<boipisigre> Bonjour
Est-ce que Nextcloud 29.0.10 sera la dernière version pour yunohost ?
<orhtej2> > <@boipisigre:matrix.org> Bonjour
> Est-ce que Nextcloud 29.0.10 sera la dernière version pour yunohost ?
<boipisigre> **Merci**, voilà une raison de plus de mettre à niveau yunohost.
<hueso> n'aie pas peur
<orage> ?
<eric_G> <∞
<orage> ça met à peu près combien de temps une maj yunohost sur pi4
<miro5001> Mon serveur est un netbook Intel Atom N455 avec 2G de ram, installé initialement avec yunohost 3, puis migration 4 puis 11 avec une longue liste de bidouillage et de customisation. Je m'étais préparé à un tas d'erreurs. Hormis une entrée dans sourcelist que j'ai supprimé manuellement, tout c'est passé sans encombre. Ça lui a pris à peu près une heure
<stereo> my mongodb is failing since update to bookworm https://paste.yunohost.org/ziseribata known problem?
<Salamandar> > <@stereo:gnubox.club> my mongodb is failing since update to bookworm https://paste.yunohost.org/ziseribata known problem?
> Unrecognized option: storage.journal.enabled
You might've edited the mongodb config
<Fritjof> trying to do the migration and upgrade, but running into issues with apt:
`You cannot do this right now because dpkg/APT (the system package managers) seems to be in a broken state… You can try to solve this issue by connecting through SSH and running `sudo apt install --fix-broken` and/or `sudo dpkg --configure -a` and/or `sudo dpkg --audit`.`
<Fritjof> it says the error is during handling of grub-pc
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah yes, classic x_x
<Fritjof> is it an easy fix?
<Fritjof> neofetch tells me I'm now on Bookworm, so it seems the initial part went well enough?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's an easy-ish fix but you have to manually run the command advised by apt, something like "dpkg-configure blah blah"
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it will ask you where grub should be instsalled which is a pretty technical question
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> typically this is because some disk changed with respect to the initial install of the system i think
<Fritjof> OK - I tried running `dpkg --configure grub-pc`
but I get that an error occured during handling.
<Fritjof> ` installed grub-pc package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1`
<Fritjof> are there logs I can share that can help you help me with what I should run with dpkg --configure
<Fritjof> it also says: `/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WDS240G2G0A-00JH30_1948MD463105 does not exist, so cannot grub-install to it!
You must correct your GRUB install devices before proceeding`
<Fritjof> I did clone my disk from remote VPS to an on premise disk about a year ago. Could that be it?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> there should be two commands to run, isnt there one before "dpkg --configure grub-pc" ?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ooor `DEBIAN_FRONTEND=dialog dpkg --configure grub-pc`
<Fritjof> thank you! That was the one!
<Fritjof> Now I get a blue screen with options
<Fritjof> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/Acm0hSGqU-8mU9y-RzOJJVa1W6f0c0lGQtOqPdYRxz1Uli1cyZYWhKfqO7aunp_ToJzVEJ5OlNAlbEvT2ejavGhCeUM2ixWAAGRlZXBmdW5rLmRrL3ppVWt2U3pzcEh6akZkQnZOelB0Z1RnQg
<Fritjof> the samsung ssd is the main disk, so is that the one I should be using?
<Fritjof> or should it be safe to install it on all of them? I can't quite figure it out from reading the text. I find it a bit ambiguous on that issue
<rodinux> I think using the disk is envough, so it should be `/dev/sdb` ?
<rodinux> arrows + Echap and Enter...
<Fritjof> it seems to have worked!
<Fritjof> Many thanks :)
<orhtej2> > <@rodinux:matrix.org> I think using the disk is envough, so it should be `/dev/sdb` ?
by placing it on anything but the root of first drive you're making your system not bootable btw
<orhtej2> (ask me how I know)
<rodinux> I always have doubt when is a GPT nor a MBR disk...