Friday, February 23, 2024
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[00:07:37] <m606> here is the related nginx config:
#sub_path_only rewrite ^__PATH__$ __PATH__/ permanent;
location __PATH__/ {

# Path to source
alias __INSTALL_DIR__/;

index __INDEX_PAGE__;

# Include SSOWAT user panel.
include conf.d/;
[00:09:06] <m606> line 2 should now be something `^ (location ^__PATH__)` ?
[00:19:25] <m606> I see the linter warning is is related to commits of the last days, probably example_ynh has not been updated as my config above follows the latter's ``
[00:32:33] <m606> I see the linter warning is is related to commits of the last days, probably [example_ynh]( has not been updated as my config above follows the latter's
[00:33:47] <m606> hey, new linter warning `When using regexp in the nginx location field (location ~ __PATH__), start the path with ^ (location ~ ^__PATH__)` not sure to get what is requirerd
[00:34:22] <Carlos Solís> Anyone here planning to start packaging the self-hosted version of BlueSky?
[00:34:55] <Carlos Solís> Things are still very beta, but it would be nice to start thinking about how to start the builds
[00:36:35] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> Anyone here planning to start packaging the self-hosted version of BlueSky?

i think not
[00:36:51] <Carlos Solís> > <> Here's another batch of apps that I won't be maintaining, feel free to take over maintenance.
> backdrop\_ynh
> chitchatter\_ynh
> converse\_ynh
> coturn\_ynh
> droppy\_ynh
> element-call\_ynh
> eleventy\_ynh
> filepizza\_ynh
> gamja\_ynh
> gossa\_ynh
> hat\_ynh
> ifm\_ynh
> hydrogen\_ynh
> kiwiirc\_ynh
> mstream\_ynh
> plainpad\_ynh
> pairdrop\_ynh
> pico\_ynh
> processwire\_ynh
> readarr\_ynh
> rsshub\_ynh
> rustdesk-server\_ynh
> simple-file-manager\_ynh
> traccar\_ynh
> traggo\_ynh
> transfersh\_ynh
> tube\_ynh
> uptime-kuma\_ynh
> vikunja\_ynh
> wondercms\_ynh
> xbackbone\_ynh
> yellow\_ynh
> zipline\_ynh
> tiki\_ynh

Rustdesk in general still needs a lot of love. We still don't even have the web client packaged anyways. Maintainers are welcome and otherwise I might dabble on it
[00:39:39] <Carlos Solís> > <> i think not

Well now I have a weekend project for the next few months, looks like. Hopefully we don't depend on anything too new regarding dependencies
[00:42:56] <Émy - OniriCorpe> good luck with the weird docker config, tho x)
[00:45:55] <Carlos Solís> > <> good luck with the weird docker config, tho x)

Been dealing with Docker images for Lemmy and Kbin... with little success. That's another one to my list of attempts
[00:51:20] <Émy - OniriCorpe> maybe we should discuss if ynh as the project want to provide a package of a software which is well documented as fascistic and generally anti-minority
[00:51:52] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @oleole39 [comment]( on commit 377f425: @kay0u @Salamandar @Tagadda @OniriCorpe Hello, I have an app which get that warning/info now, but I dont really get what I am supposed to do as my config follow the one of example_ynh app. Could you please update the latter as per the linters new expectations?
[01:05:29] <m606> > <> maybe we should discuss if ynh as the project want to provide a package of a software which is well documented as fascistic and generally anti-minority

Dunno if this is a reason not to provide a package especially if someone is willing to work on it, but this feed may be of interest to you both (part I found interesting is that they believe Bluesky, due to its management, will eventually end in some VC's hands and won't hold its openness "promises" that long - of course nobody can say for sure)
[01:10:21] <Carlos Solís> > <> maybe we should discuss if ynh as the project want to provide a package of a software which is well documented as fascistic and generally anti-minority

