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I didn't have my reading glasses on and hit the wrong emoji. I meant to do a welcoming thumbs up. Sorry.
<Lasse Gismo> Or should I run the migration, recommended by my YNH11 since TD, create a new full-backup and restore on a fresh YNH12 image on RasPi5
<sa> Hi. I'm considering an upgrade. How can I know if my apps are supported by bookworm?
<sa> I read I should look into https://apps.yunohost.org/dash?filter=broken_low_quality
<sa> But don't know how to use that to check if my apps will work ok after the upgrade
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> if i remember correctly, the migration disclaimer should also include a list of "apps that are installed on your server yet are level 0 on the catalog" (but the disclaimer may call them "apps that may not be supported on bookworm" or something like this)
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> though no such list is displayed if the list is empty
<Salamandar> > <sa> But don't know how to use that to check if my apps will work ok after the upgrade
It won't actually tell you if the app will work fine after a migration, just that the latest version of the app works on bookworm
<Salamandar> But i think it's the best indicator we have (y et)
<sa> Thank you
<sa> What is that catalog number?
<Lasse Gismo> No, I mean 11.
Pls. see my message about 32to64Bit migration - no chance with full 11to12 backup/restore.
Lasse Gismo
Or should I run the migration, recommended by my YNH11 since TD, create a new full-backup and restore on a fresh YNH12 image on RasPi5?
<Lasse Gismo> I'd like to come from my working YNH11-32Bit on RasPi3 to a working YNH12-64Bit on RasPi5
<Salamandar> > <sa> What is that catalog number?
It's the app level reported in our catalog, from 0 (broken) to 8 (high quality). Levels 2/3 have broken backups too. It's reported by automatic testing, and not manual verification, so it might not mean the app is fully functional.