Thursday, February 29, 2024
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[05:07:38] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @OniriCorpe [commented]( on [issue #669]( move the nextcloud log file to /var/log: thats the whole point 😅😅😅😅😅
[05:08:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe [commented]( on [issue #2073]( Add added_date and killed_date to catalog files. : is it done?
[05:08:21] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe [commented]( on [issue #2070]( Add H5P to wishlist: these tools are spread across **many** different repos, i think we cant package them easily so tbh its a "no" for me...
[12:02:05] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @CodeShakingSheep edited [pull request #664]( Add language choice for installation
[13:00:57] <tijlxyz> Hello everyone, I'm trying to package my app Khatru Pyramid
Its a nostr relay, nostr is a simple cryptography based protocol that's used as a decentralized social media alternative.

It is pretty simple written in go, with binary in github releases, uses some environment variables for configurations, has a simple db in folder using lmdb and one other config/db file users.json, and has one http port for most things.
But I can't really get it to work. Anyone able to help with this?
[13:04:46] <tijlxyz> I copied some things from the example and other apps. But within the systemd service it keeps saying that the binary doesn't exist. I tried downloading with the resources.sources.main amd64.url, but also tried doing it manually in the script. I probably have some directory's messed op. I wanted to use the gitea package as example, but its pretty complex compared to what I need.
[13:14:33] <orhtej2> > <> I copied some things from the example and other apps. But within the systemd service it keeps saying that the binary doesn't exist. I tried downloading with the resources.sources.main amd64.url, but also tried doing it manually in the script. I probably have some directory's messed op. I wanted to use the gitea package as example, but its pretty complex compared to what I need.

Do you have your package attempt available somewhere?
[13:26:57] <tijlxyz> I published it here
Its very trash and not polished, but I just can't get it to work haha
[13:58:41] <tijlxyz> i tried many other things this is just what i have now
[14:01:03] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @CodeShakingSheep [commented]( on [issue #667]( Nginx fails to start at server boot because of the nextcloud nginx config: I think I have a related issue. I have 2 Nextcloud apps on the same server. When running command nginx -t I see this ...
[14:01:16] <orhtej2> > <> I published it here
> Its very trash and not polished, but I just can't get it to work haha

Do you logs from failed installation?
[14:03:10] <tijlxyz> > Do you logs from failed installation?

`systemd[34648]: khatru-pyramid.service: Failed at step STDOUT spawning /var/www/khatru-pyramid/khatru-pyramid-bin: No such file or directory`
[14:03:14] <tijlxyz> is the error I think
[14:09:42] <Mateusz Szymański> that's why I'm asking for installation logs, these should be available via web admin in tools->logs
[14:11:35] <tijlxyz>
[14:30:14] <orhtej2> Actually if you run the install from command line with `-n` and inspect the contents of dir, is the file there? How is it called? Does it have `x` flag?
[14:31:21] <orhtej2> Yeeeeah, you have broken permissions on install_dir, $app has no access to it
[14:32:10] <orhtej2> You need to chown - R $app:$app and chmod 700 on install_dir
[15:37:26] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App snipeit goes down from level 8 to 6 in job [#24028](
[15:38:36] <tijlxyz> > Yeeeeah, you have broken permissions on install_dir, $app has no access to it

So just adding
chown -R $app:$app $install_dir
chmod -R 700 $install_dir
[15:38:40] <tijlxyz> to the install script?
[15:40:25] <tijlxyz> > Actually if you run the install from command line with `-n` and inspect the contents of dir, is the file there? How is it called? Does it have `x` flag?

If I run with `-n`, and do `ls /opt/yunohost`, nothing is there...
[15:41:14] <tijlxyz> I found it in `/var/www/khatru-pyramid/`
[15:41:45] <tijlxyz> there are the env config and binary files
[15:42:43] <tijlxyz> there are the env config (with the correct config settings) and binary files
[15:44:27] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to v2_PostgreSQL: Update manifest.toml ([ef5b0586](
[15:44:29] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot pushed 1 commit to v2_PostgreSQL: Auto-update README ([91b1e7f7](
[15:44:43] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar [commented]( on [issue #597]( V2 postgresql: testme
[15:44:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot [commented]( on [issue #597]( V2 postgresql: :rocket:
[[Test Badge](](ht...
[15:45:18] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to testing: 28.0.3 ([d1b6322f](
[15:45:21] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot pushed 1 commit to testing: Auto-update README ([ed289c05](
[15:45:34] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar [commented]( on [issue #662]( testing: testme
[15:45:37] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot [commented]( on [issue #662]( testing: :carousel_horse:
[[Test Badge](
[15:46:02] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 5 commits to testing ([ed289c05631f...36099af53924](
[15:46:02] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar merged [pull request #669]( move the nextcloud log file to /var/log
[15:46:05] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar deleted branch fix-log-path
[15:46:08] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/testing] formating - OniriCorpe
[15:49:04] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 8 commits to v2_PostgreSQL ([91b1e7f7c487...c1d0950a6bfe](
[15:49:09] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/v2_PostgreSQL] Auto-update README - yunohost-bot
[15:50:32] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar edited [pull request #662]( testing
[15:53:16] <orhtej2> > <> So just adding
> ```
> chown -R $app:$app $install_dir
> chmod -R 700 $install_dir
> ```

