Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[00:05:41] <gredin67> it would be nice ™️ to have a one-to-one correspondance between a config.yaml file and the .toml, including yaml sequences. Then we would just have to explain the parameters we want to expose, together with its structure. And all the yaml parsing, getting default params, data type, (and version upgrade) would be done from the default config.yaml (provided it does not have fancy structures) No need for a `scripts/config` in most of the cases for the backup, upgrade, modif of the config.yaml
let's consider

param1: youpi
param2: ya

we would have

name = "Homeserver Application Service"
services = ["__APP__"]
name = "Appservice Settings"
ask = "param1?"
bind = ":__FINALPATH__/config.yaml"

ask = "level1.param2?"
bind = ":__FINALPATH__/config.yaml"
[01:26:40] <gredin67> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> we add special bits of logic for the "protected_urls" stuff back in the days

looks like a python list should pass ? or do I miss something? https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/blob/cddfafaa553f6671f70ac440eca691ddbec67dc8/helpers/setting#L102-L105
[01:31:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> gredin67: yes but `value` in that context is not a python list, it's a string from bash
[01:32:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> like how do you design the CLI interface for `yunohost app setting foobar -v VALUE` where `VALUE` is a list ?
[01:32:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> if you're going to write `yunohost app setting foobar -v ['a', 'b']` using the python syntax then it's gonna miserably fail because `[]` is special char (and space too) in bash
[01:33:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `-v a b` ain't gonna work either
[01:33:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and `-v a,b` could work but there's no type for setting so the code can't know that it's supposed to be a list, it could just be literally the string `a,b` to be stored as a regular string
[01:41:44] <gredin67> right, I forgot we were in bash, I'm too dumb for these things, and it's too late. Let's wait for someone to have time to improve the config_panel core. In the mean time we'll go for some not too ugly solution for the bridges config panels
[07:59:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create redmine.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/c7a0e7a1a3b3c9e3fdf026c32a4f4cb1fbcefd34
[08:02:29] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create z-push.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/11930419947fd1a5c4ff7f013fe2224cc0d3822e
[08:14:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Update z-push.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/cd8967ce5951c438f72a640ca0e80f67f6333997
[08:14:36] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Update z-push.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/8913dca65a54363bc404a05f26eddf1b780874a0
[08:44:50] <Gérard Collin> Hi guys, is the LXD image run by ci-server different from the one run by check_package locally ?
Looking at the source code it seems not, however I get different result for the same install script...
[09:16:16] <tituspijean> Please share your logs from the two servers 😕
[09:18:07] <Gérard Collin> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Please share your logs from the two servers 😕

The failing one that ran on ci-server: https://ci-apps-dev.yunohost.org/ci/logs/dont-code_amd64_stable_complete.log
[09:21:30] <Gérard Collin> how can I paste the local Complete-0.log ?
[09:29:50] <tituspijean> if you are running a testing version of YunoHost, you can try `cat /path/to/Complete-0.log | yunopaste`
[09:42:10] <Gérard Collin> uh, seems like I cannot reach yunohost.org anymore. Is it just me ?
[09:43:44] <tituspijean> Yup it's down 😕
[09:50:27] <florent> I sympathise with you for the CI. I see that it fails a lot and I don't know how to help =/.
[09:51:01] <florent> If that's OK for you, I'll run the package_check locally.
[09:55:48] <Gérard Collin> > I sympathise with you for the CI. I see that it fails a lot and I don't know how to help =/.

That's really weird if it's the same image. The only differnce i see in the logs are about the time it takes to do anything in the CI.
My issue is Mongo service doesn't start even after 5mn wait, and the log shows it has been killed. Is it possible the ci-server takes more than 5mn to start Mongo ? It takes less than 3s in my local test
[10:00:51] <Gérard Collin> and the best part is that if I install Mongo for Debian "Buster" in the ci-server then it works ! Whereas its running Debian Bullseye ! Crazy ins't it ?
[10:01:38] <florent> The issue seems that it fails due to a timeout for most packages.
[10:18:49] <gredin67> ```
Attention : W: Failed to fetch http://forge.yunohost.org/debian/dists/bullseye/InRelease Could not connect to forge.yunohost.org:80 (2001:910:1410::1), connection timed out Could not connect to forge.yunohost.org:80 (, connection timed out
Attention : W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
[10:25:05] <Gérard Collin> yunohost.org is currently down
[10:33:33] <tituspijean> florent gredin67 Gérard Collin Problem is resolved now.
[10:37:16] <tituspijean> (catalog retrieval is still failing for YunoHost v11.1.2 testing
[11:08:37] <gredin67> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.fdn.fr/aFQMKsIkpPzMFHsxssloXgJC
[11:09:19] <gredin67> thanks!
Small issue with config panel a string "Signal bridge bot" is written "Signal;bridge;bot"
[11:10:12] <gredin67> ljf: I don't know if it's a desired behavior.
[11:32:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> uuuh, what's the type of this property ? o_O
[11:32:26] <selfhoster1312> so i was investigating why the CI was failing for reverseproxy_ynh... turns out that using "__" in location block is a bad idea with the new helpers... and that using @FOO@ is also a bad idea because ynh_replace_string uses that as delimiter :D :D
[11:38:10] <gredin67> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> uuuh, what's the type of this property ? o_O

