Thursday, February 15, 2024
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[01:00:07] <Émy - OniriCorpe> en train de maj la docu
[01:00:33] <Émy - OniriCorpe> je ne sais pas trop comment écrire les "latest_gitforge_strategy"
[01:00:35] <Émy - OniriCorpe>
[01:02:52] <Émy - OniriCorpe> soit on laisse "github" et je précise qu'on peut remplacer le "github" par gitlab gitea ou forgejo (meh)
soit trouve une formulation pour rendre neutre et expliquer les différentes options
[01:04:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> wé en vrai derrière ça ça veut dire que le design était pas ouf parce que en gros on multiplexe deux infos différente en une seule chaine qui contient à la fois le type de forge et l'info sur laquelle se baser zblerg
[01:04:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mais bon au moins ça se comprends bien quand tu découvres le truc mais bon
[01:05:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mais ouai idk juste `latest_<gitforge>_<strategy>` et expliquer les valeurs possible de "gitforge" et "stategy"
[01:06:26] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> wé en vrai derrière ça ça veut dire que le design était pas ouf parce que en gros on multiplexe deux infos différente en une seule chaine qui contient à la fois le type de forge et l'info sur laquelle se baser zblerg

oui :/
[01:06:31] <Émy - OniriCorpe> à noter pour manifest vétroa
[01:17:36] <Émy - OniriCorpe>
[01:20:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> eeeee
[01:20:50] <Émy - OniriCorpe> feel free to edit x)
[01:20:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> actually it's autogenerated from 😭
[01:21:09] <Émy - OniriCorpe> a
[01:21:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> :psy:
[01:22:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[01:26:06] <Émy - OniriCorpe> :")
[01:26:06] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @OniriCorpe opened [pull request #1776]( Autoupdate: update docs
[01:26:18] <Émy - OniriCorpe> it's fiiiine
[01:26:50] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @OniriCorpe edited [pull request #1776]( Autoupdate: update docs
[01:38:14] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin pushed 2 commits to dev ([f130f4fc5686...ec4b1e9f96ad](
[01:38:14] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin merged [pull request #1776]( Autoupdate: update docs
[01:38:18] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost/dev] draft - OniriCorpe
[01:38:22] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost/dev] Merge pull request #1776 from OniriCorpe/update-autoupdate-docs Autoupdate: update docs - Alexandre Aubin
[01:39:30] <Émy - OniriCorpe> me: draft
aleks: merge!!!!!
[01:39:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> no commit, only merge
[01:42:06] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] 🔴 Pipeline [#1177197831]( failed on branch dev
[01:45:30] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> 🏗️ Starting build for yunohost/11.2.10+202402150145 for bullseye/unstable/all ...
[01:47:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> ✔️ Completed build for yunohost/11.2.10+202402150145 for bullseye/unstable/all.
[07:29:00] <kayou> Wtf is this new error on the CI
[07:29:18] <kayou> > Error: Create instance from copy: Failed generating instance copy config: Instance snapshot record count doesn't match instance snapshot volume record count
[08:53:15] <Salamandar> hmmm i can't find anywhere the code of the cron/systemd timer that calls the `autoupdate_app_sources`
[08:53:37] <Salamandar> but you might want to change the args of its call
[09:20:52] <kayou> did you check on saperlipopette?
[09:21:35] <kayou> (sorry, can't do it, i'm @work, without my ssh keys)
[09:29:06] <Salamandar> ah i don’t have access 😄
[10:06:29] <kayou> oupsie
[11:10:34] <Salamandar> fyi
[16:05:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> hmmm i can't find anywhere the code of the cron/systemd timer that calls the `autoupdate_app_sources`

yeah it's annoying because iirc you can't really version cron job easily ... I mean you can't have symlinks in /etc/cronwhatever to point to some cron job in another versioned folder etc
[16:05:29] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but i guess i can add a `cp` after `git pull` to always re-cp the cron job merf
[16:05:46] <Salamandar> systemd timer 👀
[16:06:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ugh yeah if you have motivation to refactor this too, why not but i'm supposed to work on $dayjob 😅
[16:06:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i'll commit the existing cron job, feel free to refactor
[16:07:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[16:11:13] <Salamandar> maieuh :'(
[16:11:25] <Salamandar> non mais je vois des trucs au fur et à mesure que j'ai pas intégrés
[16:17:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> quick and dirty much
[20:30:16] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [appsourcesautoupdate] App sources auto-update failed miserably
[20:31:17] <Salamandar> erf, no logs :(
[20:50:52] <orhtej2> > <> [appsourcesautoupdate] App sources auto-update failed miserably
[21:00:53] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [appsourcesautoupdate] App sources auto-update failed miserably
[21:01:28] <Salamandar> eh eh
[21:01:38] <Salamandar> probably a stupid thing because python doesn't even start
[21:03:38] <Salamandar> > Your branch is up to date with 'origin/app-store'.
[21:03:41] <Émy - OniriCorpe> python is dead, we should use rust instead /j
[21:03:42] <Salamandar> that's probably the problem
[21:04:05] <Salamandar> > commit 62f246fba4ddfd7826b55b1b5dce6c0fe78f4496 (HEAD -> app-store, origin/app-store)
> Author: Alexandre Aubin <>
> Date: Tue Sep 5 21:01:40 2023 +0200

