<Charles H> Howdy, I'm just running setup and it wants me to set main domain. I own example.com, which is sitting totally unused. I want this computer to be yno.example.com. is this "I want to add a domain I own" or "I want to add a subdomain of an already added domain"?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "add a domain I own"
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> in fact the "add a subdomain" shouldnt be displayed during postinstall, i think it was fixed but maybe you're not running yet the very-latest version because we didn't rebuild the image since then
<Charles H> Do I put "example.com" or "yno.example.com"?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `yno.example.com`
<orhtej2> the latter
<Charles H> Thank you
<Charles H> Does anyone have opinions on best lightweight fediverse servers? Like akoma or gotosocial or a different one?