Sunday, September 24, 2023
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[07:42:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @secret-op forked cd_build to [secret-op/cd_build](
[08:46:31] <Tag> eeeh... have a cron running every sunday, running a script that checks if the next thursday is happening the next month ?
[08:47:42] <Tag> eeeh... have a cron running every sunday, running a script that checks if the next thursday is happening the month after ?
[08:52:55] <Tag> oooor
[08:54:28] <Tag> if the sunday happend to be on the 24-30 nth day of the month?
[08:54:44] <Tag> if the sunday happend to be on the 25-30 nth day of the month?
[08:55:06] <Tag> if the sunday happend to be on the 27-30 nth day of the month?
[08:56:36] <Tag> ah non tout ce que je dis ne fonctionne pas avec un mardi 6 ou 7... /o\
[09:58:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @renne [commented]( on [issue #238]( Strong web authentication / 2FA authentication: @sepp67 I asked about the SSO/user integration in the developer section of the Yunohost forum but never got an answer. ...
[11:29:31] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @alexAubin [commented]( on [issue #238]( Strong web authentication / 2FA authentication: @sepp67 / @renne *On the topic of "I found <software X> on the internet, how do I integrate it in nginx/ssowat"* : :a...
[11:29:31] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @alexAubin [commented]( on [issue #238]( Strong web authentication / 2FA authentication: @sepp67 / @renne **On the topic of "I found <software X> on the internet, how do I integrate it in nginx/ssowat"** : ...
[13:11:16] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Salamandar labeled :space_invader: bug on [issue #2248]( Manifest install questions : merge pattern and filter
[13:11:16] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Salamandar opened [issue #2248]( Manifest install questions : merge pattern and filter
[13:12:55] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Salamandar edited [issue #2248]( Manifest install questions : merge pattern and filter
[13:14:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Salamandar edited [issue #2248]( Manifest install questions : merge pattern and filter
[13:25:41] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @alexAubin [commented]( on [issue #2248]( Manifest install questions : merge pattern and filter: filter was introduced to limit the available options in the case of the domain config panel in the core : ./share/...
[13:28:27] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Salamandar [commented]( on [issue #2248]( Manifest install questions : merge pattern and filter: Hmmm, alright, I did not have this knowledge. Then pattern and filter could cohabit.
[13:29:16] <Tag> Salamandar: Donc il faudrait remplacer ton pattern par un filter c'est ça ?
[13:32:57] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Salamandar [commented]( on [issue #2248]( Manifest install questions : merge pattern and filter: About the pattern option, its used server-side in _value_pre_validator. My point is that it could *also* be used by...
[13:33:11] <Salamandar> > <> eeeh... have a cron running every sunday, running a script that checks if the next thursday is happening the month after ?

[13:33:28] <Salamandar> > <> Salamandar: Donc il faudrait remplacer ton pattern par un filter c'est ça ?

je pense plutôt qu'il faut "détourner" l'usage de `pattern`
[13:33:44] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @alexAubin unpinned [issue #2159]( Demo webadmin not reachable
[13:33:55] <Salamandar> je vais faire une PR
[13:34:03] <Tag> 🤔
[13:35:04] <Tag> mais avec un `filter="id.match('$synapse')"` ça ne fonctionnerait pas ? Salamandar
[13:35:20] <Tag> je ne sais plus exactement comment marche filter, mais il me semble que quelque chose comme ça est possible
[13:35:45] <Tag> mais avec un `filter="id.match('^synapse.*')"` ça ne fonctionnerait pas ? Salamandar
[13:35:46] <Salamandar> > <> mais avec un `filter="id.match('^synapse.*')"` ça ne fonctionnerait pas ? Salamandar

[13:36:05] <Tag> là je n'ai pas le temps de regarder, mais ce soir oui
[13:36:23] <Salamandar> En fait pattern est déjà utilisé et documenté (?), donc je trouvais ça dommage d'avoir `filter` qui fait la même chose mais avec une synatxe différente…
[13:36:39] <Salamandar> surtout si `filter` a un cas d'usage différent
[13:36:57] <Tag> pattern est utilisé pour vérifier la syntaxe du champ, pas pour limiter le nombre de valeur du select
[13:37:18] <Tag> ou alors je n'ai pas compris le problème de fond 🤔
[13:38:00] <Salamandar> > <> pattern est utilisé pour vérifier la syntaxe du champ, pas pour limiter le nombre de valeur du select

