Wednesday, March 06, 2024
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[02:31:55] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App calibreweb goes down from level 8 to 6 in job [#24167](
[02:53:50] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App dex goes down from level 8 to 6 in job [#24169](
[04:10:26] <Émy - OniriCorpe> 🎉
[05:16:00] <Tag> jpp t'as réussi à gonfler les stats encore :')
[05:16:13] <Tag> bravo pour le 70%!
[05:17:37] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> jpp t'as réussi à gonfler les stats encore :')

[06:56:05] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @stepcellwolf [commented]( on [issue #1913]( Add Gophish to wishlist: You are right, this is a phishing framework, and indeed it is not for everyone. However, companies that are using yunoho...
[07:36:02] <lapineige> Et encore les deprecated comptent pour 0,5
[08:58:11] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> 🎉

I fixed some small things instead of sleeping 😓😓😓
[08:58:14] <Émy - OniriCorpe> I’m a mess
[09:43:34] <JulianF> Yay! Very happy to read about about your team's work leading to easier updating of the packages. Very important. Very good!
[10:42:53] <lautre> I installed Snappymail, works fine (to read mail) but there is 2 problems:
The path for the default_password is ```/var/www/snappymail/data/_data_/_default_/admin_password.txt``` in the admin panel
but in fact, the path is ``` /var/www/snappymail/app/data/_data_/_default_/admin_password.txt``` if I check with ssh connexion on the server.
[10:42:54] <lautre> The second problem is that I can't go to to configure snappy mail. I got a 500 error. I'm currently checking in the log
[10:43:43] <lautre> I'm logged in the forum, I will fill a repport bug about the first problem
[10:50:32] <tituspijean> > <> I installed Snappymail, works fine (to read mail) but there is 2 problems:
> The path for the default_password is ```/var/www/snappymail/data/_data_/_default_/admin_password.txt``` in the admin panel
> but in fact, the path is ``` /var/www/snappymail/app/data/_data_/_default_/admin_password.txt``` if I check with ssh connexion on the server.

which version are you running? the path is fine on the package repo:
[10:51:43] <lautre> I use YunoHost (stable), Snappy mail 2.35.2~ynh1
[10:54:30] <tituspijean> I can replicate the issue and I'm utterly confused by it.
[10:55:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> that's the fr vrersion
[10:55:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[10:55:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> tituspijean: ^
[10:55:28] <lautre> Yes, I use the Fr version
[10:56:16] <lautre> So, may be only doc fr is wrong :D
[10:58:02] <lautre> I not yet made a Github account for Yunohost. I remember how it's a pain for it...
[10:58:18] <tituspijean> damn i18n
[10:58:40] <tituspijean> I'll push a fix, no worries
[10:58:45] <lautre> Thanks
[10:58:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i18n is the new ipv6
[11:01:40] <tituspijean> Done:
[11:02:07] <lautre> If I go to ```www...../app/?admin=true``` I don't have error 500
But I have one with ```www...../app/?admin```
And, the password generated isn't asked. (may be was asked the first time some days ago and I forgot it?)
[11:03:45] <lautre> I will uninstall Snappy mail, and reinstall it.
Will be clean.
[11:31:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> App trilium goes down from level 8 to 6 in job [#24189](
[12:39:39] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [gitlab_ynh] @kay0u merged [pull request #243]( Testing
[12:39:43] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [gitlab_ynh/master] 16.9.1 - Kay0u
[12:51:44] <Salamandar> Émy - OniriCorpe: for do you mean checking the "deprecated-software" value in the antifeatures ?
[12:55:37] <Salamandar> > <> Émy - OniriCorpe: for do you mean checking the "deprecated-software" value in the antifeatures ?

