Friday, November 11, 2022
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[08:46:41] <eric_G[m]> Guillaume Bouzige: I still have the same error has the one described in the issue... (infinit loading screen
[08:47:33] <eric_G[m]> ```
Uncaught Error: Script error for "/api/config?cb=18465dc2747", needed by: /common/boot.js?ver=1.0
makeError https://mydomain.tld/bower_components/requirejs/require.js?ver=2.3.5:168
onScriptError https://mydomain.tld/bower_components/requirejs/require.js?ver=2.3.5:1738
[08:47:50] <Guillaume Bouzige> how do you test ?
[08:48:30] <eric_G[m]> installation from your version
[08:48:58] <eric_G[m]> creat Let's Encrypt certificat
[08:49:17] <eric_G[m]> for the sand bow sub domain
[08:49:25] <eric_G[m]> *box
[08:49:47] <eric_G[m]> launch the app
[08:49:56] <eric_G[m]> Loading...
[08:50:25] <eric_G[m]> 😴
[08:50:25] <Guillaume Bouzige> do you see the main page at least or not ?
[08:50:43] <eric_G[m]> Just Cryptpad logo with Loading
[08:50:46] <Guillaume Bouzige> is the server you test has other app installed ?
[08:51:03] <eric_G[m]> a bunch...
[08:51:21] <eric_G[m]> that is my production server
[08:51:28] <Guillaume Bouzige> are you able to try on a fresh install ?
[08:51:31] <eric_G[m]> 😬
[08:52:30] <eric_G[m]> Ah ... you think I am too confident? 😅
[08:52:39] <Guillaume Bouzige> if you cant even access the main page, have you got correct nginx conf ?
[08:53:13] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> Ah ... you think I am too confident? 😅

no yunohost is solid no worries
[08:53:47] <eric_G[m]> I was thinking of Cryptpad 😄
[08:54:10] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> a bunch...

i have try only in fresh installed yuno and no issue as for now
[08:54:50] <eric_G[m]> Well, I do install the app as the majority of user will install it.
[08:55:27] <Guillaume Bouzige> i did try with an upgrade on existing cryptpad install with some existing files and it is all good too
[08:55:42] <eric_G[m]> maybe someone else can test...
[08:55:50] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> Well, I do install the app as the majority of user will install it.

true words but how to i reproduce your bug then ?
[08:57:47] <Guillaume Bouzige> can you check your ssowat conf as well see if you have both domains with no trailing slash
[08:59:13] <eric_G[m]> Cryptpad should be tested by multiple users. the fact that I have a problem installing the app does not mean that the app as a bug
[08:59:35] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> Just Cryptpad logo with Loading

