Thursday, April 06, 2023
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[06:30:48] <nalla22> Hello, how can a visitor register directly from the YunoHost portal?
Thanks in advance for your help!
[06:39:52] <eric_G> > <> Hello, how can a visitor register directly from the YunoHost portal?
> Thanks in advance for your help!

[07:18:46] <nalla22> > <> No

Is this feature planned?
[08:18:27] <jcast> nalla22: in the long run yes
[09:53:00] <psyche699> i have a problem for install onlyoffice.
[09:53:06] <psyche699> It's possible to help me ?
[09:53:17] <psyche699>
[10:13:47] <Westbam> Salut, je viens de reinstaller mon server yunohost sur un nouveau disque dur. Pour cela je suis reparti d'une sauvegarde complete (APP + DATA) realisé à partir de l'interface admin de yunohost. la restauration semble bien c'être passée
[10:14:17] <Westbam> j'ai récupéré mes domaines+certification, les datas aussi. par contre pour mastodon cela ne repart pas comme il faut
[10:15:01] <Westbam> le service mastodon-streaming demarre bien
[10:15:09] <Westbam> mais pas sidekiq et web
[10:15:16] <Westbam> quelqu'un a une idée ?
[10:15:57] <Westbam> Je peux supprimer et reinstaller l'application ? cela donne quoi pour les données des users (abo, follower et pouet ?)
[10:23:31] <psyche699> Tu as des logs ?
[10:27:13] <Westbam> Oui je vais regarder, tu les veux pour les 3 services ?
[10:28:45] <Westbam>
[10:29:33] <Westbam>
[11:16:28] <psyche699> je check ca
[11:29:26] <Uzer9876> Dear yunohost people!
[11:29:27] <Uzer9876> I am trying to install yunohost on Olinuxino LIME2 but it turn out that the image here:
[11:29:31] <Uzer9876> is a very old version
[11:29:42] <Uzer9876> so I tried to upgrade
[11:30:01] <Uzer9876> but I facing this problem
[11:30:19] <Uzer9876>
[11:32:29] <Uzer9876> and apt-get update doesn't work neither
[11:34:00] <rodinux> You can also try just install an armbian lite and install with script `curl | bash`
[11:34:42] <Uzer9876> I wanted to yunopaste the output of apt-secure but I don't know how to get this from the webadmin
[11:37:35] <Uzer9876> also, I'm very new to selfhosting and I don't have enough knowledge to install  with script curl I think. Is this procedure described somewhere? Or Can I read smt about it in a tuto format maybe?
[11:41:10] <Uzer9876> and trying to troubleshoot by very basic search on internet. Not very familiar with command line, but learning slowly.
[11:41:10] <Uzer9876> basically my skills are very limited to following the
[11:41:11] <Uzer9876> What would you suggest to do instead of install an armbian lite and install with script curl ?? Thanks
[12:05:48] <Westbam> > <> je check ca

je vais tenter un truc , je fais un backup de l'app mastodon
[12:06:05] <Westbam> la désinstall - > reinstall et restaure le backup
[12:21:41] <jcast> Uzer9876: install with curl is pretty straightforward imo
[12:22:56] <jcast> Uzer9876: to get logs go to Tools > Logs
[12:25:04] <jcast> Uzer9876: is the server connected to the internet?
[12:31:39] <Kal> just out of straight curiosity, before I go and do this the hard way: are there any plans to add azuracast to the list of applications? I tried searching for information before asking, but all I found in the forum was a request from '21 in french
[12:31:40] <Uzer9876> good to know it's straightforward.I can try but is it described somewhere?
[12:33:14] <Uzer9876> Tools>logs doesn't give the logs for apt-secure as I execute it directly from the command line on the machine.
[12:33:14] <Kal> > <> I wanted to yunopaste the output of apt-secure but I don't know how to get this from the webadmin

honestly, you may have some luck as a newb, if you confer with AI. - it's got a code parser and whatnot built into it now; it's been pretty handy for me & my python journey
[12:34:18] <Uzer9876> (+because it's not a yunohost command I guest)
[12:49:15] <Kal> > just out of straight curiosity, before I go and do this the hard way: are there any plans to add azuracast to the list of applications? I tried searching for information before asking, but all I found in the forum was a request from '21 in french