[11:38:18] <gredin67> string
[11:38:32] <gredin67> `displayname="Signal Bridge Bot"`
[11:40:01] <selfhoster1312> does ynh_replace_vars support multiline strings?
[11:40:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 🤔
[11:40:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[11:40:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> eeeeh
[11:40:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> maybe
[11:41:40] <selfhoster1312> sed doesn't seem to like it -> https://ttm.sh/S2x.txt
[11:43:15] <selfhoster1312> what's the idiomatic way to add optional block to nginx config? (since we don't have proper templates with conditionals, and ynh_add_nginx_config has hardcoded template name so i can't use multiple templates with it)
[11:43:29] <selfhoster1312> or should i just rewrite my own ynh_add_nginx_config to use different templates?
[11:44:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <selfhoster1312> what's the idiomatic way to add optional block to nginx config? (since we don't have proper templates with conditionals, and ynh_add_nginx_config has hardcoded template name so i can't use multiple templates with it)

there's no idiomatic way because somebody 4 years ago thought using jinja for templating was not good because "it's an abstraction and you never know what an abstraction does" ...
[11:45:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> if I had to do it, I think i would just add a #foobar comment and replace it with empty string using sed ...
[11:45:56] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <selfhoster1312> sed doesn't seem to like it -> https://ttm.sh/S2x.txt

maybe using `\n` instead of actual newline char would help here ?
[11:48:19] <selfhoster1312> i'll try that thanks!
[11:52:11] <selfhoster1312> so looks like \n gets double escaped and produces invalid nginx config, i'll try to #foobar thing
[11:52:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> :|
[11:52:53] <selfhoster1312> (has it been ever considered that jinja or other "real" templating would be useful for config?)
[11:54:05] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, cf what i was summarizing before, basically Maniack (the lead packager at the time) vetoed that idea for stupid reasons
[11:54:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and honestly now it's too late
[11:54:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> there's too many `__FOOBAR__` syntax everywhere
[11:54:55] <selfhoster1312> ok i just placed the nginx config block on a single line and "it works" ^^"
[11:55:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i guess we coulld add support of something like `#__IF__FOOBAR__` that would be replaced with empty string when $foobar exists / is not empty or something
[11:55:21] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but it really feel like reinventing the whell -_-
[11:56:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (and then the next step is like `#__IF__FOO_EQUALS_BAR__` ...)
[11:56:41] <selfhoster1312> would it be possible incremental migration for template helpers to check if FILE.jinja exists, if yes use this otherwise use sed-magic-templates as it is?
[11:56:48] <selfhoster1312> so i could have conf/nginx.conf.jinja
[11:57:03] <selfhoster1312> i'd be happy to try implement that if the PR is welcome :P
[11:57:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> imho it's not worth the effort
[11:58:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> like it's gonna cost having an heterogeneous syntax and this is hell for many reason, and in exchange we only win support for if block that we could implement using homemade syntax (despite the fact that this is very cringy ...)
[11:58:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i mean we don't really have a usecase for for-loops etc ...
[11:58:49] <selfhoster1312> and loops, and |default(), and proper newline support XD
[11:59:06] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's just that using jinja or any well-known template engine would have been a logical design choice ...
[11:59:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah but same, we don't really have a usecase for filters either imho
[12:00:30] <selfhoster1312> i heard about packaging v2 yesterday, i need to go read about this :)
[12:01:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the summary page is still in a pending doc PR : https://github.com/YunoHost/doc/blob/resources-doc/pages/06.contribute/10.packaging_apps/14.advanced/03.packaging_v2/packaging_v2.md
[12:01:43] <selfhoster1312> (thanks)
[12:02:20] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and an example dummy app : https://github.com/YunoHost/test_apps/tree/master/manifestv2_app_ynh
[12:22:09] <selfhoster1312> that looks nice! handling more stuff in core so there's less errors in app logic is 100% good :)
[12:24:28] <selfhoster1312> still, why keep using "global" scope variables for settings and not a dedicated bash associative array like ${app_settings[install_dir]} ?
[12:25:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> because that's harder to write i guess
[12:26:47] <selfhoster1312> could make it easier for templating to know what to replace precisely instead of replacing eg. __2__ with $2 in in location @reverseproxy__2__proxy like i had :P
[12:27:08] <selfhoster1312> (which was itself replaced from @__NAME____proxy)
[12:27:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 😬
[12:27:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> not sure to understand
[12:27:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> do you have the code somewhere
[12:30:27] <selfhoster1312> https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/reverseproxy_ynh/blob/master/conf/nginx.conf#L1 :-)
[12:30:38] *selfhoster1312 praying to the CI gods that the new version passes tests x)
[12:31:36] <selfhoster1312> in this specific case i was really confused that some cases raised $2 undefined variable error when i obviously didn't intend to use a variable $2, but that's because __NAME__ got replaced with reverseproxy__2 XD
[12:31:58] <selfhoster1312> one of the unintended pitfalls of sed magic instead of real templating :'(
[12:32:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > * <@_bifrost_selfhoster1312=2fapps=40conference.yunohost.org:aria-net.org> praying to the CI gods that the new version passes tests x)