omg we could use git bisect instead of reading the whole history i guess
[13:18:56] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> It would be cool if someone with the appropriate access rights could implement those changes, get the PR merged and release a new version of the package. In the future I could also take over maintaining the package if necessary.
[13:21:24] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Having a proper working 5.7.0 package would be interesting, especially since new features are coming with the next releases. Notably our SSO plugin, which at some point could allow integrating deeper with YunoHost and effectively having a private CryptPad instance for only YunoHost registered users.
[13:39:57] <kayou> Hello Mathilde, I'm sorry I don't see your comments (except the one 2mins ago), but I'm sure you could help the packagers/become a maintainer of this package (we can ask to the current maintainer if you want to get involved)
[13:41:23] <Tag> je me suis permise de commit la suggestion de aleks et relancer la CI, après un rapide regard je pense que c'est bon pour un merge mais je préférerai tester manuellement l'upgrade avant de merge
[13:44:12] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Sorry, they are in the [review UI](\_ynh/pull/206/files/2ec03a61df5f830c583d925dd4260258eb29eee5), you'll have to scroll down a bit.
[13:45:21] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> > <> je me suis permise de commit la suggestion de aleks et relancer la CI, après un rapide regard je pense que c'est bon pour un merge mais je préférerai tester manuellement l'upgrade avant de merge

C'était nécessaire en effet dans l'état actuel de la configuration Nginx. Avant ce commit les headers étaient doublés, ça générait des erreurs.
[13:46:07] <Tag> Est-ce que tu as un yunohost avec la version actuelle du paquet ? Sinon je peux tenter d'en installer un pour tenter l'upgrade
[13:46:45] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Ah non ma faute en effet, je déteste cette UI moisie.
[13:46:46] <kayou> justement dans la partie review, je ne vois rien, tu as bien submit la review? (sinon elle reste en pending, et n'est visible que pour toi)
[13:46:48] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> C'est fait maintenant.
[13:46:57] <kayou> pareil
[13:47:29] <Tag> Je vois la review, je review la review 😎
[13:51:46] <kayou> je suis @work, je peux pas trop review/tester
[13:54:29] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> > <> Est-ce que tu as un yunohost avec la version actuelle du paquet ? Sinon je peux tenter d'en installer un pour tenter l'upgrade

Pour tenter une mise à jour, il faudrait prendre en compte le travail fait sur cette PR je pense : [Update upgrade](
[13:54:59] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Hello!

I'd like to help getting the CryptPad package up-to-date with our latest release (5.7.0, instead of the current 5.3.0). I already made some comments on a [Testing]( pull request on GitHub but I'm afraid the people originally involved aren't anymore.
[13:55:32] <Tag> Il faut retirer les echo non ?
[13:57:29] <Tag> Mathilde (CryptPad): ça répond à ta review ?
[13:59:13] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> > <> Mathilde (CryptPad): ça répond à ta review ?

Oui, partiellement ! Je mettrais quand même à jour les URLs de la section `[upstream]` dans le fichier `manifest.toml`.
[13:59:34] <Tag> Oui, je viens de voir ce commentaire :') je suis en train d'adapter tout ça
[14:01:21] <Tag> Je me permet de retirer "et open-source" de la description, ça fait doublon avec la mention licence dans [upstream]
[14:01:49] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Fait le pour les strings `en` et `fr` alors. :)
[14:06:51] <Tag> Je suis pas hyperfan de cette solution; habituellement on utiliserai des settings non ? (c'est plutôt une question aux autres packagers)
[14:08:10] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> > <> Oui, je viens de voir ce commentaire :') je suis en train d'adapter tout ça

Je me suis permise d'ajouter une autre review concernant une ancienne URL qui trainais aussi, pour récupérer les sources.
[14:08:28] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Désolée je l'ai laissée passer avant. :x
[14:08:34] <Tag> Normalement ça sera mis à jours automagiquement lors du prochain autoupdate :p
[14:08:55] <Tag> pour éviter d'avoir à changer le hash etc... je vais laisser celui là pour l'instant si ça ne dérange pas
[14:09:32] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Okay, je ne suis pas familière avec le packaging de YunoHost et autoupdate, mais super si il n'y a pas besoin de changer ça. :)
[14:09:44] <Tag> > <> Je suis pas hyperfan de cette solution; habituellement on utiliserai des settings non ? (c'est plutôt une question aux autres packagers)

