<crapitalist420> Gotcha! Thats good to know. Thank you so much for pointing me in the correct direction for this one!
<tituspijean> Ah yeah you won't be able to use ftp to edit app files (except for some apps that are setup for it, by default they are not). So indeed try ssh. :)
<crapitalist420> I was able to make some changes so thank you so much!
<marzagheddon> yea and probably are very bad bug reports lol
<marzagheddon> and also I can now reach the install wiki page now
<orhtej2> [every coin helps](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/5/56/Vo_windrunner_wind_lasthit_03.mp3), the one with Italian doc was valid!
<Hook> Restored CalibreWeb and it compains that:
Warning: Please, give required access to calibreweb user to the /home/yunohost.multimedia/share/eBook folder.
That folder is currently owned by `nextcloud:nextcloud`, since that is the primary means of interacting with it. I honestly forgot how I did this before.
<Salamandar> Probable oui moi !
<beudbeud> Salut est ce qu'il y aura du monde au FOSDEM cette année?
<Hook> > <@beud_beud:matrix.org> Salut est ce qu'il y aura du monde au FOSDEM cette année?
I’m going and organising the HackerTrain to FOSDEM – not practical from France (at least this year), but maybe someone else finds it useful d)
<Salamandar> Quasi certain même
<Salamandar> Je trainerai autour des salles embedded systems
<crapitalist420> Hey there I'm new to yunohost and still figuring out stuff. I've been trying to get Glance set up and I saw I need to edit a yaml file but It doesn't seem to be in the folder when I go look for it. "/home/yunohost.app/glance/glance.yml"
Anyone have any advice on how to find it. I am trying via transit for Mac
<tituspijean> Try via SSH:
sudo yunohost app shell glance
cd /home/yunohost.app/glance
Edit with `nano glance.yml`
<tituspijean> crapitalist420: that's the right location. What's Transit? Maybe you do not have permission to write there.
<tituspijean> @silverhook:matrix.orgthe installation of CalibreWeb should have given it access to the `multimedia` group, and `/home/yunohost.multimedia` and its subfolders should have an ACL granting access to that group
<tituspijean> to check: `getfacl /home/yunohost.multimedia/share/eBook`
<danceswithcats> Something that happened to me: there was a multimedia folder and a 'shared multimedia' folder. The latter was the one apps (Navidrome, Calibre Web, etc) were hooking on to. Probably just a quirk of my install, but I thought I'd mention it in case it's happened to you.
<Hook> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> to check: getfacl /home/yunohost.multimedia/share/eBook
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: home/yunohost.multimedia/share/eBook/
# owner: nextcloud
# group: nextcloud
<Hook> and `rg multimedia /etc/group` does say
<centralscrutinizer> I think my message got lost in the room or it has not been seen by anyone...can anyone confirm?
<danceswithcats> > I think my message got lost in the room or it has not been seen by anyone...can anyone confirm?
> https://matrix.to/#/!gvRsI7cG1o9SVr56:pijean.ovh/$awGm99N3PJz3klYhCoiRTPwn3rmjESA0m58GW-mPY78?via=circledsquareroot.ovh&via=aria-net.org&via=matrix.org
Saw it, but I'm afraid I can't help. Sorry.
<centralscrutinizer> > Saw it, but I'm afraid I can't help. Sorry.
Thanks 👍
<tituspijean> @silverhook:matrix.orgthat looks fine 🤔 what's the output of `sudo -u calibreweb ls /home/yunohost.multimedia/share/eBook` ?
<tituspijean> @centralscrutinizer:novababilonia.meyou have a FAQ that's precisely for you I think: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/synapse_ynh/pull/439
<Hook> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> @Hookthat looks fine 🤔 what's the output of sudo -u calibreweb ls /home/yunohost.multimedia/share/eBook ?
Seems to list everything, yay!
<tituspijean> so it does have access. Is this warning preventing you from using the application correctly?
<anubis> I had forgoten this issue that will prevent us to provide some functionalities for XMPP (Prosody as well as Metronome) : https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/redirect_ynh/issues/55 ; did by chance anyone succeeded in using the redirect app in reverse_proxy mode (for any other usage)?
<Hook> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> so it does have access. Is this warning preventing you from using the application correctly?
Seems to work fine. Am just in the middle of a migration and going through the logs of every backup restore, to see if anything did not go well.
<Hook> Thank you for helping me figure out it’s fine and the ACL thing :)
<@rosbeefandino:3cmr.fr> Hi all i wish you all things you need. If anyone using gotosocial is using a web inerface and wich one semaphore, pinafore, elk.zone, other ?
