<bytes4life> Hi!
I recently discovered the project.
Do you have some kind of official roadmap?
<pinq> Was there any solutions for the jupyterhub. I can't spaw my server. I can lock in, but then I gets stuck.
<pinq> Was authorisation issue solved?
<Salamandar> > <bytes4life> Hi!
> I recently discovered the project.
> Do you have some kind of official roadmap?
Hi, we are preparing such a roadmap. We have one internally but we want to write a blog post about it.
<nicofrand> Oh I thought a roadmap was not planned at all given its maintained by contributors (and every one might want different features)
<Salamandar> Well we might not agree on some stuff but in general, I think we have a good idea of what needs to be improved
<Salamandar> We already have some features being worked on
<M3R14M> Is there a way to disable the dns.py check for every, single, little thing? Or suggestions to fix it would work, too, I guess. Problem is, my DNS works fine, after a lot of work. I recently switched ISP and had to set up a bunch of stuff, things didn't want to work the way they should... My main issue is that every little adjustment now takes more than 10 minutes because of this check. I've done about 20 minutes worth of updates today, and it took well over 8 hours to do.
I mean these warnings;
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub1.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub1.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub2.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub2.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub3.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub3.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub4.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub4.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub5.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub5.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub6.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub6.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub1.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub1.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub2.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub2.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub3.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub3.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub4.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub4.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub5.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub5.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub6.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
Warning: WARNING Could not identify correctly the dns zone for domain sub6.my-domain.tld, returning my-domain.tld
<Lasse Gismo> Back again after my complete restore try from a YNH11 on RasPi3 full-backup to YNH12 on RasPi5 fresh image (Migration from 32Bit to 64Bit is the project):
<Lasse Gismo> - restore was running fine WO any error (exept of XMPP perm removal)
<Lasse Gismo> My conclusion for now - YNH11 full backup/restore on YNH12 is NOT possible
<Lasse Gismo> Logs to find here:
<Lasse Gismo> - https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/iyimujeguy
<Lasse Gismo> - https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/exerinikiw
<Lasse Gismo> - https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ufohuwomiq
<Lasse Gismo> - so - will go to restore to YNH11 on RasPi5 fresh image as recommended by @_bifrost_hook=2fsupport=40conference.yunohost.org:aria-net.org
<orhtej2> was the 'show more lines' button replaced by 'share with yunopaste' (in tools->logs) by design or mistake?
<Craig van Beek> everything seems to be working but (there's always a but!) I've got a funkwhale-beat service that isn't working https://paste.yunohost.org/fefibopuza
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i would say the "show more line" button should still be there ?
<orhtej2> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/AcUBHKzXzitpYtAbTDwB26UGXhWH3kJWFXu5XDyNNjz4nLgGNi6z8BmdE_XDNjLhCORNQPjUa-zfQxwvupyqRvtCeUFAJG_wAGNpcmNsZWRzcXVhcmVyb290Lm92aC82OTE4MGRlZGUxZjdhODI4ZDgwMDAzMTQ5ZDU1MTkyY2U0ZGZlNzFlM2RiODA2MDJhMjU2ZWVjMzllM2UxOTg1
<orhtej2> the bottom one used to be 'show more lines'
<orhtej2> I'll file a bug
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 🤔
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> maybe the "show more line" is supposed to be on top but yeah it looks like it's not there 😬
<tituspijean> on my server the "show more lines" is indeed up top the log area (and yes, the lower button is the yunopaste one)
<orhtej2> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> on my server the "show more lines" is indeed up top the log area (and yes, the lower button is the yunopaste one)
what version are you running? I'm on
<Sean Bohanan> Hello. I'm familiar with the Raspberry Pi and flashing an OS to SD card. I decided I wanted to try YunoHost, but I seem to be having trouble. I have the .zip downloaded and have tried flashing using Ethcher. The .zip appears to be corrupt. I've tried downloading it on a couple different devices and different locations with the same result. I have a Raspberry Pi 3B that runs Rasbian 32-bit fine. It seems to be having trouble with any 64-bit OS. I'm trying to decide if I should can this device or if there might be a way to get YunoHost running on it.
<Sean Bohanan> Or am I really inept and don't know what I'm doing? :)
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > The .zip appears to be corrupt
how can you tell it's corrupt
<Sean Bohanan> 1. If I attempt to flash it directly with Etcher it says it has an error decompressing it.
