<onceuponaban> Hello. I have a newly installed yunohost server on a Raspberry Pi 5. I've successfully tested a few applications but I've noticed that attempting to access the "Groups and permissions" section in the web interface just hangs forever. Screenshot for reference:
<onceuponaban> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/ATe_dPubfw0WwD-Sf7O-CodGByKPPN2Z6xDtafVqkeclIm0VaDA57prJlVfT2PZgneRsnE50Si8IfIn8fToVf5VCeUBaoZswAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvb3dnYmdYdlR6RFhpc1RObG9pbkNFSVpm
<onceuponaban> I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting here as the various commands for checking group and users work fine on the server itself through ssh, it's just the web interface that is having issues.
<onceuponaban> Also, not directly related but is what made me notice this issue: I'd like to have a paste service where only my yunohost users can create/edit/delete pastes but anyone on the Internet can see the pastes themselves, how can I set this up?
<onceuponaban> Unless I missed something, hastebin seems to be an all-or-nothing solution
<onceuponaban> FWIW I did notice the following two errors in my browser's console while attempting to load the page: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/potunugafu
<onceuponaban> Update: whatever the issue might be it's related to the cache feature, I enabled it (having previously disabled it) and the groups/permissions page is behaving normally again.
<onceuponaban> (do you reckon the above warrants being sent to the issue tracker or is it a known issue/user error?)
<ptitnome> I've got an error while trying to upgrade my NextCloud App on my Yunohost server: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/terigimiri
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> this is the log of the remove-after-failed-upgrade, prior to restoring the safety backup ... can you share the log of the actual failed upgrade
<ptitnome> Ho ok, give me a couple of minute
<ptitnome> Ok, I have the right log
<ptitnome> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/vopajegiku
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `Failed to fetch https://packages.sury.org/php/pool/main/p/php8.2/php8.2-bcmath_8.2.26-3%2b0%7e20241125.68%2bdebian12%7e1.gbp153f1a_amd64.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 2400:52e0:1e02::1215:1 443`
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmm weird
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> there's an apt update right before ... but it doesnt seem to be saying anything
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> if you manually run `sudo apt update` from the command line, does it display anything ?
<ptitnome> just a minute
<ptitnome> It says that 31 packages can be updated
<ptitnome> I upgraded Yunohost by its web interface earlier today
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmkay but no error whatsoever ?
<ptitnome> No error
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you share the output of `sudo apt policy php8.2-fpm` ?
<ptitnome> php8.2-fpm:
Installé : (aucun)
Candidat : 8.2.27-1+0~20241224.69+debian12~1.gbp7d3194
Table de version :
8.2.27-1+0~20241224.69+debian12~1.gbp7d3194 500
500 https://packages.sury.org/php bookworm/main amd64 Packages
8.2.26-1~deb12u1 500
500 http://security.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages
8.2.25-1+0~20241104.64+debian11~1.gbpfc8dc9 -1
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
8.2.24-1~deb12u1 500
500 http://ftp.debian.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 Packages
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well uh yeah that sound right x_X
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i don't get why it crashed earlier ... maybe you got unlucky and got caught exactly in the new moment Sury made the new version available or something ...
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> naively I would retry the upgrade
<ptitnome> Ok, So I give it another try !
<ptitnome> Hoho! There is another update available for the Yuno system
<ptitnome> So it seems ok, I have another error that refer to epubviewer app that is not compatible with that version of nextcloud, I will look at my options
<Hook> Well, it seems I have a working (althought not entirely as I want it to) server again :)
<Hook> anubis , I tried to install Prosody from testing, but I get this:
66 DEBUG acquiring lock...
71 DEBUG lock has been acquired
76 DEBUG loading python module yunohost.app took 0.005s
76 DEBUG processing action 'yunohost.app.install'
631 DEBUG Using selector: EpollSelector
DANGER! This app is not part of YunoHost's app catalog. Installing third-party apps may compromise the integrity and security of your system. You should probably NOT install it unless you k
now what you are doing. NO SUPPORT will be provided if this app doesn't work or breaks your system… If you are willing to take that risk anyway, type 'Yes, I understand': Yes, I understand
