<Christophe> Hello, question about https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/dolibarr_ynh/issues/130
How can I check that https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/dolibarr_ynh/pull/133 is already in the last dolibarr_ynh release ?
<orhtej2> > <@c.moille:matrix.org> Hello, question about https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/dolibarr_ynh/issues/130
> How can I check that https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/dolibarr_ynh/pull/133 is already in the last dolibarr_ynh release ?
It's not merged so it's not
<sa> Hello
<sa> Just upgraded to ynh 12
<sa> I get many issues
<sa> You are running inconsistent versions of the YunoHost packages… most probably because of a failed or partial upgrade.
yunohost version: 12.0.11 (stable)
yunohost-admin version: 11.3.0 (stable)
yunohost-portal version: ? (stable)
moulinette version: 12.0.4 (stable)
ssowat version: 12.0.3 (stable)
<sa> that's the first pack os issues (probably they are the source cause of the others). What should I do?
<sa> Forget my resquest for help, it just needed a second reboot, the first one was not enough
<sa> : )
<sa> Now I still have some issues, but everything looks much better
<Lasse Gismo> I'm so happy now, to be able now to run my YNH on my new Raspi5 with 64 Bit and will thank all guys here that I bored with my problem. The final tip to handle this, came from https://forum.yunohost.org/t/wordpress-recovery-from-backup-not-possible-error-at-line-1-unknown-command/32348/2.
<Lasse Gismo> Heureka - TD I was finally successful with my YNH11toYNH12 migration project. The bad "boy" was the "db.sql(s)" in the backup directories of the failed apps and especially the first line to enable the sandbox mode "/\*!999999- enable the sandbox mode \*/" wich has to be removed from the files and the restore ran through without any harm.
<Lasse Gismo> It's a really great community here 😊
<bitPickup> Lasse Gismo: +1
<Lasse Gismo> Ok guys, enough for today and a nice evening to all of you.
<sa> When doing a long task from the web interface, like upgrading, could I close my browser, go to a different computer and somehow resume that webadmin session?
<sa> I would like to leave the computer from where I started the task and go to a different computer. On the other computer I would like to check the status of the task, I don't mind checking it through terminal or through web, how could I do it?
<sa> tmux or screen on terminal would have been much better, but I started the task on webadmin interface :(
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> no, but the upgrade will keep happening on the server ... however what you describe will be possible in 12.1, we are reworking the way we stream log from the server to the client
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (we're thinking about having a beta release for 12.1 during February)
<sa> Thank you Aleks. So now I should leave it there and later just do a diagnosis to see if everything is ok I gess, right?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yup
<sa> Cool
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you can also check the log in Tools > Journal (at least to see if it's "green")
<sa> Yes, that's what I was about to ask now : )
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but if i remember correctly that's only doable once the task is completed (success or failure) because otherwise the webadmin is still kind of "frozen" as long as there's an operation going on
<sa> I upgraded to 12 and now I'm upgrading Mastodon and it is taking ages
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (at least thats the way it is until 12.1)
<sa> Ok, I'll be patient waiting for my logs
<orhtej2> > <sa> tmux or screen on terminal would have been much better, but I started the task on webadmin interface :(
You can still tail logs fro `/var/log/yunohost/operations` on the console