<@chrichri:ween.de> Tried migration to bookworm and found that after a fail attempt the output of `slapcat` is empty. Didn't find any information of others having a similar problem. Need to retry to find where the migration started failing...
<@chrichri:ween.de> > <@chrichri:ween.de> Tried migration to bookworm and found that after a fail attempt the output of `slapcat` is empty. Didn't find any information of others having a similar problem. Need to retry to find where the migration started failing...
I had some leftovers from experiments with mail aliases in ldap. Upgrading slapd failed, because with the newer version nisMailAlias (from misc schema) wasn't recognized anymore and the import of the old ldap database failed.
<beudbeud> Congrats for the v12 :)
<thatoo> Bonjour,
Vous savez comment mettre les dossiers SENT, JUNK, DRAFT etc en français chez quelqu'un qui utilise le logiciel outlook?
<@err404:matrix.numericore.com> Ça se passe plutôt coté serveur en imap?
<Guillaume Bouzige> hello, when I try to change default domain (after migration to bookworm) I receive this error : ```error: 'Could not update the group ''admins'': LDAP attribute ''mail'' already exists``` what can i do ?
<Guillaume Bouzige> on another server, I have this issue that migration went through half way and some logs mention reboot so I did and now I can still connect in ssh with my usual admin account but I cannot sudo since I have this error ```myadminuser is not in the sudoers file.
This incident has been reported to the administrator.``` none of the hosted applications are responding
<Guillaume Bouzige> actually just a few apps are OK but the php (my guess) ones seems down (searxng & archivebox)
<Guillaume Bouzige> what can I do since I dont have access to admin webpage (error yunohost-api is down) neither I have sudo in ssh...?
<Paprika> Well, root user should still be accessible. So I'd try that. After that, you could see if you can get some of the services up via SSH, or if it's completely unresponsive. Other than that, logs would be great. I don't think you should've needed to reboot your instance yourself, especially if it wasn't done migrating yet.
<Paprika> You might as well rollback the migration, if you made a backup prior to that. Even if it's unresponsive, the backups should still be accessible.
<Guillaume Bouzige> I dont have root access
<Guillaume Bouzige> no backup prior migration
<Guillaume Bouzige> since it is a raspberry on an sdcard, would it be possible to re-install on another sd-card and transfer the data per app afterward ?
<darl200> It seems that the GUI restore page is per application. You can check it without validating: outils/Sauvegardes/local/ date sauvegarde. Never tried to switch to another hw.
<Guillaume Bouzige> but i dont have backup of the application
<Guillaume Bouzige> i was more thinking to move the data of the app and paste in the newly installed server, for archivebox for instance, would that works ?
<Guillaume Bouzige> it is only archivebox content that I need to get back actually