Thursday, February 09, 2023
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[00:09:40] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [my_webapp_ynh] @mave-git [commented]( on [issue #110]( PHP-App cant create subdirs and read own, created files: the origin problem changed: Found the "issue" in case of my system WBCE: my_webapp blocks hidden fiels and folders. I found this in the app-nginx co...
[02:25:10] <p4p4j0hn> Aleks or Eric do you have any input on
[08:16:25] <florent> When you have time, could you take a look at the failure of the CI?
[08:16:51] <florent> These are connection (or SSL handshake?) errors
[11:39:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar merged [pull request #555]( Testing
[11:39:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 14 commits to master ([a3ef6ef7612d...25174de8c097](
[11:39:16] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/master] Update manifest.json - Éric Gaspar
[11:39:20] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/master] Auto-update README - yunohost-bot
[11:39:28] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/master] Merge pull request #555 from YunoHost-Apps/testing Testing - Éric Gaspar
[11:40:28] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 2 commits to testing ([5ae34e0d6378...25174de8c097](
[11:40:43] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] Merge pull request #532 from YunoHost-Apps/testing - Éric Gaspar
[11:40:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] Merge pull request #555 from YunoHost-Apps/testing Testing - Éric Gaspar
[12:00:18] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @Thatoo [commented]( on [issue #317]( Keeweb doesnt work: I wonder if something like that could work location ^~ / { location ~ ^/(?apps\/keeweb) { include conf.d...
[12:27:38] <eric_G> or is it `$db_user` ?
[12:28:18] <eric_G> Aleks (he/him/il/lui): I have an issue in the package v2 [multi\_install script]( where the variable `app` in `$db_name=app` is being replaced in the multi\_install by `app__2` which leads to a database access denied.
[13:03:25] <Guillaume Bouzige> hello,

is there any helper that let you detect a character in a string ?

like if I am packaging an app that need a extra domain (like we call it sandbox domain) and I need to detect if the domain used to install the app is already a main domain like or a sub-domain like
[13:21:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> Aleks (he/him/il/lui): I have an issue in the package v2 [multi\_install script]( where the variable `app` in `$db_name=app` is being replaced in the multi\_install by `app__2` which leads to a database access denied.

eeeeeh, not sure I understsand 🤔
[13:22:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you mean `_` is not a valid char for the dbname ?
[13:22:02] <Gcco> > hello,
> is there any helper that let you detect a character in a string ?
> like if I am packaging an app that need a extra domain (like we call it sandbox domain) and I need to detect if the domain used to install the app is already a main domain like or a sub-domain like

In bash you can check this kind of things
[13:22:19] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> In bash you can check this kind of things

yep I ended up that way...
[13:22:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `grep` ? 🤔
[13:22:55] <Gcco> > <> In bash you can check this kind of things
[13:23:50] <Guillaume Bouzige> how to we declare issues in yunohost core ?
[13:24:27] <Guillaume Bouzige> I mean I am still having the problem with ssowat when trying to add a sandbox domain to cryptpad...
[13:25:22] <Guillaume Bouzige> this `ynh_permission_url --permission="main" --add_url=$sandboxdomain --auth_header=true` shall be working but it happen to add and extra slash in conf.json...
[13:27:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[13:27:46] <Guillaume Bouzige> yep
[13:28:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `--add_url` is mean for "sub-uris", like e.g. `/admin` relative to `domain.tld/app`
[13:28:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> a perm for another domain is uuugh
[13:28:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> maybe using a regex it can work
[13:28:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so `--add_url=re:$sandboxdomain`
[13:29:15] <Guillaume Bouzige> aaahhh that is why
[13:29:26] <Guillaume Bouzige> so it is not a bug but a feature
[13:30:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it is .... not the nominal use-case ;P
[13:32:25] <eric_G> error in `[Test 5/9] Multi-instance installations` gives me the impression that the database has not been recreated...
[13:34:25] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> so `--add_url=re:$sandboxdomain`

is that it ?
[13:35:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I think, but not 100% sure
[13:35:12] <Guillaume Bouzige> ok I try it then
[13:35:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah actually `--add_url:domain.tld` should work too ...
[13:35:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[13:36:15] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> what exactly did you mean by « it happen to add and extra slash in conf.json » 😐️
[13:38:36] <Guillaume Bouzige> in the conf.json part of the cryptpad app, there is two domain declared correctly but the second one have an extra trailing slash
[13:38:37] <Guillaume Bouzige> (I will be doing another test-install in a few minutes I could show you exactly)
[13:38:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> please show the actual code ...
[13:43:54] <tituspijean> I guess it's this:
[13:43:54] <Guillaume Bouzige> i am testing with your regexp now see how it goes
[13:47:09] <Guillaume Bouzige> (if anyone is really motivated to give it a closer look, I can give access to my testing-VPS for the time being...)
[13:47:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> error in `[Test 5/9] Multi-instance installations` gives me the impression that the database has not been recreated...