<Sean Bohanan> 2. I can't decompress the .zip file myself.
<Sean Bohanan> I've tried using 7zip and Winzip to decompress. Both say it's invalid.
<Sean Bohanan> So I tried doing it directly with Etcher.
<Sean Bohanan> I'm downloading from the link directly on the YunoHost website.
<orhtej2> Indeed something seems off
~$ unzip yunohost-bookworm-12.0-rpi-stable.img.zip
Archive: yunohost-bookworm-12.0-rpi-stable.img.zip
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of yunohost-bookworm-12.0-rpi-stable.img.zip or
yunohost-bookworm-12.0-rpi-stable.img.zip.zip, and cannot find yunohost-bookworm-12.0-rpi-stable.img.zip.ZIP, period.
<Sean Bohanan> That's basically the error I'm getting.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's been there since november 17th and nobody complained ? x_x
<orhtej2> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> it's been there since november 17th and nobody complained ? x_x
I have it because someone tried verifying it with gpg which failed as well (sort of) xD
<Sean Bohanan> I've been working on this since about the 15th and I've been busy. I just now got Element installed to ask.
<Sean Bohanan> :)
<Sean Bohanan> I tried using the link to the Support Chatroom on the webpage and it doesn't work. :P
<Sean Bohanan> I'm excited to try it out. Just need to get over the initial hump. :D
<orhtej2> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/ARWDt-UiBdiYfu2bM2r7OmBmJWlHQ_yiaXbDifHvBK6LuQr-fhXdaLjRd9Bdpssh3G6tJ-1CO69u3zZFvPoaLSFCeUFCobaAAGNpcmNsZWRzcXVhcmVyb290Lm92aC82NjRlOTc5OGI0Y2RlOWRmZjdlM2VkMzZhZWZlNDM5MWM3OTJjOWQwOGI2YTI2NWRjZDRlNGVlYmJiZjI2OTU3
<orhtej2> this one?
<Sean Bohanan> Yep
<orhtej2> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/AbCmSm9ja__ibZygiC0TTmR1s6uAFudnvUm7qurRNBiFkGsNRXBu4UGm0MzUeErKueU4oSGLTFWrEl61m9g0VRRCeUFCsLXQAGNpcmNsZWRzcXVhcmVyb290Lm92aC82MTZiNjA0Y2ZjMTVhNDc5ZTA3NDc3ZDUxNTM0OTlhNjIxMjUxZTk5MWFiNTEyMDk4NTM2NDI0YWZhMGM0ODFj
<Sean Bohanan> My philosophy is that if nobody gets told it doesn't work, they don't necessarily know. No blame whatsoever. I do commercial IT contracting and I know it's the holidays.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> for some reason i'm able to unzip the file using a graphic tool (file-roller) on my desktop machine ... but i do reproduce the issue with "unzip file.iso.img"
<Sean Bohanan> Interesting.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ogod it looks like it's compressed with gzip, not zip ...
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<orhtej2> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> for some reason i'm able to unzip the file using a graphic tool (file-roller) on my desktop machine ... but i do reproduce the issue with "unzip file.iso.img"
I cannot open it with Windows Explorer
<orhtej2> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> ogod it looks like it's compressed with gzip, not zip ...
that explains it
<Sean Bohanan> I just started rebuilding my linux machine and don't have a working image on my Raspberry pi currently. Let me finish those and maybe I can get it to work. :)
<Sean Bohanan> Thank you.
<Sean Bohanan> All I've got working right now is my Windows machine for work.
<orhtej2> > <@bonetworks:matrix.org> All I've got working right now is my Windows machine for work.
if you change the file extension to `.gz` instead of `.zip` it should be able to extract the `.img` stored inside
<Sean Bohanan> That did it.
<Sean Bohanan> Awesome. I was unstalling gzip and was just going to decompress it using that. Haha.
<Sean Bohanan> installing*
<orhtej2> > <@bonetworks:matrix.org> Awesome. I was unstalling gzip and was just going to decompress it using that. Haha.
yeah tar, gz, xz and possibly bz2 are first class citizens in Windows these days
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oooh really o.O
<Sean Bohanan> As soon as I changed it to .gz it was able to handle it. *shrug* Usually 7zip is able to determine what type it is if it's had a wrong extension applied. Thank you for the assistance. I appreciate it.
