Thursday, December 22, 2022
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[00:53:52] <Tag> well it seems to have repaired on its own...
[00:53:52] <Tag> My guess is the container 1 has finally done with the jobs that wasn't killed properly
[00:53:52] <Tag> aussi j'ai relancé deux tests (pour nextcloud et plateau) qui ont fail probablement à cause de la coupure
[00:53:52] <Tag> J'ai fais le tour de et relancé les tests que le webhook n'a pas pu catch lors de la coupure
[00:53:52] <Tag> I'll restart failed jobs
[00:53:54] <Tag> #4619 ?
[00:53:54] <Tag> (on va éviter un allé-retour paris-bordeaux)
[00:53:54] <Tag> Ah, it's fully stuck
[00:53:54] <Tag> et voilà $ dig 150 IN A
[00:53:54] <Tag> Je vais changer l'IP de ci-apps-dev pour une un peu mieux routée
[00:53:55] <Tag> Not sure that it's the "cancel" button only... I noticed this happen when a job is timed out after 180mins
[00:53:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmyeah that part of the code is a bit shaky if i remember correctly
[00:53:55] <Tag> ok CI-2 is not locked anymore, I restarted the failed builds
[00:53:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i was surprised it worked before
[00:53:55] <Tag> /o\
[00:54:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[00:54:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> am i working on trying to get a set of unified app logos ? hmmmm maybe 👀
[00:54:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (the full set of 200ish icons i spent my entire sunday on :D)
[00:54:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[00:54:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Hmyeah if i dont procrastinate and start yet another thing instead of finishing what i already started :D
[00:54:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ébenheu j'ai pas de taille vraiment fixée, mais c'est des carrés, la taille m'importe peu (sauf pour la taille du fichier) car en CSS je resize tout en 200x200
[00:54:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> discussing with axolotle i think i'll end up making a PR to host the icons in the apps repo at some point ... the biggest question is wat do with the apps that have no icon/logo, we need some sort of placeholder system, maybe with the icon of the category or tags
[00:55:01] <axolotle> yep a generated sprite can be a good idea, a single file to fetch from apps
[00:55:01] <axolotle> that would require to store icon position in sprite in the apps json, with maybe a fallback to a forkawesome icon name indeed
[00:55:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> like if you modify a single logo you gotta refetch the entire huge file 🤔
[00:55:02] <axolotle> yup
[00:55:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmm not sure to understand the benefit of a sprite file, that sounds overly complex for just having a single file to fetch 🤔
[00:55:03] <Guillaume Bouzige> weird my latest plateau job went timeout again, i have restarted it but my faith in CI magics is low
[00:55:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the idea being to avoid having yet another subfolders, and keeping all filename in caps lock, and this makes it a bit more intuitive that all files support the `__FOOBAR__` syntax for variables/settings
[00:55:04] <Guillaume Bouzige> 🤞
[00:55:04] <Guillaume Bouzige>
[00:55:04] <Guillaume Bouzige> yup
[00:55:04] <Guillaume Bouzige> indeed sorry for the ping
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (and the future `tests.toml` replacing that horendous `check_process`)
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (though 11.1 stays compatible with the old packaging format of course)
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> a major evolution of the packaging format coming in yunohost 11.1
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and also to be consistent with `config_panel.toml` being written in toml
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah YunoHost is infinite
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the corresponding doc is in a pull request for now, but you can have a look at
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> speaking of finishing what I started: before we start packaging too many apps in v2 format, I'm wondering if we shouldnt simplify the notification architecture, ie instead of having:

- notifications/
- etc...

I think we should simply have:

- ...

whatcha think folks ?
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> Why changing from json to toml?

json aint meant to be written by humans, its syntax is annoying, toml is just more lightweight
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but indeed we could create a placeholder (or alternative logo) using the good old "periodic table" look
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah yeah i was more thinking about integrating this in the webadmin first, not in user portal (for now)
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> there is a also a bunch of PR porting some apps to v2, for example
[00:55:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Countable infinites < Uncountable infinites < Yunohost infinites
[00:55:05] <gredin67> would you prefer JWT secret disabled or a nextcloud_ynh action to write the token in nextcloud config from onlyoffice installer ?
[00:55:08] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yalh76: hmmm what's the status of, is this something we could merge ? 👀
[00:55:10] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> Readability?
[00:55:10] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> Why changing from json to toml?
[00:55:10] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> Just for my information what is the v2 app?
[00:55:10] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> > <> ah yeah i was more thinking about integrating this in the webadmin first, not in user portal (for now)

