Sunday, December 04, 2022
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[00:12:18] <Thomas Freedman> Anybody here have success installing & configuring the Scuttlebutt rooms app (ssbrooms) ?

I can instal it but can't configure it. I'm getting a failure to set __PORT__ variable error. The documentation links point back to docs on yunohost which are non-existent.
[00:12:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> no logs, no help
[00:40:15] <Thomas Freedman> Ok
[00:40:30] <Thomas Freedman> Dinner is ready, after that.
[00:42:22] <Thomas Freedman>
[00:42:30] <Thomas Freedman> NOW I eat
[01:22:45] <Thomas Freedman> > no logs, no help

Logs no help?

I also tried to install the Rocket.Chat app, which failed. It looks to be more resource intensive, so not surprised it failed too.

This surfaces the need for yunohost to:
1) build a way to assess the resource requirements of apps and tell admins their server doesn't meet requirements or app is likely to fail or perform poorly, OR

2) require app developers wishing to integrate with yunohost to provide tech specs that yunohost can verify to determine is installation is possible.
[01:22:46] <Thomas Freedman> Here is the log for the failed rocket chat install:
[01:22:50] <Thomas Freedman> Frankly tho, I'd prefer to have any help focus on the ssb rooms app as I believe it is more likely to perform well on this low end VPS.

Yunohost's diagnostics report looks good tho in terms of memory & disk space free for use.

I'm impressed with how efficient yunohost appears to be with its use of resources.
[01:32:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> fix should be available in ~ynh5 version of that package
[01:32:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <>

there was indeed a missing variable loading, fixed in
[01:32:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (the catalog is rebuilt every ~4 hours but you can otherwise run the upgrade manually right now with `yunohost app upgrade ssbroom -u`
[01:34:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> > no logs, no help
> Logs no help?
> I also tried to install the Rocket.Chat app, which failed. It looks to be more resource intensive, so not surprised it failed too.
> This surfaces the need for yunohost to:
> 1) build a way to assess the resource requirements of apps and tell admins their server doesn't meet requirements or app is likely to fail or perform poorly, OR
> 2) require app developers wishing to integrate with yunohost to provide tech specs that yunohost can verify to determine is installation is possible.

yeah the whole thing about "resource requirement" has been added in our app packaging v2 which is introduced in yunohost v11.1 (currently in testing) though this is still gonna be a somewhat lengthy process to stabilize and migrate all the app to that new packaging format
[01:34:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (and will improve many other things such as stupid bugs like the one you encountered with ssbroom)
[01:34:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (or rather prevent* bugs, not improve the bugs ;P)
[01:37:23] <Thomas Freedman> Thanks Aleks. I was just looking at the rocket chat issue on the yunohost forum too. Haven't finished reading it all yet but you were the first responder on that too, which appears to be the same issue I encountered.

I'll run the ssbroom upgrade and see if that gets me going.

Thanks a bunch!
[01:38:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the issue with rocket chat doesnt seem related to performances though 🤔

2022-12-04 01:09:03,608: DEBUG - + mongosh --quiet --username --password --authenticationDatabase --host --port
2022-12-04 01:09:04,496: WARNING - MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED

but i don't know enough about mongodb to understand what going on x_x
[01:40:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah i kind of see what's going on
[01:43:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> not sure to understand how the current code can work for any body
[01:43:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yet the install is somewhat successful on our automatic tests x_X
[01:53:18] <Thomas Freedman> Looks like many other applications that use mongodb suffer from that error. One guy resolved it by manually starting the db then doing the app install. Not applicable to rocket chat on yunohost tho; on failure mongodb is removed so nothing to start manually.

