Friday, February 16, 2024
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[07:41:44] <Thomas> > <> I think it would be cool if there was a parameter for the "latest_commit" that allows the script not to make a PR if the last one is less than _n_ days old, to avoid PR spamming

Yes I agree! I have this "issue" for Terraforming-mars and soon™ for Overleaf. Update once a week would for example be good I think
[08:24:39] <kayou> > <> also, didn't someone once raise the number of ci runners to 3 or 5?

are you talking about the ci-apps runners?
[08:27:02] <kayou> we can't really, because when all the ci-apps runners and ci-core runners are working at the same time, there are too many I/O on the harissa's SSD
[08:28:29] <kayou> a solution is to add another server to the cluster (but i tried that a years ago and the cluster was not working properly, random errors etc)
[08:35:54] <tituspijean> how much RAM has harissa? IIRC @selfhoster from last Yunocamp wanted to run his own CI with everything running on ramdisks
[08:37:32] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] 🔴 Pipeline [#1177197831]( failed on branch dev
[09:29:39] <kayou> 16G
[09:29:40] <kayou> i tried to do the same but it was not that easy (i don't remember why I gave up)
[09:53:32] <tituspijean> Maybe 16GB would not be enough, especially if we run 3 workers at the same time. (some read, might investigate someday^TM)
[09:53:39] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] ✖️ Pipeline [#1177197831]( canceled on branch dev
[09:55:22] <kayou> yep i followed this guide for the ramdisk on lxc
[09:55:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] 🔴 Pipeline [#1177197831]( failed on branch dev
[09:57:11] <kayou> all ci-core containers rebuilt
[09:57:17] <kayou> ^
[10:26:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @tituspijean opened [issue #2332]( "Security" and threat model tutorial
[10:26:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [issues] @tituspijean labeled :book: documentation on [issue #2332]( "Security" and threat model tutorial
[10:28:17] <tituspijean> (cf. the question in the support room)
[16:11:56] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [Applist builder error]
Failed to run the source auto-update for: anarchism, autobrr, galette, limesurvey, lstu, lufi, minetest, my_capsule, opensondage, osticket, owntracks, piped, pleroma, rss-bridge, tracim
Please run manually the `` script on these apps to debug what is happening!
See the debug log here:"
[17:25:25] <Salamandar> > <> [Applist builder error]
> Failed to run the source auto-update for: anarchism, autobrr, galette, limesurvey, lstu, lufi, minetest, my_capsule, opensondage, osticket, owntracks, piped, pleroma, rss-bridge, tracim
> Please run manually the `` script on these apps to debug what is happening!
> See the debug log here:"

i think osticket failed because there was no `testing` branch
[17:25:29] <Salamandar> that's fixed
[17:35:31] <Salamandar> lstu failure reveals a bug i had already anticipated
[17:35:53] <Salamandar> gitlab allows nested projects, so it's not owner/project anymore… it can be owner/project/project
[17:44:03] <Salamandar> the issue is…
[17:44:04] <Salamandar>
[17:44:09] <Salamandar> gitlab can be installed in a subpath
[17:44:47] <Salamandar> so if you have code = https://mydomain.tld/subdir1/subdir2/project
[17:44:55] <Salamandar> how can you decide it's gitlab = mydomain.tld/subdir, project = subdir2/project
[17:45:05] <Salamandar> or gitlab = mydomain.tld, project = subdir1/subdir2/project
[17:45:09] <Salamandar> gha
[17:49:38] <Salamandar> well i guess i'll assume gitlab is installed on domain root…
[17:49:43] <Salamandar> any idea ?
[17:50:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 😐️
[17:50:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> burn computers
[17:52:22] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> i think osticket failed because there was no `testing` branch

I saw a bunch of packagers who direct PR into master and the testing branch is updated by many years, while adding auto update x)
[17:52:48] <eric_G> names?
[17:53:18] <Émy - OniriCorpe> Didn’t noted x)
[17:53:29] <Salamandar> > <> I saw a bunch of packagers who direct PR into master and the testing branch is updated by many years, while adding auto update x)

i would love a bot that sees if testing can be fast-forwarded to master and rebases testing to master automagically
[17:53:39] <Émy - OniriCorpe> I just rebased the testing branch
[17:53:46] <eric_G> > <> Didn’t noted x)

[17:54:26] <Salamandar> > <> how can you decide it's gitlab = mydomain.tld/subdir, project = subdir2/project

i got some stupid heuristic by curl-ing the web page of the project, and grep-ing "/api/graphql", to find the root of the api…
[17:54:33] <Émy - OniriCorpe> You can search for “rebase testing” in my latest PRs x)
[17:54:36] <Salamandar> but i don't like it myself…
[17:59:56] <Salamandar> > <> well i guess i'll assume gitlab is installed on domain root…

my own gitea is installed on a subpath…
[18:00:06] <Salamandar> ><'
[18:18:02] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @Tagadda pushed 1 commit to Tagadda-patch-1: Update sury apt key ([707180da](
[18:20:22] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @Tagadda opened [pull request #1777]( Update sury apt key
[18:31:27] <Salamandar> is it worth committing ?
[18:31:47] <Salamandar>
[18:44:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [yunohost] @alexAubin [commented]( on pull request #1777 Update sury apt key: suggestion # Purge expired keys (such as sury 95BD4743) EXPIRED_KEYS="(LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 apt-key list 2>/...
[20:33:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [Applist builder error]
Failed to run the source auto-update for: anarchism, autobrr, focalboard, limesurvey, lstu, lufi, minetest, opensondage, pleroma, rss-bridge, tracim
Please run manually the `` script on these apps to debug what is happening!
See the debug log here:"
[20:44:22] <Émy - OniriCorpe> Awawa le ci est toujours bourré
[20:44:52] <Salamandar> :D
[20:51:15] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> [Applist builder error]
> Failed to run the source auto-update for: anarchism, autobrr, focalboard, limesurvey, lstu, lufi, minetest, opensondage, pleroma, rss-bridge, tracim
> Please run manually the `` script on these apps to debug what is happening!
> See the debug log here:"