[21:04:09] <Salamandar> am i on the correct machine ? lol
[21:04:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> eeeh
[21:05:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> dafuq
[21:05:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ```
[root@saperlipopette:/var/www/app_yunohost/apps] > git show HEAD
commit fad58b623ed4afe1e969f1e9ffe71eead942edcf (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Merge: 3688426 20b57e0
Author: Alexandre Aubin <>
Date: Thu Feb 15 19:09:18 2024 +0100
[21:07:38] <Salamandar> ah !
[21:07:42] <Salamandar> i'm in ~
[21:07:46] <Émy - OniriCorpe> ah yes, parallel universe
[21:08:35] <orhtej2>
[21:11:57] <Salamandar> haha
[21:43:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [appsourcesautoupdate] App sources auto-update failed miserably
[21:49:09] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [Applist builder error]
Failed to run the source auto-update for: anarchism, autobrr, galette, librarian, limesurvey, lstu, lufi, minetest, movim, my_capsule, navidrome, open-web-calendar, opensondage, osticket, owncast-emojiwall, owntracks, paperless-ngx, piped, pleroma, rss-bridge, snipeit, sutom, terraforming-mars, tooljet, tracim, weblate, writefreely, yourls, zwave-js-ui
Please run manually the `` script on these apps to debug what is happening!
See the debug log here:"
[21:50:08] <Salamandar> a bit better
[21:50:51] <Salamandar> > github.GithubException.GithubException: 403 {"message": "You have exceeded a secondary rate limit and have been temporarily blocked from content creation. Please retry your request again later. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EC00:924C5:12054A6:1230A88:65CE86AA.", "documentation_url": ""}
[21:51:00] <Salamandar> that one is on you :D
[21:52:26] <Émy - OniriCorpe> Ahahah
[21:52:43] <Émy - OniriCorpe> 😇
[21:59:55] <Salamandar> (for real ?)
[21:59:55] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> > github.GithubException.GithubException: 403 {"message": "You have exceeded a secondary rate limit and have been temporarily blocked from content creation. Please retry your request again later. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EC00:924C5:12054A6:1230A88:65CE86AA.", "documentation_url": ""}

aaaaaa, I worked hard, now I'm taking a week's vacation, see you soon!
[22:04:10] <Émy - OniriCorpe> yes i'm out of home for a week but i will try to fix anyway x)
[22:06:33] <Émy - OniriCorpe> only 16 ci-auto-update? I would have expected more x)
[22:09:59] <orhtej2> > raise ValueError(f"Unknown update strategy '{strategy}' for '{name}', expected one of {STRATEGIES}")

[22:10:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[22:11:01] <orhtej2> > <> > github.GithubException.GithubException: 403 {"message": "You have exceeded a secondary rate limit and have been temporarily blocked from content creation. Please retry your request again later. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EC00:924C5:12054A6:1230A88:65CE86AA.", "documentation_url": ""}

I was thinking about interweaving sources to avoid rate limits but didn't have a good idea on how to implement that
[22:12:52] <orhtej2> > json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Always love such errors, as if including offending content would be too much to ask (OTOH would be a security issue but who cares :P) The world went forward when Java started saying what was requested index and what was max available for IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions
[22:14:06] <Salamandar> > > raise ValueError(f"Unknown update strategy '{strategy}' for '{name}', expected one of {STRATEGIES}")
> {placeholder_for_witty_comment}

yeah, python tracebacks never are pretty
[22:23:52] <orhtej2> > <> yeah, python tracebacks never are pretty

no, we literally forgot to fill placeholders :P
[22:24:05] <Salamandar> no no
[22:24:07] <Salamandar> it's a f-string ;)
[22:24:27] <orhtej2> > <> it's a f-string ;)

