Sunday, January 05, 2025
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[10:35:51] <anubis> Craig van Beek, if you have issues with Metronome, have a look to our Prosody package 😉
[10:46:26] <Enthouane> Hi ! I was wondering something about domains management in yunohost : if you delete a domain in the list, does it delete every subdomains that are below ?
[10:54:59] <tituspijean> Enthouane: no :)
[10:55:50] <Enthouane> So i guess every subdomain ends up as a single independant one after deleting the main one ?
[10:57:17] <tituspijean> Domains and subdomains are technically processed the same way under the hood. It's only in the user interface that they are grouped under the domain to make them easier to find.
[10:58:02] <tituspijean> So yeah, subdomains appear to be top level ones if you remove their root
[11:02:20] <Enthouane> Alright, thanks ! Just for the records it solved my latest issue in which you cannot put the SSO portal on a subdomain
[12:19:39] <rodinux> I have update a cryptpad with success, but from the oldest version, a domain sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld was created. After last upgrade, I have to declare a CNAME on DNS zone `sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld 3600 IN CNAME cryptpad.domain.tld.` and also renew the certificate of the cryptpad domain... So does it means we don't need more add a domain sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld ??
[14:06:57] <Martin> Hello,
the directory /usr/local/n is about 10G in size.
As I understand it, these are versions of node. (In my case from 10.20.1 to 20.18.1) Two questions:

1. can I determine which version is still needed?
2. can I simply delete the unused ones or do I have to uninstall them specifically?

Many thanks in advance for your answers.
[14:17:17] <Salamandar> You can check in the file `ynh_app_version` which app requires which version.
Also if apps only require nodejs at install / build time, you can safely remove the version, it will be added back at upgrade time. You only need to keep node used at runtime, and you can check the processes using this by running `sudo ps -aux | grep node`
[14:21:50] <Martin> Thx
[14:55:48] <Martin> ähm. Where i can find the `ynh_app_version` file?
[14:55:48] <Martin> i want to be safe. Because `ps` show me only 3 versions: 14, 18 and 20.15.1

> root@englersch:~# ps -aux | grep node
> trilium 555 0.2 1.2 968648 103388 ? Ssl 15:11 0:04 /opt/node\_n/n/versions/node/18/bin/node /var/www/trilium/src/www
> wekan 560 0.4 2.4 900448 195680 ? Ssl 15:11 0:09 /opt/node\_n/n/versions/node/14/bin/node /var/www/wekan/main.js
> hedgedoc 1447 0.0 0.0 2480 584 ? S 15:11 0:00 sh -c node app.js
> hedgedoc 1448 0.7 1.1 1320352 95204 ? Sl 15:11 0:13 node app.js
> hedgedoc 1511 0.0 0.5 989280 47868 ? Sl 15:11 0:00 /opt/node\_n/n/versions/node/20.15.1/bin/node /var/www/hedgedoc/lib/workers/dmpWorker.js
> root 220290 0.0 0.0 6360 644 pts/0 S+ 15:42 0:00 grep node

and for example: the last one (20.18.1) isn´t there 🤔
[14:55:48] <Michele Agostinelli> Hello, in yunohost 12 is /etc/ssowat/conf.json.persistent abandoned? I have some customization inside, but after update to 12 it's not working anymore
[15:21:17] <leberschnitzel ⚡> when installing the piped app: what is the address of the piped API? Usually setup for the app without yunohost makes you set up "", but yunohost seems to do this all different. If I see it correctly, it's set up that the API is not reachable from the outside and all communication is internally?
[15:42:05] <huskyz> > <> I have update a cryptpad with success, but from the oldest version, a domain sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld was created. After last upgrade, I have to declare a CNAME on DNS zone `sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld 3600 IN CNAME cryptpad.domain.tld.` and also renew the certificate of the cryptpad domain... So does it means we don't need more add a domain sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld ??

