Wednesday, January 04, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[10:09:04] <florent> > <> and then we shall see what to do about the missing logo, maybe only enable them in the experimental code while we iron things out

Could it rather be included in the package repository as an asset? Or in apps.json? This may reduce the time spent on this in the future for you, the responsibility is deported to the package maitainer, the only thing we would have to do is to update example_ynh.
[10:13:25] <florent> I may be a bit idealistic or dumb, you may have considered this option already ^^'
[10:18:57] <florent> BTW, I suggest stuffs, but I forgot to thank you for this! Thanks 🙏
[11:17:20] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @klorydryk edited issue #543: Collabora deployed with broken rights on Nextcloud 25
[11:39:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > Could it rather be included in the package repository as an asset? Or in apps.json? This may reduce the time spent on this in the future for you, the responsibility is deported to the package maitainer, the only thing we would have to do is to update example_ynh.

yeah we thought about that, but the big challenge with logos is to have some consistent look, and in particular there are some pretty specific expectations : the logo should be a png square, with either a ~flat color or transparent background, and some important margin between the canvas and the actual logo ... sooo the thing is we clearly don't want to spend countless hours making pull requests on a bunch of repository each time we want to rework the logos to have them consistent
[11:39:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hence why we decided to go for having them in the apps folder
[11:39:55] <florent> Oh I see!
[11:40:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (or more simply, it would have been hell to create one PR (or even just a commit) just to add the logo to each app ...)
[11:40:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (i mean it' doable but hmf)
[11:41:34] <florent> (I am trying to share the results)
[11:42:31] <florent> If that can be of any help, I played a bit with WikiData, there are some results of software with logos (>110)
[11:43:09] <florent>
[11:44:00] <florent> However, hmm... Not sure whether all these logos match your requirements =/
[11:46:38] <tituspijean> (your link does not work with me)
[11:46:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> well you gotta rework them anyway
[11:46:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yea it's empty for me too
[11:48:05] <florent> Grumpf....
[11:48:25] <florent>
[11:48:26] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the issue aint to rework the logo, the issue is having a "base logo" that we can do something with ;P. But like among the 200 apps with no logo, some definitely have no logo on the upstream because the project is too small (for example ... 20euros), or the real logo is unusable, etc ...
[11:48:48] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> e.g garradin's logo is horendous iirc (and they're changing name)
[11:49:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and some do really have logos but i didnt take the time to hunt for it
[11:50:56] <florent> ⇐ you have to get the URL from here, I cannot paste otherwise ^^ (the link is too long and the URL shortener is buggy on WikiData)
[11:51:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cool request on wikidata bro :O
[11:51:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (also i focused only on apps flagged as working)
[11:51:56] <florent> Thanks for all of these explainations! :)
[11:55:43] <florent> (NB: I tend to use 👌 sometimes. That's an habit from other rooms because of a bug where 👍️ is not taken into account. Still I want to emphasize I do not use it as a White Power sign at all, of course I hate this movement)
[11:57:30] <tituspijean> (I feel the need for the same kind of explanation whenever I am expelled from parties after doing a roman salute 🙃)
[11:58:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ugh is that thing about white power sign a real thing ? x_x
[11:59:01] <florent> > <> ugh is that thing about white power sign a real thing ? x_x

Yeah, that can be a dog whistle =/
[11:59:03] <tituspijean> > ⇐ you have to get the URL from here, I cannot paste otherwise ^^ (the link is too long and the URL shortener is buggy on WikiData)

I'm sorry I still can't use the URL... can you share the request itself? :/
[12:00:55] <florent> > <> ugh is that thing about white power sign a real thing ? x_x

Article in French:
It's normally not the 👌 but… well…
[12:01:25] <florent> > <> I'm sorry I still can't use the URL... can you share the request itself? :/

