<Paprika> > <@rodinux:matrix.org> Sure ! Or found why you have this ? It must be, but as explain normally you dont édit this file, is automates ...
I had resolvconf overwritten when using YNH in a Proxmox LXC, but that’s because I set that myself
Maybe OP is using some kind of hypervisor as well that overwrites the setting?
<rodinux> Do you use a cloudinit ?
<p4p4j0hn[m]> > <@kevadesu:gitter.im> Is anyone having this issue?
I have been getting that too. I wonder if we are getting rate limited? Is there a way we can set an API key for github auth?
<p4p4j0hn[m]> So I tried out the `post_app_upgrade` hook and it seems to just work. I named the file `01-gitea_allow_push` and it worked! Posted in https://forum.yunohost.org/t/share-your-hooks-to-apply-custom-configurations-partagez-vos-hooks-pour-appliquer-des-configurations-personnelles/17235
<isAAAc> Hello all,
some immich users/admin around ?
can immich manage ACLs for groups of users? (with a plugin perhaps?)
<kevadesu (EN/FR/DE)> ACL...?
<0xca8465> There's a immich discord server
<isAAAc> Access Control List
<isAAAc> i don't use discord
<0xca8465> https://discord.gg/immich
<0xca8465> Ok
<0xca8465> Fair enough.
<0xca8465> I was just letting you know about it
<isAAAc> it seems to have some ACL for users https://immich.app/docs/administration/user-management
but i can't find information for groups ,
i will install one and searching better
<miro5001> What about github https://github.com/immich-app/immich/discussions
<isAAAc> oh yes , gg , i should find more info on this repo, thx miro5001
<isAAAc> i would know if immich could replace piwigo
<miro5001> Talking about immich, can I have the photos in /home/yunohost.multimedia/$user/Pictures for every yunohost user?
<0xca8465> I believe you need to add them as a user
<0xca8465> It works like ACL to do with users
<0xca8465> But specifically that folder. I think you would need to research that sorry I don't know either.
<isAAAc> thx for your lights :pray: install is in wip, i'll play with it in the next weeks
<0xca8465> Good luck friend
<lps> Hi, I was having some issues with my nextcloud install being slow and it was suggested that it may be because it is not at my root domain. Currently it's in a subfolder my domain/nextcloud. I have nothing in root now, can I simply switch this in my domains admin? Can I revert if there are issues?