now you're talking like a true packager :P
[12:32:41] <selfhoster1312> (and of course i didn't catch it because multiapp worked fine before using ynh_add_nginx_config and i didn't try that again before publishing)
[12:32:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> we have secret ceremonies every 1st and 3rd thursday of the month. Bring candles
[12:33:32] *selfhoster1312 brings dead snail shells to perform the rite
[12:34:41] <selfhoster1312> btw i don't mean to be too insistent about this but is it possible to increase worker threads on the CI? or is it complicated? it's really frustrating to wait hours for feedback, especially when i can't run the package_check locally because of a kernel bug affecting snap :(
[12:35:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes maybe this is as easy as increasing the worker count, but i don't know enough about the hardware etc
[12:35:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> maybe some other folks know better
[12:37:04] <selfhoster1312> would you by any chance know who that would be?
[12:38:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Maybe ti tus / ya lh / Ta g 👀
[12:38:53] <tituspijean> Ta g for sure, since they moved the server IIRC 🙂
[12:39:14] <tituspijean> Looking at the specs now, we have plenty of RAM
[12:40:11] <tituspijean> drives look OK too, but I'm unsure how they are setup
[12:41:43] <selfhoster1312> are the drives SSDs? running CI on HDD could explain why so slow :-/
[12:42:20] <selfhoster1312> (i tried once to run CI for sysadmin stuff in LXC on HDDs... that turned out SLOW :D)
[12:44:22] <tituspijean> root / is HDD, and the drive dedicated for the LXC pools is a SSD
[12:44:39] *tituspijean discovering `cat /sys/block/sda/queue/rotational`
[12:44:58] <tituspijean> (returns 1 if the drive is a spinning one)
[12:45:23] <gredin67> ljf: https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/1973#issuecomment-1377205828
[12:46:14] <florent> selfhoster1312: For nginx and the lack of `if`, cannot a workaround be a simple `include myapp.d/*` and either you add some file for extra config or either you remove them?
[12:46:32] <selfhoster1312> florent: excellent suggestion thanks!
[12:47:19] <florent> Though to be tested, I am very far from being an nginx expert
[12:48:43] <selfhoster1312> ok after upgrading my kernel i can now run package_check! :D
[12:49:16] <selfhoster1312> ... and for some reason it fails while using similar settings it works on my yunohost instance...
[12:49:30] <selfhoster1312> (and only takes 1m30s to run, on not very powerful hardware)
[12:49:54] <selfhoster1312> is the CI running yunohost dev/master branch instead of release? (or maybe my instance is not up-to-date)
[12:51:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `ci-apps` and `ci-apps-dev` runs on the latest stable I think (11.0.10.x iirc)
[12:54:40] <selfhoster1312> ok after tweaking a few things i get the nginx conf passing... but now i get an HTTP error code when checking the URL... and the CI stalls
[12:55:01] <selfhoster1312> is it SUPPOSED to be stalling for a long time on the same step when checking URL fails? (is it for example for backends that take a long time to spawn?)
[12:58:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> looooogs 🪵
[12:59:15] <selfhoster1312> i see there's code-specific logic in package_check... i'll try to figure it out and otherwise come back with logs :)
[13:00:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yup it's an horrendous bash mess :/
[13:20:54] <Gérard Collin> So, here is the failing one: https://paste.yunohost.org/renosaxuwa.bash
and the one working in my local: https://paste.yunohost.org/uzujedezas.bash