I send you a private message because the URL is very looooong
[12:02:13] <tituspijean> Oh you can only share it as a url? I thought you could copy and paste the contents of the request textarea
[12:03:26] <florent> Oh!
[12:03:32] <florent> Yeah, much simpler, indeed ^^'
[12:03:39] <florent> ```sparql
SELECT ?item ?lowerCaseLabel ?logo WHERE {
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?logo WHERE {
?item p:P31 ?statement0.
?statement0 (ps:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q7397.
?item p:P154 ?statement1.
?statement1 ps:P154 ?logo.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
BIND(REPLACE(LCASE(?itemLabel), ' ', '') AS ?lowerCaseLabel)
FILTER(?lowerCaseLabel IN("13ft"@en, "20euros"@en, "243"@en, "2fauth"@en, "abantecart"@en, "acropolis"@en, "adguardhome"@en, "adhocserver"@en, "adminer"@en, "aeneria"@en, "agendav"@en, "agora"@en, "airsonic"@en, "akkoma"@en, "alltube"@en, "ampache"@en, "anarchism"@en, "anfora"@en, "archivebox"@en, "archivist"@en, "armadietto"@en, "askbot"@en, "audiobookshelf"@en, "automad"@en, "backdrop"@en, "baikal"@en, "bazarr"@en, "beehive"@en, "bibliogram"@en, "biboumi"@en, "bicbucstriim"@en, "blogotext"@en, "bludit"@en, "bolt"@en, "bookstack"@en, "borg"@en, "borgserver"@en, "bozon"@en, "cachet"@en, "calibreweb"@en, "castopod"@en, "cesium"@en, "cheky"@en, "chtickynotes"@en, "chuwiki"@en, "cinny"@en, "civicrm_drupal7"@en, "cockpit"@en, "code-server"@en, "codimd"@en, "coin"@en, "collabora"@en, "commento"@en, "compteur_du_gase"@en, "concrete5"@en, "converse"@en, "cops"@en, "coquelicot"@en, "coturn"@en, "couchdb"@en, "couchpotato"@en, "covoiturage"@en, "cowyo"@en, "cryptpad"@en, "cubiks-2048"@en, "cypht"@en, "dato"@en, "decidim"@en, "democracyos"@en, "dendrite"@en, "dex"@en, "diagramsnet"@en, "diaspora"@en, "digiscreen"@en, "digisteps"@en, "digitools"@en, "digitranscode"@en, "digiwords"@en, "discourse"@en, "dispatch"@en, "distbin"@en, "django-fmd"@en, "django-for-runners"@en, "django-fritzconnection"@en, "django_app"@en, "django_example"@en, "docker-registry"@en, "dockercontainer"@en, "dockerrstudio"@en, "dockerui"@en, "documize"@en, "dokuwiki"@en, "dolibarr"@en, "domoticz"@en, "dotclear2"@en, "droppy"@en, "drupal"@en, "drupal7"@en, "duniter"@en, "dynette"@en, "easyappointments"@en, "ecko"@en, "elabftw"@en, "element"@en, "emailpoubelle"@en, "emoncms"@en, "encryptic"@en, "encryptor-decryptor"@en, "epicyon"@en, "ergo"@en, "ethercalc"@en, "etherpad_mypads"@en, "excalidraw"@en, "fab-manager"@en, "facette"@en, "facilmap"@en, "fallback"@en, "ffsync"@en, "fider"@en, "filebrowser"@en, "filepizza"@en, "firefly-iii"@en, "flarum"@en, "flask"@en, "flood"@en, "flusio"@en, "fluxbb"@en, "focalboard"@en, "foodsoft"@en, "framaestro"@en, "framaestro_hub"@en, "framaforms"@en, "framagames"@en, "freeboard"@en, "freepbx"@en, "freshrss"@en, "friendica"@en, "ftp_webapp"@en, "ftssolr"@en, "funkwhale"@en, "galene"@en, "galette"@en, "gamja"@en, "garradin"@en, "gateone"@en, "gekko"@en, "gemserv"@en, "getsimple"@en, "ghost"@en, "gitea"@en, "gitlab"@en, "gitlab-runner"@en, "gitolite"@en, "gitrepositories"@en, "gitweb"@en, "glitchsoc"@en, "glowingbear"@en, "glpi"@en, "gnusocial"@en, "gogs"@en, "gogswebhost"@en, "gollum"@en, "gossa"@en, "gotify"@en, "gotosocial"@en, "grafana"@en, "grammalecte"@en, "grav"@en, "grocy"@en, "grr"@en, "guacamole"@en, "h5ai"@en, "halcyon"@en, "haste"@en, "hat"@en, "headphones"@en, "hedgedoc"@en, "helloworld"@en, "hextris"@en, "homarr"@en, "homeassistant"@en, "horde"@en, "hotspot"@en, "htmltool"@en, "htpc-manager"@en, "hubzilla"@en, "huginn"@en, "humhub"@en, "hydrogen"@en, "icecoder"@en, "ifconfig-io"@en, "ifm"@en, "ihatemoney"@en, "indexhibit"@en, "internetarchive"@en, "invidious"@en, "invoiceninja"@en, "invoiceninja5"@en, "isso"@en, "jackett"@en, "jappix"@en, "jappix_mini"@en, "jeedom"@en, "jellyfin"@en, "jenkins"@en, "jirafeau"@en, "jitsi"@en, "joomla"@en, "jupyterlab"@en, "kanboard"@en, "kavita"@en, "keeweb"@en, "kimai2"@en, "kiwiirc"@en, "kiwix"@en, "kodi"@en, "komga"@en, "kresus"@en, "languagetool"@en, "laverna"@en, "lbcalerte"@en, "leed"@en, "lektor"@en, "lemmy"@en, "librarian"@en, "libreddit"@en, "libreerp"@en, "librephotos"@en, "librespeed"@en, "libreto"@en, "librex"@en, "lidarr"@en, "limesurvey"@en, "linuxdash"@en, "lionwiki-t2t"@en, "listmonk"@en, "loki"@en, "lstu"@en, "luckysheet"@en, "lufi"@en, "lutim"@en, "lxd"@en, "lxd-dashboard"@en, "lychee"@en, "mailman"@en, "mailman3"@en, "mantis"@en