<tripop> Oui ça je l'ai fais aussi, on verra 🤞
<sem> I ended up using certbot (snap) to get a wildcard certificate, and used a symlink from /etc/letsencrypt/live/y.example.com/privkey.pem to /etc/yunohost/certs/y.example.com/key.pem
<sem> and also /etc/letsencrypt/live/y.example.com/fullchain.pem to /etc/yunohost/certs/y.example.com/crt.pem
<sem> I am hopeful that when certbot automatically renews these certs, it will not break anything.
<sem> trying to follow https://doc.yunohost.org/en/certificate_custom
<sem> can yunohost use systemd for systemd-resolved? I am trying to get tailscale to interoperate with dnsmasq
<sem> The reason I am thinking this is a problem is because when I go to y.example.com, I get a connection error, even though I have a DNS entry in my router to point to the correct IP address of yunohost
<sem> but I can go to y.example.com.mynetworksettings.com; and this goes through to yunohost for some reason
<sem> I expect that y.example.com should go to yunohost because I have a DNS entry in my router for nc.example.com pointing to a different machine with nextcloud, and that one works correctly
<sem> so there's something I don't understand
<sem> Do I have to put y.example.com into /etc/hosts ?
<sem> Or is it y.example.com ?
<sem> finally figured it out
<sem> i had to put the DNS entry into pi-hole, not into the router......