Guess I'll need to find those documents just in case. I wonder if the issue is similar to the status of Pleroma, Lemmy and others (developed originally by questionable people, some of them forked as a result)
[01:14:32] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> Dunno if this is a reason not to provide a package especially if someone is willing to work on it, but this feed may be of interest to you both (part I found interesting is that they believe Bluesky, due to its management, will eventually end in some VC's hands and won't hold its openness "promises" that long - of course nobody can say for sure)

yeah masto is not perfect, far from it, but it has moderation and we're dealing that collectivelly, while bluesky is a joke for that 🙃
[01:23:12] <m606> > <> yeah masto is not perfect, far from it, but it has moderation and we're dealing that collectivelly, while bluesky is a joke for that 🙃

i personally have no opinion on the subject, I know too little Mastodon, and not at all Bluesky )
[01:24:13] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > Dunno if this is a reason not to provide a package especially if someone is willing to work on it

yunohost has an editorial line, of course anyone can do a package, but it _may_ be not accepted in the official catalog
i can't and I don't want to talk for all of the ynh team, i'm just saying that the discussion would be relevant, that's all
[02:10:36] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App lionwiki-t2t rises from level 6 to 8 in job [#23837]( !
[03:18:30] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App pmwiki failed all tests in job [#23842]( :(
[03:46:17] <limezy> I understand the discussion about "questionable licenses" from the open source point of view, and some (maybe cleaving) decisions in this regard about what to add to the catalog or not. However, translating that discussion about "questionable software", or even worse "software developped by questionable people" is a very subjective and slippery slope
[05:05:54] <Émy - OniriCorpe> as all political subjets, it's subjective yes (there is no such thing as a consensus in politics, not even a hegemonic idea)
but i really don't think criticise software or make a conscious editorial line choice is a "slippery slope"
or rather, I find it no more or less "subjective" or "slippery" than the subject of licences

recently i changed the license of one of my package to a non-free one, i submitted the idea to the other people of the ynh team, and the answer was that it was totally fine
but if the team had been different, they could well have answered the opposite

maybe you think a ynh package should be free, but my personnal opinion is different and circumstances have allowed me to act accordingly

that's why I think the question of software criticism in ynh is relevant and that's why we're talking about it right now

I would add that one of the principles at the heart of the ynh project is to be a modest counterweight to GAFAM and surveillance capitalism
and in this sense I have no confidence in bluesky and its founder (and the associated venture capitalists)

it's one thing to package a frontend for such a capitalistic surveillance service (such as youtube, reddit, twitter, etc), but it's quite one to another provide a ready-to-use tool to our users to be part of it directly
[05:11:14] <Émy - OniriCorpe> as all political subjets, it's subjective yes (there is no such thing as a consensus in politics, not even a hegemonic idea)
but i really don't think criticise software or make a conscious editorial line choice is a "slippery slope"
or rather, I find it no more or less "subjective" or "slippery" than the subject of licences

recently i changed the license of one of my package to [a non-free one](, i submitted the idea to the other people of the ynh team, and the answer was that it was totally fine
but if the team had been different, they could well have answered the opposite

maybe you think a ynh package should be free, but my personnal opinion is different and circumstances have allowed me to act accordingly

that's why I think the question of software criticism in ynh is relevant and that's why we're talking about it right now

I would add that one of the principles at the heart of the ynh project is to be a modest counterweight to GAFAM and surveillance capitalism
and in this sense I have no confidence in bluesky and its founder (and the associated venture capitalists)

it's one thing to package a frontend for such a capitalistic surveillance service (such as youtube, reddit, twitter, etc), but it's quite one to another provide a ready-to-use tool to our users to be part of it directly
[05:11:47] <Émy - OniriCorpe> as all political subjets, it's subjective yes (there is no such thing as a consensus in politics, not even a hegemonic idea)
but i really don't think criticise software or make a conscious editorial line choice is a "slippery slope"
or rather, I find it no more or less "subjective" or "slippery" than the subject of licences

recently i changed the license of one of my package to [a non-free one](, i submitted the idea to the other people of the ynh team, and the answer was that it's totally fine
but if the team had been different, they could well have answered the opposite

maybe you think a ynh package should be free, but my personnal opinion is different and circumstances have allowed me to act accordingly

that's why I think the question of software criticism in ynh is relevant and that's why we're talking about it right now

