Tuesday, October 04, 2022
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 23

[00:15:54] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to admins: Friskies pl0x? https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/ae73e94c3e839e634e14def965c77265fde1a57a
[00:15:54] <floris> Hi, I'm working on a project to make an authentication service specifically for self-hosting purposes
[00:16:59] <floris> I did have one question regarding Yunohost that I couldn't quite make out from the documentation: am I correct in thinking that Yunohost does all authentication over LDAP?
[00:16:59] <floris> (or at least authentication with apps)
[00:16:59] <floris> You'll probably hear more about that in the future, but for now I was working on a plan, and I do have to look at what the self-hosting scene is currently like
[00:17:20] <Aleks> so depend exactly what you're talking about
[00:17:20] <Aleks> hmm sort of, but as far as I know, SSOwat (our "homemade" lightweight SSO) during the login phase on the portal creates a cookie which is used for auth and then inject some simple HTTP auth header
[00:18:01] <Aleks> and the webadmin is similar : initial auth is against LDAP, and then a cookie is used in subsequent calls
[00:18:01] <Aleks> annnnnd LDAP auth also happens for SSH login
[00:19:44] <floris> That's actually quite interesting, I hadn't even considered that
[00:20:26] <floris> But I'm guessing you might have trouble authenticating against apps that don't support LDAP or HTTP auth then?
[00:21:26] <Aleks> eeh yeah sometimes some packagers created some source patches to add support those
[00:22:21] <Aleks> or logout mechanics
[00:22:35] <Aleks> eg https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/nextcloud_ynh/blob/master/sources/patches_last_version/app-00-add-logout_url-conf.patch which im not sure to understand but it's 2 am
[00:23:02] <floris> Alright, I'll see if I can't help you solve this trouble then :)
[00:23:27] <floris> Might take me a while to get a working prototype up, but I'll come back once I have something you might be able to work with
[00:23:32] <floris> Thanks for the info!
[00:24:29] <Aleks> and the big thing is also that with just LDAP / Basic HTTP Auth, you cant really implement SSO / 2FA for like mobile aps
[00:24:46] <Aleks> for example the nextcloud mobile app
[00:25:16] <Aleks> in the end we just expose the regular nextcloud login page / API and the mobile client connects through this, not through Yunohost's SSO
[00:26:09] <Aleks> apparently using SAML or OpenID connect would solve this but this is like a 6 months project to study how to rework SSOwat and what's the right tech to use accross the 200+ apps catalog etc
[00:26:54] <floris> My idea here was to create a single service that can do at least OAuth and LDAP, with SAML and reverse-proxy auth being nice extras
[00:27:20] <floris> I'm mostly doing it for other self-hosting projects, but by the sound of it you might get some use out of it as well
[00:29:11] <Aleks> could be yeah ;P Mostly we ain't touching SSOwat much because it sort of works and it's a lua mess (it's a mess mostly because SSOwat logic is hard and we aint super familiar with lua / nginx-middleware etc)
[00:31:08] <Aleks> from what I know, SSOwat was created to be ~simple compared to other stuff where you need 3 PhD, and also because we had some custom business logic to integrate ... and it ended up also serving the user portal file and handling password or other user-info changes ... which is a mess ... so right now we're moving toward a refactoring to properly separate the "pure SSO logic", the user API, and the user portal front-end
[00:32:14] <floris> I'm using a service myself that has Keycloak hooked into OpenLDAP, so I know exactly what PhD logic you're talking about
[00:32:58] <floris> But for now I'll get a prototype of the ground, and once I've got slightly more concrete code I'll be more than happy to accomodate anything that might make it easier for you to use
[00:34:14] <Aleks> 👍️
[00:58:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline failed on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/657428338 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/ae73e94c3e839e634e14def965c77265fde1a57a "Friskies pl0x?" by @Alexandre Aubin on branches admins
[10:38:51] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to admins: Friskies m0ar https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/d7067c0b2264a01a5910bc0d161016a2efb8aa07
[10:46:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin edited pull request #1502: 11.1 https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/1502
[11:04:47] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to enh-actions: Fix i18n issues / also we dont need operation logger for domain_action_run, already handled in subcalls https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/85b6d8554d2ce3fc545a20e1d109f0e061b59149
[12:06:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline failed on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/657835281 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/d7067c0b2264a01a5910bc0d161016a2efb8aa07 "Friskies m0ar" by @Alexandre Aubin on branches admins
[12:20:45] <Aleks> (it's me on OVH)
[12:20:48] <Aleks> (and Gandi)
[13:36:47] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline failed on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/657857524 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/85b6d8554d2ce3fc545a20e1d109f0e061b59149 "Fix i18n issues / also we dont need operation logger for domain_action_run, already handled in subcalls" by @Alexandre Aubin on branches enh-actions
[14:06:20] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to admins: Unused imports https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/35ab8a7c987d3a5511b48ec933aaf2fe7eae6d87
[14:06:25] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin merged pull request #1408: Drop the admin user, have admins be a group of Yunohost users instead https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/1408
[14:06:26] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 25 commits to 11.1: https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/compare/784e4546332d...6fe8c1ad8f9c
[14:06:29] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin deleted branch admins
[14:06:29] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost/11.1] Friskies m0ar - Alexandre Aubin
[14:06:32] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost/11.1] Unused imports - Alexandre Aubin
[14:06:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost/11.1] Merge pull request #1408 from YunoHost/admins Drop the admin user, have admins be a group of Yunohost users instead - Alexandre Aubin
[14:06:57] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin edited pull request #1502: 11.1 https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/1502
