Wednesday, November 01, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
10 11
17 18

[06:32:46] <Fritjof> I managed!
So now my disk is much bigger than before.
However Nextcloud doesn't see it properly?
It does however see my /mnt/hdd that I made for internal backups?
[11:51:04] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Bonjour,
Il semblerait qu'un pirate ait réussi à entrer dans mon Yunohost.
J'ai eu la surprise de voir un chat en colère à la place du Pacman apparaître dans la phase d'attente de traitement par le serveur dans la mise à jour du système.
La bonne nouvelle semble être que le pirate se signale à moi et n'a pas tout pété. Peut-être un white-hat facétieux.
La question est comment qu'on fait à partir de là ?
Quel process suivre ?
[11:51:49] <Charles P.> Je crois que c'est normal et que c'est l'événement d'Halloween, pas de soucis ^^
[11:52:16] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> Je crois que c'est normal et que c'est l'événement d'Halloween, pas de soucis ^^

ah merde, j'y avais pas pensé. Ce serait trop trop trop cool. Et plus simple.
[11:52:45] <Charles P.> Y'a aussi moyen de faire apparaitre un Nyan cat, mais je dis pas comment :p
[11:53:36] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Ah ben suis curieux maintenant.
[11:54:11] <Charles P.> Yup, je viens de vérifier rapidement dans le code, c'est effectivement l'événement d'Halloween qui remplace le Pac-Man par un spookycat
[11:54:41] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Ah ben ça va mieux.
[11:56:16] <Charles P.>
[11:56:36] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Ah les techos, z'ont pas pitié des cardiaques angoissés.
[11:56:55] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> sent an image.

Je le reconnais.
[11:57:34] <Charles P.> Plot twist : c'est moi qui t'avais piraté en réalité 😱
[11:58:47] <Lamecarlate> Han mais c'est trop bien ! (mais moi j'ai toujours le pacman… faut-il une version particulière de Yunohost ? je pense pourtant être à jour)
[11:59:17] <Charles P.> C'est seulement le 31 octobre que ça s'affiche, vous avez peut-être un fuseau horaire différent
[11:59:30] <Chatpitaine Caverne> C'était hier. J'ai juste passé une nuit...compliquée.
[12:00:42] <Lamecarlate> Ah flûte, il est 13h le 1er novembre pour moi maintenant. Je n'avais pas compris ça. L'an prochain, alors.
[12:02:49] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Bon. Au cas où, et histoire que je sache quoi faire, avez-vous des liens à conseiller sur comment réagir en cas de vraie alerte ?
[14:22:55] <kemi> hi
[14:30:00] <kemi> Unable to make 'synapse' the default app on the domain, '' is already in use by 'synapse-admin'
[14:30:25] <kemi> someone know how to disable old domain redirect?
[15:48:13] <> You need to change the redirection on your synapse-admin first.
[16:01:33] <kemi> but der is no option to do
[16:39:54] <Chatpitaine Caverne> kemi: I found this :

To see the actual domain :
`yunohost domain config get mydomain.tld`
to set it :

`yunohost domain config set domain.tld -v myapp`
[16:40:14] <Chatpitaine Caverne> kemi: I found this :

To see the actual domain :
`sudo yunohost domain config get mydomain.tld`
to set it :

`sudo yunohost domain config set domain.tld -v myapp`
[16:40:59] <kemi> oh thx i try that
[16:47:15] <Chatpitaine Caverne> kemi: I found this :

To see the actual domain default app :
`sudo yunohost domain config get mydomain.tld`
to set it :

`sudo yunohost domain config set domain.tld -v myapp`
[16:58:12] <kemi> sudo yunohost domain config get mydomain.tld
[16:58:24] <kemi> get _none
[16:59:05] <kemi> and other command shows
yunohost: error: unrecognized arguments: -v myapp
[17:00:32] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Stupid question, but, did you replace domain.tld by your domain and myapp by your app-name ?
[17:00:37] <kemi> yes i tryed both
[17:01:52] <kemi> but also change?
[17:02:25] <Chatpitaine Caverne> > <> but also change?