I don't know. I had also upgraded from the old version of cryptpad but the strange thing is that to me the `sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld` domain that I had before disappeared and cryptpad no longer worked. So I uninstalled cryptpad and reinstalled but the domain `sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld` no longer appears even though yunohost tells me it created it automatically during installation. Does it work smoothly for you after the upgrade?
[15:47:29] <rodinux> the domain `sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld` haven't deseappear in my case... Perhaps first install a domain `sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld`, and a certificate let's encrypt for this domain before install cryptpad...
[15:48:50] <rodinux> I think if you removed cryptpad, it had removed the domain sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld
[15:51:45] <huskyz> > <> I think if you removed cryptpad, it had removed the domain sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld

there is no longer that domain in the domain list. It was lost during the upgrade, I had it before. And when I try to reinstall cryptpad it doesn't automatically create it for me even though yunohost says it did during installation
[15:52:57] <huskyz> > <> the domain `sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld` haven't deseappear in my case... Perhaps first install a domain `sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld`, and a certificate let's encrypt for this domain before install cryptpad...

I'll try that, now I'm doing yet another reinstallation and I hadn't created it before I started. I only created `cryptpad.domain.tld`
[15:56:29] <huskyz> another strange thing is that after the update I had lost all settings, for example the time limit for inactivity file removal that I had changed reset to default values etc.
[15:58:26] <rodinux> I don't understand why the upgrade could remove the sandbox domain... the file `config.js` is always replaced with the upgrade...
[15:59:02] <rodinux> Did you have a backup of the old one ?
[15:59:40] <huskyz> I deleted and recreated the cryptpad.domain.tld domain in the domain section of yunohost. I installed cryptpad then added the zone in my registar dns as you suggested, then regenerated the certificate of cryptpad.domain.tld on yunohost and it gives me an error
[15:59:48] <huskyz> > <> Did you have a backup of the old one ?

[16:00:34] <huskyz> ```
Error: "500"

Action: "PUT" /yunohost/api/domain/cryptpad.xxxxx.tld/actions/cert.cert_.cert_renew
[16:01:15] <huskyz> > <> ```
> Error: "500"
> Action: "PUT" /yunohost/api/domain/cryptpad.xxxxx.tld/actions/cert.cert_.cert_renew
> ```

during the renew of the certificate `cryptpad.domain.tld`
[16:01:47] <rodinux> did the domain sandbox exist ?
[16:03:59] <huskyz> > <> did the domain sandbox exist ?

no. now I uninstall cryptpad, manually create the domain sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld and try again
[16:04:49] <rodinux> and also do a let's encrypt certificate for the 2 domains before
[16:05:07] <huskyz> > <> and also do a let's encrypt certificate for the 2 domains before

[16:05:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you try manually running `yunohost domain cert renew cryptpad.domain.tld` ?
[16:05:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (it will also crash but we should get the proper stacktrace)
[16:06:00] <huskyz> > <> can you try manually running `yunohost domain cert renew cryptpad.domain.tld` ?

I don't know, it's uninstalling now and anyway I deleted the domain I had created as well. I'm redoing everything from scratch
[16:08:10] <huskyz> I have a doubt: in the registar zones of my domain I did not add a cname for cryptpad.domain.tld. Before the update it worked without it, maybe I should add it for cryptpad.domain.tld as well as sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld?
[16:09:36] <huskyz> I have always done everything directly from the domain section of yunohost, or rather, yunohost has always done it all by itself
[16:10:47] <rodinux> I have to add a CNAME after the upgrade, it was suggested on the upgrade, only one was suggested this one `sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld 3600 IN CNAME cryptpad.domain.tld.` , but you will see if needed after the install...
[16:13:07] <huskyz> I don't, maybe it depends on that?
[16:13:19] <huskyz> But maybe you had also previously added `cryptpad.domain.tld 3600 IN CNAME domain.tld.`?
[16:14:53] <rodinux> After install what returns `yunohost domain dns suggest cryptpad.domain.tld` ? and `yunohost domain dns suggest sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld`
[16:15:54] <huskyz> > <> no. now I uninstall cryptpad, manually create the domain sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld and try again