The ssbroom upgrade resolved the issue I asked for help on, but now I can't figour out how to get to the admin interface of the app as seen here:
[01:59:01] <Thomas Freedman> After reading the forum post on rocket chat looks like my cpu doesn't provide the required AVX instruction, but I won't try to use an earlier version of mongo to get around 'that' problem to face another failure observed.
[02:27:55] <Thomas Freedman> Problem accessing the admin page is resolved. It's an app limitation. Cannot change the app url, it must be the domain root.
[08:37:01] <tituspijean> (Issue has been resolved :
[08:38:15] <tituspijean> (Urmf sorry for the noise, I had a bunch of messages missing from my Matrix client)
[14:54:42] <AlexxiS> Hello, je déplace la conversation ici Aleks (he/him/il/lui) . J'ai remonté le fil de discutions ici pour voir s'il y avait une solution à mon problème, mais rien.
[14:54:55] <AlexxiS> j'ai ré-ouvert le port 80 dans la box
[14:55:07] <AlexxiS>
[14:55:50] <AlexxiS> J'ai attendu quelques minutes et refait le diag dans yunohost. Toujours en rouge avec le même problème
[14:56:00] <AlexxiS>
[14:59:29] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mouaip ben quand je tente d'accéder à ton domaine je tombe sur une page chelou qui n'a rien a voir avec yunohost
[14:59:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> est-ce que ça te parle ?
[15:00:15] <AlexxiS>
[15:00:18] <AlexxiS> celle ci ?
[15:00:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yep
[15:00:46] <AlexxiS> C'est en http
[15:01:56] <AlexxiS> Par contre, en https, ça marche, seulement le certificat est obsolète.
[15:02:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oui et donc il faut quand même que en HTTP ça redirige vers yunohost car c'est nécessaire pour l'obtention du certif Lets Encrypt, on pourrait discuter pendant des heures de pourquoi ça marche comme ça mais voila
[15:03:11] <AlexxiS> Sur mon instance mastodon, je ne peu voir aucunes autres instances. Je ne peux pas voir ni suivre mon compte sur par exemple
[15:03:23] <AlexxiS> Ok, je vais voir de ce coté alors
[15:03:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> certes, un problème à la fois
[15:03:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> et je serais pas surpris que les serveurs masto refusent d'interagir avec des serveurs qui n'ont pas de certificat valide
[15:04:17] <AlexxiS> J'ai ce soucis de http depuis le début lors d'une fresh install. Je suis sur un eeepc901
[15:04:41] <AlexxiS> > <> et je serais pas surpris que les serveurs masto refusent d'interagir avec des serveurs qui n'ont pas de certificat valide

Y a des chances oui, idem pour pixeldef et diaspora
[15:05:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <> J'ai ce soucis de http depuis le début lors d'une fresh install. Je suis sur un eeepc901