oui, mais ça revient au même, juste qu'on valide avant ou après
[13:39:04] <Tag> ça créerait cas particulier de pattern pour les select, alors que filter sert à faire ce que tu veux faire 🤔
[13:39:30] <Salamandar> Et clairement entre écrire une regex et "écrire une syntaxe javascript" clairement je sais ce que beaucoup préféreront…
[13:40:03] <Salamandar> > <> mais avec un `filter="id.match('^synapse.*')"` ça ne fonctionnerait pas ? Salamandar

surtout que bin là, `id`peut-être, je sais pas, ça serait pas plutôt app["id"] ? 😛
[13:40:43] <Salamandar> au moins la regex s'applique sur une string. Là le bout de code javascript je sais pas sur quoi il s'applique, si il faut écrire une lambda, si il y a des variables dans le scope…
[13:40:49] <Tag> > <> surtout que bin là, `id`peut-être, je sais pas, ça serait pas plutôt app["id"] ? 😛

je ne crois pas, le filter est fait dans le contexte de app déjà il me semble... mais pas trop le temps de vérifier ça maintenant, je pourrais te répondre ce soir
[13:42:43] <Salamandar> Oui mais ça ne change rien au fait que le packager ne sait pas forcément le contexte d'exécution du code en question
[13:43:06] <Tag> donc un autre problème, c'est qu'il faut documenter filter 🤓
[13:43:07] <Salamandar> 😛
[13:43:31] <Salamandar> Peut-être. Mais je pense que c'est un peu un marteau piqueur pour écraser une mouche
[13:43:59] <Tag> mais le truc c'est que pattern peut être aussi utliisé pour un string, sans select
[13:45:05] <Salamandar> oui, je suis d'accord, je ne veux pas enlever ce cas d'usage
[13:45:06] <Tag> et ça pose le problème de comment combiner pattern et filter sur un select
[13:45:11] <Tag> (le quel passe en premier etc...)
[13:45:18] <Salamandar> pourquoi combiner filter et select ?
[13:45:23] <Salamandar> > <> (le quel passe en premier etc...)

L'ordre ne change absolument rien
[13:45:45] <Salamandar> Puisque ce sont deux fonctions de "filter-out"
[13:46:07] <Tag> ok
[13:46:21] <Tag> (afk)
[13:46:22] <Salamandar> (enfin ça c'est tant que la fonction javascript ne va pas s'amuser à modifier… mais je pense qu'on peut partir du principe que c'est le cas 😄 )
[14:14:01] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @alexAubin [commented]( on [issue #238]( Strong web authentication / 2FA authentication: @sepp67 / @renne **On the topic of "I found \<software X\> on the internet, how do I integrate it in nginx/ssowat"** :...
[14:25:12] <axolotle> Salamandar: `filter` is only for filtering apps `choices` where `pattern` can be used to validate the selected value, as @Tag said, pattern is not really a "filter-out" as it is generic value "validation". filter has what's `app_info()` returns as context so you can : `is_webapp` or indeed `id.match()` to reduce the app choices to what you want to allow, and therefor do not need to validate the user selected value with pattern matching.
[14:26:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah it's "limit the available choices" versus "validate the user's arbitrary input"
[14:33:07] <Salamandar> Yes but my point was that pattern could be also used to limit the available choices as it's a bit more understandable than filter
[14:35:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's not clear to me how you'd make those cohabit like a single syntax where you can express both "check that the user input is a valid IPv4" and "limit the availlable choices to the objet with `foo == 'bar'`"
[14:35:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or i guess you could write some expression like `match_regex(user_input, ipv4_regex)`
[14:36:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (you said earlier that for you it was obvious what people prefer between regexes and javascript expression but imho it's not clear at all haha)
[14:49:40] <Tag> The simple (but not really beautiful, to me) solution would be to happend `&& id.match(pattern)` to filter or something like that
[14:52:14] <Tag> But that would be a speciak case for App Select Question and would not be applicable to any other type of select
[14:53:47] <Tag> Soooo I don't know
[14:54:22] <Tag> (Matrix on 2G network is... hard)
[15:35:27] <Salamandar> > <> it's not clear to me how you'd make those cohabit like a single syntax where you can express both "check that the user input is a valid IPv4" and "limit the availlable choices to the objet with `foo == 'bar'`"

I'm only thinking about this "cohabitation" for drop-down selections, like list of apps, users, domains etc
[15:35:46] <Salamandar> (and yeah, it's kinda only for the app selection)
[15:38:47] <Salamandar> and it could be something like :
type = "app"
filter = "is_webapp"
pattern.regex = "nextcloud*"

