Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[02:43:53] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @Limezy commented on issue #125 Use PostgreSQL instead of MySQL (fixes #107): Thank you so much @ericgaspar for working on that one. I guess the speed bump for all yunohost users will be very big
[08:50:03] <Gérard Collin> Good morning!
One question about the ci-apps server: Is it running on buster ? I mean, not the LXD tests containers but the host ?
[09:05:04] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create homarr.png
[09:06:34] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @LAfricain edited issue #548: No more acces to the nextcloud web ui
[09:25:19] <Salamandar> @florent BTW the installation of Elasticsearch7 went without issues :D
[09:25:25] <Salamandar> (on the testing branch)
[09:58:15] <florent> > <> @florent BTW the installation of Elasticsearch7 went without issues :D

Great news, thanks for your feedback!
[10:00:57] <florent> > <> (are you folks using elasticsearch irl btw ? 👀)

I packaged ES because I meant to use it for other packages mainly. I think of having it as a dependency of peertube-search-index (poke yalh76), but also for a package I mean to create (Zammad).
[10:17:24] <Salamandar> Aaaaaaah
[10:17:35] <Salamandar> i'm currently starting to work on Zammad
[10:17:40] <Salamandar> let's not duplicate the work then :D
[10:18:23] <selfhoster1312> <-- any idea what would be best way to list apps without root or API credentials? (on localhost)
[10:18:37] <selfhoster1312> i chmodded the /etc/yunohost/apps/ directory on my instance, but then i have to do it after every conf_regen :P
[10:19:14] <florent> > <> i'm currently starting to work on Zammad

Wow, you're awesome!
[10:19:40] <selfhoster1312> (hello btw)
[10:19:41] <florent> I haven't started yet, I am very pleased that someone is starting it actually
[10:20:34] <Salamandar> > I haven't started yet, I am very pleased that someone is starting it actually

ok :D
[10:20:53] <Salamandar> I'm starting both Endi and Zammad, two apps my small company is/will use
[10:21:21] <Salamandar> i'm trying to convince them to self-host, that's why i want to package them
[10:25:07] <florent> Mayhaps it would be a good idea to talk in private vocally. I also work for cooperatives (although we will probably use Ansible for Zammad), and for an association I may also use Zammad too but this time on Yunohost.
[10:26:10] <Gérard Collin> > <selfhoster1312> <-- any idea what would be best way to list apps without root or API credentials? (on localhost)

Maybe it could be encapsulated in a ynh_list_apps just like you have ynh_install_apps or ynh_remove_apps ?
[10:26:56] <selfhoster1312> sure, the question is more: who should have permission to do that ? :)
[10:27:04] <Gérard Collin> > <> Maybe it could be encapsulated in a ynh_list_apps just like you have ynh_install_apps or ynh_remove_apps ?

Hey, there is yunohost app list !
[10:27:22] <selfhoster1312> Gérard Collin: yunohost command requires root
[10:27:25] <selfhoster1312> :'(
[10:27:35] <selfhoster1312> i don't want to give my app root privileges JUST to list apps xD
[10:28:24] <selfhoster1312> i mean i can get cleartext user passwords from HTTP headers, and list all permissions via LDAP database, but i can't even read the application list ^^"
[10:29:10] <selfhoster1312> well maybe it's possible to query the app list from LDAP, but i read yunohost API source code and it reads the directory directly without querying LDAP, from quick read it SEEMS that LDAP only contains permission names / labels not app IDs?
[10:29:57] <selfhoster1312> (the problem with stripping ".main" from permission names is that SOME permissions do not match app IDs, like mail.main or xmpp.main)
[10:31:18] <selfhoster1312> (i *could* setup a sudo rule to allow my app to run "yunohost app list", but that's a bit hacky for my taste)
[10:40:51] <Salamandar> > <selfhoster1312> i don't want to give my app root privileges JUST to list apps xD