<centralscrutinizer> > <@rosbeefandino:3cmr.fr> Hi all i wish you all things you need. If anyone using gotosocial is using a web inerface and wich one semaphore, pinafore, elk.zone, other ?
phanpy.social is very nice
<centralscrutinizer> It's also available in the catalog
<thatoo> I'm trying to setup IMAP in Dolibarr but I can't make it work and I don't understand why
<thatoo> Here is the config I set (I tried with Hôte equal to localhost also) :
Hôte du serveur de messagerie IMAP accolades.coop
Port du serveur de messagerie IMAP 993
Jeu de caractères de serveur hôte UTF-8
Méthode de chiffrement IMAP TLS
Utiliser la configuration NoRSH Non
Identifiant contact
Mot de passe *************
Répertoire source de la boîte aux lettres INBOX
<thatoo> and here is the error I get :
`` doCollectOneCollector is using method MAIN_IMAP_USE_PHPIMAP=0 (native PHP imap, LOGIN) ``
`` connectstringsource = {accolades.coop:993/service=imap/tls/novalidate-cert}INBOX, $connectstringtarget={accolades.coop:993/service=imap/tls/novalidate-cert} ``
<tituspijean> since this morning I'm using Gotosocial with Phanpy
<titan> Trying to install Prosody get error No certificate present in SSL/TLS configuration cert is valid for domain
<anubis> titan, let's solve this in the dedicated room 😉
<@rosbeefandino:3cmr.fr> > phanpy.social is very nice
I will give it a try as i didn't know it. it did not presented to me when i search for mastodon or activitypub
<abeorch> I can't answer - others will know better but I know that these kind of questions related to storage performance get discussed a bit on the lemmy selfhosted community.
<abeorch> https://lemmy.ml/c/selfhosted@lemmy.world
<onceuponaban> I guess the underlying question is: is the LVM cache feature smart enough to properly leverage both the high capacity of my slower HDD and the higher speed of my smaller SSD, or am I better off with a static "application files on SSD, user data on HDD" layout? (or is there a better third option for my situation?)
<Hook> > <@onceuponaban:matrix.org> Hello, I would like to set up yunohost, but I have a question regarding my hardware. The computer I will use is a raspberry pi 5, and for storage I have an NVMe SSD (512GB) and a SATA HDD (5TB) connected through a SATA -> USB adapter (I also plan on cannibalizing a 5TB external HDD to use as dedicated backup storage, or possibly just adding to the user data storage if needed). The server's primary purpose will be data storage through nextcloud, though I'll also use it for some other tasks. I would like to maximize data transfer speed so I was wondering if setting up an LVM using the SSD as cache for the HDD and storing both applications and user data on the resulting volume would result in better performance than just storing the applications/db/other relevant files on the SSD and user data on the HDD separately. Any advice?
This might help: 2× 1 TB HDD Btrfs RAID1
<Hook> Do take into account that SSDs degrade with writing (or rather deleting), so too much of that would make it die faster. Like what happened to my SSD that died in less than a year.
<Hook> (I’m not an expert by any stretch, but) I’d say if you want to go down that route, SSD might make sense to use for _running_ things that would benefit from fast reads, like the database or maybe even system. If you have enough RAM, tmfs might make sense for cache.
<onceuponaban> > <@silverhook:matrix.org>
Definitely not enough RAM for this situation as the raspberry pi "only" has 8GB of RAM and most of that will probably be taken by Nextcloud and Forgejo.
I'm fine with having to occasionally replace the SSD if it means using it as a cache drive speeds things up regarding accessing/writing user data, as I suspect the 5TB spinning rust is going to be a pretty big bottleneck in that regard. Question is, would using the LVM cache feature actually achieve this?
<onceuponaban> (also if the SSD is just used as cache it would also mean very limited to nil data loss risk once it does die, though with backups to another drive that shouldn't be a concern in the first place)
<onceuponaban> I guess I'll go the simpler route of setting up the SSD for running apps and storing actual data on the HDD only for now, and look into repurposing the SSD as cache if I do run into serious I/O bottlenecks
<Hook> Sounds like a plan to me.
<Hook> Also do take into account that the I/O bottleneck esp. on ARM boards can also be the controller. I used to have an ARM board, where the bottleneck was not the drive itself, but since it’s “SATA” went through USB, that was what was causing the I/O waits.