, "mastodon"@en, "matomo"@en, "matrix-puppet-discord"@en, "matterbridge"@en, "mattermost"@en, "mautic"@en, "mautrix_facebook"@en, "mautrix_signal"@en, "mautrix_telegram"@en, "mautrix_whatsapp"@en, "mediadrop"@en, "mediawiki"@en, "medusa"@en, "meilisearch"@en, "menu"@en, "metabase"@en, "minchat"@en, "mindmaps"@en, "minetest"@en, "mineweb"@en, "minidlna"@en, "miniflux"@en, "minio"@en, "misskey"@en, "mobilizon"@en, "modernpaste"@en, "mongo-express"@en, "monica"@en, "monit"@en, "monitorix"@en, "moodle"@en, "mopidy"@en, "mosquitto"@en, "movim"@en, "multi_webapp"@en, "mumble-web"@en, "mumble_admin_plugin"@en, "mumbleserver"@en, "munin"@en, "my-mind"@en, "my_capsule"@en, "my_webapp"@en, "mybb"@en, "mycryptochat"@en, "mygpo"@en, "mytinytodo"@en, "n8n"@en, "navidrome"@en, "netdata"@en, "neutrinet"@en, "nextcloud"@en, "nexusoss"@en, "nitter"@en, "noalyss"@en, "nocodb"@en, "nodebb"@en, "nodered"@en, "nomad"@en, "ntfy"@en, "ntopng"@en, "nullboard"@en, "ofbiz"@en, "omeka-s"@en, "onlyoffice"@en, "openidsimplesamlphp"@en, "opennote"@en, "openproject"@en, "opensondage"@en, "opentracker"@en, "osada"@en, "osjs"@en, "osmw"@en, "osticket"@en, "outline"@en, "overleaf"@en, "owncast"@en, "owncloud"@en, "owntracks"@en, "pagure"@en, "paperless-ngx"@en, "peachpub"@en, "peertube"@en, "peertube-search-index"@en, "pelican"@en, "pepettes"@en, "petitesannonces"@en, "petrolette"@en, "pgadmin"@en, "photonix"@en, "photoprism"@en, "photoview"@en, "phpback"@en, "phpbb"@en, "phpboost"@en, "phpinfo"@en, "phpipam"@en, "phpldapadmin"@en, "phplicensewatcher"@en, "phpmyadmin"@en, "phpservermon"@en, "phpsysinfo"@en, "pia"@en, "pico"@en, "pihole"@en, "piratebox"@en, "piwigo"@en, "pixelfed"@en, "plainpad"@en, "plateau"@en, "pleroma"@en, "plonecms"@en, "plume"@en, "pluxml"@en, "pmwiki"@en, "portainer"@en, "prestashop"@en, "prettynoemiecms"@en, "privatebin"@en, "proftpd"@en, "prometheus"@en, "prosody"@en, "prowlarr"@en, "proxitok"@en, "psitransfer"@en, "pterodactyl"@en, "pufferpanel"@en, "pydio"@en, "pyinventory"@en, "pyload"@en, "pytition"@en, "qr"@en, "question2answer"@en, "quizzes"@en, "radarr"@en, "radicale"@en, "rainloop"@en, "redirect"@en, "redmine"@en, "reel2bits"@en, "remotestorage"@en, "restic"@en, "retroarch"@en, "roadiz"@en, "rocketchat"@en, "roundcube"@en, "rportd"@en, "rspamdui"@en, "rss-bridge"@en, "rutorrent"@en, "samba"@en, "sat"@en, "satdress"@en, "scm"@en, "scratch"@en, "scrumblr"@en, "seafile"@en, "searx"@en, "seenthis"@en, "selfoss"@en, "send"@en, "shaarli"@en, "shadowsocks"@en, "shellinabox"@en, "shinken"@en, "shiori"@en, "shsd"@en, "shuri"@en, "sickbeard"@en, "sickrage"@en, "signaturepdf"@en, "simple-hash-generator"@en, "simple-torrent"@en, "sitemagiccms"@en, "slingcode"@en, "snappymail"@en, "snipeit"@en, "snserver"@en, "snweb"@en, "soapbox"@en, "sogo"@en, "sonarr"@en, "sonerezh"@en, "spacedeck"@en, "spftoolbox"@en, "sphinx"@en, "spip"@en, "squid3"@en, "ssbroom"@en, "ssh_chroot_dir"@en, "staticwebapp"@en, "statping_ng"@en, "streama"@en, "strut"@en, "subscribe"@en, "subsonic"@en, "sutom"@en, "svgedit"@en, "sympa"@en, "synapse"@en, "synapse-admin"@en, "syncthing"@en, "tagspaces"@en, "tailoredflow"@en, "tandoor"@en, "teampass"@en, "technitium-dns"@en, "teddit"@en, "telegram_chatbot"@en, "tes3mp"@en, "thelounge"@en, "tiddlywiki"@en, "tiki"@en, "timemachine"@en, "timeoff"@en, "tinyfilemanager"@en, "tldraw"@en, "tooljet"@en, "torrelay"@en, "tracim"@en, "traggo"@en, "transfersh"@en, "transmission"@en, "transpay"@en, "transwhat"@en, "trilium"@en, "trustyhash"@en, "ttrss"@en, "tube"@en, "turtl"@en, "tutao"@en, "tvheadend"@en, "tyto"@en, "ulogger"@en, "umami"@en, "umap"@en, "ums"@en, "unattended_upgrades"@en, "unbound"@en, "uptime-kuma"@en, "vaultwarden"@en, "veloren"@en, "vikunja"@en, "vpnclient"@en, "vpnserver"@en, "wallabag2"@en, "weblate"@en, "webmin"@en, "webogram"@en, "webtrees"@en, "wekan"@en, "wemawema"@en, "wetty"@en, "whitebophir"@en, "wifiwithme"@en, "wikijs"@en, "wildfly"@en, "wireguard"@en, "wireguard_client"@en, "wisemapping"@en, "wondercms"@en, "wordpress"@en, "writefreely"@en, "yacy"@en, "yellow"@en, "yeswiki"@en, "yourls"@en, "youtube-dl-webui"@en, "yunofav"@en, "yunohost"@en, "yunomonitor"@en, "yunorunner"@en, "z-push"@en, "zabbix"@en, "zap"@en, "zerobin"@en, "zeronet"@en, "zerotier"@en, "zomburl"@en, "ztncui"@en, "zusam"@en, "zwave-js-ui"@en))
[12:03:57] <florent> To be run in
[12:05:00] <tituspijean> > Article in French:
> It's normally not the 👌 but… well…