😆one more task ;)
[00:55:10] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> 206 😱👏
[00:55:10] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> > <> discussing with axolotle i think i'll end up making a PR to host the icons in the apps repo at some point ... the biggest question is wat do with the apps that have no icon/logo, we need some sort of placeholder system, maybe with the icon of the category or tags

Why not to put the logo in background of the tile letting the capital letter over the logo?
[00:55:11] <Pierre (plabuse)> ok, c'est quoi la taille de tes icônes (140x140), j'aimerais bien faire un sprite css, genre pour utiliser ensuite dans le code.
[00:55:11] <Pierre (plabuse)> Aleks (he/him/il/lui): nice, beau boulot, nous allons pouvoir mettre des icônes sur le dashboard de Yunohost maintenant, ;-)
[00:55:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞: benheu ouai idéalement c'est bien de faire tourner sur la CI classique à moins que y'ai une raison vraiment précise de pas passer par la CI classique
[00:55:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> genre ça évite de devoir faire confiance à des CI hébergées par pleins de gens différent
[00:55:18] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <Krakinou> I don't know if it's only that, but I'm sure it happens each time 🙂

I have been battling around with CI those days and what I learned is that you must not be in a hurry. the lock get released like much much later on if only the whole thing is not stuck...i will be willing in a nearby future to run some more tests inVM/VPS to see a bit more in details what is going on...globally it works great when you don't look at it too much and you don't expect any result soon. In fact testing shall be done outside of CI in a reproducible env instead so we don't "look for" or "discover" errors in CI.
[00:55:18] <> > <> genre ça évite de devoir faire confiance à des CI hébergées par pleins de gens différent

Oui je comprend
[00:55:32] <tituspijean> Je voulais regarder ça dans Samurai mais j'ai peur de tout péter
[00:55:32] <tituspijean> Aaaaaah oui c'est vrai je l'avais mis en Action de l'organisation YunoHost-Apps
[00:55:32] <tituspijean> *where* did I put the default yml...
[00:55:32] <tituspijean> 🤞
[00:55:32] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> hooo sorry i read better and matrix discord bridge already do that with the domain value
[00:55:32] <tituspijean> Pas de soucis, prends soin de toi :)
Je laisse la main à oufmilo sur sa branche, et si c'est roule on écrasera tes premiers commits
[00:55:33] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> for a next update matrix discord bridge could automaticaly get users domain value from the synapse config .
[00:55:33] <tituspijean> It will run on the default branch by default. But you can change it temporarily to test it out ;)
[00:55:33] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> #4619 ? soon to be timeout...?
[00:55:33] <tituspijean> > <Krakinou> c'est `base: testing` dans le yml?

Ça ça veut dire que l'action va créer une nouvelle branche à partir de testing.
Par contre l'action prendra toujours le .yml de la branche par défaut pour le cron.
[00:55:33] <tituspijean> Dammit.
[00:55:33] <tituspijean> You need the .yml for the Github Action to run. If you want to test the .sh directly starting it should work, albeit with a bunch of warnings regarding the Github Actions environment
[00:55:33] <tituspijean> It should be a direct copy and paste of the yml.
[00:55:33] <tituspijean> Pas de soucis, prends soin de toi :)
Je laisse la main à oufmilo sur sa branche, et si c'est roule on écraser tes premiers commits
[00:55:34] <Guillaume Bouzige> 🤩
[00:55:34] <Guillaume Bouzige> toml is great ! yes
[00:55:35] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> Bonsoir,
[00:55:35] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> If no logo at least it keeps the colored background and the capital letter
[00:55:35] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> > <> hmmm not sure to understand the benefit of a sprite file, that sounds overly complex for just having a single file to fetch 🤔

👍 more i have only 5 apps on m'y ynh why to load all logos. And and who administrate the logo position in the sprite.
[00:55:35] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> Hooo, i'm so disconected, i'm packaging only what i need when it's broken. I will throw an eye 👁️‍🗨️
[00:55:35] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> If no logo at least it keeps the colored background
[00:55:36] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> > <> 🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞: benheu ouai idéalement c'est bien de faire tourner sur la CI classique à moins que y'ai une raison vraiment précise de pas passer par la CI classique