Ah ! I had a workaround on an app i never released
[10:40:58] <Salamandar> give me 2s
[10:41:26] <Salamandar>
[10:41:34] <Salamandar> The goal of this app was to provide a nice home page
[10:42:32] <Salamandar>
[10:42:39] <Gérard Collin> > <selfhoster1312> (i *could* setup a sudo rule to allow my app to run "yunohost app list", but that's a bit hacky for my taste)

I see your point now. Seeing that /etc/systemd files can be read by anyone, it would make sense /etc/yunohost/apps are readable as well.
[10:42:40] <Salamandar> the code is not really nice but hell
[10:43:04] <Salamandar> The idea is to add a `yunohost hook`. This hook is called _every time_ an app is installed/removed/upgraded
[10:43:08] <selfhoster1312> thx Salamandar i'll take a look :)
[10:43:40] <Salamandar> And this hook is called by yunohost so it has permissions to list apps. It basically does `yunohost list apps > my_app_config_file` so that the app can list apps without permissions
[10:43:41] <selfhoster1312> and come to think of it... i think i also need app settings... unless i can find app domain/URL some other way?
[10:43:55] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create homer.png
[10:44:11] <Salamandar> @eric_G i see you
[10:44:15] <Salamandar> 👀
[10:45:04] <eric_G> yes, no more privacy 😎
[10:45:06] <selfhoster1312> Salamandar: nice i'm precisely trying to do something like that, but without JavaScript on client side, and with theming capabilities :)
[10:45:54] <Salamandar> @selfhoster1312 ok :) Then do this hook thing. it worked fine for my POC of Homer :)
[10:46:25] <selfhoster1312> i still feel a little weird that i need root for that, but that'll do the trick, thanks ! :D :D :D
[10:46:35] <Salamandar> Don't forget that this hook is called for every app install/etc, so it should be kinda fast
[10:47:14] <Salamandar> > <selfhoster1312> i still feel a little weird that i need root for that, but that'll do the trick, thanks ! :D :D :D

Well it kinda makes sense : any app shouldn't be able to list what's installed
[10:47:35] <Salamandar> (yeah ok apt list doesn't need root permission… but you get what i mean)
[10:48:00] <selfhoster1312> i don't entirely disagree, but having a more granular permissions makes sense to me
[10:50:19] <eric_G> Salamandar: no Homer in catalog?
[10:50:31] <selfhoster1312> relevant quote:
[10:50:32] <selfhoster1312> > I had a workaround on an app i never released
[10:50:45] <Salamandar> Nah… I didn't like some things in the upstream code, tried to workaround those… and didn't find time to finish it
[10:50:57] <Salamandar> I guess i should try again, there should be some updates upstream
[10:51:25] <selfhoster1312> Salamandar: by curiosity what were some problems upstream? i'm curious because i'd like my yunohome project to be versatile so supporting your usecases interests me :)
[10:51:51] <Salamandar> BTW @eric_G, if you know someone who's searching for a consultant in embedded software development, i'm searching for a job :D
[10:57:55] <eric_G> my working field is more Graphic Design, but who knows...
[11:00:32] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create meilisearch.png
[11:03:03] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create wireguard_client.png
[11:06:15] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create tooljet.png
[11:12:50] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create processwire.png
[11:26:21] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create dont-code.png
[11:31:17] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create epicyon.png
[11:33:39] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create decidim.png
[11:35:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create flask.png
[11:37:34] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create radical.png
[11:40:12] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create statpingng.png
[11:42:55] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create veloren.png
[11:44:14] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create zusam.png
[11:47:24] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to master: Create libreerp.png
[13:12:13] <yalh76> Could be also used for mastodon
[13:14:15] <yalh76> > <> Good morning!
> One question about the ci-apps server: Is it running on buster ? I mean, not the LXD tests containers but the host ?