WTH people are crazy.
And it's not cool for sign language users either.
[12:05:01] <florent> Also there is an endpoint to get the results of the sparql request in WikiData
[12:06:02] <tituspijean> It works, thanks!
[12:08:57] <florent> > <> WTH people are crazy.
> And it's not cool for sign language users either.

Well, I think it is a specialty of the alt-right / far-right to take normal signs or leftist concepts to turn in their advantages (confusionism) =/
[12:10:19] <tituspijean> Fucking doublespeak
[12:18:02] <florent> Talking about Orwell nowadays can be a sign the person is one of them (whereas he was a leftist)
[13:31:37] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @MCMic commented on issue #384 Migrate mysql db to utf8: Hello, If I fix this by hand, will that cause trouble later on application updates? Otherwise, are there blockers left...
[13:49:17] <Gérard Collin> Hi guys, I'm about to package a new app: The online services for platform that I'm developing
[13:51:05] <Gérard Collin> So I transferred to, can someone please give me the right to access it?
My GitHub user is gcollin by the way
[14:32:54] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar commented on issue #384 Migrate mysql db to utf8: > Otherwise, are there blockers left to merging this? It blocks news application as soon as a feed uses special characte...
[15:15:50] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [my_webapp_ynh] @selfhoster1312 commented on issue #97 "500" Internal Server Error when trying to access config pannel from webadmin: sudo yunohost app upgrade my_webapp -F fixed it for me too, thanks. Probably useless to mention but just in case, prob...
[17:04:11] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [my_webapp_ynh] @tituspijean commented on issue #98 Fix PHP config settings installation: Bumpitup 😇
[17:16:48] <> hello, is there someone to merge this PR?
[17:18:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> uuugh yeah i guess we can merge though it's a bit spooky to merge a major upgrade
[17:21:09] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> anybody tested it in production ? 😅
[17:21:36] <> > <> uuugh yeah i guess we can merge though it's a bit spooky to merge a major upgrade