zblerg yeah it definitely sounds like an issue with multiinstance setup but i can't find any obvious mistake in the code x_x
[13:55:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I don't have much time to debug the issue ... to debug I would suggest install the app two times (the second time with --no-remove-on-failure) and see what DB exists and if opening a shell with the corresponding db_name / db_user / db_pwd works
[13:55:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and also double-checking the content of .env after the (failed) install
[14:24:18] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @Thatoo [commented]( on [issue #317]( Keeweb doesnt work: I wonder if something like that could work location ~ ^/(?apps\/keeweb) { include conf.d/yunohost_panel....
[14:32:35] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> maybe using a regex it can work

`Info: WARNING - You can't use a regex for domain, only for path`
[14:32:49] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> uuuuugh
[14:33:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well try without the regex then .. and let's look at the initial issue about the "trailing slash" you are mentionning ...
[14:33:27] <Guillaume Bouzige> yep
[15:02:31] <Guillaume Bouzige> you want the full conf.json or just the cryptpad part ?
[15:03:11] <Guillaume Bouzige> is there a `yunopaste` way of sharing my conf.json or I need to clean and paste it here by hand
[15:03:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> just the cryptpad snippet
[15:03:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's probably better to clean/anonymize by hand and paste it
[15:03:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> if it's only 10 lines it's okay to paste it here inside a code block (```)
[15:04:31] <Guillaume Bouzige> ```
"cryptpad.main": {
"auth_header": true,
"label": "CryptPad",
"public": true,
"show_tile": true,
"uris": [
"use_remote_user_var_in_nginx_conf": false,
"users": [
[15:09:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmkay
[15:10:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and so what kind of buggy situation does this trigger exactly ?
[15:10:30] <Guillaume Bouzige> no acces to sandbox domain, rejected by ssowat
[15:10:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> clearly I think there's bug with these trailing slash thingy (and we can see that there's clearly something inconsistent between the main URL which has no trailing slash and the additional URL which does have a trailing slash)
[15:11:31] <Guillaume Bouzige> yeah when I take off the trailing slash it works great
[15:11:55] <Guillaume Bouzige> I have tryed in the past to look for that bug but my knowledge of core yunohost is still very limited
[15:14:11] <Guillaume Bouzige> one app = multiple domains
[15:19:43] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @Thatoo [commented]( on [issue #317]( Keeweb doesnt work: I wonder if something like that could work location ~ ^/(?apps\/keeweb) { include conf.d/yunohost_panel....
[15:21:05] <Guillaume Bouzige> I have another question (more easy), in nginx.conf of an app there is `__DOMAIN__` variable, how can I create one ? I need to get the value of a variable from the install script for instance.
[15:23:05] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @Thatoo [commented]( on [issue #317]( Keeweb doesnt work: I wonder if something like that could work location ~ ^/(?apps\/keeweb) { include conf.d/yunohost_panel....
[15:27:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > I have another question (more easy), in nginx.conf of an app there is `__DOMAIN__` variable, how can I create one ? I need to get the value of a variable from the install script for instance.

create a what ?
[15:27:27] <Guillaume Bouzige> a variable that I can access in nginx conf
[15:27:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you can use any `__FOOBAR__` you like as long as variable `$foobar` exists when you're calling `ynh_add_nginx_conf`, `ynh_add_config`, etc
[15:28:00] <Guillaume Bouzige> oah yeah, that it is. ok
[15:28:04] <Guillaume Bouzige> simple
[15:28:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 😉
[15:28:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> At least something simple in Yunohost packaging 😝
[15:28:47] <ljf> I am trying to package searxng with v2 format and i don't understand why the default order to create system config has been changed. I guess there is good reason.
[15:29:05] <ljf> Are there production package into v2 format ?
[15:29:18] <ljf> (on which i could learn)
[15:29:24] <Guillaume Bouzige> I heard there is snappymail and 20euros
[15:29:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> I am trying to package searxng with v2 format and i don't understand why the default order to create system config has been changed. I guess there is good reason.