Bon après "ça devrait fonctionner" mais c'est pas comme on fait d'habitude :')
[14:10:09] <Tag> > <> Okay, je ne suis pas familière avec le packaging de YunoHost et autoupdate, mais super si il n'y a pas besoin de changer ça. :)

Si tu veux un peu de lecture sur l'autoupdater
[14:10:57] <Tag> (et un petit topic d'hier soir qui en chante les louanges
[14:11:37] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Ah oui j'ai lu cet article d'Émy - OniriCorpe, tip top, félicitations.
[14:17:32] <Tag> J'ai merge la PR pour charger les variables depuis le fichier de conf pendant l'upgrade et relancé la CI
[14:22:26] <Tag> Si j'ai bein compris, la prochaine étape c'est implémenter le SSO dans le package ?
[14:23:35] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> On planifie de modulariser CryptPad avec des plugins. OnlyOffice va en devenir un, et on va fournir un plugin officiel pour le SSO, qui supportera certains standards pour commencer mais qu'on va continuer de développer en parallèle pour en supporter d'autres.
[14:23:55] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Et tout ça arrivera avec CryptPad 5.8.0, la prochaine version, d'ici la fin du mois.
[14:24:22] <Tag> Wokay o/
[14:24:57] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> YunoHost utilise toujours OpenLDAP?
[14:25:26] <Tag> ui, et [SSOwat]( 🙃
[14:25:57] <Tag>
[14:26:05] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> > <> ui, et [SSOwat]( 🙃

ah oui, c'est un truc maison non ?
[14:27:24] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Si je comprends bien ce qui est écrit là (, ça nécessitera pas mal de travail pour pouvoir fonctionner, parce-que cette histoire de headers c'est pas aussi simple que ça avec CryptPad.
[14:27:37] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Mais bon, c'est une autre histoire, pour plus tard. :)
[14:27:58] <Tag> Après il peut y avoir le support de LDAP sans le SSO, beaucoup d'apps font ça
[14:28:48] <Tag> Et euh je veux pas trop m'avancer parce que j'ai pas suivi le sujet, mais je crois qu'on a du openid ou jsp quel autre standard dans les esprits pour le futur plutôt lointain
[14:38:38] <Nadine> Hi,
can anybody with sufficient permissions merge and to n8n testing branch? Also, I see that the app is quite a lot behind latest updates and has no maintainer? Can I become maintainer? I'm using it myself and am willing to do the upgrading and testing (my GitHub account is CodeShakingSheep if anybody wants to grant me permissions to the app repo). Thanks 🙏
[14:41:49] <kayou>
[14:41:51] <kayou> sure!
[14:43:03] <kayou> i just need 50€ via paypal, and you must sign with your blood that you'll always follow the packaging rules of YNH
[14:43:23] <Tag>
[14:43:54] <Tag> mandatory meme for new contributors :)
[14:44:19] <Tag> You've been warned :)
[14:47:41] <kayou> > Hi,
> can anybody with sufficient permissions merge and to n8n testing branch? Also, I see that the app is quite a lot behind latest updates and has no maintainer? Can I become maintainer? I'm using it myself and am willing to do the upgrading and testing (my GitHub account is CodeShakingSheep if anybody wants to grant me permissions to the app repo). Thanks 🙏