meh; I'm impatient. Off to SSH and pray lmao
[12:49:15] <Uzer9876> And yes the server is connected to internet. I just double checked by running the diagnosis
[12:49:55] <Uzer9876> Any other suggesting than curl? :)
[13:15:03] <Westbam> Yep, donc j'ai testé 2-3 trucs, si je pars sur une install neuve de l'app mastodon ça marche. par contre si je prend ma sauvegarde l'app ça marche pas.
[13:15:42] <Westbam> est-ce que c'est possible de faire une install neuve de l'app et ensuite seulement restaurer la partie DATA ? (la base de donnée)
[13:28:59] <Westbam> slt, j'ai un souci avec l'app Mastodon, je viens de reinstaller mon serveur yunohost. j'ai reinstaller toutes mes apps, cela marche bien sauf pour mastodon. ou les services sidekick et web ne tournent plus ... cela semble être un souci de ruby ou autre. j'aimerai voir s'il est possible de partir sur une install neuve de mastodon puis de récupérer seulement les datas des users dans le backup
[13:29:30] <Westbam> la base de données avec les pouets/follow etc ...
[14:02:55] <nalla22> > <jcast> nalla22: in the long run yes

Thanks for the information, but what does the long term mean to you?
[14:34:02] <eric_G> > <> Thanks for the information, but what does the long term mean to you?

can be very long...
[14:34:44] <tituspijean> nalla22: YunoHost is completely developped by volunteers on their own free time. We cannot give you any timeline whatsoever.
[14:35:27] <nalla22> > <> nalla22: YunoHost is completely developped by volunteers on their own free time. We cannot give you any timeline whatsoever.

Ok, in that case I wouldn't wait for this feature, because I saw that other people have been asking for it for 10 years :/
[14:35:41] <tituspijean> That's the spirit :)
[14:37:26] <eric_G> yea, dream big, expect nothing
[14:38:14] <Westbam> Suite de mes aventures avec ma restoration de mastodon.
[14:38:33] <Westbam> donc pour que cela fonctionne j'ai restauré mon backup
[14:38:47] <Westbam> puis je me suis connecté en SSH et j'ai lancé la commande
[14:39:17] <Westbam> sudo yunohost app upgrade mastodon --force
[14:40:05] <Westbam> si cela reste stable je referrai un backup ce soir
[15:59:52] <Lucas[m]> Bonjour, je rencontre un problème d'accès à l'interface d'administration de mon serveur synapse.

J'essaie d'y accéder via
J'arrive bien à me connecter, mais une fois sur l'écran d'accueil, j'ai les erreurs suivantes dans la console, et aucunes infos ne sont récupérée:

Let's try token login...

Access to fetch at 'https://monserveur.domaine.tld/_synapse/admin/v1/server_version' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

GET https://monserveur.domaine.tld/_synapse/admin/v1/server_version net::ERR_FAILED 404

Sur mon client Element, j'ai un appareil "Synapse Admin" qui apparait mais que je n'arrive pas à identifier.
J'ai bien ajouté mon utilisateur comme admin via `su --command="psql matrix_synapse" postgres <<< "UPDATE users SET admin = 1 WHERE name = '@user_to_be_admin:domain.tld'"`

Est-ce que c'est un problème d'autorisation ? de vérification de l'url par mes autres clients Element ?
Je vous remercie pour votre aide!
[17:23:29] <tituspijean> Lucas: Y a-t-il une raison pour que tu n'utilises pas l'app Synapse Admin?
Et sinon, comme indiqué dans l'erreur, il faut ajouter le domaine dans une instruction CORS du fichier synapse.conf
[23:29:58] <ynhuser>
[23:29:59] <ynhuser> I'm unable to install tt-rss; It looks like this is using the wrong URL
[23:30:07] <ynhuser> Failed to download asset 'main' (
[23:30:23] <ynhuser> doesn't seem to exist
[23:47:22] <ynhuser57>