I would add that one of the principles at the heart of the ynh project is to be a modest counterweight to GAFAM and surveillance capitalism
and in this sense I have no confidence in bluesky and its founder (and the associated venture capitalists)

it's one thing to package a frontend for such a capitalistic surveillance service (such as youtube, reddit, twitter, etc), but it's quite one to another provide a ready-to-use tool to our users to be part of it directly
[05:15:47] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App scrutiny goes down from level 8 to 6 in job [#23848](
[05:28:06] <limezy> > maybe you think a ynh package should be free, but my personnal opinion is different and circumstances have allowed me to act accordingly

I was talking about the official catalog, not about one package or another
[05:29:47] <limezy> Yunohost is built in such a way that if you remove an app from the official catalog, you immediately affect its discoverability. It doesn't prevent anybody to use it still, but introduce some annoyances such as no automatic updates, no possibility for the packager to use the CI etc...
[05:40:50] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> > maybe you think a ynh package should be free, but my personnal opinion is different and circumstances have allowed me to act accordingly
> I was talking about the official catalog, not about one package or another

I was just extending my thought over the rest of the ynh provided ressources, because it’s linked and relevant
[05:42:45] <Émy - OniriCorpe> If I remember well, we already can add a catalog source, even if there is no interface for that
For the CI, if the project refuses to host a package in the official catalog, for whatever reasons, why we should still have to provide our internal CI ressources for it? That makes no sense
[08:12:25] <lapineige> > <> maybe we should discuss if ynh as the project want to provide a package of a software which is well documented as fascistic and generally anti-minority

And basically anti-everything that Yunohost want to promote and allow. Bluesky is a trap with a false openess where the only the only thing that's decentralized is the cost to run the network, but by design the protocol is made in such a way that the social connexions are centralised in the biggest node, which is venture capitalism-owned and will end as all of the rest. This software is harmful to the fediverse, not an opportunity.
[08:14:02] <lapineige> You don't even have to talk about "questionnable people" or even licence behind the software. It is by design harmful to the project. 🚯
[09:22:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot pushed 1 commit to add-to-wishlist-mautrix-meta: Add mautrix-meta to wishlist ([8cc5dbb7](
[09:22:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot created new branch add-to-wishlist-mautrix-meta
[09:22:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot opened [pull request #2049]( Add mautrix-meta to wishlist
[10:14:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App cjdns failed all tests in job [#23858]( :(
[11:43:10] <limezy> > And basically anti-everything that Yunohost want to promote and allow. Bluesky is a trap with a false openess where the only the only thing that's decentralized is the cost to run the network, but by design the protocol is made in such a way that the social connexions are centralised in the biggest node, which is venture capitalism-owned and will end as all of the rest. This software is harmful to the fediverse, not an opportunity.

"And basically anti-everything that Yunohost want to promote and allow" -> by curiosity, is there somewhere that "editorial line" talked about above or "what Yunohost want to promote and allow" is documented ? I have tried but couldn't really find other things than this ;
[12:01:37] <limezy> C'est un vieux débat, je retrouve ce post que j'avais fait il y a maintenant plus de 4 ans !
[12:02:56] <limezy> Mais le débat de l'époque était centré sur la question libre / non-libre etc... Au delà de ce débat, cela me semble franchement complexe d'intégrer des notions sur "ce que font" les logiciels ou "qui les code" pour savoir si une app peut faire partie du catalogue ou pas
[13:04:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> regarding the free vs non-free policy, cf
[13:07:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> regarding having an editorial line, people are quick to draw the "it's a slippery slope" argument but honestly it's not, plenty of projects or medias or whatever have editorial lines. Right now I don't think it's clearly stated anywhere, but de-facto I think people in the project are not huge fans of crypto-capitalism, apps designed to track people, or treat people as object (cf some months ago 'stash' which apparently is designed to 'organize tinder dates' or some shit like this), etc. In any case it's not a huge deal to establish a rule such as "any regular contributor can start a vote with other regular contributors on wether or not to include this app in the official catalog"
[14:26:41] <Thomas> Is the latest version of selfhostable?
I mean, could we package it for Yunohost to update other domains than the ones from Yunohost?
[14:27:17] <Thomas> Oh I see the old
[14:33:28] <tituspijean> Thomas be like: *I'll start my own YunoHost, with crypto, creepy tinder rolodex, and non-free apps!*
[14:34:18] <tituspijean> > <> Oh I see the old

