Tuesday, April 04, 2023
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12 13 14

[10:58:23] <Guest2778> http download for the zip seems to be slow, can i get a magnet link or some other download link?
[11:05:16] <tituspijean> we do not offer p2p download for our images, nor other mirrors, sorry.
[11:09:06] <Guest2778> no worries. i just discovered the builds page and i've downloaded it already. thanks.
[11:51:26] <al> Hello, I installed the virtualbox version to try but I get a user/password and couldn’t set or get it anyway.
What is both after the installation?
[11:52:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> should be root / yunohost
[11:54:42] <al> It works. Couldn’t find it in the docs.
[11:55:08] <al> Thanks!!
[13:38:03] <Guest50> Every application that has a config panel I get this error
[13:38:03] <Guest50>  'An error prevents the configuration panel from being displayed:
[13:38:04] <Guest50> Failed to read config panel values.
[13:38:05] <Guest50> Please report this error to the YunoHost team to get it fixed!"
[13:38:14] <Guest50> Any ideas where to check?
[13:42:08] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hhmmm
[13:43:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> can you try from the CLI to run `yunohost app config get your_app_name --full` and check if it displays any obvious error ?
[13:43:42] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (no need to share the result, just the errors if there are any)
[13:43:51] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (and ofc replace `your_app_name`)
[13:48:41] <Guest50> "sudo yunohost app config get privatebin --full
[13:48:41] <Guest50> Warning: /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils: line 25: YNH_APP_ACTION: unbound variable
[13:48:42] <Guest50> Error: Failed to read config panel values."
[13:49:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> thanks, will dig into it
[14:00:14] <Guest50> thanks
[14:07:26] <Guest50> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/config-panel-doesnt-work/24323/3
[14:07:27] <Guest50> Seems like an issue with the latest update.
[14:08:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, a fix is on the way
[18:43:18] <ynhuser3048> after setting the IP webadmin restriction to my IP (using ip.yunohost.org) and saving there was a bug while saving and I couldn't have access to the webadmin from any desktop local network or global domain name.
[18:43:20] <ynhuser3048> I updated the settings from the command line on the server directly (it an old computer) but I still don't have access.
[18:43:24] <ynhuser3048> I getting:
[18:43:25] <ynhuser3048>  403 Forbidden nginx
[18:44:11] <ynhuser3048> I rebooted the server but still having this issue. What do you think I could do now?
[19:39:44] <@err404:matrix.org> ynhuser3048: seem fail2ban rejecting you
[19:40:17] <@err404:matrix.org> a solution is to wait long enough to fail2ban forgeting you
[19:40:43] <@err404:matrix.org> but I am not sure it is concerning you
[19:52:06] <ynhuser3048> how canI check that it's a fai2ban from command line ?
[20:03:36] <@err404:matrix.org> I dont know
[20:04:11] <@err404:matrix.org> last time I was banned, I was going to sleep, and the next day all was good
[20:05:16] <@err404:matrix.org> may be you can try a wget from your console?
[20:06:58] <Guest16> Hi guys, thank you for your great work, first of all :)
[20:07:55] <tituspijean> ynhuser3048 can you confirm the current status of the setting for webadmin whitelist?
[20:08:47] <Guest16> I'm running into something odd, whenever I make a backup into Prowlarr it does the backup correctly but when I click on the file to download it (from prowlarr web page) it redirects me to
[20:10:03] <Guest16> At this point, if I close prowlarr and try to open it again from homepage, it just redirects me
[20:12:14] <Guest16> I need to mention I'm running it into a full VM on Proxmox, domain is yunohost.local because I don't want it to be exposed on the internet
[20:20:41] <Guest16> stack traceback:
[20:20:41] <Guest16> This is one line with error from error.log: 2023/04/03 21:37:51 [error] 872#872: *8 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: /usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:297: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
[20:20:42] <Guest16>     /usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:297: in function </usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:1>, client: 192.168.x.x, server: , request: "POST /yunohost/0.9334774987468 HTTP/2.0", host: "192.168.x.x", referrer: "https://192.168.x.x/yunohost/admin"
[20:20:42] <Guest16>     [C]: in function 'pairs'
[20:20:42] <Guest16> coroutine 0:
[20:24:25] <brayd[m]> Hi, I setup Tor on my Yunohost server and I can also reach it via Tor. However, I wanted to ask how I can achieve that an app I've running using a normal domain can ALSO be accessed via that Tor domain?