The only difference is when it starts the mongo service (at time 58683 in the former and time 87385 in the later), it seems to crash on the CI stuff and not in the local one.
[13:44:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 11 commits to master: https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/compare/5c8f622f15de...f10a0a8a2541
[13:44:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar merged pull request #1586: Add missing logos https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/pull/1586
[13:44:38] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar deleted branch logos
[13:44:39] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Update z-push.png - Éric Gaspar
[13:44:42] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Update z-push.png - Éric Gaspar
[13:44:43] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Merge pull request #1586 from YunoHost/logos Add missing logos - Éric Gaspar
[13:49:02] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create torrelay.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/39de8e4c56cef38869d2531d23f9f9ef29699e39
[13:49:03] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar created new branch logos
[13:52:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create 243.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/cf873b70dfb078631f34e4fff8f04381905ffead
[14:10:31] <nicofrand> Hi! Are there news on https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/815? As an app developper I'd like to provide a way to the app to send emails through either sendmail or smtp and last time we checked this was not possible (the app "system" user was not allowed afaik). Is the issue obsolete?
[14:11:29] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> :|
[14:11:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> nah the issue is still very much alive
[14:16:28] <nicofrand> OK!
[14:16:54] <nicofrand> Nextcloud sends notifications . How is it managed by the app?
[14:17:30] <nicofrand> ah maybe only on "local" emails
[14:25:50] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [CI_package_check] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to master: Improve update_level_apps script to display a summary of regressions/improvement + link to latest CI job https://github.com/YunoHost/CI_package_check/commit/c54fb8fad7717121c1ead57d6abcd49ceaa9c92c
[14:33:53] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot pushed 1 commit to modify_level: atestjob - cowyo 8 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cowyo/latestjob - ecko 3 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ecko/latestjob - guacamole 6 -> 1 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/guacamole/latestjob - jitsi 8 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/jitsi/latestjob - zap 8 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/zap/latestjob Improvements: - 13ft 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/13ft/latestjob - 20euros 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/20euros/latestjob - 243 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/243/latestjob - 2fauth 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/2fauth/latestjob - abantecart 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/abantecart/latestjob - acropolis 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/acropolis/latestjob - adguardhome 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/adguardhome/latestjob - adminer 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/adminer/latestjob - aeneria 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/aeneria/latestjob - agendav 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/agendav/latestjob - agora 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/agora/latestjob - akkoma 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/akkoma/latestjob - alltube 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/alltube/latestjob - ampache 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ampache/latestjob - anarchism 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/anarchism/latestjob - archivebox 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/archivebox/latestjob - archivist 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/archivist/latestjob - armadietto 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/armadietto/latestjob - audiobookshelf 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/audiobookshelf/latestjob - automad 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/automad/latestjob - backdrop 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/backdrop/latestjob - baikal 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/baikal/latestjob - bazarr 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/bazarr/latestjob - beehive 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/beehive/latestjob - bibliogram 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/bibliogram/latestjob - biboumi 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/biboumi/latestjob - bicbucstriim 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/bicbucstriim/latestjob - blogotext 7 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/blogotext/latestjob - bludit 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/bludit/latestjob - bookstack 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/bookstack/latestjob - bookwyrm 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/bookwyrm/latestjob - borg 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/borg/latestjob - borgserver 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/borgserver/latestjob - bozon 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/bozon/latestjob - cachet 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cachet/latestjob - calckey 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/calckey/latestjob - calibreweb 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/calibreweb/latestjob - castopod 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/castopod/latestjob - cesium 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cesium/latestjob - cheky 7 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cheky/latestjob - chitchatter null -> 1 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/chitchatter/latestjob - chtickynotes 4 -> 4 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/chtickynotes/latestjob - chuwiki 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/chuwiki/latestjob - cinny 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cinny/latestjob - civicrm_drupal7 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/civicrm_drupal7/latestjob - cockpit 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cockpit/latestjob - code-server 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/code-server/latestjob - codimd 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/codimd/latestjob - coin 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/coin/latestjob - collabora 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/collabora/latestjob - commento 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/commento/latestjob - compteur_du_gase 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/compteur_du_gase/latestjob - concrete5 7 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/concrete5/latestjob - converse 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/converse/latestjob - coturn 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/coturn/latestjob - couchdb 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/couchdb/latestjob - couchpotato 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/couchpotato/latestjob - cryptpad 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cryptpad/latestjob - cubiks-2048 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cubiks-2048/latestjob - cultivons null -> 1 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cultivons/latestjob - cypht 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cypht/latestjob - dato 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/dato/latestjob - decidim 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/decidim/latestjob - dendrite 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/dendrite/latestjob - dex 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/dex/latestjob - diagramsnet 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/diagramsnet/latestjob - diaspora 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/diaspora/latestjob - digiscreen 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/digiscreen/latestjob - digisteps 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/digisteps/latestjob - digitools 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/digitools/latestjob - digitranscode 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/digitranscode/latestjob - digiwords 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/digiwords/latestjob - discourse 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/discourse/latestjob - dispatch 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/dispatch/latestjob - distbin 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/distbin/latestjob - django-fmd 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/django-fmd/latestjob - django-for-runners 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/django-for-runners/latestjob - django-fritzconnection 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/django-fritzconnection/latestjob - documize 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/documize/latestjob - dokuwiki 7 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/dokuwiki/latestjob - dolibarr 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/dolibarr/latestjob - domoticz 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/domoticz/latestjob - dotclear2 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/dotclear2/latestjob - droppy 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/droppy/latestjob - drupal 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/drupal/latestjob - drupal7 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/drupal7/latestjob - duniter 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/duniter/latestjob - easyappointments 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/easyappointments/latestjob - elabftw 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/elabftw/latestjob - elasticsearch7 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/elasticsearch7/latestjob - element 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/element/latestjob - emailpoubelle 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/emailpoubelle/latestjob - emoncms 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/emoncms/latestjob - encryptic 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/encryptic/latestjob - encryptor-decryptor 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/encryptor-decryptor/latestjob - epicyon 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/epicyon/latestjob - ergo 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ergo/latestjob - ethercalc 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ethercalc/latestjob - etherpad_mypads 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/etherpad_mypads/latestjob - excalidraw 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/excalidraw/latestjob - fab-manager 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/fab-manager/latestjob - facette 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/facette/latestjob - facilmap 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/facilmap/latestjob - fallback 3 -> 3 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/fallback/latestjob - ffsync 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ffsync/latestjob - fider 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/fider/latestjob - filebrowser 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/filebrowser/latestjob - filepizza 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/filepizza/latestjob - firefly-iii 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/firefly-iii/latestjob - flarum 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/flarum/latestjob - flood 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/flood/latestjob - fluxbb 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/fluxbb/latestjob - focalboard 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/focalboard/latestjob - framaforms 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/framaforms/latestjob - framagames 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/framagames/latestjob - freshrss 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/freshrss/latestjob - friendica 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/friendica/latestjob - funkwhale 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/funkwhale/latestjob - galene 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/galene/latestjob - galette 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/galette/latestjob - gamja 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/gamja/latestjob - garradin 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/garradin/latestjob - gemserv 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/gemserv/latestjob - getsimple 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/getsimple/latestjob - ghost 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ghost/latestjob - gitea 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/gitea/latestjob - gitlab 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/gitlab/latestjob - gitlab-runner 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/gitlab-runner/latestjob - glitchsoc 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/glitchsoc/latestjob - glowingbear 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/glowingbear/latestjob - glpi 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/glpi/latestjob - gogs 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/gogs/latestjob - gossa 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/gossa/latestjob - gotify 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/gotify/latestjob - gotosocial 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/gotosocial/latestjob - grafana 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/grafana/latestjob - grammalecte 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/grammalecte/latestjob - grav 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/grav/latestjob - grocy 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/grocy/latestjob - 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hydrogen 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/hydrogen/latestjob - icecoder 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/icecoder/latestjob - ifconfig-io 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ifconfig-io/latestjob - ifm 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ifm/latestjob - ihatemoney 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ihatemoney/latestjob - indexhibit 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/indexhibit/latestjob - internetarchive 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/internetarchive/latestjob - invidious 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/invidious/latestjob - invoiceninja 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/invoiceninja/latestjob - invoiceninja5 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/invoiceninja5/latestjob - isso 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/isso/latestjob - jackett 1 -> 1 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/jackett/latestjob - jappix 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/jappix/latestjob - jeedom 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/jeedom/latestjob - jellyfin 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/jellyfin/latestjob - jenkins 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/jenkins/latestjob - jirafeau 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/jirafeau/latestjob - joomla 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/joomla/latestjob - jupyterlab 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/jupyterlab/latestjob - kanboard 4 -> 4 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/kanboard/latestjob - kavita 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/kavita/latestjob - keeweb 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/keeweb/latestjob - kimai2 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/kimai2/latestjob - kiwiirc 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/kiwiirc/latestjob - kiwix 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/kiwix/latestjob - kodi 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/kodi/latestjob - komga 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/komga/latestjob - kresus 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/kresus/latestjob - languagetool 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/languagetool/latestjob - laverna 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/laverna/latestjob - leed 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/leed/latestjob - lemmy 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/lemmy/latestjob - librarian 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/librarian/latestjob - libreddit 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/libreddit/latestjob - libreerp 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/libreerp/latestjob - librephotos 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/librephotos/latestjob - librespeed 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/librespeed/latestjob - libreto 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/libreto/latestjob - librex 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/librex/latestjob - lidarr 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/lidarr/latestjob - limesurvey 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/limesurvey/latestjob - linuxdash 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/linuxdash/latestjob - lionwiki-t2t 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/lionwiki-t2t/latestjob - listmonk 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/listmonk/latestjob - loki 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/loki/latestjob - lstu 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/lstu/latestjob - luckysheet 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/luckysheet/latestjob - lufi 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/lufi/latestjob - lutim 4 -> 4 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/lutim/latestjob - lxd 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/lxd/latestjob - lxd-dashboard 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/lxd-dashboard/latestjob - lychee 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/lychee/latestjob - mailman 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mailman/latestjob - mailman3 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mailman3/latestjob - mantis 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mantis/latestjob - mastodon 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mastodon/latestjob - matomo 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/matomo/latestjob - matrix-puppet-discord 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/matrix-puppet-discord/latestjob - matterbridge 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/matterbridge/latestjob - mattermost 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mattermost/latestjob - mautic 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mautic/latestjob - mautrix_facebook 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mautrix_facebook/latestjob - mautrix_signal 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mautrix_signal/latestjob - mautrix_telegram 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mautrix_telegram/latestjob - mautrix_whatsapp 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mautrix_whatsapp/latestjob - mediadrop 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mediadrop/latestjob - mediawiki 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mediawiki/latestjob - meilisearch 4 -> 4 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/meilisearch/latestjob - metabase 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/metabase/latestjob - minchat 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/minchat/latestjob - mindmaps 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mindmaps/latestjob - minetest 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/minetest/latestjob - mineweb 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mineweb/latestjob - 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my_webapp 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/my_webapp/latestjob - mybb 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mybb/latestjob - mygpo 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mygpo/latestjob - mytinytodo 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/mytinytodo/latestjob - n8n 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/n8n/latestjob - navidrome 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/navidrome/latestjob - netdata 3 -> 3 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/netdata/latestjob - neutrinet 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/neutrinet/latestjob - nextcloud 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/nextcloud/latestjob - nitter 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/nitter/latestjob - noalyss 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/noalyss/latestjob - nocodb 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/nocodb/latestjob - nodebb 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/nodebb/latestjob - nodered 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/nodered/latestjob - nomad 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/nomad/latestjob - ntfy 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ntfy/latestjob - nullboard 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/nullboard/latestjob - ofbiz 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ofbiz/latestjob - omeka-s 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/omeka-s/latestjob - onlyoffice 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/onlyoffice/latestjob - opennote 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/opennote/latestjob - openproject 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/openproject/latestjob - opensearch 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/opensearch/latestjob - opensondage 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/opensondage/latestjob - opentracker 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/opentracker/latestjob - osada 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/osada/latestjob - osjs 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/osjs/latestjob - osticket 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/osticket/latestjob - outline 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/outline/latestjob - overleaf 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/overleaf/latestjob - owncast 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/owncast/latestjob - owntracks 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/owntracks/latestjob - pagure 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pagure/latestjob - paperless-ngx 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/paperless-ngx/latestjob - peachpub 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/peachpub/latestjob - peertube 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/peertube/latestjob - peertube-search-index 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/peertube-search-index/latestjob - pelican 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pelican/latestjob - pepettes 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pepettes/latestjob - petitesannonces 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/petitesannonces/latestjob - petrolette 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/petrolette/latestjob - pgadmin 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pgadmin/latestjob - photonix 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/photonix/latestjob - photoprism 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/photoprism/latestjob - photoview 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/photoview/latestjob - phpbb 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/phpbb/latestjob - phpboost 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/phpboost/latestjob - phpinfo 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/phpinfo/latestjob - phpipam 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/phpipam/latestjob - phpldapadmin 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/phpldapadmin/latestjob - phplicensewatcher 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/phplicensewatcher/latestjob - phpmyadmin 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/phpmyadmin/latestjob - phpservermon 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/phpservermon/latestjob - phpsysinfo 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/phpsysinfo/latestjob - pico 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pico/latestjob - pihole 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pihole/latestjob - piwigo 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/piwigo/latestjob - pixelfed 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pixelfed/latestjob - plainpad 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/plainpad/latestjob - plateau 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/plateau/latestjob - pleroma 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pleroma/latestjob - plume 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/plume/latestjob - pluxml 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pluxml/latestjob - pmwiki 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pmwiki/latestjob - prestashop 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/prestashop/latestjob - prettynoemiecms 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/prettynoemiecms/latestjob - privatebin 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/privatebin/latestjob - prometheus 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/prometheus/latestjob - prosody 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/prosody/latestjob - prowlarr 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/prowlarr/latestjob - proxitok 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/proxitok/latestjob - psitransfer 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/psitransfer/latestjob - pufferpanel 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pufferpanel/latestjob - pydio 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pydio/latestjob - pyinventory 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pyinventory/latestjob - pyload 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pyload/latestjob - pytition 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/pytition/latestjob - qr 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/qr/latestjob - question2answer 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/question2answer/latestjob - quizzes 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/quizzes/latestjob - radarr 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/radarr/latestjob - radicale 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/radicale/latestjob - rainloop 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/rainloop/latestjob - redirect 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/redirect/latestjob - redmine 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/redmine/latestjob - restic 4 -> 4 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/restic/latestjob - retroarch 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/retroarch/latestjob - rocketchat 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/rocketchat/latestjob - roundcube 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/roundcube/latestjob - rportd 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/rportd/latestjob - rspamdui 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/rspamdui/latestjob - rss-bridge 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/rss-bridge/latestjob - samba 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/samba/latestjob - satdress 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/satdress/latestjob - scratch 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/scratch/latestjob - scrumblr 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/scrumblr/latestjob - seafile 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/seafile/latestjob - searx 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/searx/latestjob - selfoss 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/selfoss/latestjob - send 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/send/latestjob - shaarli 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/shaarli/latestjob - shellinabox 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/shellinabox/latestjob - shiori 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/shiori/latestjob - shuri 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/shuri/latestjob - signaturepdf 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/signaturepdf/latestjob - simple-hash-generator 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/simple-hash-generator/latestjob - simple-torrent 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/simple-torrent/latestjob - sitemagiccms 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/sitemagiccms/latestjob - slingcode 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/slingcode/latestjob - snappymail 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/snappymail/latestjob - snipeit 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/snipeit/latestjob - snserver 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/snserver/latestjob - snweb 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/snweb/latestjob - soapbox 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/soapbox/latestjob - sogo 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/sogo/latestjob - sonarr 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/sonarr/latestjob - spacedeck 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/spacedeck/latestjob - spftoolbox 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/spftoolbox/latestjob - spip 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/spip/latestjob - squid3 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/squid3/latestjob - ssbroom 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ssbroom/latestjob - ssh_chroot_dir 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ssh_chroot_dir/latestjob - streama 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/streama/latestjob - strut 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/strut/latestjob - sutom 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/sutom/latestjob - svgedit 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/svgedit/latestjob - synapse 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/synapse/latestjob - synapse-admin 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/synapse-admin/latestjob - syncthing 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/syncthing/latestjob - tailoredflow 2 -> 2 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/tailoredflow/latestjob - tandoor 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/tandoor/latestjob - taskboard null -> 4 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/taskboard/latestjob - teampass 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/teampass/latestjob - technitium-dns 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/technitium-dns/latestjob - teddit 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/teddit/latestjob - thelounge 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/thelounge/latestjob - tiddlywiki 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/tiddlywiki/latestjob - tiki 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/tiki/latestjob - timemachine 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/timemachine/latestjob - timeoff 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/timeoff/latestjob - tinyfilemanager 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/tinyfilemanager/latestjob - tldraw 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/tldraw/latestjob - torrelay 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/torrelay/latestjob - tracim 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/tracim/latestjob - traggo 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/traggo/latestjob - transfersh 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/transfersh/latestjob - transmission 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/transmission/latestjob - trilium 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/trilium/latestjob - trustyhash 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/trustyhash/latestjob - ttrss 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ttrss/latestjob - tube 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/tube/latestjob - turtl 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/turtl/latestjob - tvheadend 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/tvheadend/latestjob - tyto 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/tyto/latestjob - ulogger 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ulogger/latestjob - umami 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/umami/latestjob - ums 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ums/latestjob - unattended_upgrades 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/unattended_upgrades/latestjob - uptime-kuma 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/uptime-kuma/latestjob - vaultwarden 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/vaultwarden/latestjob - veloren 0 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/veloren/latestjob - vikunja 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/vikunja/latestjob - vpnclient 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/vpnclient/latestjob - wallabag2 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/wallabag2/latestjob - weblate 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/weblate/latestjob - webmin 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/webmin/latestjob - webtrees 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/webtrees/latestjob - wekan 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/wekan/latestjob - wemawema 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/wemawema/latestjob - wetty 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/wetty/latestjob - whitebophir 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/whitebophir/latestjob - wikijs 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/wikijs/latestjob - wireguard 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/wireguard/latestjob - wondercms 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/wondercms/latestjob - wordpress 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/wordpress/latestjob - writefreely 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/writefreely/latestjob - yacy 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/yacy/latestjob - yellow 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/yellow/latestjob - yeswiki 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/yeswiki/latestjob - yourls 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/yourls/latestjob - yunomonitor 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/yunomonitor/latestjob - yunorunner 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/yunorunner/latestjob - z-push 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/z-push/latestjob - zabbix 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/zabbix/latestjob - zerobin 8 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/zerobin/latestjob - zeronet 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/zeronet/latestjob - zerotier 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/zerotier/latestjob - ztncui 6 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ztncui/latestjob - zwave-js-ui 7 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/zwave-js-ui/latestjob... https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/6c4581d0689e6799839fb9af9cb2bff3a9c33081
[14:33:53] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot created new branch modify_level
[14:35:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> uhoh
[14:36:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> #oopsies
[14:36:49] <tituspijean> 🤣
*use yunopaste dammit!* 🙃
[14:37:40] <eric_G[m]> who is this 🔔 user anyway
[14:38:01] <Gérard Collin> So, here is the failing one: https://paste.yunohost.org/renosaxuwa.bash
and the one working in my local: https://paste.yunohost.org/uzujedezas.bash