Ok pas de soucis, c'est juste que parfois ça permet de désencombrer la CI classique.
Je viens de relancer le test sur la CI classique 👍
[00:55:36] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> Mon Yunorunner fonctionne ! 🥳🥳
Est ce que c'est bon si je fais un PR avec le résultat comme ici ->\_ynh/pull/361
Ou alors je dois quand même passer par le votre ->
[00:55:41] <Pierre (plabuse)> Aleks (he/him/il/lui): ce n'est pas faux, dans notre cas le sprite n'est pas judicieux.
[00:55:41] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> Je crois que j'ai enfin réussi a faire fonctionner mon yunorunner haha
Est ce que c'est bon si je fais un PR avec le résultat comme ici ->
Ou alors je dois quand même passer par le votre ->
[00:55:54] <Rosbeef Andino 🐧> hello is it possible to get config values "securely" of a third party package ?
[00:56:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (Est-ce qu'on a fait le truc qu'il faut pour les apps ? Chéplu)
[00:56:06] <nicofrand> Bonjour ! J'aurais éventuellement besoin de créer un script pour l'app Kresus, pour permettre de mettre une dépendance à jour (via pip, dans un virtualenv) et ne souhaite pas créer une màj du paquet à chaque màj de la dépendance. Y'a un truc prévu pour rendre ce script accessible à l'utilisateur (un bouton quelque part ou je ne sais quoi) ?
[00:56:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Hmmm en 11.1 nornalement tu peux faire un bouton dans le config panel
[00:56:07] <axolotle> Yep, something like that should work:

# config_panel.toml
ask = "Click me"
type = "button"
icon = "star"
style = "success"
# scripts/config
run__action_name() {
echo "ACTION!"
[00:56:11] <nicofrand> OK, une bonne raison pour migrer vers le nouveau système alors
[00:56:13] <nicofrand> merci !
[00:56:44] <Tag> Émy - OniriCorpe: all good now
[00:56:44] <Tag> aaaaaa
[00:56:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or look into how to implement proper locking mechanism using files /o\
[00:56:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> zblerg we could probably add some trick like "if there's no analyseCI running in `ps -ef`, delete the lock"
[00:56:47] <Tag> then the CI kill the old container if it's still up when a new job is created
[00:56:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or store the PID in the lock and check that PID is still running
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> there's still this weird CI_package_check script between yunorunner and package_check :|
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or maybe that should be handled by yunorunner
[00:56:48] <Tag> yup
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but still at least one full day of work or two to convert to python
[00:56:48] <Tag> or maybe not that huge ?
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but maybe i shall work on trying to implement the new tests.toml tonight
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah /o\
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well there's also some script in lib/ to auto push the level stuff every friday
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> je sais plus combien on économise par rapport à scaleway mais moi ça me choque pas si YunoHost paye genre chépa 30 ou 50€/mois
[00:56:48] <Tag> Pour l'instant ça va, mais on va mettre en place des mesures sur les équipements de la Mezzanine et on y verra plus clair par rapport à la conso électrique du DC assoc'
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's mainly
[00:56:48] <Tag> I was in a Aquilenet Meeting and
[00:56:48] <Tag> le prix de l'électricité augmente
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> annnnd i realize it's 11pm already
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> anyway
[00:56:48] <Tag> yup, that could need a massive refactor but CI_package_check is huge
[00:56:48] <Tag> xD
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> tiens btw ça se passe comment pour les frais d'hébergement ? on paye un truc ?
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> though the real important thing is only 1-2 lines :D
[00:56:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> someday™
[00:56:48] <Tag> the analyseCI was still running, I have to kill a subprocess(?) and the script ends and release the lock
[00:56:48] <Tag> ah, yep, not that huge
[00:56:49] <Tag> mais oui à première vue passer à 50€ c'est pas déconnant
[00:56:49] <Tag> que pour l'instant je paye totalement du coup
[00:56:49] <Tag> on avait prévu de compter 35€/mois une fois que tout serait à cogent pour "la moitié du serveur" et j'aurais pris l'autre à 35€/mois (1U à Cogent 70€/mois)
[00:56:49] <Tag> et pour l'instant qu'il était à la mezzanine aquilenet m'en demandait 35€/mois
[00:56:49] <Tag> > <> je sais plus combien on économise par rapport à scaleway mais moi ça me choque pas si YunoHost paye genre chépa 30 ou 50€/mois

faut juste qu'on fasse le claire chez aquilenet sur la facture d'élec, parce que pour l'instant elle regroupe la conso du local, des communs de l'immeuble et de l'hébergement ^^
[00:56:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> alrighty
[00:56:49] <Tag> (mais du coup divisé en deux, avec ma part)
[00:56:52] <Émy - OniriCorpe> le CI semble planté
`!!! Another analyseCI process is currently using the lock ./CI-1.lock !!!`
[00:56:53] <Émy - OniriCorpe>

the job is stuck since one hour 😅
[00:57:14] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> > from my own experience last week, by being very very patient I manage to get my tests through the CI...I always get stuck when I try to look at it too much, cancel restart the end just let it roll slowly and you shall get through