you mean like having the php conf before the nginx conf ?
[15:32:02] <ljf> like "yunohost service add" before the service is able to run
[15:32:19] *ljf need to go (i come back in 2 hours) sorry
[15:41:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmmyeah idk it's still up to debate
[15:42:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> imho `yunohost service add` should be part of the `ynh_systemd_add_config` so that's why i moved it close to each other
[15:46:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i'm looking into it, sorry, jumping between 10 different topics @_@
[15:46:14] <Guillaume Bouzige> > <> clearly I think there's bug with these trailing slash thingy (and we can see that there's clearly something inconsistent between the main URL which has no trailing slash and the additional URL which does have a trailing slash)

is I shall create an issue about it or not
[15:46:23] <Guillaume Bouzige> no probs, sorry if I am being pushy
[15:47:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> nah dont worry it's an important bug to fix, some other packaging folk was getting crazy because of this bug (among other bugs 😅)
[15:47:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Tout plaquer et demander un remix "Laissez-moi coder" à jcfrog
[15:53:26] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to testing: bump opcache.interned_strings_buffer to 32 ([1a1d5e66](
[15:53:48] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar opened [pull request #558]( bump opcache.interned_strings_buffer to 32
[15:54:15] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar edited [pull request #558]( testing
[15:54:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar edited [pull request #558]( testing
[15:56:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @OniriCorpe [commented]( on [issue #535]( opcache.interned_strings_buffer higher 8: > @zamentur you might 32bits ? a server with 32GB of RAM i guess
[16:02:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > ```
> "cryptpad.main": {
> "auth_header": true,
> "label": "CryptPad",
> "public": true,
> "show_tile": true,
> "uris": [
> "",
> ""
> ],
> "use_remote_user_var_in_nginx_conf": false,
> "users": [
> "john"
> ]
> }
> ```

i'm watching the code and the biggest mystery is "how the hell does the main url end up with no trailing slash"
[16:03:36] <Guillaume Bouzige> ahaha and yet you are a regexp expert...
[16:03:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> uuuh yeah there's no relation with regex haha
[16:03:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's just kinda spagetthi code
[16:05:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah i think i found it
[16:07:24] <Guillaume Bouzige> that would be awesome
[16:23:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to master: Missing "state" key for matrix-appservice-irc ... Adding "inprogress" because i dont know what was the intent ([3217c2a2](
[16:30:20] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to master: ci: add a check that a state key does exist for every app in the catalog ([147e3760](
[16:35:15] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> MFW I open ci-apps-dev since I updated it T_T
[16:42:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sooo in the menu today we have apps randomly crashing in the middle of install/whatever with return code 137
[16:42:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> annnnd random network failure despite that we check the network to be up before actually starting tests >_>
[16:45:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and return code 137 is supposedly because using too much memory but we have plenty of RAM and CPU and `limits.memory` is set to 80% on the LXC ...
[16:46:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> halp.jpg
[16:47:13] <yunohelper> Hello! It looks like you are asking for help. Have you tried refactoring?
[16:49:51] *Aleks (he/him/il/lui) opens up LXD's upstream code
[16:51:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well good news is, ci-apps "official" seems to work pretty well ?
[17:45:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> btw folks Harissa is fixed / available now ... I'm thinking "would moving to another server help ci-apps-dev" but Harissa is like 8 GB RAM instead of the 64 GB of ci-apps-dev soooo meh
[17:47:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I'm lost on how to get a stable ci-apps-dev again, there's like 2 or 3 different mystic random issues making everything explode
[17:47:21] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> except random reinstall
[18:50:22] <yalh76> > <> I'm lost on how to get a stable ci-apps-dev again, there's like 2 or 3 different mystic random issues making everything explode

quick way to make it stable => `WORKER_COUNT = 1` in `/var/www/yunorunner/`
maybe we should test that during one week to see if it can be stable
[18:52:42] <yalh76> > <> btw folks Harissa is fixed / available now ... I'm thinking "would moving to another server help ci-apps-dev" but Harissa is like 8 GB RAM instead of the 64 GB of ci-apps-dev soooo meh