is there some errors in web browser dev console ?
[09:00:05] <eric_G[m]> tituspijean: did you test?
[09:01:27] <eric_G[m]> ^ voir mon premier commentaire cela vient de la console web
[09:18:32] <tituspijean> I was about to install it on a test server :)
[09:19:10] <tituspijean> though I have just realized it's a Scaleway Stardust instance... see you next year after build completion I guess 😅
[09:20:23] <Guillaume Bouzige> got PLAY2-MICRO it is not too bad for compilation time
[09:28:07] <tituspijean> "It works on my server"(TM)
[09:28:09] <tituspijean>
[09:28:12] <tituspijean>
[09:28:35] <tituspijean> though a warning about CORS
[09:32:36] <eric_G[m]> well then.
[09:32:54] <eric_G[m]> what about merging it?
[09:33:10] <eric_G[m]> to testing
[09:33:39] <eric_G[m]> so more user can test
[09:34:07] <Guillaume Bouzige> yes more merging and more tests is good
[09:34:33] <eric_G[m]> We need to tell users to set the certificat for the sandbox subdomain
[09:34:52] <eric_G[m]> somewhere
[09:35:00] <Guillaume Bouzige> I think I might have updated the email and readme already
[09:35:16] <tituspijean> the app already sends an email about admin credentials, I suggest to add the instruction for the sandbox domain too
[09:35:45] <tituspijean> nope, the email does not mention the sandbox domain
[09:37:30] <Guillaume Bouzige> was in the readme but not in email, I am adding it now
[09:39:12] <tituspijean> ah wait
[09:39:32] <tituspijean> after creating a user, the drive page does not load with plenty of CORS errors
[09:41:30] <tituspijean> ```
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. boot2.js
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. requireconfig.js
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. config
Content Security Policy: « x-frame-options » ignoré en raison de la directive « frame-ancestors ».
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. inner.html
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. inner.html
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. inner.html
Content Security Policy: Les paramètres de la page ont empêché le chargement d’une ressource à inline (« script-src »). moz-extension:1:149696
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. pre-loading.js
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. pre-loading.css
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. require.js
Content Security Policy: Les paramètres de la page ont empêché le chargement d’une ressource à (« script-src »).
Content Security Policy: Les paramètres de la page ont empêché le chargement d’une ressource à (« style-src »).
La ressource à l’adresse « » a été bloquée en raison d’un type MIME (« text/html ») incorrect (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff). inner.html
La ressource à l’adresse « » a été bloquée en raison d’un type MIME (« text/html ») incorrect (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff). inner.html
L’URI de la source de l’élément <script> n’est pas autorisé dans ce document : « ». inner.html:5:1
Testing if CSP correctly blocks an 'eval' call sframe-boot.js:42:9
Content Security Policy: Les paramètres de la page ont empêché le chargement d’une ressource à eval (« script-src »). sframe-boot.js:44:4
creating favicon notify.js:76:17
Block hash is present cryptpad-common.js:2350:25
CACHE MISS /customize/src/less2/include/loading.less LessLoader.js:208:21
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. 7hn3P0aCCV2WZ2v8IKsLERSC6PUlu-gKtVX0lJJd7cM=
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. loading.less
Content Security Policy: Les paramètres de la page ont empêché le chargement d’une ressource à (« connect-src »).
Object { message: "'/customize/src/less2/include/loading.less?ver=5.1.0-1668158337788' wasn't found (0)", stack: undefined, type: "File", filename: "input", index: 0, line: 1, column: 0, callLine: NaN, callExtract: undefined, extract: (3) […] }
Erreur dans les liens source : Error: request failed with status 404
URL de la ressource :
URL du lien source :
CACHE MISS /drive/app-drive.less LessLoader.js:208:21
Outer ready cryptpad-common.js:2558:29
Posting CONNECT cryptpad-common.js:2581:29
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. style.css
Content Security Policy: Les paramètres de la page ont empêché le chargement d’une ressource à (« style-src »).
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. framework.less
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. drive.less
Content Security Policy: Les paramètres de la page ont empêché le chargement d’une ressource à (« connect-src »).
Content Security Policy: Les paramètres de la page ont empêché le chargement d’une ressource à (« connect-src »).
La ressource à l’adresse « » a été bloquée en raison d’un type MIME (« text/html ») incorrect (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff). inner.html
Object { message: "'/customize/src/less2/include/drive.less?ver=5.1.0-1668158337788' wasn't found (0)", stack: undefined, type: "File", filename: "/drive/app-drive.less", index: 72, line: 2, column: 0, callLine: NaN, callExtract: undefined, extract: (3) […] }
creating favicon notify.js:76:17
New SharedWorker client 2 sharedworker.js:16:38
SharedW INIT 2 sharedworker.js:16:38
failed /customize/src/less2/include/loading.less LessLoader.js:191:56
Successfully compiled asm.js code (total compilation time 118ms) chainpad.dist.js
failed /drive/app-drive.less LessLoader.js:191:56
SharedW Required ressources loaded 2 sharedworker.js:16:38
SharedW Channel created 2 sharedworker.js:16:38
SharedW connecting to store... 2 sharedworker.js:16:38
Loading new async store 2 sharedworker.js:16:38
Cleaning file system... 2 userObject.js:156:27
File system was clean. 4ms 2 userObject.js:156:27
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. feedback.html
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. feedback.html
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. feedback.html
Strict-Transport-Security : le site a spécifié un en-tête qui n’a pas pu être analysé correctement. config

