<redhare> hello, i think yarn is gone from my install? i ran an rm -r to try to fix it as part of an install, and now it's broken somewhere else. can i get some help?
<redhare> here's my pastebin btw
<redhare> https://paste.yunohost.org/tafujenawa
<dcaillibaud> Bonjour,
Tout nouvel utilisateur de yunohost, j'arrive ici. Avant de commencer, quelle est la langue préconisée sur ce salon ?
Hi all,
Noob in the yhn world, it's my first post here, what's the preferred langage here ?
<isAAAc> french is ok , but we used to speak english ;)
<opinionplatform.org 3> dcaillibaud: Room search says
> General support room for the YuNoHost distribution
in English, so...
There is smaller
> Échanges pour les personnes souhaitant faire progresser la prise en charge de XMPP dans yunohost. Suivi du Forum : https://forum.yunohost.org/search?q=xmpp%20order%3Alatest
> Primary language: French
<opinionplatform.org 3> Muc dislikes pasting...Room search webpage gives description in English. There is a different, smaller French language room.
<opinionplatform.org 3> https://search.jabber.network/search?q=yunohost
<dcaillibaud> After my first install of ynh, I'm quiet surprised with some diagnosis warning about DNS
- complain about MX if it's not the domain itself, event if MX is a subdomain with the hostname ip, why ?
- if example2.tld is added (example.tld is the main domain), MX should be example2.tld, why ? The hostname of the ynh instance seems more accurate
- about spf, yhn complain if there is more hosts authorized to send mail, why ? eg `actual value is "v=spf1 mx a:host.otherdomain.tld -all", it should be "v=spf1 a mx -all"
- it complain if there is not any `*` entry, why ? (it seems to me a bad practice, I don't want inexistant.mydomain.tld to be routed to my host)
<dcaillibaud> I have also both `yours domains are registered and will not expire soon` AND `Some domains will expire soon` ;-)
<dcaillibaud> does it worth an issue on github ?
<redhare> > <@redhare:matrix.org> hello, i think yarn is gone from my install? i ran an rm -r to try to fix it as part of an install, and now it's broken somewhere else. can i get some help?
just trying to bump this
<redhare> is not having the yarn files something i should reinstall to fix?
<Retromantic> Is there anyone from the UK here who can give me any advice on broadband providers? It seems a lot of my issues stem from my provider not ‘providing’ stuff.
<orhtej2> > <@redhare:matrix.org> is not having the yarn files something i should reinstall to fix?
Which joplin version are you running?
<redhare> 3.2.11~ynh1. i reinstalled and i think my yarn files might be back
<redhare> i have a new error though
<redhare> https://paste.yunohost.org/ebinayafec
<redhare> i might try *another* reinstall? which might work
<orhtej2> chown -R joplin:joplin /home/yunohost.app/joplin
<redhare> run anywhere?
<redhare> as sudo i assume
<orhtej2> As root, yes
<redhare> alright i'll try
<orhtej2> Then restart joplin
<redhare> that mightttt have worked?
<redhare> it did! thank you so much orhtej2 :)
<·☽•Nameless☆•777 · ±> o/
<miro5001> I am in the process of migrating yunohost from vps to a dedicated server. So i installed debian 12 on the new server, installed nfs server on it and mounted /home/yunohost.backup of the vps on the same folder in the new server. Created a full backup on the first, run installation script on the second and run the restore command. I got this error :
yunohost backup restore 20250124-181648
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/yunohost", line 108, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/yunohost", line 97, in main
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/__init__.py", line 41, in cli
ret = moulinette.cli(
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/__init__.py", line 140, in cli
).run(args, output_as=output_as, timeout=timeout)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/cli.py", line 521, in run
ret = self.actionsmap.process(args, timeout=timeout)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/actionsmap.py", line 579, in process
return func(**arguments)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/backup.py", line 2305, in backup_restore
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/backup.py", line 1045, in set_system_targets
self.method.copy(hook_path, custom_restore_hook_folder)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/backup.py", line 2073, in copy
file_to_extract = tar.getmember(file)
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/tarfile.py", line 1843, in getmember
raise KeyError("filename %r not found" % name)
KeyError: "filename 'hooks/restore/01-backup' not found"
This is the log of the backup (full) https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/vefudolasu
and (system only) https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/wavuboxudo
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmm there's no hook named 01-backup
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> could it be that it was a custom backup hook you added ?
<miro5001> note that I have some hooks in the old vps :
tree hooks.d
├── backup
│ └── 01-backup
├── post_app_install
│ └── 01-post_app_install
├── post_app_remove
│ └── 01-post_app_remove
├── post_app_upgrade
│ └── 01-post_app_upgrade
├── post_cert_update
│ └── 01-post_cert_update
├── post_domain_add
│ └── 01-post_domain_add
├── post_domain_remove
│ └── 01-post_domain_remove
├── post_user_create
├── post_user_delete
└── restore
└── 01-restore
11 directories, 8 files
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> uuuh yeah okay, what's those 01-backup and 01-restore ? x_x
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the 01-restore should actually be named 01-backup too.... or rather, 01-backup and 01-restore should be named with something that reflect what they backup
<miro5001> that's https://github.com/DeMiro5001/Yunohost_Gotify_Notifications I told you about a while ago, and Im failing to package (because lacking time ..)
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ugh if the point is to send a notification after a succesful backup then "backup" is not the proper hook ... let me check if there's a "post_backup" hook of some kind
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmyeah no there isn't
<miro5001> Ok, so I'll move them run the backup then continue
<miro5001> in fact I get the notification after a successful backup
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> pretty sure it'll also send a notification for some unsuccessful backups
<miro5001> I didn't have a failed backup, but i don't get notified when app install fails
<miro5001> it helps me in case of apps that have long install
<miro5001> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/Ae6Iu7rqjvVL_inbXdPikKipYYK3Jr132nHW1h0_NnC8X7pBzsNupZCGD9oDpJYpoS4gGn8pbBjQwMpiSvtkLidCeUntUOGAAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvbGpoWkR6U0ttdVVMV0VSZUhGV0ZyUElU
<satadaes> how do you do that?
<miro5001> in the webadmin > firewall > close port 53
<geoma> I set up my yunohost succesfully on a CGNAT that didn't allow port forwarding with this tutorial: https://wiki.eticadigital.eu/es/servidor_en_casa . Now every service works OK (although I am still struggling with jitsi meet, but the Yunohost Diagnosis checks give errors (for example it won't sucessfully detect port forwarding). Can I somehow fix this?
<satadaes> oddly I can receive now but cant send.. lol
<satadaes> I tihnk the mailqueue was overloaded so forcing it to send the backed up queue may have solved it
<satadaes> knock on wood
<tao> hey there, i'm trying to install libreerp on a yunohost 12.0.11 and all seem to[ install and create database alright,](https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ukizakojas) but after logging in all i get is to ../web/login_successful and no access to database. what am i doing wrong?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> heuarg
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> for some reason i was thinking literally 30 seconds ago in my bathroom about the fact that "thank god it's been a long time i havent heart about libreerp, that app is unpackageable"
<tao> :)
<tao> but so rewarding when packed, sauf le contretemps:)
<tao> anyway around it?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> zblerg idk not really, would need to dig in and debug the app