I think so, you can test this theory by fixing permissions in broken install and restarting the service
[16:24:23] <tijlxyz> > I think so, you can test this theory by fixing permissions in broken install and restarting the service

very nice I think I got it working doing the things you said and making some small changes to the config!
[20:04:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 15 commits to master ([8e4cb534ed09...880d6459a0fa](
[20:04:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar merged [pull request #662]( testing
[20:05:00] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/master] Auto-update README - yunohost-bot
[20:05:01] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to oldstable: Update manifest.toml ([d21ba9fc](
[20:05:02] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot pushed 1 commit to oldstable: Auto-update README ([b5dbb263](
[20:05:04] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar [commented]( on [issue #658]( Oldstable | 27.1.x: testme
[20:05:05] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot [commented]( on [issue #658]( Oldstable | 27.1.x: May the CI gods be with you
[[Test Badge](
[20:05:06] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to testing: Merge pull request #662 from YunoHost-Apps/testing testing ([880d6459](
[20:05:07] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 2 commits to v2_PostgreSQL ([c1d0950a6bfe...3c5f4f5425ce](
[20:05:07] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh/v2_PostgreSQL] Merge pull request #662 from YunoHost-Apps/testing testing - eric_G
[20:05:08] <Émy - OniriCorpe> why the fuck these days people submit one or two PR a day on ynh/doc for nextcloud? ☠️☠️☠️
[20:05:10] <rodinux> Hello, j'essaie de comprendre comment faire accepter la fonction api pour le paquet paheko comme expliqué ici
[20:05:11] <rodinux> j'imagine que c'est une config dans nginx a ajouter... mais laquelle
[20:05:11] <rodinux> pour l'instant quand on essaie une requête on obtiens ```<html>
<head><title>401 Authorization Required</title></head>
<center><h1>401 Authorization Required</h1></center>
[20:05:12] <Émy - OniriCorpe> pourquoi vouloir toucher à nginx pour ça ?
[20:06:46] <Émy - OniriCorpe> ou alors j'ai mal compris
[20:06:47] <Émy - OniriCorpe> une erreur 401 t'indique que tu dois t'identifier, tel qu'indiqué ici
[20:06:49] <Émy - OniriCorpe> ```
api.url = "/api"
api.show_tile = false
api.allowed = "visitors"
api.protected = true
[20:06:52] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> ```
> api.url = "/api"
> api.show_tile = false
> api.allowed = "visitors"
> api.protected = true
> ```

ah bah c'est déjà dans le package
[20:06:53] <Émy - OniriCorpe>
[20:07:08] <rodinux> j'essaie comme sur la doc des commandes `curl  https://user_api:password_api@paheko.domaine.tld/api/` mais j'ai ce retour...
[20:07:11] <Émy - OniriCorpe> c'est que ton identification est refusée je pense
[20:07:26] <Émy - OniriCorpe> je ne pense pas que ça soit un problème du package en tout cas :/
[20:12:18] <rodinux> Pourtant dans la configuration de paheko j'ai bien le nom du user et le mot de passe adéquat
[20:12:22] <rodinux> J'ai tester de faire un peu comme dans nextcloud dans nginx location ^~ /api {
# Let Paheko's API for `/api` URIs handle all other
# requests by passing them to the front-end controller.
return 301 /index.php$request_uri;
[20:12:26] <Émy - OniriCorpe> des identifiant utilisateur standard ou spéciaux pour l'API ?
[20:12:48] <Émy - OniriCorpe> donc ça devrait être okay
[20:12:48] <Émy - OniriCorpe> je pense le mieux c'est d'ouvrir une issue sur le repo du package
[20:12:48] <rodinux> spéciaux pour l'api, tu peux en créer plusieurs (api) et l'app te configure un id et mot de passe avec des permissions différentes
[20:12:49] <rodinux> J'en ai parlé au dev... Comme le message l'indique c'est un problème de nginx pas de Paheko donc sûrement quelque chose dans votre config mais je ne sais pas quoi 🙂
[20:12:50] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> je pense le mieux c'est d'ouvrir une issue sur le repo du package

[20:12:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it should be equivalent to the main domain, so `yunohost domain main-domain` should return that info
[20:12:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or alternatively `cat /etc/yunohost/current_host`
[20:12:59] <Michele Agostinelli> Hello, i want to submit a bugfix for a yunohost package (, but i need an internal variabile for the yunohost hoatname, where i can find it?