There is no technical reason not to be able to update it, but I think the dynette URL is hardcoded somewhere in YunoHost
[14:40:05] <tituspijean> > 'stash' which apparently is designed to 'organize tinder dates'

nah, stash is a plex or jellyfin-like software to manage... erm... a special kind of videos.
The creepy dates manager was called something else, but who really wants to know? 😆
[14:45:13] <tituspijean> > <> There is no technical reason not to be able to update it, but I think the dynette URL is hardcoded somewhere in YunoHost here for the dyndns address and DNS servers there for the supported domains
[14:45:47] <tituspijean> "hardcoded" is a bit of a strong word, you'd simply need to tweak the .py files.
[14:52:16] <limezy> > <> regarding the free vs non-free policy, cf

Thanks, I never had seen that part of the website
[15:15:02] <Thomas> > <> Thomas be like: *I'll start my own YunoHost, with crypto, creepy tinder rolodex, and non-free apps!*

[15:15:47] <Thomas> > <> "hardcoded" is a bit of a strong word, you'd simply need to tweak the .py files.

Nice thanks! I will try when I find some times
[15:16:24] <PapaDragon> > Here's another batch of apps that I won't be maintaining, feel free to take over maintenance.
> backdrop\_ynh
> chitchatter\_ynh
> converse\_ynh
> coturn\_ynh
> droppy\_ynh
> element-call\_ynh
> eleventy\_ynh
> filepizza\_ynh
> gamja\_ynh
> gossa\_ynh
> hat\_ynh
> ifm\_ynh
> hydrogen\_ynh
> kiwiirc\_ynh
> mstream\_ynh
> plainpad\_ynh
> pairdrop\_ynh
> pico\_ynh
> processwire\_ynh
> readarr\_ynh
> rsshub\_ynh
> rustdesk-server\_ynh
> simple-file-manager\_ynh
> traccar\_ynh
> traggo\_ynh
> transfersh\_ynh
> tube\_ynh
> uptime-kuma\_ynh
> vikunja\_ynh
> wondercms\_ynh
> xbackbone\_ynh
> yellow\_ynh
> zipline\_ynh
> tiki\_ynh
I'll be happy to help. First I need to check which packages I have the skills for. I will keep you posted.
[15:17:04] <Thomas> Is there the possibility to unarchieve a Github repo or do I have to find another name like ``dynette_v2_ynh`` ?
[15:49:28] <ChriChri> Is there a way to enable more debugging output when calling `yunohost app install xyz`?
[15:51:04] <Salamandar> yes indeed
[15:51:37] <Salamandar> i think it's --debug
[15:51:55] <Salamandar> and you can also run `tail -f /var/log/yunohost/categories/the log file of the operation.log`
[15:52:38] <ChriChri> > <> i think it's --debug

Ah, a global parameter … looked for an install parameter only :facepalm:
[15:53:21] <Salamandar> hmm
[15:53:22] <Salamandar> no no
[15:53:29] <Salamandar> it's for `yunohost app install`
[15:53:52] <Salamandar> ah i see, you wanted to pass --args 'path=/path&verbose=1' ?
[17:00:33] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot opened [pull request #2050]( Update app levels according to CI results
[17:00:33] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot created new branch update_app_levels
[17:00:34] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot pushed 1 commit to update_app_levels: Update app levels according to CI results ([27f524d2](
[17:03:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App duniter rises from level 6 to 8 in job [#23859]( !
[17:10:50] <Salamandar> > <> App duniter rises from level 6 to 8 in job [#23859]( !

