<Paprika> Bots make it even to YunoHost networks, huh?
<tituspijean> @botagiuks:tiesiog.ltit's rather bots roaming the matrix networks :)
<miro5001> I have installed wireguard and adguard on a vps. I closed port 53 because I don't want the vps to become a public dns server.
I would like to use adguard as dns server for wireguard. What's the correct way to do it.
<tituspijean> @miro5001:matrix.org Make sure Adguard listens on the Wireguard interface (or all interfaces), then set up the DNS server in WireGuard's server config as (if you left the default IP address)
<Salamandar> depends which kind of issue you have
<ulrich> What do you mean?
<ulrich> What's the best way to get support? No one reads the Yunohost forum and I can't make a GitHub account.
<Salamandar> is it with yunohost, is it a feature request, is it a bug, is it with a specific app,…
<ulrich> Oh, I have several issues with apps. Namely Conduit, Sharkey and Lemmy
<ulrich> I can't change the permitted file sizes in Conduit. Sharkey and Lemmy are both just broken immediately on install.
<ulrich> I understand if there's currently no one to fix it, but some sort of acknowledgement would be appreciated.
<orhtej2> > <@ulrich:nope.chat> I can't change the permitted file sizes in Conduit. Sharkey and Lemmy are both just broken immediately on install.
what's broken in sharkey?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "No one reads the forum"
<ulrich> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/sharkey-install-fails/35199
<orhtej2> My lack of yarn-fu fails me on this one
<rodinux> well, why the post is suddenly deleted ?? I was reading it in the forum and was trying respond...
<rodinux> ulrich: can you access by ssh on your server ? Not sure is the solution with all your troubles, but for the message `WARNING 'allowipv6' not defined in 'Definition'. Using default one: 'auto'` there is a workaround by editing the file `/etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf` and uncomment the line `allowipv6 = auto`
<ulrich> I don't think I have IPv6 enabled. I'm not sure how to 😕
<rodinux> you can try this `ip -6 route`
<rodinux> also `ping6 ipv6.yunohost.org -c 5`