For me it's happen if i cancel a job. But if i don't cancel it everything is ok
[00:57:15] <Guillaume Bouzige> for me if I cancel, go for 4h bike ride, come back start the job is ok
[00:57:15] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> i have the same problem if i cancel a job in my CI, i must restart yunorunner.service
[00:57:15] <Guillaume Bouzige> > i have the same problem if i cancel a job in my CI, i must restart yunorunner.service

if you have been able to reproduce the issue, please feel free to update this issue with the details of your tests
[00:57:15] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> > for me if I cancel, go for 4h bike ride, come back start the job is ok

I have not tested waiting before restarting the job
[00:57:15] <Guillaume Bouzige> from my own experience last week, by being very very patient I manage to get my tests through the CI...I always get stuck when I try to look at it too much, cancel restart the end just let it roll slowly and you shall get through
[00:57:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you maybe make a pull request with the appropriate commit change ? :|
[00:57:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmmm my !testme doesnt work ? 🤔🙀
[00:57:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> zblerg
[00:57:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's supposed to be handled by ci-apps-dev yunorunner tho
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> again that would maybe remove some ambiguity
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i mean you'd usually go to e.g., scroll down, use that archive
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> like, one implicit advantage of using `app.src` with a link to an archive (+hash) is that usually the archive tends to easily correspond to an explicit release from dev folks, which is clearer than a random commit where it's always a bit fuzzy
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> alternatively, maybe using the tag ref (so in that case directly 2022.12) instead of the commit hash could work too
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (though the issue with tag ref is if the dev changes what commit is pointed by the ref ... but that's another story)
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yup probably
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but idk maybe there's a good reason
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmnah !testme isnt supposed to care about that
[00:57:44] <tituspijean> it's with the `-b` flag
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i'm not sure why this packages fetches sources from git though
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmm could be the webhook system being down ?
[00:57:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> blerg anyway, gotta go for groceries..
[00:57:45] <tituspijean> > <> hmmm could be the webhook system being down ?

