<isAAAc> hello
<isAAAc> this time it was stucked @ the same point
<isAAAc> restoration in progress
<isAAAc> the log https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/icijupozid
<isAAAc> i cant retry right now , need to go to work
<orhtej2> Were the updated helpers released Aleks (he/him/il/lui) @Alekswag:matrix.org: ? The ones sruffing corepack env var?
<Paprika> I seem to be confused for one second. In `remove` script, aren't we supposed to do something along the lines of `ynh_safe_rm $install_dir`, or is that handled by the core automatically?
Did a test remove on one of my servers (with ynh_safe_rm in the remove script) and noticed after a reinstall I still had leftover files.
<Paprika> Also, if there is anyone who could elaborate, I noticed that when yunorunner runs a package\_check, the package\_check seems to always complete the job with an empty summary (and thus the status remians as "running" forever). I wish there was any info on the repos, but can't find anything. If I set up package\_check standalone I have no issues.
<orhtej2> > <@botagiuks:tiesiog.lt> I seem to be confused for one second. In `remove` script, aren't we supposed to do something along the lines of `ynh_safe_rm $install_dir`, or is that handled by the core automatically?
> Did a test remove on one of my servers (with ynh_safe_rm in the remove script) and noticed after a reinstall I still had leftover files.
It' handled automatically, it was (probably) not in packaging v1 but a lot of stuff these days is automated
<Paprika> Thanks, will test it out now. Good to know.
<Paprika> Also, if there is anyone who could elaborate, I noticed that when yunorunner runs a package\_check, the package\_check seems to always complete the job with an empty summary (and thus the status remians as "running" forever). I wish there was any info on the repos, but can't find anything. If I set up package\_check standalone I have no issues.
EDIT: Apparently not all errors are shown within yunorunner, had to run package_check that's bundled with it separately to find out what else was missing. Apparently some requirements are not listed in both of their requirements.txt files, which causes issues.
<thatoo> Bonjour,
Dans Dolibarr, j'ai configuré l'envoi d'email avec le SMTP de yunohost en utilisant l'identifiant générique "contact".
Si un email est envoyé depuis Dolibarr en utilisant l'email contact@domain.tld, ça fonctionne mais si j'envoie en utilisant mon email perso (d'utilisateur), j'obtiens l'erreur suivante
Échec de l'envoi de l'email (émetteur=Thatoo <thatoo@domain.tld>, destinataire=correspondant@domain.tld)
Error [120]: Ran into problems sending Mail. Response: 553 5.7.1 : Sender address rejected: not owned by user contact Error [120]: Ran into problems sending Mail. Response: 554 5.5.1 Error: no valid recipients Error [120]: Ran into problems sending Mail. Response: 221 2.7.0 Error: I can break rules, too. Goodbye.
<thatoo> Est-il possible de modifier postfix pour qu'il soit possible d'envoyer des emails perso en s'identifiant, non pas avec son email perso, mais un email générique contact@?
Si la réponse est donnée dans le forum, je veux bien lire les échanges mais je n'ai pas trouvé.
<thatoo> Etrangement, cette issue explique que normalement
It's normal that you can send email from any email addresses. It's the behaviour of email protocol.
Mais en l'occurence, ça ne fonctionne pas.
<thatoo> J'ai trouvé comment autoriser pour qu'ils soient possible d'écrire depuis (from) tous les emails en s'authentifiant avec un des comptes de ynh.
Il suffit de commenter
`` reject_sender_login_mismatch, ``
# Requirements for the sender address
smtpd_sender_restrictions =
# reject_sender_login_mismatch,
dans `` /etc/postfix/main.cf ``
<thatoo> C'est permissif du coup mais bon seulement une autorisation d'usurpation d'identité au sein de même nom de domaine. J'imagine que ce serait mieux de n'autoriser ça que pour une seule adresse email du genre smtp@domain.tld qu'on utilise dans les apps comme dolibarr mais je ne pense pas arriver à faire ça.
<thatoo> Ce serait chouette d'avoir cette option dans yunohost/admin/#/tools/settings/email pour que ynh modifie le fichier `` /etc/postfix/main.cf `` lui même plutôt que de le faire à la main en sssh et ainsi ne pas avoir d'avertissement de `` Diagnostique ``.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > Were the updated helpers released Aleks (he/him/il/lui) @Alekswag:matrix.org: ? The ones sruffing corepack env var?