[20:24:48] <brayd[m]> So that a user can decide if they want to access it with a normal browser or as an hidden service
[20:31:59] <tituspijean> brayd[m] that is most likely not possible, but maybe try using the Redirect app in proxy mode (install it on the onion domain, have it proxy the normal domain/path)
[20:32:21] <tituspijean> I cannot say if it will preserve anonymity though
[20:32:53] <tituspijean> Guest16 thanks for the report, that's weird. can you tell us the Prowlarr and YunoHost packages versions you are running?
[20:34:05] <tituspijean> I cannot replicate your issue on Prowlarr and YunoHost 11.1.15, SSOwat 11.1.4
[20:35:01] <Guest16>   yunohost: 11.1.16 (stable)
[20:35:01] <Guest16>   yunohost-admin: (stable)
[20:35:02] <Guest16>   moulinette: 11.1.4 (stable)
[20:35:02] <Guest16>   ssowat: 11.1.4 (stable)
[20:35:38] <Guest16> Prowlarr from the webadmin says Installed version:
[20:36:34] <tituspijean> try upgrading it from its internal tool (generally discouraged with YunoHost, but I found it to be reliable for Prowlarr)
[20:36:50] <tituspijean> Meanwhile I'll upgrade my YunoHost to 11.1.16 🙂
[20:37:44] <Guest16> I can't reach Prowlarr anymore
[20:37:47] <Guest16> since I clicked on backup file
[20:38:33] <Guest16> I replicated it 3 times, restored a backup and every time I click on the just-made backup, it breaks
[20:38:44] <tituspijean> let's try to fix it. Run in the command line: `sudo yunohost app upgrade prowlarr -F`
[20:39:05] <Guest16> restored a backup I meant: I restored a VM backup
[20:39:10] <tituspijean> and before clicking on the backup, check its address please
[20:39:13] <Guest16> sure
[20:41:55] <Guest16> It's going
[20:42:17] <Guest16> Info: [################++..] > Starting a systemd service...
[20:42:18] <Guest16> Attenzione: (this may take some time)
[20:44:03] <Guest16> Still there
[20:44:15] <Guest16> https://yunohost.local/yunohost/sso/ it's causing error 500 as well
[20:45:51] <Guest16> no signs of life, even cpu is at minimum 1%
[20:46:17] <Guest16> 0.40% of 4 CPU(s)
[20:46:52] <Guest16> wow
[20:46:53] <Guest16> it ended
[20:47:21] <Guest16> Attenzione: The service prowlarr didn't fully executed the action start before the timeout.
[20:47:24] <Guest16> Attenzione: Please find here an extract of the end of the log of the service prowlarr:
[20:47:29] <Guest16> Attenzione: apr 04 22:05:26 Prowlarr[10130]: SQLite error (1): near "SHOW": syntax error in "SHOW server_version"
[20:47:30] <Guest16> Attenzione: apr 04 22:05:15 Prowlarr[10130]: SQLite error (1): near "SHOW": syntax error in "SHOW server_version"
[20:47:31] <Guest16> Attenzione: apr 04 22:05:31 Prowlarr[10130]: SQLite error (1): near "SHOW": syntax error in "SHOW server_version"
[20:48:31] <Guest16> ....
[20:48:31] <Guest16> Info: [##################+.] > Reloading NGINX web server...
[20:48:32] <Guest16> Info: [####################] > Upgrade of prowlarr completed
[20:48:33] <Guest16> Riuscito! prowlarr aggiornata
[20:48:34] <Guest16> Riuscito! Aggiornamento completo
[20:49:00] <tituspijean> is the app service running?
[20:49:24] <Guest16> https://yunohost.local/yunohost/sso/ working again
[20:49:30] <Guest16> prowlarr opening
[20:49:33] <Guest16> asking for config
[20:49:38] <Guest16> shall I use Form login ?
[20:50:49] <Guest16> About Version
[20:51:21] <Guest16> Selected Authentication with Forms, shall I update prowlarr using internal update?