CodeShakingSheep have write access to this repo, feel free to press the merge button
[14:48:08] <kayou> and tell me if you need moar access (like maintainer) if you can't do what you want to do with this repo
[14:54:07] <Salamandar> Nadine: I think this won’t work, because of weird devs that decided that `n8n@1.31.1` is a standard version number *facepalm*
[14:54:36] <Salamandar> you can add `autoupdate.version_regex = "^n8n@(.*)$"` to fix this
[14:55:43] <Salamandar> and it looks like the source you added is only here for the autoupdate ? It’s not used in the scripst ? In this case, you might want to :

* Add a comment in the manifest saying you need to update the
* Add `prefetch = false` to the source, so that it’s not really downloaded (just a small optimization 😉 )
[14:55:55] <Salamandar> apart from that : Thanks for the contribution ❤️
[14:57:12] <Nadine> > <> and it looks like the source you added is only here for the autoupdate ? It’s not used in the scripst ? In this case, you might want to :
> * Add a comment in the manifest saying you need to update the
> * Add `prefetch = false` to the source, so that it’s not really downloaded (just a small optimization 😉 )

Thanks for the hints. 🙌 I'll integrate them.
[15:05:07] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Tag: ça a l'air pas mal
[15:05:10] <Tag> CI is happy! But I don't have the ressources right now to test the upgrade manually
[15:05:50] <Tag> I'm sleep walking right now :')
[15:06:02] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> > <> I'm sleep walking right now :')

Go get some rest!
[15:06:55] <Tag> Tonight for sure, I'm at the café right now, waiting for a friend to show up and go to his place to rest on a sofa!
[15:07:15] <Mathilde (CryptPad)> Enjoy your late afternoon then!
[15:07:16] <Tag> Thanks o/
[16:23:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @xabirequejo forked apps to [xabirequejo/apps](
[17:36:40] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @Salamandar approved [pull request #2091]( use lstrip and rstrip instead of strip to fix some edge case
[17:37:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin pushed 2 commits to master ([e3cf837d702a...45da98ecdc76](
[17:38:00] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin merged [pull request #2091]( use lstrip and rstrip instead of strip to fix some edge case
[17:38:02] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin deleted branch fix-tag-name
[17:38:03] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] use lstrip and rstrip instead of strip to fix some edge case - Kayou
[17:43:51] <Salamandar> Now we get
`AssertionError: Cant convert .3.8.0 to int tuple :/`

That's what we want : an error, not an upgrade suggestion
[17:44:02] <Salamandar> but i guess we should handle it more gracefully ?
[17:45:10] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @xabirequejo opened [pull request #2093]( Basque strings
[17:47:13] <Salamandar> > <> Now we get
> `AssertionError: Cant convert .3.8.0 to int tuple :/`
> That's what we want : an error, not an upgrade suggestion

lol, "Ignoring tag .1.2.0, doesn't look like a version number"

They already did the mistake
[17:48:09] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @Salamandar pushed 1 commit to tag_match_regex: Better handling of version format in relevant_versions() ([7eded4b7](
[17:48:10] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @Salamandar created new branch tag_match_regex
[17:49:09] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @Salamandar opened [pull request #2094]( Better handling of version format in relevant_versions()
[17:50:53] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin pushed 2 commits to master ([45da98ecdc76...0d3bce7e145c](
[17:50:57] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Better handling of version format in relevant_versions() - Félix Piédallu
[17:51:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin approved [pull request #2093]( Basque strings: :+1:
[17:53:33] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe merged [pull request #2093]( Basque strings
[17:53:33] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe pushed 3 commits to master ([0d3bce7e145c...b4c9c6b42124](
[17:53:37] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] categories.toml now also in Basque Added Basque translations - Xabi
[17:55:37] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @Salamandar [commented]( on [issue #2043]( Add Mirlo to wishlist: > I think [faircamp]( (already in the wishlist) would be more relevant in the ynh catalo...
[18:11:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe [commented]( on [issue #2043]( Add Mirlo to wishlist: so, closing?
[18:14:20] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @OniriCorpe pushed 2 commits to master ([b4c9c6b42124...a8017d32e2cb](