I'll look at it in a little while, I'm still trying this solution
[16:18:04] <huskyz> I tried to manually create sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld but it tells me that “let's encrypt certificate installation failed” while installing the domain
[16:18:24] <huskyz> I don't think it's to be created manually
[16:18:46] <rodinux> it must be `sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld`
[16:19:04] <huskyz> sure?
[16:19:20] <rodinux> sure
[16:19:27] <huskyz> ok trying
[16:20:17] <rodinux> after adding a domain, you must run a Diagnosis before add a let's encrypt
[16:20:41] <huskyz> then maybe it depends on the fact that in the registrar I was writing dot
[16:21:50] <huskyz> > <> after adding a domain, you must run a Diagnosis before add a let's encrypt

I always check the box to sign it directly during creation, shouldn't I?
[16:23:08] <rodinux> Why not, if the certificate works, sometimes I can't before a diagnosis, but is not important...
[16:24:41] <huskyz> I am creating sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld manually
[16:24:50] <rodinux> but anyway, the error is maybe the dot as you said ...
[16:27:07] <huskyz> So maybe I shouldn't even create it manually? I would just create the domain cryptpad.domain.tld, install cryptpad, add sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld 3600 IN CNAME cryptpad.domain.tld. in the registar zones, renew the domain certificate cryptpad.domain.tld and it should work if it depends on that
[16:28:24] <huskyz> I have to be away for 20 minutes or so now, I'll try it later and let you know. But still it remains strange that yunohost after installing cryptpad says it has created the sandbox domain but in the domains section it is not there
[16:29:55] <rodinux> Perhaps ?? I am not sure... I haven't deleted the existing domain `sandox-cryptpad.domain.tld` but perhaps you are right ??
[16:30:56] <rodinux> I think the domain must exist even if is a CNAME ??
[16:50:30] <rodinux> I try a cryptpad install on a test server...
[16:50:59] <huskyz> > <> I think the domain must exist even if is a CNAME ??

I don't know. I'm a total newbie with this stuff, I'm definitely talking a bunch of crap. Now I'm trying it this way: created the `cryptpad.domain.tld` and `sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld` manually, install cryptpad, add in the registar zones the correct string with “-” instead of “.” and hope it works
[16:52:18] <huskyz> > <> I try a cryptpad install on a test server...

grazie mille, troppo gentile. Controlla se durante l'installazione ti crea in automatico il dominio `sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld` per piacere, sono curioso
[16:52:34] <huskyz> > <> I try a cryptpad install on a test server...

thank you very much, too kind. Please check if during the installation it automatically creates you `sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld` domain for you, I am curious
[16:53:56] <huskyz> *"We have added a sandbox domain: sandbox.cryptpad.xxxxxx.tld for you but you still need to configure your DNS and regenerate the Let's Encrypt Certificates for the main domain."*

is DOT
[16:54:25] <rodinux> Ok, so the message said « We have added a sandbox domain: for you but you still need to configure your DNS and regenerate the Let's Encrypt Certificates for the main domain.
You will need also to restart CryptPad service after this is done. »
[16:55:09] <rodinux> and no, there no domain sandbox created...
[16:55:37] <huskyz> > <> and no, there no domain sandbox created...

so is it a bug?
[16:57:00] <huskyz> in the forum I had read about a user with the same problem, the sandbox domain was not being created. But then he said that restarting the server popped up on reboot, to me not even so, I had tried yesterday
[16:58:23] <rodinux> I see a suggest for CNAME, I try add it
[16:58:33] <huskyz> > <> I see a suggest for CNAME, I try add it