[14:09:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin edited pull request #1502: 11.1 https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/1502
[14:15:09] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @Axolotle pushed 1 commit to enh-actions: cert: raise errors for cert install/renew https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/e4df838d9d72d0bb22ecc9b5c9bb5d307d250b81
[15:06:21] <kayou> > <@yalh:matrix.yalh.net> je veux bien, s'il peut venir ici ou me contacter sur Matrix, je sais juste pas comment commencer à discuter sur l'irc de libera ^^

j'arrive après la guerre, mais on avait un moyen de le contacter sur #yunohost-ops
[15:27:28] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @Axolotle pushed 1 commit to enh-actions: configpanels: auto add i18n help for an arg if present in locales https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/6295374fdb36206a01d357700be43bba25bcbfaf
[15:28:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline canceled on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658076081 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/e4df838d9d72d0bb22ecc9b5c9bb5d307d250b81 "cert: raise errors for cert install/renew" by @axolotle on branches enh-actions
[15:30:29] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to enh-actions: configpanels: i18n for domain cert config panel https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/1c06fd50179c53228f50a473c8e12633f3a3b073
[15:30:44] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline failed on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658065891 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/6fe8c1ad8f9c00de76d63b1c67e1299580cc6f34 "Merge pull request #1408 from YunoHost/admins Drop the admin user, have admins be a group of Yunohost users instead" by @GitHub on branches 11.1
[15:34:31] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to enh-config-actions: Remove stale string about certificates, now handled by the core https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost-admin/commit/52f433d751db4e7517090555be7ade47258dfd80
[15:34:55] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline canceled on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658156700 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/6295374fdb36206a01d357700be43bba25bcbfaf "configpanels: auto add i18n help for an arg if present in locales" by @axolotle on branches enh-actions
[15:49:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin edited pull request #1436: Config panel actions + applied to domain cert management https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/1436
[16:11:49] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin] @Axolotle pushed 1 commit to enh-config-actions: certinstall: remove independant view https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost-admin/commit/75f1fae1d67b778bfb094922d693d457ead6fbd2
[16:26:14] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline failed on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658162960 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/1c06fd50179c53228f50a473c8e12633f3a3b073 "configpanels: i18n for domain cert config panel" by @Alexandre Aubin on branches enh-actions
[17:35:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @tituspijean opened issue #2077: Logs should include failed services logs https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/2077
[17:35:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @tituspijean labeled :birthday: feature on issue #2077: Logs should include failed services logs https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/2077
[17:36:00] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @tituspijean labeled :memo: Logs on issue #2077: Logs should include failed services logs https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/2077
[19:20:36] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @alexAubin commented on issue #1681 cert-install return exit code 0 even if it fails: To be fixed in https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/e4df838d https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/1681#issuecomment-1267473971
[19:20:37] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @alexAubin closed issue #1681: cert-install return exit code 0 even if it fails https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/1681
[19:25:09] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to enh-actions: Add more info during selsigned cert generation error to debug CI https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/702156554a9fedf571dfea65ccd9a0ddcbbc56b5
[20:18:34] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline failed on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658338522 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/702156554a9fedf571dfea65ccd9a0ddcbbc56b5 "Add more info during selsigned cert generation error to debug CI" by @Alexandre Aubin on branches enh-actions
[20:21:37] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to enh-actions: domain/certs: fix bug where a self-signed cert would not get identified as a self-signed cert https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/463d76f867ff4253882a0709a44c1a5deac01153
[20:25:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin merged pull request #1510: Translations update from Weblate https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/1510
[20:25:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 2 commits to dev: https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/compare/70927d5e0441...a1795364b760
[20:25:54] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost/dev] ate-URL: https://translate.yunohost.org/projects/yunohost/core/fr/... - ppr
[20:25:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost/dev] Merge pull request #1510 from yunohost-bot/weblate-yunohost-core Translations update from Weblate - Alexandre Aubin
[20:27:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to enh-actions: not foo -> foo is None https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/fe4f8b4d5e00414a2ed7d24fe35ac7c65dfdf33c
[20:27:48] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin edited pull request #1436: Config panel actions + applied to domain cert management https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/1436
[20:29:22] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline canceled on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658373886 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/463d76f867ff4253882a0709a44c1a5deac01153 "domain/certs: fix bug where a self-signed cert would not get identified as a self-signed cert" by @Alexandre Aubin on branches enh-actions
[20:30:34] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> 🏗️ Starting build for yunohost/ for bullseye/unstable/all ...