11285 DEBUG Checking default branch
11746 DEBUG Downloading…
12311 DEBUG Done
12723 DEBUG initializing root ldap interface
12724 DEBUG Checking requirements for prosody…
12730 DEBUG Checking that required services are up and running...
Choose the domain where this app should be installed [hook.si | matija.suklje.name | bigwhoop.wheremymonkeyis.at | campfire.wheremymonkeyis.at | dafaq.wheremymonkeyis.at | doyouknow.wheremy
monkeyis.at | exlibris.wheremymonkeyis.at | getbananas.wheremymonkeyis.at | getdafunk.wheremymonkeyis.at | monolith.wheremymonkeyis.at | privatecinema.wheremymonkeyis.at | rosetta.wheremymo
nkeyis.at | scribbles.wheremymonkeyis.at | sharedoffice.wheremymonkeyis.at | study.wheremymonkeyis.at | thatfunkyplace.wheremymonkeyis.at | theclickies.wheremymonkeyis.at | tinybridge.where
mymonkeyis.at | tunnelto.wheremymonkeyis.at | watchyourstep.wheremymonkeyis.at | … and 1 other available options not shown]: ca.wheremymonkeyis.at
42798 ERROR Unexpected value; choose between 'hook.si', 'matija.suklje.name', 'bigwhoop.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'campfire.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'dafaq.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'doyouknow.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'exlibris.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'getbananas.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'getdafunk.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'monolith.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'privatecinema.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'rosetta.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'scribbles.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'sharedoffice.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'study.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'thatfunkyplace.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'theclickies.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'tinybridge.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'tunnelto.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'watchyourstep.wheremymonkeyis.at', 'matija.xn--uklje-udb.name'
Choose the domain where this app should be installed [hook.si | matija.suklje.name | bigwhoop.wheremymonkeyis.at | campfire.wheremymonkeyis.at | dafaq.wheremymonkeyis.at | doyouknow.wheremy
monkeyis.at | exlibris.wheremymonkeyis.at | getbananas.wheremymonkeyis.at | getdafunk.wheremymonkeyis.at | monolith.wheremymonkeyis.at | privatecinema.wheremymonkeyis.at | rosetta.wheremymonkeyis.at | scribbles.wheremymonkeyis.at | sharedoffice.wheremymonkeyis.at | study.wheremymonkeyis.at | thatfunkyplace.wheremymonkeyis.at | theclickies.wheremymonkeyis.at | tinybridge.wheremymonkeyis.at | tunnelto.wheremymonkeyis.at | watchyourstep.wheremymonkeyis.at | … and 1 other available options not shown]: campfire.wheremymonkeyis.at
Try to import datas from a previous Metronome installation? [yes | no]: yes
50008 INFO Installing prosody…
50030 INFO Provisioning system_user...
51033 INFO Provisioning install_dir...
51038 INFO Provisioning data_dir...
51041 INFO Provisioning ports...
51084 WARNING Failed to provision ports : Port 5222 is already used by another process or app.
51084 INFO Deprovisioning system_user...
51663 INFO Deprovisioning install_dir...
51664 INFO Deprovisioning data_dir...
51664 INFO Deprovisioning ports...
51665 ERROR Provisioning, deprovisioning, or updating resources for prosody failed: Port 5222 is already used by another process or app.
51666 INFO The operation 'Install the 'prosody' app' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20241226-180333-app_install-prosody' to get help
51670 DEBUG action executed in 51.594s
51671 DEBUG lock has been released
51671 ERROR The operation 'Install the 'prosody' app' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20241226-180333-app_install-prosody' to get help
<Hook> anubis, I tried to install tesing Prosody on 12 (now that I migrated from 11), but it fails with the following output:
<Hook> The same happens if I try to install Metronome too.
<Hook> I had to remove Biboumi first.
<Hook> Progress, but ultimately still a failed install of Prosody: https://paste.yunohost.org/pupumemuyo
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> You should check if /home/yunohost.app/metronome/ exist and is empty, and if thats the case, delete that folder
<Hook> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> You should check if /home/yunohost.app/metronome/ exist and is empty, and if thats the case, delete that folder
But how could I then migrate from Metronome’s data?
<Hook> the folder is there, yes
<Hook> but it’s empty …so I might as well delete it XD
<Hook> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> You should check if /home/yunohost.app/metronome/ exist and is empty, and if thats the case, delete that folder
This worked, thank you :)
<Hook> I see Pi-Hole is not actively maintained anymore, is there something else that took over its use?
<orhtej2> > <@silverhook:matrix.org>
Adguard home
<Hook> > Adguard home
Thanks, I’ll see if I can get it to run on my system. The weird(?) hairpin NAT + DNS thing I use to make everything work, might be a problem.
<Hook> BTW, now that I upgraded from 11 to 12, I only see one app in the user interface, instead of several. How do I fix this?
<Hook> Hmm, Biboumi seems to not want to install alongside Prosody. Seems to expect Metronome: https://paste.yunohost.org/hacotosuvo
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Maybe the apps are on other domains, you may want to use the checkbox 'display apps on other domain' in the portal cusromization in the webadmin > Domains > the domain > Scroll down
<Hook> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> Maybe the apps are on other domains, you may want to use the checkbox 'display apps on other domain' in the portal cusromization in the webadmin > Domains > the domain > Scroll down
This was it. Thanks! Sorry, the migration was so long and complicated for me, that it completely slipped my mind that the user landing page has changed in 12.
<Hook> I like the way it looks now, especially the descriptive option!
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Cheers 👍
<pinq> Hi everyone, I'm still fighting with trilium backup. I can install my trilium backup, but it dosent work. I get bad gateway. I tried to install new trilium from app:s and the replace the db with old one, but then I will get this error `App db version is 228, while db version is 194. Migration needed.`
<pinq> Is there any change to do that migration?
<pinq> what dose that error means? That os db version os 194?
<Hook> > <@pinq:kapsi.fi> what dose that error means? That os db version os 194?
You can see migrations in your {$main_domain}//yunohost/admin/#/tools/migrations or in CLI as `yunohost tools migrations list`
<pinq> that migration is more for OS, is it not?
<pinq> Can I migrate old db with new one?
<orhtej2> > <@silverhook:matrix.org> You can see migrations in your {$main_domain}//yunohost/admin/#/tools/migrations or in CLI as `yunohost tools migrations list`
the migrations in question are in the app itself but I cannot see an appropriate script in upgrade script 🤷