<Sean Bohanan> Alright. It looks like it flashed successfully. I'm going to sign out. I hope you all have an amazing day. :D
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cheers for complaining :'D
<Sean Bohanan> Lol. Honestly, I figured I was the faulty party. I was just tired of spinning my wheels. Sorry to complain. I hope it was constructive at least.
<Sean Bohanan> :D
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes it's constructive, it's a genuine thank you, can't believe nobody warned us since nobember 17th @_@
<M3R14M> so, apparently, something, somewhere, still adds my old ip to my interface, and on occasion deletes the new one. And I can't find what causes it. 🤦
<M3R14M> I did a basic grep to find the old ips, but nothing besides my bash history and syslog shows up. Any suggestions on what to look for? I've been working on this for about 14 hours now and slowly starting to lose my sanity
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you explain what show your old IP in the first place
<M3R14M> `ip a` lists the old ips, no matter how often I delete it. And syslog shows things like this:
2024-12-28T22:35:01.892227+01:00 my-domain CRON[7132]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1)
2024-12-28T22:35:01.892649+01:00 my-domain CRON[7133]: (nextcloud) CMD (/usr/bin/php8.3 --define apc.enable_cli=1 -f /var/www/nextcloud/cron.php)
2024-12-28T22:35:15.218466+01:00 my-domain dhclient[4875]: XMT: Solicit on enp0s25, interval 127370ms.
2024-12-28T22:35:52.205043+01:00 my-domain ntpd[1100]: IO: bind(22) AF_INET6 2001:4c3c:ff00:900:6ab5:99ff:fefb:916b#123 flags 0x1 failed: Cannot assign requested address
2024-12-28T22:35:52.205594+01:00 my-domain ntpd[1100]: IO: unable to create socket on enp0s25 (20) for 2001:4c3c:ff00:900:6ab5:99ff:fefb:916b#123
2024-12-28T22:35:52.205713+01:00 my-domain ntpd[1100]: IO: failed to init interface for address 2001:4c3c:ff00:900:6ab5:99ff:fefb:916b
2024-12-28T22:35:52.205826+01:00 my-domain ntpd[1100]: PROTO: 2a01:4f8:a0:7143::2 unlink local addr <CURRENT-IP-REDACTED> -> <null>
2024-12-28T22:35:55.205042+01:00 my-domain ntpd[1100]: IO: Listen normally on 21 enp0s25 [2001:4c3c:ff00:900:6ab5:99ff:fefb:916b]:123
2024-12-28T22:35:55.205244+01:00 my-domain ntpd[1100]: IO: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver
2024-12-28T22:37:22.668312+01:00 my-domain dhclient[4875]: XMT: Solicit on enp0s25, interval 128140ms.
The IP's listed are ones from several months ago
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> merp if it's `ip a` then not much related to yunohost itself, it's network and debugging network is hell yeah ...
<M3R14M> New ISP, went from cable modem to fiber pon... I can't think of it being anything other than yunohost?
<tituspijean> same, and webadmin 12.0.4
<pinq> Can anyone else test for me: if you install jupyterhub aplication, will it work for you
<teli> Hi
<tituspijean> You may then need to remove your permission to access the app and grant it again.
<tituspijean> @pinq:kapsi.fithat rings a bell. Can you try upgrading with that fix? `sudo yunohost app upgrade jupyterlab -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/jupyterlab_ynh/tree/fix-permissions -F`
<teli> Hi
<pochi> can someone help me. When i try to change a single config variable in yunohost webui synapse config i get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/api.py", line 473, in process
ret = self.actionsmap.process(arguments, timeout=30, route=_route)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/actionsmap.py", line 561, in process
return func(**arguments)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/log.py", line 486, in func_wrapper
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/app.py", line 1886, in app_config_set
return config_.set(key, value, args, args_file, operation_logger=operation_logger)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/utils/configpanel.py", line 579, in set
self.form = self._ask(
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/utils/configpanel.py", line 870, in _ask
form = prompt_or_validate_form(
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/utils/form.py", line 2058, in prompt_or_validate_form
if not option.is_visible(context):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/utils/form.py", line 431, in is_visible
return evaluate_simple_js_expression(self.visible, context=context)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/utils/form.py", line 218, in evaluate_simple_js_expression
return evaluate_simple_ast(node, context)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/utils/form.py", line 106, in evaluate_simple_ast
return context[node.id]
KeyError: 'enable_notifs'
<teli> pochi, hi
<pochi> nevermind i found the issue on github
<teli> pochi: ??
<pochi> hi'
<teli> Come stai