Fixed autobrr
[20:52:31] <Salamandar> merci, j'ai tenté de le fixer mais ça a pas été suffisant on dirait
[20:53:48] <Émy - OniriCorpe> Ils sont relous ils ont changé le nom du fichier en random entre les releases
[20:54:03] <Émy - OniriCorpe> Donc j’ai fait une condition “ou” dans la regex x)
[20:54:44] <Salamandar> ><'
[20:54:46] <Salamandar> j'ai une solution
[20:55:04] <Salamandar> dans le manifest, on pourrait avoir resources.sources.*.autoupdate.version_regex
[20:55:34] <Salamandar> ça permettrait de virer les `RuntimeError: No tags were found after sanity filtering!`
[20:55:43] <Émy - OniriCorpe> `autoupdate.asset.armhf = "^autobrr_.*_linux_(arm|armv6).tar.gz$"`
[22:30:30] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @GitHangar forked SSOwat to [GitHangar/SSOwat](
[22:32:37] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @GitHangar forked yunohost-admin to [GitHangar/yunohost-admin](
[22:33:20] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @GitHangar forked yunohost to [GitHangar/yunohost](
[23:00:16] <Salamandar>
[23:01:34] <Salamandar>
[23:01:48] <Émy - OniriCorpe> Part 8427
[23:01:57] <Salamandar> hahaha
[23:02:05] <Salamandar> yeah but this one actually is noice
[23:07:52] <Salamandar> comment appellerait-on la période pendant laquelle latest_github_tag ne trigger pas de nouvelle PR ?
[23:08:10] <Salamandar> `no_spam_days` ?
[23:08:22] <Salamandar> ou juste `minimum_days` ?
[23:09:20] <Émy - OniriCorpe> “Delay”?
[23:10:09] <Salamandar> mouais, ça donnerait l'impression que l'autoupdater va juste prévenir en retard
[23:10:11] <Salamandar> hmmm
[23:10:19] <Salamandar> quoiqu'en fait c'est ptêt ce qu'on veut en quelque sorte
[23:11:09] <Salamandar> mais en fait je ne sais pas où j'irais piocher l'info de la dernière version poussée par le bot…
[23:11:15] <Salamandar> bref dodo :D
[23:11:33] <Émy - OniriCorpe> atermoiement
[23:11:52] <Salamandar> > <> mais en fait je ne sais pas où j'irais piocher l'info de la dernière version poussée par le bot…

on n'a pas facilement l'info "la dernière date de ci-auto-update-pr"…
[23:12:02] <Émy - OniriCorpe> Répit
[23:12:04] <Salamandar> :D
[23:12:06] <Salamandar> o/
[23:12:26] <Émy - OniriCorpe> manoeuvre dilatoire

[23:12:36] <Émy - OniriCorpe> Pardon je me suis juste perdue sur crisco
[23:13:25] <Émy - OniriCorpe> > <> on n'a pas facilement l'info "la dernière date de ci-auto-update-pr"…

La date est dans le nom de version
[23:21:06] <Salamandar> pas pour les autres…
[23:21:06] <Salamandar> > <> La date est dans le nom de version

pour la source main
[23:21:06] <Salamandar> \><'
[23:22:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (j'ai suivi en diagonale mais perso je ferais pas un mécanisme de "ralentir la frequence de commit" seulement pour la stategy latest\_commit, mais pour tous les trucs, perso j'avais imaginé un truc genre `autoupdate.frequency = "evert N days"` et du coup faire juste un modulo sur l'id du jour en cours (genre de 0 à 365 bref)
[23:22:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (j'ai suivi en diagonale mais perso je ferais pas un mécanisme de "ralentir la frequence de commit" seulement pour la stategy latest\_commit, mais pour tous les trucs, perso j'avais imaginé un truc genre `autoupdate.frequency = "every N days"` et du coup faire juste un modulo sur l'id du jour en cours (genre de 0 à 365 bref)
[23:22:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (j'ai suivi en diagonale mais perso je ferais pas un mécanisme de "ralentir la frequence de commit" seulement pour la stategy latest\_commit, mais pour tous les trucs, perso j'avais imaginé un truc genre `autoupdate.frequency = "every N days"` et du coup faire juste un modulo sur l'id du jour en cours (genre de 0 à 365 bref) pour déterminer si il faut skip l'app ou non
[23:27:44] <Salamandar> > faire juste un modulo sur l'id du jour

simple et efficace en effet
[23:28:06] <Salamandar> bon sinon t'as une pr terminée à lire :p
[23:40:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> merged ✅
[23:59:52] <Salamandar> Merci ❤️