<Elizabeth -> thank you so much I will try it soon!
<lohangX> Hurray! Upgrade to 12 was a success. I had to install Metronome manually. But it seamlessly used my configurations from yunohost 11 and here I am chatting with my old xmpp account.
<lohang> > Hurray! Upgrade to 12 was a success. I had to install Metronome manually. But it seamlessly used my configurations from yunohost 11 and here I am chatting with my old xmpp account.
There is some weirdness though. I am unable to find my roster. It appears to have been removed. Please do share if you know what happened there and if there's any known solution to it.
<upacesky> Hi, I'm trying to install the App Mautic on my yunohost (virtual server hosted with Hetzner). The install fails with this error messsage: [https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/gogupunuwo](https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/gogupunuwo)
any idea on how to have it install ?
<Salamandar> Ooof, that's weird, that sounds like your server is broken. This file should exist and the error comes from yunohost's internals
<Salamandar> `[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/postfix/app_senders_login_maps.db'`
<Salamandar> maybe Al eks or tituspi jean might know what to do, i don't
<upacesky> ok, thanks
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> upacesky: can you share the result of `yunohost tools regen-conf postfix dovecot --debug` ?
<upacesky> https://paste.yunohost.org/elegidigaq.sql
<claus> Hi, I wanted to change some settings of my synapse instance but upon saving the settings I got the following error: https://paste.yunohost.org/oweqelekex
<DrPi> Hi, I'm about to install and configure a YUNOHOST instance. I'might use a tunnel
<DrPi> Do I have to configure the tunnel at installation, or can I do it afterwards ?
<Salamandar> what do you mean by tunnel ?
<Salamandar> will the yunohost instance have to connect to a vpn ?
<·☽•Nameless☆•777 · ±> > <@drpi:matrix.org> Do I have to configure the tunnel at installation, or can I do it afterwards ?
si tu veux utiliser wireguard, peut-être que ça répond à ta question. yunohost dispose d'une app wireguard pour se connecter à un serveur wireguard
> https://apps.yunohost.org/app/wireguard_client
<·☽•Nameless☆•777 · ±> tu as aussi une app serveur mais cassée
<DrPi> Yes, a vpn. So that my server has an IP not from my ISP.
<DrPi> Le but est que mon serveur ai une adresse IP d'un fournisseur internet indépendant, pas de mon FAI. Il y a des fournisseurs alternatifs qui permettent de connecter un serveur à travers un VPN.
<Steffen> Hi there! I am trying to make the email work and found a bug, i think: After setting a mail quota for an account, I can not remove the quota because the interface won't allow "0" as input.
<nouckey> can you just remove the number altogether ?
<Steffen> No, this also did not go through. I mean, it's no big thing, I just set the quota very high. It was just to point out a small bug :-)
<nouckey> ok ! i'm a total noob but since that seems to work elsewhere, I'd guess you need to specify a bit more about your config so they know what to do about it ? (i'll be useless from that point on)
<orhtej2> Proposed a fix: https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost-admin/pull/612
<orhtej2> you can still remedy the situation from CLI: `sudo yunohost user update <someusername> -q 0`
<Fritjof> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/ATTVSV-m3Q8c9vSa5jz4THCBLagZ2WUCKOLIz9e_fAO2k2-JTSTGVN9dM7rYlM15Rdk_OOKEE-Em2T6O7WhqpDhCeUw5j5nQAGRlZXBmdW5rLmRrL2F5ckNRTnVsdWxYYU9Zd1pTem9CVXFySQ