<orhtej2> > <@olivier:no.dustinthe.net> forcing upgrade, not even sure what that package is for (yeah, it's a language from what internet told me, but no idea what is using it among my apps)
invidious most likely
<stiforr> Or can someone tell me what permissions are required for the cloudflare token, besides zone edit, if any? Lastly, what `auth_username` should be
<stiforr> Ah looks like its using api key not token
<olivier> ok, I'm (somehow) back
<olivier> some things don't work yet, app permissions seem different enough that some fail ; and I miss the old "periodic element" look ;)
<sa> Hello
<sa> What service should be stopped if I want to stop email?
<sa> Stopping service postfix is enough?
<olivier> you'd have to stop dovecot too for that, if that's what you need
<olivier> that would stop inbound and outbound email, but not people from accessing their existing email (in their mailboxes)
<olivier> and I'm back again... this time, and it was unexpected : the new rule to have synapse alone on its domain is biting me hard ; I had a lot of things on that domain
<satadaes> I have a large team and multiple people need to update files from time to time, if this helps anyone I have casaos installed alongside YunoHost (behind admin & firewall) and installed a syncthing container that I can then mount directories to and easily be able to sync/share files meant to be uploaded to Nexcloud/Wordpress/anywhere. I'm sure there is a better way to do this but Syncthing is just so easy to use that this setup works great for updating images or PDFs on a wordpress install without needing to show someone how to use wordpress or anything :)
<satadaes> hope this helps anyone trying to figure out a similar solution
<isAAAc> why not using a subdomain ? something.yourdomain.tld (it woks here)
<isAAAc> hello satadaes , you should open a topic on the forum ;)
<satadaes> I'm planning on doing a video or series of videos as soon as I have the time :)
<satadaes> the people need to know how great YH is, sometimes rough around the edges, but beautiful nonetheless
<xuid0> can i ask a question to the devs
<xuid0> is anyone aware of https://ipv6.rs/cloudseeder/ and perhaps ipv6.rs
<xuid0> i recently found it online and well im not overly impressed
<xuid0> the ipv6 part of it yes just the documentation is so bad
<xuid0> the code seems a bit buggy too
<olivier> > why not using a subdomain ? something.yourdomain.tld (it woks here)
Everything is possible, but Synapse is already on a subdomain, which also hosts some of my apps. Then either I change Synapse URL - and, from what I understand, I'd face encryption issues since my users would lose all their matrix sessions at the same time. Or I'll move every app, which is what I'm going to do, but since some of them have their APIs used, that means some client side updates too (much less problematic than Synapse)
<isAAAc> oh, yes,
I was convinced that the restriction on having synapse on its own domain name was very old,
good luck
<olivier> It's been from a while ago, yes. But my Synapse upgrades were blocked by several weird issues, most of which were lifted by switching to Bookworm
<isAAAc> i need to remove synapse-admin each time i need to upgrade synapse (if it can help you)
<sa> olivier: thanks!
<marzagheddon> Hi everybody. I have a problem with a .local instance of freshRSS on the latest Yunohost (.local domain)
The .local instance doesn't have a certificate, but pretty much any android RSS client requires it because i get this errror
```Network failure: java.security.cert.CerthPathValidatorException: Trusth anchor for certification path not found```
<marzagheddon> While I don't get this problem on a RSS client on Windows. Any way to solve this?
<marzagheddon> I solved it by using Miniflux
<marzagheddon> with the progressive web app
<beedee> How does one shell into an application? Specifically localai?
<beedee> sudo yunohost app shell localai
/usr/share/yunohost/helpers.v2.1.d/utils: line 438: export: `"PATH=\$PATH"': not a valid identifier
<beedee> the app has to be broken right?
<satadaes> is it possibly to remove an email fromt eh admin's group? ie webmaster@
<satadaes> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/AcUSgg1Bd_fcNQgN-9eXwnV9ODZwZpjtY1V-VLmgdIYP0rzWwW7ukCR71MwX08euHLS6In5HdzBaWvnnNcquRTZCeUqYwWlAAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvZWF2ZUtManFlTHpkZXlTVHFBdUtCUVJ1
<satadaes> Old domain used webmaster@ as a contact email and now can't be used
<satadaes> if its in the admin group it should be sending to the admins or is there a prerequisite?
<Tag> Yes, groups act as maling lists, members of the admins group should recieve the mail
<satadaes> odd, that email though it wont let me assign webmaster@ the admins arent receiving it
<satadaes> getting mail delivery fails "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table"
<Tag> For now, webmaster@maindomain.tld should be an alias for the admins group
<satadaes> Looks like that only applys to the default domain
<satadaes> had to yunohost user group add-mailalias GROUPNAME webmaster@tld.com
<satadaes> to get emails to actually forward to the admin
<satadaes> via CLI