ahhh but of course, not string format
[22:24:30] <orhtej2> don't mind me
[22:24:57] <orhtej2> Instructions unclear, autoupdater clearly hits global limit
[22:25:06] <orhtej2> perhaps it should use some phony user token?
[22:34:48] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [Applist builder error]
Failed to run the source auto-update for: anarchism, autobrr, galette, librarian, limesurvey, lstu, lufi, minetest, my_capsule, open-web-calendar, opensondage, osticket, owncast-emojiwall, owntracks, piped, pleroma, rss-bridge, sutom, tracim, weblate, writefreely, yourls, zwave-js-ui
Please run manually the `` script on these apps to debug what is happening!
See the debug log here:"
[22:50:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [Applist builder error]
Failed to run the source auto-update for: anarchism, autobrr, diagramsnet, documize, etherpad_mypads, excalidraw, firefish, flood, fluffychat, fluxbb, focalboard, forgejo, framagames, freescout, freshrss, friendica, galene, galette, gamja, ghost, gitlab-runner, gitlist, glpi, gogs, gotify, gotosocial, grav, grist, grocy, grr, halcyon, haste, hat, headphones, headscale, hedgedoc, hextris, homarr, httpsh, hubzilla, hydrogen, ifconfig-io, ifm, indexhibit, invoiceninja, invoiceninja5, itflow, jellyfin-vue, jellyseerr, jirafeau, joomla, kanboard, kavita, kimai2, koel, ladder, leantime, leed, lemmy, librarian, libreddit, libremdb, librespeed, libreto, librex, lidarr, limesurvey, lingva, linkstack, linuxdash, lionwiki-t2t, listmonk, loki, lstu, luckysheet, lufi, lxd-dashboard, lychee, matomo, matrix-appservice-irc, matterbridge, mautrix_telegram, meilisearch, minchat, minetest, mineweb, miniflux, mobilizon, mongo-express, monica, moodle, mopidy, movim, mstream, mumble-web, my-mind, my_capsule, mytinytodo, navidrome, netdata, nitter, nocodb, nodered, ntfy, nullboard, ombi, omeka-s, open-web-calendar, opensondage, osjs, osticket, owncast, owncast-emojiwall, owntracks, pairdrop, paperless-ngx, peertube, pepettes, phpboost, phpipam, phpldapadmin, phplicensewatcher, phpservermon, phpsysinfo, piped, pixelfed, plainpad, planka, plateau, pleroma, pluxml, prestashop, privatebin, processwire, prometheus, psitransfer, quizzes, radarr, rallly, readarr, readeck, reiverr, roundcube, rss-bridge, rsshub, rustdesk-server, satdress, searx, selfoss, send, shaarli, shiori, signaturepdf, snappymail, snipeit, soapbox, spacedeck, ssbroom, ssh_chroot_dir, sutom, svgedit, synapse-admin, syncserver-rs, syncthing, tandoor, taskboard, teampass, teddit, terraforming-mars, thelounge, tiddlywiki, tinyfilemanager, tldraw, tooljet, traccar, tracim, traggo, transfersh, trilium, tube, ulogger, umami, ums, uptime-kuma, weblate, webmin, webtrees, wekan, wetty, whitebophir, wikijs, wireguard, wondercms, woodpecker, writefreely, yacy, yellow, yeswiki, yourls, yunomonitor, zeroui, zipline, zusam, zwave-js-ui
Please run manually the `` script on these apps to debug what is happening!
See the debug log here:"
[22:51:52] <Émy - OniriCorpe> omg ahahahahaha
[22:52:16] <Émy - OniriCorpe> i closed many sucessfull ci-autoupdate PR btw
[22:52:30] <Salamandar> all that is rate-limited pr requests :|
[22:52:55] <Émy - OniriCorpe> 😬
[22:53:01] <orhtej2> huh
[22:53:09] <orhtej2> did not realize there might be 3 components
[22:53:17] <orhtej2> fix incoming one day :P
[22:53:31] <Salamandar> ahha
[22:55:14] <Salamandar> i might be able to reduce the number of requests on github…
* first get the manifest.toml of master
* then directly check for a branch instead of starting to download the artifacts etc
* then if the branch doesn't exist, run the normal code
[22:55:55] <Émy - OniriCorpe> else, increase the waiting time between each app x)
[22:56:22] <Émy - OniriCorpe> i think by one minute would be safe enough /j
[22:57:35] <Salamandar> > <> i might be able to reduce the number of requests on github…
> * first get the manifest.toml of master
> * then directly check for a branch instead of starting to download the artifacts etc
> * then if the branch doesn't exist, run the normal code