no. That's the name of the value in Yunohost.
[17:02:35] <kemi> ok
[17:04:22] <kemi> its not too importand a friend wanted to login with ferdium and it openens the synapse-admin page instead of the matrix chat
[17:07:19] <Chatpitaine Caverne> I don't have a default app, so I can't see how it is when it's set on an app, but in the app config panel, you have a green button "set as default" maybe try to click on it in synapse-admin in order to unselect this app.
And then in Matrix-synapse app click on it.
[17:08:17] <kemi> is already in use by xxx
[17:08:29] <kemi> thats the output
[17:08:47] <kemi> thanks anyway :)
[17:18:02] <Charles P.> > <> its not too importand a friend wanted to login with ferdium and it openens the synapse-admin page instead of the matrix chat

Note that you should set Element (or any other Matrix client) as the default, Synapse doesn't have any enduser interface. If you set it as default I guess all you'll see will be a blank page, maybe an error.
[17:19:00] <kemi> ok thx but i didnt make it that far
[17:19:32] <Charles P.> > <> and other command shows
> yunohost: error: unrecognized arguments: -v myapp

-v myapp won't work since the `yunohost domain config` command is not per-app
[17:21:25] <kemi> ok
[18:39:54] <craigvb> > <> There are a couple of ways you can keep an eye on it. SSH into the directory and `ls` when you are doing the renewal, or use something like Webmin's file manager to see into that directory.

Where the heck is /yunohost/api..... from the root directory?
[18:46:04] <craigvb> ok, found where the file is Wylel the file is still sitting in that directory currently
[18:46:07] <craigvb> should I delete it and try again?
[18:46:35] <craigvb> /var/www/.well-known/acme-challenge-public
[18:50:59] <craigvb> also why's it using muc.maindomain.tld or does that point to my main domain and not actually using "muc.maindomain.tld"
[18:55:29] <Wylel> > <> also why's it using muc.maindomain.tld or does that point to my main domain and not actually using "muc.maindomain.tld"

Because it’s set as a CNAME it acts as if it is the main domain. Don’t delete it, but rename it with .bak at the end (for backup) and then try it again.
[19:18:44] <craigvb> That was fun to type in to rename 😁 renamed .bak renewing domain, sits for some time on Verifying (new file is created in the directory) ...same result
[19:18:57] <craigvb> any suggestions? Not really wanting to have to reinstall the server and setup the domains again :(
[19:58:27] <aekone_> hi! I see there are some apps like Radarr Sonarr etc. Is there also a usenet downloader client or is it only for torrenting ? How can I use usenet to automaticaly download medias to my server? Thx :)
[20:03:26] <tituspijean> Hi, unfortunately no there is no usenet download app for YunoHost ( only lists the *rr apps)
[20:04:49] <aekone_> Ok thank you for your answer!
[20:05:20] <aekone_>
Is there a workaround maybe?
[20:06:25] <tituspijean> you could install your own client manually, as long as you do not break NGINX or YunoHost.
[20:07:07] <aekone_> Ok, I will try it. Thanks!
[20:07:15] <tituspijean> > Thanksgiving

not yet!
[20:08:09] <aekone_> Lol
[20:18:30] <Wylel> > <> That was fun to type in to rename 😁 renamed .bak renewing domain, sits for some time on Verifying (new file is created in the directory) ...same result

have you blocked port 80 recently?
[23:34:54] <craigvb> > <> have you blocked port 80 recently?

nothing's blocked, having said that will double check the firewall
[23:35:50] <Wylel> > <> nothing's blocked, having said that will double check the firewall

I did check what you posted earlier and came up with this (I think this will take you to the result, if not just search DNS-01 with the muc domain you posted earlier)
[23:36:53] <Wylel> I dont THINK it is the reason of the issue, but DNS be funky so maybe.
[23:37:01] <Wylel> I dont THINK it is the reason for the issue, but DNS be funky so maybe.
[23:39:37] <craigvb> I'm pretty sure yunohost got me to put in a txt record for host @ ttl 900 "v-spf1 a mx -all" 🤔 I can take it out and try if you want
[23:40:00] <craigvb> I'll just run diagnosis see what comes up
[23:49:42] <craigvb> nothing came up
[23:52:39] <Wylel> > <> I'm pretty sure yunohost got me to put in a txt record for host @ ttl 900 "v-spf1 a mx -all" 🤔 I can take it out and try if you want

yeah the issue with that debug is the extra maindomain.tld in it (.maindomain.tld.maindomain.tld)
[23:53:51] <craigvb> so, what do you suggest I try?