The only difference is when it starts the mongo service (at time 58683 in the former and time 87385 in the later), it seems to crash on the CI stuff and not in the local one.

[14:38:16] <tituspijean> what a ding-dong 😛
[14:38:27] <Gérard Collin> tituspijean: So, here is the failing one: https://paste.yunohost.org/renosaxuwa.bash
and the one working in my local: https://paste.yunohost.org/uzujedezas.bash

The only difference is when it starts the mongo service (at time 58683 in the former and time 87385 in the later), it seems to crash on the CI stuff and not in the local one.
[14:39:40] <tituspijean> and btw, why is it running *today*? It's not Friday.
[14:40:03] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 👀
[14:40:23] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> homerhidinginbush.gif
[14:41:05] <tituspijean> > <@yunohostinfra:matrix.org> [CI_package_check] @alexAubin pushed 1 commit to master: Improve update_level_apps script to display a summary of regressions/improvement + link to latest CI job https://github.com/YunoHost/CI_package_check/commit/c54fb8fad7717121c1ead57d6abcd49ceaa9c92c

Ah I see 🙂
[14:48:40] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @alexAubin deleted branch modify_level
[14:50:56] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot created new branch modify_level
[14:50:57] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @yunohost-bot pushed 1 commit to modify_level: atestjob - cowyo 8 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cowyo/latestjob - ecko 3 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ecko/latestjob - guacamole 6 -> 1 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/guacamole/latestjob - jitsi 8 -> 6 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/jitsi/latestjob - zap 8 -> 0 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/zap/latestjob Improvements: - adguardhome 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/adguardhome/latestjob - ampache 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/ampache/latestjob - bazarr 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/bazarr/latestjob - beehive 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/beehive/latestjob - blogotext 7 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/blogotext/latestjob - cheky 7 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cheky/latestjob - chitchatter null -> 1 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/chitchatter/latestjob - concrete5 7 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/concrete5/latestjob - cultivons null -> 1 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/cultivons/latestjob - dokuwiki 7 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/dokuwiki/latestjob - etherpad_mypads 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/etherpad_mypads/latestjob - homarr 2 -> 7 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/homarr/latestjob - invidious 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/invidious/latestjob - nocodb 6 -> 8 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/nocodb/latestjob - taskboard null -> 4 | https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/taskboard/latestjob... https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/7ab60c053c559e6691c10f64250abde068e81d92
[14:51:15] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmyea
[14:52:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> still a big ass message here tho
[14:52:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or maybe we should be smarter in the webhook notification handling
[14:52:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it always does funky stuff for long commit messages
[14:53:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (the `/latestjob` url thingies dont work yet because this needs a restart of yunorunner and I never know when to do it @_@)
[14:54:18] <tituspijean> let's overengineer it and add a button for not starting new jobs 😛
[14:55:00] <tituspijean> but then when should it be restarted... 🤔
[14:55:37] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or just yolorestart at some point :D
[14:55:39] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [my_webapp_ynh] @lucyferu edited issue #100: uploading hugo static website doesnt work https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/my_webapp_ynh/issues/100
[14:59:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [my_webapp_ynh] @alexAubin commented on issue #100 uploading hugo static website doesnt work: >static website created with Hugo doesnt come up at the domain after directory is transferred in my_webapp. What happe... https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/my_webapp_ynh/issues/100#issuecomment-1377404361
[15:01:11] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [my_webapp_ynh] @lucyferu commented on issue #100 uploading hugo static website doesnt work: > > static website created with Hugo doesnt come up at the domain after directory is transferred in my_webapp. > > Wha... https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/my_webapp_ynh/issues/100#issuecomment-1377406741
[15:02:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [my_webapp_ynh] @alexAubin commented on issue #100 uploading hugo static website doesnt work: Then I guess the index.html is still there and was not replaced ... does your hugo generates an index.html ? Did you t... https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/my_webapp_ynh/issues/100#issuecomment-1377408275
[15:12:57] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [my_webapp_ynh] @lucyferu commented on issue #100 uploading hugo static website doesnt work: > Did you try removing the default index.html ? just tried and i receive this error where try to load the page now: ... https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/my_webapp_ynh/issues/100#issuecomment-1377422805
[15:13:21] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> or maybe we should be smarter in the webhook notification handling

aaaand the code is `comment[120:]` instead of `comment[:120]`
[15:22:33] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create soapbox.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/8ed84ae57e75af4f85876ded72d4305611b4fdb2
[15:22:38] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar opened pull request #1589: Logos https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/pull/1589
[15:25:45] <Marc> 460
[15:39:57] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> restarting ci-apps (official) to use the new yunorunner code
[15:48:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hell yeah https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/apps/nextcloud/latestjob works o/
[15:57:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> test
[15:57:47] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> aleks
[15:57:47] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> from
[15:58:26] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> test from aleks²
[16:00:10] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> While testing facette: It looks like package_check did not finish properly ... on https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/job/12697
[16:14:02] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar created new branch set-soapbox-as-maintained
[16:14:02] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to set-soapbox-as-maintained: Update apps.json https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/38c74e63ba144f3876737ea1025b74578a94b550
[16:21:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar opened pull request #1590: Set soapbox as maintained https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/pull/1590
[16:26:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar merged pull request #1589: Logos https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/pull/1589
[16:26:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 4 commits to master: https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/compare/f10a0a8a2541...a6cc66fd46a6
[16:26:15] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar deleted branch logos
[16:26:21] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Create 243.png - Éric Gaspar
[16:26:21] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Create soapbox.png - Éric Gaspar
[16:26:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Merge pull request #1589 from YunoHost/logos Logos - Éric Gaspar
[16:29:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create mautic.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/1eb39d46b1278789f0591f9a63dea0a0c5322fb1
[16:29:45] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar created new branch logos
[16:35:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create languagetool.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/e569dfbcbd96dc33a322a86260a5959222c685f4
[16:38:36] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create selfoss.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/8a5b58d42c00ea1f10be082cf75ac637b14905cc
[16:41:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <@yunohostinfra:matrix.org> While testing facette: It looks like package_check did not finish properly ... on https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/job/12697

