<matanya> Thanks tituspijean
The command returns no value.
<tituspijean> Mmmh weird... can you do a forced upgrade of the app and check if the issue persists and the output of the same command ?
<tituspijean> The forced-upgrade is done with
`sudo yunohost app upgrade calibreweb --force`
<matanya> tituspijean: done, same result
<matanya> running
venv/bin/pip install wand
Requirement already satisfied: wand in ./venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (0.6.13)
<tituspijean> That was my next suggestion... damn it says it's already installed
<centralscrutinizer> hello, I think I found a bug in the /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.v2.1.d/fail2ban helper.
<centralscrutinizer> It is impossible to install synapse because of an error in the helper: logpath variable not assigned
impossible to create dir...
<nounours> Ok le dns etait la cause de cet erreur
<nounours> Small question, I can access my server from my laptop and phone, except for the laptop i used to set up the server ? Why so ?
<nouckey> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/ATsR9RFppOV9J0uQHxuMGSeVszgE7isuwIZ_4BKcvPRF8aowfKN_u0lGEruLGhGEIIJVqW7TsoH-u97WqZIHtLVCeUaxF_RgAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvRGN0anRwR0N0S2tJUGhETVRBaGNvTEhM
<miro5001> Ipv6 : "take my glass, I'll show you"
<Salamandar> It's not DNS
It can't be DNS
It was DNS
<Salamandar> > <@miro5001:matrix.org> Ipv6 : "take my glass, I'll show you"
Yunohost.org main server feels that today