Monday, October 03, 2022
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[10:05:44] <Aleks> > <> (I'm the one logged in as YunoHost bot on Github, to cleanup its forks)

oh thanks <3
[10:06:26] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @alexAubin pushed 2 commits to master:
[10:06:26] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @alexAubin deleted branch more_php
[10:06:26] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter] @alexAubin merged pull request #106: php-php-gettext exception
[10:06:29] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter/master] Update - yalh76
[10:06:33] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_linter/master] Merge pull request #106 from YunoHost/more_php php-php-gettext exception - Alexandre Aubin
[10:43:31] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @bachy commented on issue #506 Upgrade from 22.2.10~ynh1 to 24.0.4~ynh1 failed: +1 from 21.0.3~ynh1 [logs](
[12:47:49] <Guillaume Bouzige> hello hello
[12:48:13] <Guillaume Bouzige> how do I get the value of app domain when in nginx conf of an app
[12:49:20] <Aleks> you mean `__DOMAIN__` ?
[12:49:27] <Guillaume Bouzige> yeah !
[12:49:50] <Guillaume Bouzige> is there somewhere a list of available variables like that ?
[12:50:10] <Aleks> basically any bash var such as `$foobar` can be used as `__FOOBAR__` in a conf template
[12:50:32] <Aleks> or rather `__FOO__` gets replaced by `$foo` and `__BAR__` gets replaced by `$bar`
[12:50:43] <Aleks> though there are a few boring historical exceptions
[12:50:52] <Aleks> such as `__PATH__` getting replaced by `$path_url` I think
[12:51:44] <Guillaume Bouzige> I see
[12:52:19] <Guillaume Bouzige> so it will be `__PATH_URL__`
[12:52:31] <Aleks> and `__FINALPATH__` gets replaced with `$final_path` (notice the middle underscore)
[12:52:50] <Aleks> This is documented inside the ynh_add_config helper :
[12:53:39] <Guillaume Bouzige> but in NGINX conf I only use the `__` ones ?
[12:55:32] <Aleks> yup
[12:56:32] <Guillaume Bouzige> righty
[12:59:22] <Guillaume Bouzige> is it possible to automatically create a domain within the installation script ? like call the cli with right parameters and create a domain without a user interaction
[13:08:13] <Aleks> yes, `yunohost domain create <>`
[13:08:28] <Aleks> but it's kinda discouraged except if you really have good reason to do so
[13:08:47] <Guillaume Bouzige> I have one 😀
[13:08:53] <Aleks> ;P
[13:09:35] <Aleks> ah it's `domain add`, not `domain create` I think
[13:10:19] <Guillaume Bouzige> yep I was testing it too
[13:10:32] <Aleks> and I actually find no app doing this o.O I thought at least 2 or 3 would do it
[13:10:51] <Guillaume Bouzige> oawh that would be a first then
[13:17:05] <Aleks> pretty sure some apps did this in the past though
[13:17:31] <Aleks> but depending on your use case it might be better to tell (in the manifest) the admin to instead create a dedicated domain beforehand idk
[13:17:51] <Guillaume Bouzige> yeah I was thinking that as a second choice
[13:20:45] <Guillaume Bouzige> I am trying to package better cryptpad and it require a sandbox domain...
[13:21:10] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [wordpress_ynh] @El-Gavy commented on issue #191 Failed update 5.9.3~ynh2 -> 6.0.2~ynh1: I tried to disable ProfilePress plugin then upgrade again : no error message but i still have the issue explained : ever...
[13:21:20] <Guillaume Bouzige> it might just be fine to have the sandbox domain auto created at install
[13:22:48] <Guillaume Bouzige> also the domain being quite specific as well it wont be likely that you have already a domain named exactly like
[13:51:03] <Guillaume Bouzige> someone now nginx fairly well here ? in an app install nginx conf how can I impact nginx conf in the `server` conf such as setting headers and others
[13:51:27] <Guillaume Bouzige> I can see the standard nginx conf only contain `location {}` blocks
[13:59:01] <Aleks> heuarg
[13:59:17] <Aleks> well you can set headers inside the location blocks
[13:59:30] <Guillaume Bouzige> ah great then
[13:59:41] <Aleks> but yeah you can also add line in your nginx conf snippets outside the location block and they'll be global (or at leats global to that domain/server block)
[13:59:59] <Guillaume Bouzige> I see
[14:00:03] <Guillaume Bouzige> but not all of them
[14:00:06] <Guillaume Bouzige> I got complains
[14:00:14] <Guillaume Bouzige> if they are already sets
[14:00:36] <Guillaume Bouzige> but yeah I got the idea
[16:52:23] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @bachy commented on issue #506 Upgrade from 22.2.10~ynh1 to 24.0.4~ynh1 failed: ça bug systematiquement entre la 22 et la 23 2022-10-03 18:24:43,290: DEBUG - Maintenance mode disabled 2022-10-03 1...
[16:53:00] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @bachy commented on issue #506 Upgrade from 22.2.10~ynh1 to 24.0.4~ynh1 failed: est-ce quil y a moyen dupgrader une seul version a la fois ?
[16:55:40] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @bachy commented on issue #506 Upgrade from 22.2.10~ynh1 to 24.0.4~ynh1 failed: ça bug systematiquement entre la 22 et la 23 2022-10-03 18:24:43,107: DEBUG - + sudo -u nextcloud php8.0 --define ap...
[18:55:24] <yalh76> Why Auto-update README, is adding `*(:warning: This is the `testing` branch. The [`master` branch]( used in the catalog is currently on version 6.51\~ynh1.)*` on the testing branch that is not the default branch ?
[18:56:20] <tituspijean> That's a feature. Plenty of users where confusing the default testing branch and the master branch being deployed from the catalog. Aleks fixed that.
[18:56:35] <tituspijean> It gets automagically fixed when merged to master
[18:56:48] <yalh76> not that's not good
[18:57:19] <yalh76> it add that on a testing branch, that testing branch is not the default branch of the repository
[18:57:50] <yalh76> it should only add that when the default branch is not `master` or `main`
[18:58:33] <tituspijean> I'm not sure we can get that from the Gtihub API, I guess that's why it's added to all branches different than master
[18:58:54] <tituspijean> (or actually maybe he did not want to rely on the API)
[19:05:29] <yalh76> well, I think we have to tweak that. it sounds stupid to add that comment on the testing branch, merge a PR from testing to master withe the comment and then having the auto updater removing it from master.