[17:04:32] <huskyz> yesterday I had also managed to get it working but when I then went to create the admin user, once I filled out the user pw form after giving the ok it would get stuck in an endless loop. Same thing if I tried to open any cryptpad app without an account. There is a problem with that damn sandbox.
[17:04:44] <rodinux> But still have errors trying renew the certificate
yunohost domain cert renew --force cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld
Info: Now attempting renewing of certificate for domain cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld !
Info: Parsing account key...
Info: Parsing CSR...
Info: Found domains: cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld, sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld
Info: Getting directory...
Info: Directory found!
Info: Registering account...
Info: Already registered!
Info: Creating new order...
Info: Order created!
Info: Verifying cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld...
Info: cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld verified!
Info: Verifying sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld...
Error: Wrote file to /var/www/.well-known/acme-challenge-public/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw, but couldn't download http://sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw: Error:
Url: http://sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw
Data: None
Response Code: None
Response: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
Error: Certificate renewing for cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld failed!
Info: The operation 'Renew 'cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld' Let's Encrypt certificate' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20250105-170226-letsencrypt_cert_renew-cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld' to get help
Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/vendor/acme_tiny/", line 226, in get_crt
assert disable_check or _do_request(wellknown_url)[0] == keyauthorization
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/vendor/acme_tiny/", line 88, in _do_request
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Error:
Url: http://sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw
Data: None
Response Code: None
Response: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 516, in _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate
signed_certificate = sign_certificate(
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/vendor/acme_tiny/", line 228, in get_crt
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Wrote file to /var/www/.well-known/acme-challenge-public/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw, but couldn't download http://sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw: Error:
Url: http://sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw
Data: None
Response Code: None
Response: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 404, in certificate_renew
_fetch_and_enable_new_certificate(domain, no_checks=no_checks)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 529, in _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate
raise YunohostError("certmanager_cert_signing_failed")
yunohost.utils.error.YunohostError: Could not sign the new certificate

Error: Could not sign the new certificate
Error: Let's Encrypt certificate renew failed for cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld
[17:06:04] <huskyz> > <> But still have errors trying renew the certificate
> ```
> yunohost domain cert renew --force cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld
> Info: Now attempting renewing of certificate for domain cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld !
> Info: Parsing account key...
> Info: Parsing CSR...
> Info: Found domains: cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld, sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld
> Info: Getting directory...
> Info: Directory found!
> Info: Registering account...
> Info: Already registered!
> Info: Creating new order...
> Info: Order created!
> Info: Verifying cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld...
> Info: cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld verified!
> Info: Verifying sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld...
> Error: Wrote file to /var/www/.well-known/acme-challenge-public/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw, but couldn't download http://sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw: Error:
> Url: http://sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw
> Data: None
> Response Code: None
> Response: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
> Error: Certificate renewing for cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld failed!
> Info: The operation 'Renew 'cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld' Let's Encrypt certificate' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20250105-170226-letsencrypt_cert_renew-cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld' to get help
> Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/vendor/acme_tiny/", line 226, in get_crt
> assert disable_check or _do_request(wellknown_url)[0] == keyauthorization
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/vendor/acme_tiny/", line 88, in _do_request
> raise ValueError(
> ValueError: Error:
> Url: http://sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw
> Data: None
> Response Code: None
> Response: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
> During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 516, in _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate
> signed_certificate = sign_certificate(
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/vendor/acme_tiny/", line 228, in get_crt
> raise ValueError(
> ValueError: Wrote file to /var/www/.well-known/acme-challenge-public/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw, but couldn't download http://sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw: Error:
> Url: http://sandbox.cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/e1LvstmNwTRg_9BWAcH2qNTnV2mECFw3rkPobLuWTOw
> Data: None
> Response Code: None
> Response: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
> During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 404, in certificate_renew
> _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate(domain, no_checks=no_checks)
> File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 529, in _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate
> raise YunohostError("certmanager_cert_signing_failed")
> yunohost.utils.error.YunohostError: Could not sign the new certificate
> Error: Could not sign the new certificate
> Error: Let's Encrypt certificate renew failed for cryptpad.yunotest.domain.tld
> ```