le problème n'est sans doute pas yunohost, le problème c'est un truc sur ton réseau local qui utilise le port 80 ... sans doute ta box naivement
[15:06:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> m'enfin c'est tout de même funky cette histoire de télécharger un plugin
[15:06:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> et en `curl` j'avais des trucs en chinois x_x
[15:10:23] <AlexxiS> J'ai eu aussi une histoire d'IP blacklistée sur 2 sites. Le premier, j'ai suivis les indications, c'est passé, mais pour le second.... Ca ne marche pas
[15:10:30] <AlexxiS>
[15:12:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yep, bienvenue dans l'écosystème du mail où une poignée de boîte érige des critères arbitraires et t'empêchent de vivre ta vie tranquille alors que t'as rien demandé ...
[15:14:06] <AlexxiS> Je regarde si je peux changer le port d'accès à la box, comme t'as dit, ça doit être 80 par défaut
[15:15:11] <AlexxiS> Mais l'IP de ma box n'est pas la même que l'eeepc 🤔
[15:18:09] <AlexxiS> Le port d'accès à distance à ma box est 4430
[16:44:49] <AlexxiS> Bon, je fais un backup. Je testerai dans la semaine chez un pote qui a un autre FAI
[16:57:20] <AlexxiS> J'aurai juste besoin de faire un dns-conf update pour récup l'ip du pote ?
[16:58:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> normalement y'a un cron qui met à jour automagiquement le DNS lorsque tu utilises un
[17:03:55] <AlexxiS> On verra bien. Je suis chez anciennement numéricable, maintenant SFR branché en câble coaxial. Je testerai sur de la fibre Orange...
[17:06:16] <pti-jean> AlexxiS, Pour tester, tu peux faire la manip suivante: Tu actives sur ton ordiphone le point d'accès... Tu te connectes de ton PC sur l'ordiphone... et là tu testes ton accès depuis Internet!
[17:23:39] <ynhuser> [INFO] Workaround for avahi : creating avahi user with uid 672
[17:23:39] <ynhuser> [INFO] Running workarounds_because_sysadmin_sucks
[17:23:39] <ynhuser> hello, im trying to install YUno and keep getting this wrror message.... [INFO] Running register_debconf
[17:23:40] <ynhuser> [FAIL] Unable to run stupid workarounds ......  its a fresh install on an empty server
[17:24:09] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> :|
[17:24:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> do you have the full log somehow ?
[17:24:44] <ynhuser> [INFO] Running upgrade_system
[17:24:45] <ynhuser> Get:1 bullseye-security InRelease [48.4 kB]
[17:24:45] <ynhuser> Hit:2 bullseye InRelease
[17:24:46] <ynhuser> Hit:3 bullseye-updates InRelease
[17:24:47] <ynhuser> Reading package lists...
[17:24:47] <ynhuser> Fetched 48.4 kB in 0s (122 kB/s)
[17:24:50] <ynhuser> Reading package lists...
[17:24:50] <ynhuser> libtext-iconv-perl is already the newest version (1.7-7+b1).
[17:24:50] <ynhuser> Building dependency tree...
[17:24:50] <ynhuser> Reading state information...
[17:24:51] <ynhuser> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[17:24:52] <ynhuser> Building dependency tree...
[17:24:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oh god ...
[17:24:52] <ynhuser> Reading package lists...
[17:24:53] <ynhuser> grub-common is already the newest version (2.06-3~deb11u4).
[17:24:53] <ynhuser> grub2-common is already the newest version (2.06-3~deb11u4).
[17:24:53] <ynhuser> Reading state information...
[17:24:54] <ynhuser> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[17:24:54] <ynhuser> Reading package lists...
[17:25:03] <ynhuser> Get:2 bullseye/main amd64 dialog amd64 1.3-20201126-1 [288 kB]
[17:25:04] <ynhuser> Fetched 448 kB in 0s (1,011 kB/s)
[17:25:04] <ynhuser> Selecting previously unselected package apt-transport-https.
[17:25:05] <ynhuser> Preparing to unpack .../apt-transport-https_2.2.4_all.deb ...
[17:25:05] <ynhuser> (Reading database ... 35022 files and directories currently installed.)
[17:25:06] <ynhuser> Selecting previously unselected package dialog.
[17:25:06] <ynhuser> Unpacking apt-transport-https (2.2.4) ...
[17:25:07] <ynhuser> Preparing to unpack .../dialog_1.3-20201126-1_amd64.deb ...
[17:25:07] <ynhuser> Unpacking dialog (1.3-20201126-1) ...
[17:25:08] <ynhuser> Setting up dialog (1.3-20201126-1) ...
[17:25:08] <ynhuser> Setting up apt-transport-https (2.2.4) ...
[17:25:09] <ynhuser> [INFO] Running confirm_installation
[17:25:09] <ynhuser> [INFO] Running create_custom_config
[17:25:10] <ynhuser> [INFO] Running manage_sshd_config
[17:25:11] <ynhuser> Reading package lists...
[17:25:11] <ynhuser> [INFO] Running fix_locales
[17:25:12] <ynhuser> Building dependency tree...
[17:25:12] <ynhuser> Reading state information...
[17:26:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)>
[17:26:51] <ynhuser> :/
[17:27:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> exists to share logs
[17:28:15] <ynhuser> ok
[17:38:09] <ynhuser> back
[17:39:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> what about the content of /var/log/yunohost-installation_20221204_171531.log
[17:40:35] <ynhuser> thats it
[17:41:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> zblerg
[17:41:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> okay then can you try re-running the install with `bash -x install_script`
[17:41:23] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (-x is the debug option for bash)
[17:41:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> that should display a shitload of info and should allow to pinpoint exactly what command is failing
[17:42:01] <ynhuser> ok, back in a bit
[17:55:08] <ynhuser> hi again,
[17:58:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cheers
[17:59:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah yea
[17:59:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> >adduser: command not found
[17:59:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hm that's weird i merged a fix the other day that was supposed to fix this
[17:59:54] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ynhuser: anyway, you can run `apt install adduser`
[17:59:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and then retry the install
[18:00:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sorry about that
[18:00:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (ah it wasnt merged in the bullseye version of the install script..)
[18:01:24] <ynhuser> getting the message, adduser is already the newest version (3.118)
[18:02:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> wtf
[18:02:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah
[18:02:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so it's the other issue about sbin ugh
[18:03:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I guess if you run `echo $PATH` you don't see any mention of `sbin` (nb: `sbin` and not `bin`)
[18:03:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> anyway ... I guess you can run : `PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH` and that should fix the issue
[18:04:14] <ynhuser> OK thanks
[18:06:12] <ynhuser> OK thanks, that sorted it ............. [ OK ] YunoHost installation completed !
[18:06:37] <ynhuser> (y)
[18:07:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> great 👍️
[18:07:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> I pushed a fix for the install script that should prevent other people from experiencing that issue /o\
[19:15:30] <anubis> Mattermost users, does it works for you ? I'm getting "Error: socket file "/var/run/mattermost/mattermost_local.socket" doesn't exists, please check the server configuration for local mode"
[19:48:43] <luishporras> Hi everyone, one question: once I've installed yunohost, if I disconnect from the ssh session I can't connect again. The server resquests a password, I introduce the admin password but it doesn't work. What am I missing?
[19:54:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> did you read
[23:01:12] <luishporras> yep I did, Ive tried to connect both as root, admin or the user I first created, none of them worked 🥲
[23:20:14] <theropologist> Hello! Is this where I ask questions?
[23:26:02] <theropologist> I'm currently running Mastodon 3.5.3~ynh4 on YunoHost and I see that 4.0.2~ynh1 is now available, but I'm not sure how to upgrade to the new version on my server.
[23:41:14] <theropologist> Never mind I think I got the answer from the README here: