<6hery> hi
<6hery> anyone reply
<6hery> what is the topic? i cannot see
<6hery> bye Célo
<6hery> bye txico
<6hery> hi txico
<obergix> > Pr pls? 🙏
Uh... care to be understood by others ?... that's a bit cryptic IMHO
<tripop> Hum. I try to just post a issue around Sharkey installation (doesn't work) but you... forbid me to post issue on ALL yunohost github.. Can i ?
<tripop> Sorry if i rant sometimes, but don't think it's a reason to like... BLOCK a entire user to actually.. post issue and improve the project ?
<tripop> So Sharkey don't install, here's the logs : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/uhebemaroh
Also did someone have some news around Akhoma package ? Seem it's been broken for quite some time waiting for arm64 build that are available for quite some times now. Thanks 🙏
<eric_G> tripop: I doubt very much that you are being blocked. What makes you think you are blocked ?
<tripop> https://aria.im/_bifrost/v1/media/download/ATKueAnxwEkr3MOAoc4Acztne_ehKqj8t90ZC48pDlhsxpsXjIfxf6GPRMx8oHgRh3qsQcCjqjn6adiW1nor34tCeVMmmnIQAHRlZG9tdW0ubmV0LzFiZDRmN2QwNGU1YjcwNmZhMjJiYzZjNDZlYjhkNGFiOWM4ZDNiNmQxODkzMjUwNzkyNzQ0Mjg4MjU2
<tripop> This
<eric_G> It says `unable to creat an issue` not that you are being blocked...
<tripop> Yeah but on all Yunhost package only ? It's weird..
<Salamandar> What's your github handle ?
<tripop> tr1p0p
<tripop> Also, i will not hide, i was kind of rude and annoying when i rant. So it could be understable. But i stop doing that. Especially since i don't handle the slef-hosted of my association and all important services (also, selfwork too, and i'm just at a better place in my life right now, just.)
<eric_G> Have you been naughty to YunoHost orga in the paste?
<tripop> Hum. Just very annoying maybe. But never insulted anyone. Was just facing more and more issues and the way yunohost work make some debugging hard (especially on some app when you have to go the the shell and more..) And was pretty upset that the project miss more and more documentation around stuffs. So i was pretty much ranting around all that
<eric_G> I see `toxic attitude`. Are you still toxic?
<tripop> Also i was kind of critic around the way yunohost work around packages and how you always depends on some intermediate to have update/fix. Stuffs like that.
<tripop> I was certainly yes, but not anymore no. I know how to debug stuffs with or without yunohost also. To be quite clear with you, the main reason i go back to yunohost it's how the ecosystem handle domains name and configuration that's easilly. But i'm not blocked when i got issues anymore. And like i said i'm in another place in my life right now
<eric_G> You have been unblocked from the YunoHost orga.
<Jorge Luis> Hi, I need help to migrate a mastodon account that was created as admin of an instance. It seems migrating it to a new server somewhere is not possible. When trying to set the migration it shows an error message stating that the password is invalid
<Jorge Luis> I have used tootctl to remove the admin rights of the account but it is still having issues. No migration possible
<Salamandar> > <@tripop:tedomum.net> Also, i will not hide, i was kind of rude and annoying when i rant. So it could be understable. But i stop doing that. Especially since i don't handle the slef-hosted of my association and all important services (also, selfwork too, and i'm just at a better place in my life right now, just.)
That's nice to read. Thanks for being forward about this :)
<Salamandar> And yes indeed, documentation needs more love
<Jorge Luis> > <@jorgeluis:pub.solar> Hi, I need help to migrate a mastodon account that was created as admin of an instance. It seems migrating it to a new server somewhere is not possible. When trying to set the migration it shows an error message stating that the password is invalid
Can someone help me with this?
<lps> Hi, I'm considering purchasing a GMKtec Mini PC N97 for a Yunohost install, but was wondering if there are any issues installing debian on these newer mini pcs
<orhtej2> any device capable of running Debian Bookworm should be capable of running Yunohost, but I have no experience with this particular board so no strong recommendation on my end.
<lps> > any device capable of running Debian Bookworm should be capable of running Yunohost, but I have no experience with this particular board so no strong recommendation on my end.
thanks, I think this might be a case of trial and error, but thanks for your input:) It ships with Win11 so it should be fine