[09:41:55] <Guillaume Bouzige> can you check your ssowat conf.json ?
[09:42:06] <Guillaume Bouzige> you shall have both domains for cryptpad
[09:42:31] <tituspijean> ```
"cryptpad.main": {
"auth_header": true,
"label": "CryptPad",
"public": true,
"show_tile": true,
"uris": [
"users": [
[09:42:59] <Guillaume Bouzige> that trailing slash shall have been removed by install script....
[09:43:09] <tituspijean> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[09:43:16] <Guillaume Bouzige> yup shit
[09:44:01] <Guillaume Bouzige> ```
touch /etc/ssowat/tmp.conf.json
cat /etc/ssowat/conf.json | jq --arg uri2 "$uri2" '(.permissions[] | select(.label=="CryptPad") | .uris[1]) |=$uri2' > /etc/ssowat/tmp.conf.json
ynh_secure_remove --file="/etc/ssowat/conf.json"
mv /etc/ssowat/tmp.conf.json /etc/ssowat/conf.json
[09:45:01] <Guillaume Bouzige> I have just finished a fresh install now I got the ssowat conf correct without trailing slash
[09:45:30] <tituspijean> FYi:
repo: stable
repo: stable
version: 11.0.11
repo: stable
version: 11.0.9
repo: stable
version: 11.0.9
[09:46:16] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> FYi:
> ```
> yunohost:
> repo: stable
> version:
> yunohost-admin:
> repo: stable
> version: 11.0.11
> moulinette:
> repo: stable
> version: 11.0.9
> ssowat:
> repo: stable
> version: 11.0.9
> ```

(how to you show those ?)
[09:46:30] <tituspijean> `yunohost -v`
[09:46:49] <Guillaume Bouzige> ```
repo: stable
repo: stable
version: 11.0.11
repo: stable
version: 11.0.9
repo: stable
version: 11.0.9
[09:46:58] <tituspijean> I confirm that you hack works, when I put the right permission manually in the persistent file
[09:47:04] <tituspijean> ```
root@ynhdev:/home/admin# cat /etc/ssowat/conf.json.persistent
"permissions": {
"cryptpad.main": {
"auth_header": true,
"label": "CryptPad",
"public": true,
"show_tile": true,
"uris": [
"users": [
[09:47:09] <eric_G[m]> ```
[09:47:39] <Guillaume Bouzige> ssooo I can use the .persistent file better ?
[09:47:43] <tituspijean> (it's not that it's better in the persistent file)
[09:48:27] <tituspijean> that file is for manual modifications, the fact that it works on your fresh install shows it's rather a matter for the jq command I guess?
[09:49:46] <tituspijean> I'm confused, is this a core issue? Why does the sandbox domain ends up with a trailing slash while all the others don't?
[09:50:06] <tituspijean> like, are the `additional_uris` all appended with a slash?
[09:51:15] <Guillaume Bouzige> yes it is kind of a core issue
[09:51:24] <Guillaume Bouzige> but multi domain was never mean to works neither
[09:52:36] <Guillaume Bouzige> I have try to debug but got lost and might endeup impacting more yunohost core than anything else...
[09:55:33] <tituspijean> > ```
> uri2=$sandboxdomain
> touch /etc/ssowat/tmp.conf.json
> cat /etc/ssowat/conf.json | jq --arg uri2 "$uri2" '(.permissions[] | select(.label=="CryptPad") | .uris[1]) |=$uri2' > /etc/ssowat/tmp.conf.json
> ynh_secure_remove --file="/etc/ssowat/conf.json"
> mv /etc/ssowat/tmp.conf.json /etc/ssowat/conf.json
> ```

If I re-apply these manually it works
[09:56:54] <Guillaume Bouzige> weird, it does it out-of-the-box on my test server.
[09:57:12] <Guillaume Bouzige> do you think if we apply it on .persistent file it might works better ?
[09:57:40] <tituspijean> I guess so? You could craft a jq command to update or create the record
[09:57:51] <tituspijean> that's definitely a hack though ;p
[09:58:23] <Guillaume Bouzige> well yes but if we add a few more test it could be safe enough
[09:58:48] <Guillaume Bouzige> in the meantime that the 'multi-domain' feature get through
[10:00:21] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> I guess so? You could craft a jq command to update or create the record

but we will have the faulty configuration in conf.json that would be overwritten in conf.json.persistent file ?
[10:06:38] <tituspijean> Yup
[10:06:55] <Guillaume Bouzige> okay lets do that
[10:07:24] <Guillaume Bouzige> adding jq as dependency shall be also a thing to do I guess
[10:31:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @xplosionmind closed issue #506: Upgrade from 22.2.10~ynh1 to 24.0.4~ynh1 failed
[10:31:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @xplosionmind commented on issue #506 Upgrade from 22.2.10~ynh1 to 24.0.4~ynh1 failed: > Try with solid app deactivated Yeah Now it works. Thanks a lot
[14:36:18] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @Karnikel commented on issue #380 how to access nextcloud locally: Hi @LAfricain, sounds plausible Thanks. Could you please tell me what you added/changed in /etc/hosts file?