yeah, exactly. This is when you renew the certificate after added a CNAME in the registar's zone, right?
[17:06:31] <rodinux> and before also
[17:07:17] <huskyz> Are you sure everything went smoothly for you on the other server where you did the upgrade? Have you tried opening any cryptpad app, even without an account?
[17:07:35] <Lasse Gismo> Did the restore but unfortunately didn't run the "full-upgrade" first and got the known error with "Nextcloud not in the App list", then I ran the full-upgrade and after reboot rerun the app restore with the following errors:
[17:07:48] <Lasse Gismo>
[17:08:12] <huskyz> already however the mere fact that he didn't delete your sandbox domain was a great blessing
[17:09:40] <Lasse Gismo> does it matter to follow the "not recommended path" and do the full-upgrade later? Do I need to begin again with a fresh image? :-(
[17:11:05] <rodinux> All is here in the server upgraded
[17:11:51] <Lasse Gismo> Did the restore but unfortunately didn't run the "full-upgrade" first and got the known error with "Nextcloud not in the App list", then I ran the full-upgrade and after reboot rerun the app restore with the following errors:
does it matter to follow the "not recommended path" and do the full-upgrade later? Do I need to begin again with a fresh image? :-(
[17:12:33] <rodinux> I found my datas and also my custmization keep intact...
[17:13:11] <huskyz> > <> All is here in the server upgraded

it works...
[17:13:57] <huskyz> In the test server were you able to solve?
[17:14:05] <rodinux> it have works creating first the domain sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld, isn't it
[17:15:22] <huskyz> > <> it have works creating first the domain sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld, isn't it

with DOT or "-"?
[17:16:03] <huskyz> so I didn't understand, on your test server you were able to get it working?
[17:17:28] <rodinux> No, the site where it is working is the upgrade on a production server, sorry... I thought you was saying it works fot you...
[17:18:04] <huskyz> > <> No, the site where it is working is the upgrade on a production server, sorry... I thought you was saying it works fot you...

no, I was saying that your instance works
[17:19:25] <rodinux> I try add a domain sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld on the test one
[17:21:51] <huskyz> > <> I try add a domain sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld on the test one

but the installation says it creates a domain with the DOT `sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld`, On your working server, is the sandbox domain with a `-`?
[17:22:22] <rodinux> Ahrgh.. in the message is with a DOT you're right...
[17:23:35] <rodinux> In the one working in prod it's not with a DOT, it's sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld
[17:24:01] <huskyz> Indeed. However to me the sandbox domain with DOT does not certify it if I create it manually, and installing cryptpad does not create it for me, even though it says to do so. So I think the problem depends on the sandbox domain.
[17:25:34] <huskyz> in fact before the update I had it, then it disappeared and that's when the problems started
[17:28:14] <huskyz> WTF? Are you sure?
[17:29:31] <huskyz> then maybe the problem is the installation of cryptpad forcing the domain `sandbox.cryptad.domain.tld` instead of `sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld`?
[17:30:13] <huskyz> I don't remember if the one I had before the update was with `.` or `-`
[17:30:32] <huskyz> then maybe the problem is the installation of cryptpad forcing the domain `sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld` instead of `sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld`?
[17:33:42] <rodinux> Ok, so the CNAME entry is `sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld 3600 IN CNAME cryptpad.domain.tld.`, you van't declare a site in A and then in CNAME ???
[17:35:42] <huskyz> > <> Ok, so the CNAME entry is `sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld 3600 IN CNAME cryptpad.domain.tld.`, you van't declare a site in A and then in CNAME ???