[20:52:06] <Guest16> This is the proposed update:
[20:52:07] <Guest16>
[20:52:08] <Guest16> Mar 24 2023
[20:52:09] <Guest16> develop
[20:52:50] <tituspijean> go ahead
[21:02:26] <Guest16> So, dunno if update did it or not, I have again error 500 on yunohost homepage
[21:02:40] <Katismo> bj
[21:03:07] <Guest16> Ok, reloading prowlarr broke it as well
[21:03:13] <Guest16> update went succesfully
[21:03:18] <Katismo> hi first time using jabber can anyone see my message?
[21:03:28] <Guest16> 500 Internal Server Error
[21:03:29] <Guest16> nginx
[21:04:40] <tituspijean> Katismo I do
[21:04:52] <Katismo> ttituspijean thanka
[21:05:02] <Katismo> thanks 😅
[21:05:09] <tituspijean> Guest16 you should check NGINX logs... so many 500 errors is not normal
[21:06:29] <Katismo> are there big chat groups? i found this just randomly using google
[21:07:33] <zweifel> https://search.jabber.network/search
[21:07:48] <zweifel> https://search.jabber.network/rooms/1
[21:09:05] <Katismo> zweifel: yeah this is what i used but this group was the biggest
[21:09:27] <Katismo> i tried other grouos but it said visitors can't chat
[21:09:35] <Guest16> https://pastebin.com/Bm8ivJ4S
[21:10:00] <zweifel> due in no part because of people like apelpep0p5 through apelpep0p5199 im sure lol
[21:10:05] <tituspijean> > <Katismo> zweifel: yeah this is what i used but this group was the biggest

oh wow indeed 😲
[21:10:48] <zweifel> >i tried other grouos but it said visitors can't chat
to prevent spam; request speaking perms.
[21:11:11] <zweifel> not all are like that.
[21:11:50] <Katismo> thanks. i am using bruno in android still figuring out what i can do
[21:14:12] <tituspijean> > <zweifel> >i tried other grouos but it said visitors can't chat
> to prevent spam; request speaking perms.

that may explain the infrequent spambot rushes we receive...
[21:15:00] <Katismo> lol
[21:15:18] <Katismo> it is the first one on the list
[21:15:49] <tituspijean> > <@Guest16:libera.chat> https://pastebin.com/Bm8ivJ4S

I must confess I have no idea what's the matter here. Could you try creating another .local domain and move Prowlarr on there?
[21:16:20] <Guest16> Sure
[21:16:21] <tituspijean> (besides your use of a VM, that's seems to be the only other difference with my setup)
[21:20:58] <Guest16> Loading installation settings...
[21:20:59] <Guest16> Backing up the app before changing its URL (may take a while)...
[21:20:59] <Guest16> Stopping a systemd service...
[21:21:00] <Guest16> Starting a systemd service...
[21:21:00] <Guest16> (this may take some time)
[21:21:00] <Guest16> Updating NGINX web server configuration...
[21:21:39] <tituspijean> (will fail again with a weird warning)
[21:24:18] <Guest16> it switched
[21:24:52] <Guest16> now it's opening the new link, but it's redirecting to with error 500 again
[21:25:37] <Guest16> Apparently, changing domain didn't help
[21:26:06] <Guest16> It's a fresh installation with only Prowlarr, I can redo setup as well if that helps
[21:28:37] <tituspijean> can you share the raw link address, before clicking on it?
[21:29:38] <Guest16> https://casina.local/prowlarr
[21:29:57] <Guest16> https://casina.local/prowlarr
[21:30:04] <Guest16> same here from admin panel
[21:31:49] <tituspijean> no, I meant the backup, mine looks like `https://rpi.local/prowlarr/backup/update/prowlarr_backup_v1.0.0.2171_2023.04.04_22.30.46.zip`
[21:32:28] <Guest16> Oh, I can't
[21:32:53] <Guest16> It's "Can't connect" again
[21:33:01] <Guest16>
[21:38:15] <Guest16> Titus, I think I'm done for tonight. I want to thank you very much for helping me
[21:38:32] <Guest16> I will look at it tomorrow again
[21:39:05] <Guest16> Have a great night/day!