we can merge in testing branch first
[17:21:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah sure
[17:29:04] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @lapineige commented on issue #384 Migrate mysql db to utf8: Lets merge to testing once #532 is merged ? Hence this might attract more attention. If we are wiling to test, what ca...
[17:30:27] <tituspijean> Wow FYI GitHub has an assistant to ask to break repos forks. I found it with this:
It could be useful to go over most of the notorious ones, because getting "This branch is 380 commits ahead, 17 commits behind beudbeud:master. " for Wordpress and having it default to beudbeud's repo when creating PRs is annoying 😅
[17:30:38] <tituspijean> I've made the request for Wordpress
[17:36:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @lapineige opened pull request #1570: Add calckey
[18:24:40] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar approved pull request #1570 Add calckey
[18:24:41] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar merged pull request #1570: Add calckey
[18:24:41] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 3 commits to master:
[18:24:43] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Add calckey - lapineige
[18:24:48] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] calckey : fix category - lapineige
[18:24:49] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Merge pull request #1570 from lapineige/master Add calckey - Éric Gaspar
[19:12:19] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @fflorent opened pull request #1571: Add opensearch to catalog
[19:15:54] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @oufmilo forked apps to oufmilo/apps:
[19:23:22] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @oufmilo opened pull request #1572: add bookwyrm_ynh
[19:25:32] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin commented on pull request #1572 add bookwyrm_ynh: suggestion "bookwyrm": {
[19:39:49] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar approved pull request #1572 add bookwyrm_ynh
[19:39:50] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 3 commits to master:
[19:39:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar merged pull request #1572: add bookwyrm_ynh
[19:39:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] add bookwyrm_ynh - oufmilo
[19:39:59] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Update apps.json Co-authored-by: Alexandre Aubin <> - Éric Gaspar
[19:40:01] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Merge pull request #1572 from oufmilo/patch-1 add bookwyrm_ynh - Éric Gaspar
[19:41:08] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar approved pull request #1571 Add opensearch to catalog
[19:41:09] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar merged pull request #1571: Add opensearch to catalog
[19:41:11] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 2 commits to master:
[19:41:11] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Add opensearch - Florent
[19:41:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Merge pull request #1571 from fflorent/patch-3 Add opensearch to catalog - Éric Gaspar