I noticed it not responding from time to time. In the webhooks logs on Github, its answers with a 500 error in those instances.
[00:57:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> okay
[00:57:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> eh D:
[00:57:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> could be worth having a look at the yunorunner logs when this happens, maybe there's some clue about why/where it crashes exactly
[00:57:47] <Tio> let me see
[00:57:47] <Tio> I think the Friendica package is again wrongly updated to a dev version
[00:57:47] <Tio> because of wrong commit versions that were added to the ynh package
[00:57:47] <Tio> if this is the case, it is the second time this is happening thus making it impossible for us to update to the latest friendica stable, and we were unable for the past months because of the same error. Second, the ones that have already updated wont be able to go back to stable since that will break their install
[00:57:47] <Tio> so it is something that should be addressed very fast so that not many are updating their friendica versions
[00:57:47] <Tio> if anyone can please check I left a comment on the commit page
[00:57:48] <Tio> i guess that's all that has to be changed
[00:57:48] <Tio> as it was before
[00:57:48] <Tio> can you please confirm that it is ok to get the hashes from here ? i grabbed the latest commit - that's how i think you guys are doing it
[00:57:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah idk shit happens, sometimes network becomes unreachable for some reason, this can happens for a shitload of reason
[00:57:48] <Tio> once we fix this I can make sure this will go well with proper commit hashes
[00:57:48] <Tio> maybe because the version of friendica is the same for the ynh package?
[00:57:48] <Tio> i can commit to that from now on
[00:57:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> zblerg
[00:57:48] <Tio> I think we changed it like that since a year or so ago it was an issue with updating it
[00:57:48] <Tio> or you are trying to install as new
[00:57:48] <Tio> and btw I'd like to also test these on my server but without making a backup first since that will take ages and I have external backups. however i do not know how to trigger an update without backups `sudo NO_BACKUP_UPGRADE=1 yunohost app upgrade appname --force` used to work but seems not to anymore
[00:57:48] <Tio> created bu since am not familiar with github i could only change 1 file
[00:57:48] <Tio> see
[00:57:48] <Tio> sure, but since friendica rarely releases stable versions the one thing we have to pay attention is the proper commit hash
[00:57:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> anything special happened on your CI server while this happened ?
[00:57:48] <Tio> ah i remember something about that thanks
[00:57:48] <Tio> worked thanks
[00:57:49] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> same errors when i retry, i'm gonna to search and i'm back to you if i find a solution
[00:57:49] <Tio> we just need to fix this one 😄
[00:57:49] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> 54966 INFO DEBUG - ++ wget --tries 3 --no-dns-cache --timeout 900 --no-verbose --output-document=/var/cache/yunohost/download/bookwyrm/app.tar.gz
54966 INFO DEBUG - + out='failed: Network is unreachable.'
54966 INFO DEBUG - + ynh_die '--message=failed: Network is unreachable.'
[00:57:49] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> nothing happened to my knowledge, after I really tweak I never package an application. I launch for the first time
[00:57:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> then idk, naively just retry and see if that works or reproduce the same error
[00:57:49] <Tio> but should work just fine if we add the proper commits
[00:57:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> could it be that you're in IPv6 only maybe
[00:57:49] <Tio> I can do a pull request with proper hashes every time friendica releases a stable. So from now on things should be fine if that's all is needed.
[00:57:49] <Tio> I rely on Friendica so I want to make sure all works
[00:57:50] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> someone already got this error message ?
[00:57:50] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> Complete log:
[00:57:50] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @jedie commented on issue #107 Github action "YunoHost apps package linter" is failing: Yes, see it also: Bugfix: J...
[00:57:50] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @alexAubin closed issue #107: Github action "YunoHost apps package linter" is failing
[00:57:51] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @jedie commented on issue #107 Github action "YunoHost apps package linter" is failing: Yes, see it also: Bugfix: J...
[00:57:51] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @alexAubin commented on issue #107 Github action "YunoHost apps package linter" is failing: Somewhat fixed in
[00:57:53] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to master: Lazyload toml only when its actually needed to simplify boring dependencies issues
[00:57:54] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> > <> could it be that you're in IPv6 only maybe

my server is connected in ipv4 and ipv6
[00:57:54] <🅞🅤🅕🅜🅘🅛🅞> anyone available to merge this? -->
[01:13:45] <tituspijean> The only useful thing to tune in there is the cron frequency.
[01:13:51] <tituspijean> En parlant d'IP, quelqu'un récemment se plaignait que le forum ou la doc shaiplu n'était pas accessible en IPv6
[01:13:51] <> hello is it possible to get config values of a third party package ?
[01:13:51] <tituspijean> Look into flarum_ynh
[01:13:51] <tituspijean> In YunoHost/example_ynh for instance
[01:13:52] <tituspijean> Best course would be :
1. Locally with `bash .github/workflows/`
2. If satisfied with the result upload both .sh and .yml to the repo and try to run the action manually
[01:13:52] <tituspijean> then cancel and restart, and report here if the issue persists
[01:13:52] <tituspijean> Ah sorry xD
[01:13:55] <tituspijean> (Et peut-être pour les déclenchements manuels aussi, j'avoue ne plus savoir)
[01:13:59] <> how to ?
[12:16:47] <Tio> so I see the tests for the friendica pull request are failing....
[12:16:57] <Tio> it is a ynh issue or an issue with the pull request? i do not see any details just that it is failing
[12:36:47] <tituspijean> Tio: there was yet again a timeout error, so the summary was not generated. If you click on the badge it brings you to the CI.
[12:37:17] <tituspijean> I've restarted the test.
[12:39:12] <Tio> 👍️
[12:39:46] <Tio> thanks
[14:09:56] <Tio> seems like the test is going very well 🙂
[14:21:46] <gredin67> does it make sense to activate the Brute-force settings App in nextcloud on YunoHost ? or the server is enough protected thanks to fail2ban&all?
[14:21:47] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [my_webapp_ynh] @Jaxom99 opened issue #99: Lost PHP-FRP settings when changing the app URL
[17:43:36] <> > <> then idk, naively just retry and see if that works or reproduce the same error

hello ! how are you ? i've just restart my server and it's work !
[17:46:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cool 👍️