Not yet, i'm battling with the flu
<orhtej2> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> Not yet, i'm battling with the flu
Get well soon!
<thatoo> Take care <a data-mention-type="user" href="https://matrix.to/#/@Alekswag:matrix.org" contenteditable="false">Aleks (he/him/il/lui)</a>
<lapineige> Hello,
I'm trying to restore a broken server backup to a new installation.
The server was using YNH 11. The new install is done with YNH 12.
I flashed the YNH image for raspberry pi.
Then I tried to restore the backup, but it fails during an automated migration:
Error: Migration 0028_delete_legacy_xmpp_permission did not complete, aborting. Error: Could not find peertube in the list of installed apps:
Error: Could not find peertube in the list of installed apps:
I also can't restore peertube backup, nor install a fresh peertube, because of the lack of space.
What can I do ? 😅
<lapineige> I also have this
yunohost tools migrations state
0027_migrate_to_bookworm: skipped
0028_delete_legacy_xmpp_permission: skipped
0029_postgresql_13_to_15: skipped
0030_rebuild_python_venv_in_bookworm: skipped
0031_terms_of_services: skipped
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > Hello,
> I'm trying to restore a broken server backup to a new installation.
> The server was using YNH 11. The new install is done with YNH 12.
> I flashed the YNH image for raspberry pi.
> Then I tried to restore the backup, but it fails during an automated migration:
> ```
> Error: Migration 0028_delete_legacy_xmpp_permission did not complete, aborting. Error: Could not find peertube in the list of installed apps:
> *
> Error: Could not find peertube in the list of installed apps:
> ```
> I also can't restore peertube backup, nor install a fresh peertube, because of the lack of space.
> What can I do ? 😅
Can you share the full log 😵💫
<lapineige> These is nothing more in that log 😕
<lapineige> I mean :
force: true
permission: xmpp.main
ended_at: 2025-01-09 13:23:09.400640
error: "Could not find peertube in the list of installed apps: \n * "
interface: cli
operation: permission_delete
parent: null
- - app
- xmpp
started_at: 2025-01-09 13:23:09.289620
success: false
yunohost_version: 12.0.7
2025-01-09 13:23:09,344: DEBUG - The permission database has been resynchronized
<Sylvain Chantemesse> Hello, good evening, sorry to bother you, I can't create a topic on the forum ps: I am registered. https://ibb.co/0pLsnW4 Here is a picture to better explain my problem
<lapineige> What's the error in the forum ?
<lapineige> Sylvain Chantemesse: What's the error in the forum ?
<Sylvain Chantemesse> When I create the topic nothing happens and I have no message sorry for responding slowly I don't speak English
<lapineige> Another issue arised :
Setting up yunohost ( ...
Regenerating configuration, this might take a while...
Error: Could not find peertube in the list of installed apps:
dpkg: error processing package yunohost (--configure):
installed yunohost package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
<lapineige> Tu peux écrire en Français si ça t'aide 🙂
<Sylvain Chantemesse> lapineige: Thank you, that's nice, but Google Translate helps me a lot and it's very quick and more understandable =)
<Lasse Gismo> 3rd day - 3rd try 😉
Any one any feedback to my YNH11on32Bit-2-YNH12on64Bit migration project with failed full-restore?
<Lasse Gismo> Hi Aleks.
Are there already initial insights into my YNH11ToYNH12 restore problem?
What I did:
- prepared new image
- forgot to run a full-upgrade :-(
- created user and domain via web UI
- ran full restore - ended up with "nextcloud not part of the installead apps list" error
- ran "sudo apt update" and "sudo apt full-upgrade
- reboot
- ran apps restore - see image
- got all the last 7 app restore error logs
The list of logs starts with the very first:
<Lasse Gismo> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/Aas2WTBqWAZoHXLYXC3THx9BJqGA-TzzYhcYa4FcAoqNDwCiVJFlj6VccHw5YK7yf9cKr9XK9ywQ1YzX8QUmXZpCeUUTrP0QAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvSURMSWRJdllTdHVOaHNFSW1tZ1VUQm9w
<Lasse Gismo> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/AVk0SMkRuMem06Cx7jw72YkKYrh__-xOA3Ncss39NPYhP6iKGAC_ac13ld04QtAv6vUCbC3Nj22VQogCJnpM_09CeUUTrRjwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvSlJZU0hrdkRMVEZ5RW94eUtQY0RxSWl0
<lapineige> It's even more broken : if I try to restore system backup, it fails with that previous migration issue.
