<satadaes> is there a way to change the name of an app ie wordpress__2 to something else?
<satadaes> worked mint all seems to be well
<satadaes> full greens on the diag panel and all app updates worked
<satadaes> but would save you from provisioning a new server or moving massive backup archives from one place to another
<satadaes> worked mint all seems to be well
<satadaes> full greens on the diag panel and all app updates worked
<satadaes> One thing would be very nice would be if there was a file manager in the admin panel, or ability to choose a backup file outside of the local backup directory, I've been using Xpipe, casaos, & syncthing to accomplish most of what i need though just feels like I't would be much cleaner if the was a built in way to do stuff like that. Unless I've totally missed the proper way (which is very likely)
<satadaes> tyvm for the help, luckily my YH is installed on Proxmox on VPS so I just made a new fresh YH LXC and restored the apps on a fresh install by passing the backups through syncthing and moving them to the local archive folder on the new isntall(manually added domains and users to avoid bringing over the issue or broken group) and
<satadaes> tyvm for the help, luckily my YH is installed on Proxmox on VPS so I just made a new fresh YH LXC and restored the apps on a fresh install by passing the backups through syncthing and moving them to the local archive folder on the new isntall(manually added domains and users to avoid bringing over the issue or broken group) and
<satadaes> that and ability to backup all apps and then revert to default installation and then restore stuff from backup, kind of a nuclear option and a lot of trust in backups but would have definitely worked for me on this learning journey many times over haha
<orhtej2> > <@satadaes:matrix.org> is there a way to change the name of an app ie wordpress__2 to something else?
That's an internal name, why would you want to change it?
<satadaes> To restore an app from one server to another that already has an installation of the same name
<orhtej2> ah, manual edit of archive thenm
<orhtej2> ?
<satadaes> was wordpress so was able to resolve easily by backing up one and restoring it to a different install, but if it was another app that likely would be much harder
<orhtej2> Not sure if that's supported given the appid may be stored in config somewhere
<orhtej2> > <@satadaes:matrix.org> was wordpress so was able to resolve easily by backing up one and restoring it to a different install, but if it was another app that likely would be much harder
Yeah, true 🙄
<satadaes> would be ideal if a restore would iterate the appid to a free name upon restoration if the name was already taken
<satadaes> if it was my 2TB Nextcloud install overlapping with another large nextcloud I would go jump off a bridge
<satadaes> Google's Gemini has been quite helpful recently incase anyone needs quick assistance with a grain of salt for example this was it's suggestion for that issue --
Ah, that's a tricky situation! You're right, restoring a backup with a conflicting app ID can cause problems in YunoHost. Here's a breakdown of the issue and potential solutions:
The Problem
YunoHost uses the app ID to uniquely identify each installed application. When you try to restore a backup with the same app ID as an existing app, it can lead to:
Conflicts: YunoHost might not be able to distinguish between the two installations, leading to errors and unexpected behavior.
Data Overwriting: The restore process could overwrite the data and configurations of your existing app.
Broken Functionality: The restored app might not function correctly due to conflicts with the existing app's files and settings.
Possible Solutions
Rename the App ID in the Backup (Advanced):
This is the most technically involved but potentially the cleanest solution. Before restoring, you'd need to manually modify the app ID within the backup files. This would involve:
Unpacking the backup: Extract the contents of your backup archive.
Finding and replacing the app ID: Carefully search for and replace all occurrences of the old app ID with a new, unique ID within the backup files (including configuration files, database dumps, and potentially even within the app's code itself, depending on the app).
Repacking the backup: Create a new archive with the modified files.
Restoring the modified backup: Restore the modified backup to your YunoHost server.
Caution: This requires a good understanding of YunoHost's file structure and the app's internals. Make sure to create a copy of your backup before attempting this, as incorrect modifications could corrupt your backup.
Temporary Rename of the Existing App:
Rename the existing app: Use the yunohost app change-url command (as mentioned in my previous response) to temporarily change the URL of the existing appid__2 installation to something else. This will free up the appid__2 ID.
Restore the backup: Restore the backup with the conflicting appid__2 ID.
Rename the apps: Once the restore is complete, use yunohost app change-url again to give both apps their desired final URLs.
Manual Installation and Data Migration:
Install a fresh instance: Install a new instance of the app with a different app ID.
Migrate the data: Manually migrate the data from your backup to the new installation. This might involve importing database dumps, copying files, and configuring settings.
The best solution depends on your comfort level with YunoHost and the complexity of the app you're restoring. If you're not comfortable with manual modifications, consider the second or third options. If you have a good understanding of YunoHost and the app, and you're confident in your ability to modify the backup files correctly, the first option might be the most efficient.
Remember to create backups before attempting any of these solutions to avoid data loss! If you're unsure, it's always a good idea to seek help from the YunoHost community or support channels.
<orhtej2> Interesting if it knows what ynh is or just assumes common implementation internals
<satadaes> so far* it has been quite knowledgeable
<satadaes> it's taught me more commands than the official site haha
<hercut> petite question rapide : Mon serveur me dit ca. dans le diag :
Cet enregistrement DNS ne semble pas correspondre à la configuration recommandée :
Type : AAAA
Nom : la
La valeur actuelle est : XXXX.XXXX...
La valeur attendue est : None
Je ne comprend pas pourquoi ... Est ce que ca pourrait venir du faite que mon routeur ne donne pas d'ipv6 ?
`Le serveur ne dispose pas d'une adresse IPv6.`
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oui
<hercut> merci
<xiamen> Good evening
<Retromantic> I realise it’s not open source etc, but is it possible to install Plex Media Server on YH?
<orhtej2> Package is archived and super outdated so I'd say no https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/plexmediaserver_ynh
<orhtej2> you can upgrade it to v2 yourself and sideload