The starttls conf need the myhostname value in postfix.
[20:12:59] <tituspijean> as suggested in the support room, at first glance I think you could use the system_user "allow_email" setting in the manifest.toml, instead of looking for the hostname
[20:51:31] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe deleted branch add-to-wishlist-mautrix-meta
[20:51:32] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @github-tijlxyz forked apps to [github-tijlxyz/apps](
[20:51:33] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App opensondage rises from level 6 to 8 in job [#24030]( !
[20:51:34] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @OniriCorpe pushed 1 commit to fix-upgrade-message: fix pre upgrade message ([bfdde027](
[20:51:34] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @OniriCorpe created new branch fix-upgrade-message
[20:51:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @OniriCorpe edited [pull request #671]( fix pre upgrade message
[20:51:37] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot opened [pull request #2076]( Translations update from Weblate
[20:51:37] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @Alexis-IMBERT forked gitlab_ynh to [Alexis-IMBERT/gitlab_ynh](
[20:51:38] <tijlxyz> > I think so, you can test this theory by fixing permissions in broken install and restarting the service

A problem is that in the app there are links, for example `<a href="/login">Login</a>`, that try to go to `/login`. But if its hosted on a sub path that doesn't really work of course and you get kinda redirected to the yunohost main app. Do I need to change the code of my application or is there a smart nginx trick you guys use? :)
[20:51:39] <orhtej2> > <> A problem is that in the app there are links, for example `<a href="/login">Login</a>`, that try to go to `/login`. But if its hosted on a sub path that doesn't really work of course and you get kinda redirected to the yunohost main app. Do I need to change the code of my application or is there a smart nginx trick you guys use? :)

no smart tricks, either require full domain or rewrite the links :/
[20:51:42] <tijlxyz> hmm okay, I will just require full domain for now then. probably also better for the nostr support. Do I need to set something in the manifest for that?
[20:51:44] <orhtej2> > <> hmm okay, I will just require full domain for now then. probably also better for the nostr support. Do I need to set something in the manifest for that?

remove the `path` variable and you're all set
[20:51:46] <orhtej2> <- this line
[20:51:49] <tijlxyz> very nice! I want to publish my app to the catalog if possible, they say its recommended to transfer the repo to the yunohost apps github org, but I don't have permission to do that I think
[20:51:51] <orhtej2> under repo settings go to danger zone and you should be able to do so?
[20:51:52] <orhtej2> there's still some more cleaning to do, i.e. is done automatically in packaging v2
[20:51:55] <orhtej2> and [this statement]( can assert certain line was in the log file to assert the thing actually started ;)
[20:51:57] <orhtej2> consider running your repo through [package_linter]( and [readme generator](
[22:13:32] <orhtej2> other than missing [`tests.toml` for CI]( looks pretty good!
[22:13:33] <orhtej2> also I think you should be able to transfer the repo, someone from yunohost-apps org would have to accept the transfer or something?
[22:13:34] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe pushed 2 commits to master ([1320bc3b2951...bf83a7cf0513](
[22:13:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe merged [pull request #2076]( Translations update from Weblate
[22:18:08] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (92 of 92 strings) Translation: YunoHost/store Tran... - José M
[22:18:09] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Merge pull request #2076 from yunohost-bot/weblate-yunohost-apps - OniriCorpe
[22:18:10] <tijlxyz> > other than missing [`tests.toml` for CI]( looks pretty good!

The CI runs good now, also added generated readme
[22:18:11] <Émy - OniriCorpe> (store website updated)
[22:18:14] <tijlxyz>
[22:18:15] <orhtej2> I meant CI not liner, CI is automated testing system available for packages in yunohost-apps org :)
[22:18:15] <orhtej2> > <> sent an image.

someone from the team will have to figure that one out I guess
[22:18:16] <tijlxyz> I don't know if anyone is here
[22:18:17] <tijlxyz> but
[22:18:18] <Émy - OniriCorpe> but
[22:18:20] <tijlxyz> it isn't needed I think, just encouraged
[22:18:21] <Tag> tijlxyz: you've got an invite! Once accepted, you'll be able to create new repo in the organization, as well as transfert existant one.