If I try to restore peertube backup, if fails because several `peertube.something` (like peertube.api) permissions already exists (should that be handled by the package ? 🤔) but I can't delete them because `Could not find peertube in the list of installed apps`. 😅
<lapineige> Is there a way to trick it into believing Peertube is installed ? 🤔
<lapineige> But I can install peertube (I figured a way to empty some space to make room for it).
Very strange 🤔
<lapineige> And that fixes the migration issue that prevented the YNH/Debian11 backup from restoring.
So that's a workaround.
It the root issue a bug, or an edge case not handled by the core ? 🤔 (and then how should I report it)
<mathieuw> > And that fixes the migration issue that prevented the YNH/Debian11 backup from restoring.
> So that's a workaround.
> It the root issue a bug, or an edge case not handled by the core ? 🤔 (and then how should I report it)
Hi lapineige!
We're kind of short on staff right now (seasonal influenza, and some other stuff we're dealing with). M
This issue may (or may not, I'm writing that without knowing if any of us will be available right now to answer this question) take some time for a proper answer, sorry in advance...
<lapineige> Ok, then I think I'll document it in the forum so it can be handled latter on (I'll try to do that soon…).
<Lasse Gismo> > It's even more broken : if I try to restore system backup, it fails with that previous migration issue.
> If I try to restore peertube backup, if fails because several `peertube.something` (like peertube.api) permissions already exists (should that be handled by the package ? 🤔) but I can't delete them because `Could not find peertube in the list of installed apps`. 😅
What you've experienced is very similar to my YNH11toYNH12 migration/restore issues. Guess we found a major issue in YNH12 😑
<mathieuw> We were surprised to find the migration going so smoothly. I bring up the subject.
<lapineige> Did you document that somewhere Lasse Gismo ?
<Lasse Gismo> > Did you document that somewhere Lasse Gismo ?
Pls. see my post from 18:15 today
<Lasse Gismo> Good night guys, will come back TM.
<Paprika> Been testing yunorunner_ynh lately. Can't find the cause at all, but when package_check is ran by yunorunner, it doesn't return the test summary - it's empty, and the job remains "running". When I run the package_check.sh manually, it runs fine - returns me the test summary and provides me with the summary png and json files. Is that normal?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> probably some unhandled exception in yunorunner's code, would need to check the journal to get the stacktrace, but not 100% unexpected that it breaks because nobody really runs yunorunner locally i suppose
<Salamandar> pip install --break-system-packages imgkit
<Salamandar> the error message is lost because there is a stupid script outputting ITS DATA OUTPUT on the stderr…
<Salamandar> @botagiuks:tiesiog.lt
<Paprika> It normally wouldn't work with what I did here, but I made the environment install the requirements from both yunorunner and package_check, so that worked for me.
<Paprika> Your solution makes more sense though, I'd say, will probably revert to that instead.
<Salamandar> sudo*
<Paprika> Yeah, I found out the issue, but solved it by editing the `package_check.sh` script and adding `source "/var/www/yunorunner/venv/bin/activate"` instead. The error message is lost, but is still given after `package_check.sh` finishes and generates `results_1.json` with the error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/yunorunner/package_check/lib/analyze_test_results.py", line 5, in <module>
import imgkit
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imgkit'
<Paprika> Yeah, I found out the issue, but solved it by editing the package\_check.sh script and adding `source "/var/www/yunorunner/venv/bin/activate"` instead. The error message is lost, but is still given after `package_check.sh` finishes and generates `results_1.json` with the error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/yunorunner/package_check/lib/analyze_test_results.py", line 5, in <module>
import imgkit
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imgkit'
<orhtej2> > <@botagiuks:tiesiog.lt> Yeah, I found out the issue, but solved it by editing the `package_check.sh` script and adding `source "/var/www/yunorunner/venv/bin/activate"` instead. The error message is lost, but is still given after `package_check.sh` finishes and generates `results_1.json` with the error message:
> ```
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/var/www/yunorunner/package_check/lib/analyze_test_results.py", line 5, in <module>
> import imgkit
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imgkit'
> ```
Install imgkit in app venv?