I tryed to connect using root / admin / yunohost username => `Server refused our key`
[19:17:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Ah yes sorry forgot to mention the ip changed haha
[19:17:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[19:17:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Had no time to update the dns yet
[19:29:00] <yalh76> > <>

connected as root ^^
[19:32:16] <yalh76> > <> Had no time to update the dns yet

[19:44:21] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Cheers <3
[20:02:16] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [CI_package_check] @yalh76 pushed 1 commit to adaptation: Fix for package_check refactoring ([8d8a79aa](
[20:02:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [CI_package_check] @yalh76 created new branch adaptation
[20:02:32] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @siwinter forked example_ynh to [siwinter/myApps_ynh](
[20:08:14] <mh4ckt3mh4ckt1c4s> Hi ljf , thanks for creating the Searxng repo within YNH ! I'm still struggling to make it work correctly, but I'm still on it.
[20:15:48] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar approved [pull request #549]( nginx.conf: support PATCH method
[20:19:15] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 6 commits to testing ([1a1d5e66d80f...1987d35803bb](
[20:19:22] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar merged [pull request #542]( changing the time between cron runs to the recommended value of 5 min
[20:19:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] Merge branch cron of into pr/542 - Éric Gaspar
[20:19:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] Merge branch testing into pr/542 - Éric Gaspar
[20:19:25] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] Merge pull request #542 from OniriCorpe/cron changing the time between cron runs to the recommended value of 5 min - Éric Gaspar
[20:19:26] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot [commented]( on [issue #558]( testing: :sunflower:
[[Test Badge](](https://ci.p...
[20:19:26] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar [commented]( on [issue #558]( testing: testme
[20:19:28] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot [commented]( on [issue #558]( testing: :carousel_horse:
[[Test Badge](
[20:21:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar edited [pull request #558]( testing
[20:22:11] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 2 commits to testing ([1987d35803bb...0293b1973285](
[20:22:15] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] Update manifest.json - Éric Gaspar
[20:22:18] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot pushed 1 commit to testing: Auto-update README ([1e105e2e](
[20:22:18] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] Merge branch testing of into testing - Éric Gaspar
[20:23:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar edited [pull request #558]( testing
[20:23:21] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar merged [pull request #549]( nginx.conf: support PATCH method
[20:23:23] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] Merge branch PATCH-verb of into pr/549 - Éric Gaspar
[20:23:23] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 6 commits to testing ([1e105e2e47b7...c0078dbcdcf8](
[20:23:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] Merge branch testing into pr/549 - Éric Gaspar
[20:23:28] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] Merge pull request #549 from MayeulC/PATCH-verb nginx.conf: support PATCH method - Éric Gaspar
[20:24:00] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar edited [pull request #558]( testing
[20:30:14] <eric_G>
[21:32:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [CI_package_check] @alexAubin closed [issue #47]( Job is lock not released
[21:32:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [CI_package_check] @alexAubin [commented]( on [issue #47]( Job is lock not released: (Closing because CI_package_check is now deprecated, merged in yunorunner directly and the lock thing got refactored)
[21:54:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmpf we're still getting random kills in despite running with a single worker T_T
[21:56:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah but 3 lxc are still running
[22:04:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> okay, cleaned stuff up, also disable a few useless services in case that matters
[22:14:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> aaaand same shit still happening
[22:15:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> digging the daemon.log, found this:

Feb 9 23:08:24 ci-apps-dev lxd[2068246]: time="2023-02-09T23:08:24+01:00" level=warning msg="Failed getting exec control websocket reader, killing command" PID=2096599 err="read unix /var/lib/lxd/unix.socket->@: read: connection reset by peer" instance=ynh-appci-bullseye-amd64-stable-test-3 interactive=true project=default
Feb 9 23:08:24 ci-apps-dev lxd[2068246]: time="2023-02-09T23:08:24+01:00" level=warning msg="Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event: exiting"
[22:17:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> fuck this shit let's try a random reboot ...
[22:30:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sooo starting to think this could be a kernel regression maybe
[22:31:09] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> though it's curious all this started to happen after updating yunorunner
[22:32:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmyeah the kernel wasnt really upgraded recently in fact
[22:33:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah maybe january 24 ?
[23:05:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i'm trying to switch from the btrfs pool to the dir pool ...