[20:32:07] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> ✔️ Completed build for yunohost/ for bullseye/unstable/all.
[20:33:48] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 34 commits to 11.1: https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/compare/6fe8c1ad8f9c...d1d203726bed
[20:33:53] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost/11.1] domain/certs: fix bug where a self-signed cert would not get identified as a self-signed cert - Alexandre Aubin
[20:33:55] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost/11.1] not foo -> foo is None - Alexandre Aubin
[20:33:57] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin merged pull request #1436: Config panel actions + applied to domain cert management https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/1436
[20:33:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost/11.1] Merge remote-tracking branch origin/enh-actions into 11.1 - Alexandre Aubin
[20:34:51] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin deleted branch enh-actions
[20:36:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin edited pull request #1502: 11.1 https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/1502
[20:37:32] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline canceled on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658065891 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/6fe8c1ad8f9c00de76d63b1c67e1299580cc6f34 "Merge pull request #1408 from YunoHost/admins Drop the admin user, have admins be a group of Yunohost users instead" by @GitHub on branches 11.1
[20:37:46] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline canceled on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658065891 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/6fe8c1ad8f9c00de76d63b1c67e1299580cc6f34 "Merge pull request #1408 from YunoHost/admins Drop the admin user, have admins be a group of Yunohost users instead" by @GitHub on branches 11.1
[20:37:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline canceled on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658377369 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/fe4f8b4d5e00414a2ed7d24fe35ac7c65dfdf33c "not foo -> foo is None" by @GitHub on branches 11.1
[20:49:30] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @yunohost-bot pushed 1 commit to ci-remove-stale-translated-strings-dev: [CI] Reformat / remove stale translated strings https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/70311177eae7d16adc31525d606fb88670037a3b
[21:33:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin] @alexAubin pushed 16 commits to 11.1: https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost-admin/compare/fc8a4c9d1929...f62496345833
[21:33:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin] @alexAubin merged pull request #438: add action https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost-admin/pull/438
[21:33:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin] @alexAubin deleted branch enh-config-actions
[21:33:48] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin/11.1] Remove stale string about certificates, now handled by the core - Alexandre Aubin
[21:33:51] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin/11.1] certinstall: remove independant view - axolotle
[21:33:52] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin/11.1] Merge pull request #438 from YunoHost/enh-config-actions add action - Alexandre Aubin
[21:34:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin] @alexAubin merged pull request #469: Translations update from Weblate https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost-admin/pull/469
[21:34:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin] @alexAubin pushed 4 commits to dev: https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost-admin/compare/f2cb4fa0a0d8...3d389a8365dc
[21:34:16] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin/dev] slate-URL: https://translate.yunohost.org/projects/yunohost/admin/fr/... - ppr
[21:34:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin/dev] nslate-URL: https://translate.yunohost.org/projects/yunohost/admin/oc/... - Quentí
[21:34:23] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost-admin/dev] Merge pull request #469 from yunohost-bot/weblate-yunohost-admin Translations update from Weblate - Alexandre Aubin
[21:45:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> 🏗️ Starting build for yunohost-admin/11.0.10+202210042145 for bullseye/unstable/all ...
[21:50:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> ✔️ Completed build for yunohost-admin/11.0.10+202210042145 for bullseye/unstable/all.
[22:06:57] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] Pipeline failed on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658381308 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/d1d203726bed8df5df100543d866a1df06658519 "Merge remote-tracking branch origin/enh-actions into 11.1" by @Alexandre Aubin on branches 11.1
[22:18:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <@yunohostinfra:matrix.org> [yunohost] Pipeline failed on GitLab https://gitlab.com/yunohost/yunohost/-/pipelines/658381308 on commit https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/commit/d1d203726bed8df5df100543d866a1df06658519 "Merge remote-tracking branch origin/enh-actions into 11.1" by @Alexandre Aubin on branches 11.1
