morning
[21:45:56] <Samuel> Do you hear HDD running?
[21:53:21] <Hook> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> it all depends on the read/write speed of your HDD, yunohost doesn't has much to do with it

backup is on 2.5" WD Red (144 MB/s), system is on 3.5” WD Red Plus (180 MB/s), both on SATA
[21:53:22] <Hook> > <@samuel:paluba.me> Do you hear HDD running?

I can see things moving in `iotop`
[21:53:22] <Hook> I think I hear hdd spinning, it's not struggling though
[21:53:22] <Samuel> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> backup is on 2.5" WD Red (144 MB/s), system is on 3.5” WD Red Plus (180 MB/s), both on SATA

How large is your swap and ram?
[21:53:53] <Hook> 32 GB RAM, 4GB swap
[21:54:19] <Hook> (no tmpfs as of yet)
[21:54:27] <Samuel> Try getting some sleep, maybe it's just your aura idk, we can trubleshoit tomorrow
[21:54:32] <Samuel> :)
[21:55:33] <Hook> Yeah, I still need to prepare a presentation for Thursday, so I'll just leave it overnight