<CallMePlayer> I am now thinking about using docker to run PeerTube. But I'm looking for solutions for YunoHost, https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/reverseproxy_ynh So far, I've been able to locally host a static html site with Pangolin on my VPS to tunnel traffic
<me.capy> > I am now thinking about using docker to run PeerTube. But I'm looking for solutions for YunoHost, https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/reverseproxy_ynh So far, I've been able to locally host a static html site with Pangolin on my VPS to tunnel traffic
With that app you'd need to have yunohost installed in the vps, no?
<CallMePlayer> I think you are right, can't use that. I am working on setting up PeerTube docker to run on localhost. I think I almost figured it out
<me.capy> Is it better than the regular yunohost peertube app?