<@claush:matrix.org> I just learned that the problem is caused by a huge logfile (see https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/synapse_ynh/issues/511) - deleting the logfile did the trick and the installation went well.
<Carter Zhang[M]> Is there a way to install YunoHost on a UserLAnd powered Debian system, which contains no `systemd`?
<orhtej2> > <@czl92783719:mozilla.org> Is there a way to install YunoHost on a UserLAnd powered Debian system, which contains no `systemd`?
<Carter Zhang[M]> well
<satadaes> yes several email aliases using staff@. staff1@ etc
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so my guess is that you registered a "staff" group or a "staff" user somehow and this conflicts with the expectation of systemd which wants to create a "staff" group for some reason
<satadaes> wierd I think I'm just gunna try to restore the apps onto a fresh server
<satadaes> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/Acvl64pdUc8mu7Ds-L3foywf1_OQpdRNARTFkuXQODJrTptlYFR6p7OPADZVFFP6x1fZpY1xHH7ENtsL7YVdriNCeUj2unMgAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvWUtZZ2F3c29YdG9HYmJlVUNvTGpEVG9W
<satadaes> when backing them up I just select the app or do I need also the system components here -
<olivier> hello there ... I'm considering an upgrade to ynh12, but I've seen the rainloop app doesn't seem to be maintained anymore, is there some kind of fork/replacement for it?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes it's snappymail
<olivier> oh, it's similar enough?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's the new name of the app
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (or a fork rather)
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> https://snappymail.eu/ "This is a fork of the much appreciated RainLoop, but with massive changes to be compatible with (mobile) browsers of 2020 and newer."
<olivier> great
<olivier> is there a preferred/recommended way to migrate config between the two?
<olivier> (it's been years since I've set rainloop up, so I'm not sure what I had to setup exactly back then)
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/snappymail_ynh/blob/master/doc/ADMIN.md links to https://github.com/the-djmaze/snappymail/wiki/Installation-instructions#migrationupgrade-from-rainloop
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> that might be a bit technical though, i havent dig in
<olivier> will look into it, thanks
<hercut> bonsoir à tous
<hercut> Salamandar: je me permet de te deranger, car je vois que tu travail sur zoraxy. J'ai deux petite questions ...
La premiere, c'est tres different de nginx proxy manager ?
Est ce que c'est une application lourde ?
<hercut> merci :)
<hercut> Et une autre petite question à la quel je viens de penser, un reverse proxy peut il etre a distance ? J'imagine que non ?
<sa> Hello
<sa> I have just installed snappy mail
<sa> but cannot really start it
<sa> After installation it says a password file is created after opening the admin ui
<sa> Oooh, forget it, I think it's solved now!
<sa> Apparently, on the notification after the installation, the link that is provided to go to the admin ui is wrong, it has a double forward slash in between the URL (I don't mean after https:), I made it single and it worked
<orhtej2> the file was accessible via web? oO
<Josh Glenn (xuid0)> https://git.madhouse-project.org/algernon/iocaine