In addition, the autoupdater directly do commits on the default/master branches, very very bad idea...
[19:05:44] <yalh76> well I will look what I can do about that
[19:55:29] <yalh76> the weird thing, I've seen that comment since less than one week
[20:01:54] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yalh76 pushed 1 commit to enh-readme-current-branch: Only apply when repository default branch is not the one from apps.json
[20:02:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yalh76 pushed 91 commits to enh-readme-current-branch:
[20:02:15] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/enh-readme-current-branch] Update apps.json - ericgaspar
[20:02:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/enh-readme-current-branch] Merge pull request #1521 from YunoHost/riot Remove Riot from catalog - Éric Gaspar
[20:02:21] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/enh-readme-current-branch] Merge branch master into enh-readme-current-branch - yalh76
[20:03:50] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yalh76 opened pull request #1522: Enh readme current branch
[20:05:52] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yalh76 edited pull request #1522: Enh readme current branch
[21:13:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin commented on issue #1522 Enh readme current branch: Eeeeh Im confused about the diff because the current code is a feature and not a bug I guess what youre pointing out ...
[21:36:29] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yalh76 commented on issue #1522 Enh readme current branch: > The issue is that, if I remember correctly, a long time ago it was decided that testing should be the default branch...
[22:13:28] <tituspijean> > <> the weird thing, I've seen that comment since less than one week

Could it be that the code was not pulled into the server before?