[15:39:47] <Salamandar> it looks to me less finicky than

type = "app"
filter = "is_webapp and id.match('nextcloud*')"
[15:40:02] <Salamandar> (oops i did glob instead of regex… but you get me)
[15:41:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah i see your use case now okay
[15:41:27] <Salamandar> ah ! okay 😄
[15:41:34] <Salamandar> sorry if I was not clear before
[15:44:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> on the other hand, for this specific case, if `id.match('nextcloud*')` is true, then the app will be a webapp ;P
[15:44:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> unless somehow somebody creates a `nextcloud_foobar_ynh` that is only a backend app somehow
[15:48:53] <Salamandar> yeah sure but as I said, this `id.match()` syntax has to be deeply documented (packagers don't always know javascript; i don't…), while `pattern.regexp` is kinda self-explanatory
[15:51:00] <Salamandar> anyways, that's not a hill i want to die on 😄 If someone that knows how, wants to document filter, that would be OK for me.
[16:17:05] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Salamandar [commented]( on [issue #2248]( Manifest install questions : merge pattern and filter: About the pattern option, its used server-side in _value_pre_validator. My point is that it could *also* be used by...
[16:18:18] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Salamandar [commented]( on [issue #2248]( Manifest install questions : merge pattern and filter: About the pattern option, its used server-side in _value_pre_validator. My point is that it could *also* be used by...
[17:53:59] <Salamandar> Did you ever think about providing testing updates ? Like, in the admin dashboard, admins would selects apps for which they accept updates coming from the testing branch
[17:54:55] <Salamandar> IMHO currently the testing branch of packages is not stable enough AT ALL, but maybe there would be a way to change that
[17:55:25] <Tag> > testing branch of packages is not stable enough AT ALL

Yes, that was my take on this xD
[17:55:44] <Salamandar> haha
[17:55:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[17:56:11] <Salamandar> Oh well you thought about it 😄
[17:56:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> we could have like a button to upgrade to testing like a bit hidden or maybe enable "developer options" in the yunohost webadmin settings
[17:56:50] <Salamandar> IMHO with the current way packagers work, it's too dangerous
[17:57:38] <Salamandar> but maybe a `beta` branch where packagers sometimes push the testing branch to ? That way, beta testers do not have updates ALL THE FORKING TIME but only when the packagers *really* wants feedback
[18:00:21] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> idk, to me it's gonna add cost for packager to think about creating a "beta" branch, like not even really in technical term but in terms of "if i create a beta branch that means i commit to the fact that this branch is stable enough for test" and people are not gonna do it
[18:00:24] <Salamandar> (i'm thinking about all that because I got a LDAP patch for mediawiki that I would love feedback for, but I don't know anyone actually using this package 😄 )
[18:00:42] <Salamandar> yeah I see
[18:01:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> imho just the testing branch is fine, but not like "advertise the upgrade in the update section of the webadmin", just make it possible to upgrade to the testing branch using a button
[18:01:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> imho just the testing branch is fine, but not like "advertise the upgrade in the update section of the webadmin", just make it possible to upgrade to the testing branch using a button somewhat hidden
[18:17:36] <lapineige> > <> IMHO with the current way packagers work, it's too dangerous

it really depends on the package, so that shouldn't be that straightforward, as it's better that people are adviced to do it by the packagers / read the PR content before
[18:18:31] <lapineige> I would prefer them to be watching the github repository for new PR or something
[18:27:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Tagadda labeled :package: App management on [issue #1328]( Easily switch to testing branch for apps ?
[20:47:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @OniriCorpe [commented]( on [issue #2247]( webadmin - pacman consumes a lot of energy via graphic card on web browser: with pacman: [a screenshot of the 3D graphics usage, there is a large peak when the pacman appears](
[20:48:33] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @OniriCorpe [commented]( on [issue #2247]( webadmin - pacman consumes a lot of energy via graphic card on web browser: with pacman: [a screenshot of the 3D graphics usage, there is a large peak when the pacman appears](
[21:26:01] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @alexAubin [commented]( on [issue #2247]( webadmin - pacman consumes a lot of energy via graphic card on web browser: :scream_cat:
[21:28:27] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Tagadda [commented]( on [issue #2247]( webadmin - pacman consumes a lot of energy via graphic card on web browser: But does this happen with the nyancat too ? :upside_down_face:
[21:28:48] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @alexAubin [commented]( on [issue #2247]( webadmin - pacman consumes a lot of energy via graphic card on web browser: Asking the real questions :100:
[21:31:18] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @Tagadda labeled :maple_leaf: Web administration on [issue #2247]( webadmin - pacman consumes a lot of energy via graphic card on web browser