<onceuponaban> The raspberry pi 5 handles USB 3 and PCIe gen 3 so that *should* be fine?
<Hook> Probably? Dunno.
<onceuponaban> Haven't checked which exact gen for USB 3 but at any rate it ought to be better throughput than SATA, especially when the other end is spinning rust
<danceswithcats> The migrations page lists upgrade to Bookworm and yunohost 12 in the 'Previous Migrations' section. However, the footer is saying I'm still on Yunohost There are no pending migrations. Can anyone tell me why this might be?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> :|
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well maybe you chose to skip the migration
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you elaborate how you managed to install this system ?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> could it be that you installed it after bookworm got released ?
<danceswithcats> No, I don't think so. Bookworm was this year, wasn't it? I set up my server in October or November 23, I think. I have been keeping it updated.
<danceswithcats> I don't remember skipping the migration.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> anyway you can manually fix it by opening /etc/yunohost/migrations.yaml and removing entirely the line about migrate_to_bookworm
<danceswithcats> Awesome! Thank you Aleks.
<centralscrutinizer> has anyone managed to succesfully install an xmpp<->matrix bridge? (bifrost or slidge)
<Hook> How can I trigger a skipped(?) migration? Migration to 12 is listed on my server as being “skipped”.
<Hook> > has anyone managed to succesfully install an xmpp<->matrix bridge? (bifrost or slidge)
I’m thinking of doing it, but haven’t yet. If you ask on Slidge XMPP chat, they claim it’s super easy.
<Hook> If it’s as easy as Biboumi, that might indeed be the case.
<centralscrutinizer> Yeah...I would have loved an "easy as installing the mautrix-bridges" from yunohost...but I'm kind of lost with the documentation on slidge https://slidge.im/matridge/index.html
<danceswithcats> I've hit a snag with the migration: the error message is...
<danceswithcats> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/Af6WdEjajnPg5BVeZhSIGeZaDfmwz9eSoLfVYO-HdyOeS6qaU7CfYz0WyxTxa7i1WAMySPViko2ExQTflgSa5DhCeT_oe62QAGR3Y2Nsb3VkLnVrL3lsU3RZQU5CckpnQWRoSWhOc3NpeU5ySA
<danceswithcats> I think I know why. I set up my original server on a 256 gig disk. I dd'd that disk onto a 4 TB disk. So, I need to fond the I'd of the new disk and change that in grub, I think. Am I right? Can anyone help with commands?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you should run the command displayed on screen : DEBIAN_FRONTEND=.... etc
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah you have the classic stuff of nsswitch being broken so you cant sudo hmpffff
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> try running `su` and entering root's password
<centralscrutinizer> As I thought slidge is actually to control Matrix from Xmpp, I was looking for the other way around...
<Hook> > As I thought slidge is actually to control Matrix from Xmpp, I was looking for the other way around...
For the other way around, I don’t know. I’m interested in using as much as possible through XMPP.
<danceswithcats> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> ah you have the classic stuff of nsswitch being broken so you cant sudo hmpffff
Thanks. I'm just taking some time to calm down before I type things in.
<Hook> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/Af_kj9ObgjWn9jt0br1AjjaIba7GSALWf1GbD5j3zVvSV_6FyND3WUaRfDhAOBzhKMT-PEPZfCT5lxRQVCWrTQJCeT_rBVTQAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvS2RwSXhDS3pDZkp1VmZURlJ2cVR1RERr
<danceswithcats> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> sent an image.
Hook, that's what I had. Aleks's solution is here: https://matrix.to/#/!gvRsI7cG1o9SVr56:pijean.ovh/$ypTZEwix3wARuG7qqHq-1ZYtKQSM9sEWaiVYwdhvIYg?via=dwccloud.uk&via=aria-net.org&via=matrix.org
<danceswithcats> The su trick worked. However, I ran : DEBIAN_FRONTEND=dialogue dpkg --configure grub-pc
<danceswithcats> Outp:
<danceswithcats> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/ARDDFTMnsLXdnx2Swq2ggkVleRMQ6SKJG5YOdgXIzlgytIkY7UhcXmqFkFHdbig1VxOgEa9hLQ1qgltJ5kd7fmpCeT_rjatAAGR3Y2Nsb3VkLnVrL0djVXB1TUJ4cXN2VXJ1RVBuSHlvY0dXQQ
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Hmpfgrn could be some stupid PATH issue ... Can you try 'sudo -i' (from the root shell) and rety the commands ?