eh eh
[17:38:25] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @OniriCorpe pushed 1 commit to OniriCorpe-patch-1: fix for .js config files ([d86cf6b1](
[17:38:25] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @OniriCorpe created new branch OniriCorpe-patch-1
[17:41:33] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @OniriCorpe opened [pull request #133]( bind_public_ip: fix for .js config files
[18:12:30] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> Mais le débat de l'époque était centré sur la question libre / non-libre etc... Au delà de ce débat, cela me semble franchement complexe d'intégrer des notions sur "ce que font" les logiciels ou "qui les code" pour savoir si une app peut faire partie du catalogue ou pas

dernier exemple en date :
[18:16:39] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> Is there the possibility to unarchieve a Github repo or do I have to find another name like ``dynette_v2_ynh`` ?

yes we can unarchive; it's fairly easy
[18:21:01] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe approved [pull request #2049]( Add mautrix-meta to wishlist
[18:21:15] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe edited [pull request #2049]( Add mautrix-meta to wishlist
[18:21:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe edited [pull request #2049]( Add mautrix-meta to wishlist
[19:53:36] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [example_ynh] @OniriCorpe pushed 1 commit to OniriCorpe-patch-1: add comment reffering to ([cb1da198](
[19:53:37] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [example_ynh] @OniriCorpe created new branch OniriCorpe-patch-1
[19:54:21] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [example_ynh] @OniriCorpe opened [pull request #231]( add comment reffering to
[19:55:03] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [example_ynh] @alexAubin pushed 2 commits to master ([632671d76ca3...1235ae57a3a2](
[19:55:03] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [example_ynh] @alexAubin merged [pull request #231]( add comment reffering to
[19:55:05] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [example_ynh] @alexAubin deleted branch OniriCorpe-patch-1
[19:55:09] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [example_ynh/master] add comment reffering to - OniriCorpe
[19:58:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe pushed 1 commit to OniriCorpe-patch-1: tag bookwyrm as "not-totally-free" ([fef1534b](
[19:58:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe created new branch OniriCorpe-patch-1
[19:58:36] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe opened [pull request #2051]( tag bookwyrm as "not-totally-free"
[20:02:11] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin merged [pull request #2051]( tag bookwyrm as "not-totally-free"
[20:02:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin pushed 2 commits to master ([2bdf8e226286...950b759dfb57](
[20:02:16] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin deleted branch OniriCorpe-patch-1
[20:02:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] tag bookwyrm as "not-totally-free" - OniriCorpe
[20:52:03] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App django-fmd rises from level 6 to 8 in job [#23725]( !
[21:42:43] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > 24390 INFO DEBUG - Do not run Composer as root/super user! See for details
> 24390 INFO DEBUG - Aborting as no plugin should be loaded if running as super user is not explicitly allowed

is it a new thing ? 🙃
[21:53:53] <Émy - OniriCorpe> same for movim:
[21:56:18] <Émy - OniriCorpe> also weiiird issur here:
[22:24:14] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App koel rises from level 0 to 7 in job [#23865]( !
[22:44:41] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot created new branch add-to-wishlist-bluesky-pds
[22:44:49] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot opened [pull request #2052]( Add Bluesky PDS to wishlist
[22:48:14] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe [commented]( on [issue #2052]( Add Bluesky PDS to wishlist: 🙃🙃🙃🙃
[22:49:23] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe [commented]( on [issue #2052]( Add Bluesky PDS to wishlist: 🙃🙃🙃🙃 Im too bored to repeat my argument from yesterday
[22:56:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe [commented]( on [issue #2052]( Add Bluesky PDS to wishlist: just copy pasted the most relevant part (because not everyone is on the app dev channel and for posterity): > one of th...