<sa> Hello.Does the native yunohost backup tool automatically delete old backups? If so, how old should they be to be automatically deleted?
<sa> And, is it in the roadmap to make yunohost have a built-in automation for their native backups?
<sa> I mean like this one
<sa> https://github.com/Nidal-Tech/backupynh
<sa> Or this one
<sa> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/how-do-i-automatically-backup-the-yunohost-server/28831/12
<orhtej2> > <sa> Hello.Does the native yunohost backup tool automatically delete old backups? If so, how old should they be to be automatically deleted?
`yunohost backup create` deletes nothing
<douwe> hey peeps, I am having issues with Nextcloud on Yunohost: it is not sending out mails... therefor I can't send new users welcome emails, and users don't receive password reset mails and such
<douwe> I tries SMPT and sendmail; both don't work, altough Nextcloud claims all is fine and an email was send.
<douwe> Could be that Yunohost is blocking something?
<douwe> ps. Yunohost is on a VPS with Netcup. Mail is handled by my hosting-provider where I also registered the TLD
<Josh> The VPS is most likely blocking outgoing emails
<Josh> A lot of VPS companies do this nowadays due to spammers
<lautre> Curious.
If you can watch log on your SMTP server, you should see connexion.
<douwe> I don't know what happened, I changed the setting now back to Sendmail and suddenly it worked...
<douwe> this is great... that it works. but also highly unsatisfying, because now I don't know what was wrong before...
<douwe> 😅
<lautre> For domains, in Yunohost, you can allow sent mail, et set another SMTP server for outgoing email
<lautre> watch your Yunohost logs too.
You have SSH access?
<douwe> yes, I do.
<douwe> I will dive into this later. now quickly have to finish setting up nextcloud for some peeps :-)
Thnx for the kind and fast response (as always in this great community 👍️ )
<satadaes> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/AYnjoAs8Acro-2U6knf1Pr5J9IHuaiymv5EokJs4BIofTJA5U7PZvpjmEsK-xhHxHIXS2Pyku7hTpAsDw9dVF81CeUf5xl9AAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvU0xEdGhacVJZS1J6TktaVm1nTmF4cHFT
<satadaes> weird issue attempting to update, any thoughts?
<Salamandar> Hi, you should check your logs :)@
<yunohelper> Hi! To help us volunteers help you, read about <a href="https://yunohost.org/en/community/help#how-to-ask-for-help">how to ask for help</a>.<br />Notably, if you are getting an error, share its <em>full</em> log by pasting here the link to the page created by the YunoPaste buttons.<br />Thank you for you patience, and thank you for using YunoHost!
<satadaes> as soon as I sent it, I remembered to check logs XD
<satadaes> https://paste.yunohost.org/vaqewabaje.yaml
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ```
Setting up systemd (252.33-1~deb12u1) ...
Creating group 'staff' with GID 50.
/etc/gshadow: Group "staff" already exists.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> what da heck
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> could it be that you created a group "staff" in yunohost maybe ?
<satadaes> I may have but yunohost doesnt show that in groups atleast in the gui
<douwe> Hey peeps, I was stupid and deleted the LDAP connection between Nextcloud and YNH. Can it be restored from the CLI?
<douwe> (or in any other convenient way?) Thnx a million for a solution.
I did this, because I am only using NC's user panel to make an configure accounts, and not YNH. But right after I removed the LDAP connection; my (admin) account was logged out and now I can't enter the webinterface anymore...
<douwe> Seems I fixed it. I created a new admin account from CLI with OCC. Logged in there and copied over the missing LDAP config parameters from another NC/YNH server
<Josh> pls dont get mad
<Josh> but i created an issue on the GitHub: https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/2518
<orhtej2> > <@xuid0:unredacted.org> but i created an issue on the GitHub: https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/2518
Even better, you can update it yourself! https://github.com/YunoHost/doc/blob/5f03961b1dc8af09bdd7165a02eabca31234189b/pages/05.community/15.help/help.md?plain=1#L33
<Josh> I cant edit that
<Josh> ok
<orhtej2> Fork the repo, create pr
<Josh> yea
<Josh> sorry never done that before but here you go: https://github.com/YunoHost/doc/pull/2544
<orhtej2> Interestingly fr version already has the right link 🤔
<orhtej2> Can you also do it and arabic?
<Josh> perhaps someone updated the fr version but not en
<Josh> no sorry I only speak english sorry :(
<Josh> I would be relying on AI or deepl if I attempt that
<orhtej2> Also i cannot merge in that repo, but someone will
<orhtej2> Ty for fixing!
<orhtej2> > <@xuid0:unredacted.org> no sorry I only speak english sorry :(
Link text is the same in both
<orhtej2> As in url
<Josh> Im happy to attempt if you can explain in a bit further detail how to do so
<orhtej2> Sibling to en version is it and whatever ln code is arabic, just edit the two on your branch as well
<orhtej2> Search for riot.im and replace with the updated link
<Josh> gotcha
<Josh> thx
<Josh> found it
<Josh> https://github.com/YunoHost/doc/blob/5f03961b1dc8af09bdd7165a02eabca31234189b/pages/05.community/15.help/help.ar.md?plain=1#L29
<Josh> https://github.com/YunoHost/doc/pull/2545
<Josh> https://github.com/YunoHost/doc/pull/2546
<Josh> https://github.com/YunoHost/doc/pull/2547
<Josh> Can someone else update the other two references to riot.im ?
<Josh> https://github.com/search?q=org%3AYunoHost%20riot.im&type=code
<orhtej2> TY Josh for fixing, TY Eric for merging :)
<Josh> Pleasure