<Hook> > Hook, that's what I had. Aleks's solution is here: https://matrix.to/#/!gvRsI7cG1o9SVr56:pijean.ovh/$ypTZEwix3wARuG7qqHq-1ZYtKQSM9sEWaiVYwdhvIYg?via=dwccloud.uk&via=aria-net.org&via=matrix.org
Will check it out, thanks.
<Hook> Hmm, but I don’t remember skipping any of those migrations. Should I remove all of thems from ` /etc/yunohost/migrations.yaml`?
<danceswithcats> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> Hmm, but I don’t remember skipping any of those migrations. Should I remove all of thems from ` /etc/yunohost/migrations.yaml`?
I didn't. Just the one I wanted to run.
<danceswithcats> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> Hmpfgrn could be some stupid PATH issue ... Can you try 'sudo -i' (from the root shell) and rety the commands ?
Progress! I've got a notice giving me a choice of drives. I've only got one disk.
lsblk gives me:
<danceswithcats> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/Ach93jagRttlK6Zne8rHbzJxhWunavGnsuRmUH1cSMYk2nk_qf4fmUzWmC4wk9xCUSFenvDVAoEJQITbBQFuPz5CeT_sZVoQAGR3Y2Nsb3VkLnVrL0x1d1p4UW50dXRZUk5pakNua0RuVWd3WQ
<danceswithcats> Should I put it on sda1?
<danceswithcats> The dialogue gives me the choice of SDA or sda1.
<Hook> SDA is the _whole_ disk drive, SDA1 is the first partition on the first drive.
<Hook> I’m a bit out of the loop what you’re trying to achieve, but unless you’re actively trying to do something with the whole disk drive (e.g. “flashing”/copying/dd’ing an ISO image onto a USB drive or doing a bit-to-bit copy of a (dying) disk to a new one), it’s likely you are dealing with partitions, such as sda1.
<peterm> >> <@Alekswag:matrix.org> Hmpfgrn could be some stupid PATH issue ... Can you try 'sudo -i' (from the root shell) and rety the commands ?
> Progress! I've got a notice giving me a choice of drives. I've only got one disk.
> lsblk gives me:
I did a search and read up on GRUB and put it on SDA then did a reboot. The server is up: I can access XMPP, email and Nextcloud services and log in by SSH, but I can't log into the web admin. I am assuming the addresses have changed. I've moved to Jabber because my Synapse server needs restarting and I can't get to it.
<peterm> > I’m a bit out of the loop what you’re trying to achieve, but unless you’re actively trying to do something with the whole disk drive (e.g. “flashing”/copying/dd’ing an ISO image onto a USB drive or doing a bit-to-bit copy of a (dying) disk to a new one), it’s likely you are dealing with partitions, such as sda1.
Sorry Hook. Missed this. I was doing the migration to YNH 12. The copying of the disk happened a year or so ago, but the change of disk I'd messed up the GRUB reinstall in the migration.
<peterm> >> I’m a bit out of the loop what you’re trying to achieve, but unless you’re actively trying to do something with the whole disk drive (e.g. “flashing”/copying/dd’ing an ISO image onto a USB drive or doing a bit-to-bit copy of a (dying) disk to a new one), it’s likely you are dealing with partitions, such as sda1.
> Sorry Hook. Missed this. I was doing the migration to YNH 12. The copying of the disk happened a year or so ago, but the change of disk I'd messed up the GRUB reinstall in the migration.
Anyway, Nextcloud, emails, and my music and book servers seem accessible and stable, so I'm going to leave it now until after Christmas. If you celebrate it, have a peaceful and happy one. I'll come back to this in a few days.
Thanks for the help.
<Hook> you too, peterm !
<peterm> > you too, peterm !
<Hook> Well, that’s an interesting turn of events … just upgraded to 12 and none of my apps show anymore.
<Hook> Also the earliest log is suddenly from 4 days ago …which is not right at all
<Hook> Oh, FFS, not this again:
sudo apt install btop
[sudo] password for [redacted]:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
btop is already the newest version (1.2.13-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
Setting up yunohost (12.0.9) ...
Regenerating configuration, this might take a while...
Error: Could not find scrutiny in the list of installed apps:
dpkg: error processing package yunohost (--configure):
installed yunohost package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
<Hook> Silly me, I could have just made a btrfs snapshot before upgrading to 12 and would just revert now. I guess I’ll need to go through the whole Debian 11 ⇒ Yunohost 11 ⇒ restore from backup spiel again.
<Hook> Sorry to whine. Anyway, merry Christmas to all of you.