<miro5001> Good morning and happy new year
I am having an issue with change url on yunohost 12. It doesn't update the new path and when I refresh the page, the url of the app has not been changed
<miro5001> I don't get error messages and there is nothing in the logs
<miro5001> Oh, I was trying to change to a location already used by another app.
<miro5001> I got the error from the console.
<miro5001> But webadmin didn't show the error message
<danceswithcats> > <@miro5001:matrix.org> Oh, I was trying to change to a location already used by another app.
I've done that!!!
<Lasse Gismo> > <@PommyK:matrix.org> No, I mean 11.
> Pls. see my message about 32to64Bit migration - no chance with full 11to12 backup/restore.
> Lasse Gismo
> Or should I run the migration, recommended by my YNH11 since TD, create a new full-backup and restore on a fresh YNH12 image on RasPi5?
Good morning and a better 2025 to all of you.
Still waiting for any comments/hints for my 32to64 migration project/problem. 😕
Am I alone with such stuff, really?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
<lautre> Hi!
I tried to migrate to Yunohost 12, but failed at "permission delete xmpp"
Logs are here : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ahaxuhuniy
<lautre> I'm connected by ssh in root
<lautre> I will read the issue in the forum https://forum.yunohost.org/t/error-during-migration-0028-delete-legacy-xmpp-permission/32197
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> lautre: sounds like you have one weird app installed which is making stuf explode
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i guess one listed in `ls /etc/yunohost/apps/*/manifest.json`
<lautre> I have a broken Prestashop, listed, but can't be removed or installed
<lautre> I will try to clean it
<lautre> Thanks
<lautre> I moved the folder prestashop in another place, and made a "aptitude full-upgrade" and ... seems good for the moment
<lautre> Seems this thread is closed, but if someone can add answers... https://forum.yunohost.org/t/error-during-migration-0028-delete-legacy-xmpp-permission/32197
<lautre> Migration done.
Thanks Aleks (he/him/il/lui)
<lautre> How to reopen a thread in the forum when closed?
<lautre> It's quicker than write another full message with only one good tip. (and, the old thread is referenced in search engine)
<lautre> I suggest that some contributor can gain rights to add message at closed threads.
<tituspijean> I have reopened the thread. A simple request to the moderators should be fine. :)
<jonathan> Hi everyone,
How do I configure SMTP-relay for glitch-soc in Yunohost?
<rodinux> hello, happy new year everyone. Could someone told me why backups with borg have not backup the data folder for nextcloud ? I remember have do something like `yunohost app setting nextcloud backup_core_only -v ''` a long time ago, but this setting does no more exist ?
<rodinux> after inspect deeply it's ok, the datas seems also presents in the borg backup
<orhtej2> > <@rodinux:matrix.org> hello, happy new year everyone. Could someone told me why backups with borg have not backup the data folder for nextcloud ? I remember have do something like `yunohost app setting nextcloud backup_core_only -v ''` a long time ago, but this setting does no more exist ?
There was a bug reported recently regarding that
<Julien> Salut et bonne année à tou·te·s !
J’ai installé "manuellement" Shiori (hors paquet Yunohost, qui pose quelques problèmes) avec l’appli Redirect pour utiliser le reverse proxy Nginx. Tout fonctionne parfaitement, sauf l’accès à l’API. J’accès bien à l’interface "swagger" mais les réponses que j’obtiens sont relatives au portail Yunohost qui semble interception les appels (j’sais pas si je suis clair…)
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> moké et elle contient quoi cette réponse ?
<Fredux> Happy, juicy, funny, funky, kinky, healthy and.wealthy New Year To You ! Best witches..
<Julien> Le corps de la réponse contient ça : https://10qt.net/zerobin/?f3702d50d4c1c884#FVSKbzrHKWXQrLdibxeMS5QyPq8k2sF2EPctwziQJRCi
<Julien> et les headers ça : https://10qt.net/zerobin/?e44efc22a99f8dd4#FxUXf75UWM2HuQpBK6p58j4zkMmfihrmZyZtvhgJHDjS
<Julien> ceci dit j’ai l’impression que ça fonctionne malgré tout en utilisant l’API depuis n8n…
<stereo> hi there. i wanted to upgrade to bookworm, but `eh? Sounds like the migration didn't really complete!?` i dont see errors in the log, any ideas? are there apps that impede the upgrade?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> please share the full log of the migration attempt
<stereo> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/icebuxuhaq
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> zmerlf so apt/aptitude is derping on some dependency and this prevents upgrading nginx and yunohost but it's unclear what exactly ...
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> let me cook some incantation
<stereo> thanks, thats why i thought i have some evil app installed causing those.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you try manuall running through ssh : `apt full-upgrade --show-why -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' yunohost yunohost-admin yunohost-portal moulinette ssowat libluajit2-5.1-2 nginx`
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or maybe with --dry-run actually
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> -> `apt full-upgrade --show-why -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' yunohost yunohost-admin yunohost-portal moulinette ssowat libluajit2-5.1-2 nginx --dry-run`
<stereo> after the failed migration?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes
<stereo> (i reverted already, ... underway)
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> urhg
<stereo> it was fast, last time ;)
*Aleks (he/him/il/lui) too would like to be able to revert reality to a previous snapshot to see what the other timelines are like where reality did not become "The Onion"
<stereo> living in a tree of savegames
<stereo> so its minetest?
The following packages will be REMOVED:
libluajit-5.1-2 libluajit-5.1-common libluajit-5.1-dev minetest-ynh-deps
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> share the full output x_x ...
<stereo> --show-why is not understood in combination with the other options
<stereo> my first time using --show-why ;)