I don't know, I don't know about that. If you can get it working let me know lol
[17:36:01] <huskyz> I'm a newbie
[17:37:12] <rodinux> I don't undertand why I could upgrade...
[17:41:55] <huskyz>
the strange thing in my opinion remains the fact at the end of cryptpad installation yunohost says it has created the sandbox domain but it doesn't
[17:42:36] <rodinux> I think it did not install a new domain, but a new nginx conf in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/`
[17:44:42] <huskyz>
the strange thing in my opinion remains the fact at the end of cryptpad installation yunohost says it has created the sandbox domain but it doesn't. And that after the update it removes the existing sandbox domain.
[17:45:02] <huskyz>
the strange thing in my opinion remains the fact at the end of cryptpad installation yunohost says it has created the sandbox domain but it doesn't. And that after the update it removes the existing sandbox domain.

Another strange thing is that after the update it would ask me to create the administrator account, which I had already done when I first installed it. It almost seems as if instead of updating it did an installation from scratch
[17:45:22] <rodinux> but it seems there is clearly a bug in install script...
[17:45:56] <huskyz> Is there any way to install the previous version?
[17:48:05] <rodinux> For the admin, it was always like this since it exist a fact, the file `config.js` is repalced and you always need edit again to put the adminstrator key...
[17:48:19] <rodinux> For the admin, it was always like this since it exist a fact, the file `config.js` is replaced and you always need edit again to put the adminstrator key...
[17:51:29] <huskyz> so I better save the admin key once I install and when I update just go edit the `config.js` file adding my key without having to recreate the account? Or do I really have to recreate the account every time? -and past the new key in `config.js`-
[17:51:32] <rodinux> No, normally you don't have to recreate the account, just add the public key, same as before...
[17:51:52] <huskyz> > <> No, normally you don't have to recreate the account, just add the public key, same as before...

ok ty
[17:52:38] <rodinux> If you want install previous version it could be `yunohost app install`... but
[17:58:06] <rodinux> yes, if the user is still here... it is what I have done... the key was always the same normally. bit after an update there is no more admin, si need add the key once again and restart the service cryptpad
[18:00:38] <rodinux> Oh wait, I found it !
[18:02:08] <rodinux> In the domain `cryptpad.domain.tld` you have to said `no` for mails
[18:02:24] <rodinux>
[18:04:58] <rodinux> Also don't use the function automatic dns for the main domain
[18:04:58] <rodinux> then I could renew the certificate
[18:05:00] <rodinux> it work !!
[18:06:39] <rodinux> And so, we don't need create a sandbox-cryptpad.domain.tld
[18:09:41] <rodinux> But to renew the certificate cryptpad with the CNAME `sandbox.cryptpad.domain.tld` , the mails in the domain cryptpad must been desactivated
[18:10:01] <huskyz> > <> Also don't use the function automatic dns for the main domain

do you mean for `domain.tld` or `cryptpad.domain.tld`?
[18:12:25] <rodinux> I mean for the domain.tld, but perhaps is not relevant, I prefer not use the automatic dns, but not sure is important...
[18:12:26] <huskyz> > <> I mean for the domain.tld, but perhaps is not relevant, I prefer not use the automatic dns, but not sure is important...

will it mess up my other services if I disable it?
[18:13:19] <rodinux> no, but it is perhaps nor necessary disable it, as you want...
[18:15:09] <rodinux> It's an api which could edit your entries in the registar, depending where is hosted your domain it could add the entries for new domains
[18:15:53] <huskyz> Anyway, rodinux thank you very much for your patience and your time, you are my hero. I'm out of time now but I'll try it tomorrow and let you know how it went! I apologise to everyone if I've monopolised the chat, I hope it at least helped others too
[19:11:42] <huskyz> > <> No, normally you don't have to recreate the account, just add the public key, same as before...

so you mean after the update I log in with my admin account as always without recreating the account and copy the key and paste it back into the `config.js` file, right?
[19:50:51] <rodinux> it helps me also
[20:21:49] <Michele Agostinelli> With yunohost  /etc/ssowat/conf.json.persistent doesn't work anymore, somebody discovered this problem too?

[22:37:31] <tonton> Hi, I have a recovered root fs from november. I had not yet migrated to current ynh/debian release. I don't think I'll get it up and running again, but can I restore settings, users, groups and so on from this previous root? I also have some backups, just not sure how "current" they are.