arf, actually no I can't, because some updates might impact "non-main" sources (the autoupdate PR will not contain a version number)…
[22:57:45] <Salamandar> > <> else, increase the waiting time between each app x)

or between my manual tests :D
[22:58:37] <orhtej2> rate limit is 6 artifact requests per minute
[22:58:50] <orhtej2> the actual downloads that is
[23:08:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [Applist builder error]
Failed to run the source auto-update for: anarchism, autobrr, galette, librarian, limesurvey, lstu, lufi, minetest, movim, my_capsule, open-web-calendar, opensondage, osticket, owncast-emojiwall, owntracks, paperless-ngx, piped, pleroma, rss-bridge, snipeit, sutom, tooljet, tracim, weblate, writefreely, yourls
Please run manually the `` script on these apps to debug what is happening!
See the debug log here:"
[23:09:15] <Salamandar>
[23:09:25] <Salamandar> yeah so i actually made the script slower because it's faster
[23:11:21] <Émy - OniriCorpe> you should not have optimized it lmao
[23:13:41] <Émy - OniriCorpe> also, didn't someone once raise the number of ci runners to 3 or 5?
[23:14:52] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [Applist builder error]
Failed to run the source auto-update for: anarchism, autobrr, galette, librarian, limesurvey, lstu, lufi, minetest, my_capsule, opensondage, osticket, owntracks, pleroma, rss-bridge, tracim
Please run manually the `` script on these apps to debug what is happening!
See the debug log here:"
[23:15:36] <Émy - OniriCorpe> ```
- weblate (5.3.1 -> ) see
- yourls (1.9.2 -> ) see
[23:15:40] <Émy - OniriCorpe> 🤔
[23:15:41] <Salamandar> ok in -j3 it's much better
[23:16:23] <Salamandar> > <> ```
> - weblate (5.3.1 -> ) see
> - yourls (1.9.2 -> ) see
> ```

yeah stupid me
[23:16:51] <Émy - OniriCorpe> btw the PR list at the top is a really great idea, love it
[23:17:20] <Salamandar> > <> btw the PR list at the top is a really great idea, love it

yeah i added that, also the "old prs" that are left sitting here waiting
[23:17:52] <Émy - OniriCorpe> yup
[23:17:52] <Salamandar> also the matrix message on error ? IMHO it should be always sent, even when no error
[23:18:32] <Salamandar> > <> ```
> - weblate (5.3.1 -> ) see
> - yourls (1.9.2 -> ) see
> ```

yeah so basically this is when a "non-main" source is updated, the main version of the app does not change
[23:20:13] <Émy - OniriCorpe> I think it would be cool if there was a parameter for the "latest_commit" that allows the script not to make a PR if the last one is less than _n_ days old, to avoid PR spamming
[23:20:57] <Émy - OniriCorpe> I think of it because of apps like piped
[23:22:42] <Salamandar> > <> I think it would be cool if there was a parameter for the "latest_commit" that allows the script not to make a PR if the last one is less than _n_ days old, to avoid PR spamming

ah yes !
[23:22:52] <Salamandar> with `latest_X_commit` ?
[23:26:53] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [Applist builder error]
Failed to run the source auto-update for: anarchism, autobrr, galette, librarian, limesurvey, lstu, lufi, minetest, my_capsule, opensondage, osticket, owntracks, pleroma, rss-bridge, tracim
Please run manually the `` script on these apps to debug what is happening!
See the debug log here:"
[23:36:58] <Émy - OniriCorpe> can we get a gitlab job's compilation? for
[23:38:07] <Salamandar> not sure i get what you mean
[23:38:41] <Salamandar> ah…
[23:38:43] <Salamandar> now i see
[23:38:49] <Salamandar> dunno, tomorrow maybe :D
[23:39:46] <Émy - OniriCorpe> :")
[23:41:04] <Émy - OniriCorpe> i fixed "librarian" just by removing the `autoupdate.strategy = ""` since the app is deprecated x)
`ValueError: Unknown update strategy '' for 'main', expected one of ['latest_github_release', 'latest_github_tag', 'latest_github_commit', 'latest_gitlab_release', 'latest_gitlab_tag', 'latest_gitlab_commit', 'latest_gitea_release', 'latest_gitea_tag', 'latest_gitea_commit', 'latest_forgejo_release', 'latest_forgejo_tag', 'latest_forgejo_commit']`
[23:41:25] <Émy - OniriCorpe> and i archived the repo