so notifications from ci-apps should be back online too (when job miserably fails or during regressions)
[16:44:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and for people using https://dash.yunohost.org/appci/branch/stable : the link to latest job ("X days ago") now point directly to the actual job
[17:07:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> also made a quick review of unlisted apps that are in the YunoHost-Apps org, those look like they could be added to the app catalog (I only checked if the README was filled with actual stuff, not if there's any successful CI jobs):
- https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/karaokeforever_ynh karaoke app package for YunoHost
- https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/libremdb_ynh Libremdb package for YunoHost
- https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/libretranslate_ynh (? testing failing :/) LibreTranslate package for YunHost
- https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mstream_ynh mStream package for YunoHost
- https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/osp_ynh Open Streaming Platform package for YunoHost
- https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/polr_ynh Polr package for YunoHost
- https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/rss_ynh RSS packaged for YunoHost
- https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/shlink_ynh Shlink package for YunoHost
- https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/X-prober_ynh A probe program for PHP environment packaged for yunohost
[17:13:00] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create hat.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/d9ea6960468c35a93f911357ebb7b304e2f7c618
[17:16:29] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create spip.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/27038fdf6e64bc066e94ee63017c2e08153c0d0c
[17:19:54] <eric_G[m]> some of this apps are not working (in fact all of them I think 😬 )
[17:20:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah 😅
[17:20:19] <eric_G[m]> But yes it could be an extra motivation to add them to catalog
[17:20:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sorry about the noise then
[17:22:24] <eric_G[m]> no sorry needed. In fact it is a nice reminder to rework on those apps I totally forgot 😅
[17:34:29] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> Application facilmap stays at level 8 on https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/job/12698
[17:34:43] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (hm idk if we wanna keep those)
[17:39:31] <eric_G[m]> https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/X-prober_ynh A probe program for PHP environment ✅
[17:43:06] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to Add-x-prober-to-catalog: Update apps.json https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/0a90ec16c0df2ccb00754cc431d2ea13c9170cee
[17:43:06] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar created new branch Add-x-prober-to-catalog
[17:43:16] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar opened pull request #1591: Add x-prober to catalog https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/pull/1591
[18:06:47] <selfhoster1312> ok after a few hours battling with CI i think i got it this time, thanks for help
[18:07:36] <selfhoster1312> i THINK i found why it was hanging: when check url failed it tried to locate systemd service matching appname, by calling "systemctl --all", but i was in interactive terminal so it opened a pager...
[18:07:42] <selfhoster1312> edge-case of the edge-case
[18:08:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> o.o
[18:08:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> eh sounds like a bug in package check ?
[18:08:47] <selfhoster1312> yes! i'll submit a patch now :)
[18:09:07] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @selfhoster1312 forked package_check to selfhoster1312/package_check: https://github.com/selfhoster1312/package_check
[18:11:57] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [package_check] @selfhoster1312 opened pull request #134: Dont let systemctl open a pager to list units... https://github.com/YunoHost/package_check/pull/134
[18:12:49] <selfhoster1312> also i haven't found how to really configure the URLs the CI will check for the app, or the expected content and HTTP status code
[18:13:05] <selfhoster1312> so i've just served the admin interface index.html like "meh, passes tests"
[18:15:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i think it just expects to find a code 200 and a page that is not the yunohost portal (in public mode)
[18:15:58] <selfhoster1312> something like that yes
[18:16:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ogod that code is hell
[18:16:19] *selfhoster1312 nods
[18:16:42] *selfhoster1312 throws "just rewrite it in rust" in the chatroom and runs to hide behind the curtains
[18:17:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> haha
[18:23:18] <selfhoster1312> so back to my backend... now that i know that LDAP DB is the one true API, how do i match permission names to apps? do i just naively take everything before the first '.' as app name (discarding if there's no such app)? or is there an actual mapping?
[18:24:09] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmm nah the perm name are always `$app.$perm_id`
[18:24:37] <selfhoster1312> cool :)
[18:25:07] <selfhoster1312> i guess i just have to ignore everything that doesn't have a '.' for special permissions like email?
[18:26:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmmm does it really have no dot ? 🤔
[18:26:31] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the mail is `mail.main`
[18:41:13] <selfhoster1312> correct! on the upside, permissions are properly namespaced; on the downside we don't have exact mapping between app names and permissions
[19:02:31] <gredin67> ```
[2023-01-10T19:40:32.088] [ERROR] nodeJS - [AMQP] Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1107:14)
[19:54:50] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <selfhoster1312> correct! on the upside, permissions are properly namespaced; on the downside we don't have exact mapping between app names and permissions

not sure what you mean ? x_X
[19:58:40] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to shlink: Add shlink to catalog https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/1df386f2f343966f557d77224eadd9018ef23f66
[19:58:41] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar created new branch shlink
[19:58:44] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar opened pull request #1592: Add shlink to catalog https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/pull/1592
[20:34:54] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create calckey.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/8e2aea0d47db0c3c875414a2c1221737279fa2e5
[20:35:01] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar opened pull request #1593: Logos https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/pull/1593
[20:35:27] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 7 commits to logos: https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/compare/8e2aea0d47db...98d1e07d182c
[20:35:31] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/logos] Merge pull request #1586 from YunoHost/logos Add missing logos - Éric Gaspar
[20:35:41] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/logos] Merge pull request #1589 from YunoHost/logos Logos - Éric Gaspar
[20:35:41] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/logos] Merge branch master into logos - Éric Gaspar
[20:37:27] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Update calckey.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/4f98e9448f3d79d0b27d4804d1b9d0a7b162d60c
[20:43:56] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create cesium.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/c4d7fc47c9315c19209e6b438813d19fe16b895f
[20:46:41] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create dex.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/913c1803e1da8bda4603c8171b3846f3782ff7bb
[20:52:50] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Create facette.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/38f3425d5d1d79972b591844c80418174b5bdb4d
[20:53:38] <selfhoster1312> i meant some permissions like "xmpp.main" or "mail.main" have first part which is not an app name... not really a problem i just need to stay aware of it :)
[20:56:42] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> Application facette stays at level 8 on https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/job/12697
[21:08:03] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Update grocy.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/259a2afdace7859236b6d3978a02d6fae16e43e5
[21:14:59] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <@yunohostinfra:matrix.org> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Update grocy.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/259a2afdace7859236b6d3978a02d6fae16e43e5

eeeeeh é_è
[21:15:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> meh they changed their logo x_X
[21:15:48] <eric_G[m]> I don't think so...
[21:16:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or like i used the android app logo
[21:51:31] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to logos: Update dex.png https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/commit/a3a4cb7da0e4cc1d4a19d045a0da0ad56283c15f
[22:16:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> Application fider stays at level 7 on https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/job/12699
[22:30:10] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> Application filebrowser stays at level 8 on https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/job/12700
[22:46:07] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> Application filepizza stays at level 7 on https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/job/12701
[23:16:26] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> Application firefly-iii just reached level 8 ! on https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/job/12702
[23:46:44] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> Application flarum stays at level 2 on https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/job/12703