Actually on bullseye
[13:30:46] <Gérard Collin> Okay, as the install script seems to install yunohost "buster" AND if you try to install Mongo for "bullseye" it crashes (but mongo for "buster" works), I was wondering


echo\_bold "> Setting up Yunohost..."
local DIST="buster"
curl $INSTALL\_SCRIPT | bash -s -- -a


[13:31:08] <Gérard Collin> > <> Okay, as the install script seems to install yunohost "buster" AND if you try to install Mongo for "bullseye" it crashes (but mongo for "buster" works), I was wondering
> ```
> echo\_bold "> Setting up Yunohost..."
> local DIST="buster"
> curl $INSTALL\_SCRIPT | bash -s -- -a
> ```
[13:46:36] <Gérard Collin> Okay, as the install script ([here](\_package\_check/blob/master/ seems to install yunohost "buster" AND if you try to install Mongo for "bullseye" it crashes (but mongo for "buster" works), I was wondering


echo\_bold "> Setting up Yunohost..."
local DIST="buster"
curl $INSTALL\_SCRIPT | bash -s -- -a

[13:47:00] <Gérard Collin> Okay, as the install script ([here]( seems to install yunohost "buster" AND when I try to install Mongo for "bullseye" it crashes (but mongo for "buster" works), I was wondering


echo\_bold "> Setting up Yunohost..."
local DIST="buster"
curl $INSTALL\_SCRIPT | bash -s -- -a

[14:13:54] <gredin67> config_panel question ljf
can I:
- bind 2 keys in one/two files for one unique setting?
- restart 2 services?
Something like:
name = "Nginx"
services = ["matrix-__APP__, nginx"]

name = "User Experience"

ask = "Largest allowed media upload size in bytes."
type = "url"
bind = ":/etc/matrix-__APP__/homeserver.yaml, /etc/nginx/conf.d/$__DOMAIN.d/$__APP__.conf"

Is there some simple solution with `comma` or `;` separation or so?
[14:31:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (i highly doubt there is in the current code)
[14:31:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> also `services = ["matrix-__APP__, nginx"]` <--- this is supposed to be `["matrix-__APP__", "nginx"]`
[14:45:44] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @klorydryk closed issue #462: No display of the files in /nextcloud/apps/files/
[14:52:15] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> Application uptime-kuma rises from level (unknown) to level 8 on
[15:04:05] <ljf> gredin67: sadly no for `bind = ":/etc/matrix-__APP__/homeserver.yaml, /etc/nginx/conf.d/$__DOMAIN.d/$__APP__.conf"`
[15:06:16] <ljf> BUT you can use a custom setter to do it.
[15:06:23] <gredin67> OK
[15:11:47] <ljf> ```
set__max_upload_size() {
ynh_write_var_in_file --file=/etc/matrix-$app/homeserver.yaml --key=max_upload_size --value="${max_upload_size}"
ynh_replace_string --match_string="max_upload_size .*" --replace_string="max_upload_size ${max_upload_size}" --target_file="/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf"
[15:12:02] <ljf> (un truc qui ressemble à ça en tout cas
[15:12:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `ynh_replace_string` was pas gérer la maudite checksum ...
[15:12:24] <ljf> faut peut être refaire la checksum de /etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf
[15:12:30] <ljf> chips
[15:12:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ou ptete appeler `ynh_add_nginx_conf` ptete
[15:12:46] <ljf> (enfin pas tout à fait parce que j'écris moins vite qu'aleks)
[15:13:05] <ljf> > <> ou ptete appeler `ynh_add_nginx_conf` ptete

oui ça peux être une idée
[15:14:08] <ljf> J'ai tout à coup un doute sur le fait que ynh_write_var_in_file serait peut être en mesure d'écrire dans une variable simple d'un fichier de conf nginx...
[15:16:00] <ljf> bon je viens de relire le code et la réponse est non, ynh_write_var_in_file ne sait pas écrire dans un fichier de conf nginx (syntaxe un peu trop spécifique et avec des espaces relous)
[15:19:15] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> @MayeulC forked nextcloud_ynh to MayeulC/nextcloud_ynh:
[15:24:44] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @MayeulC opened pull request #549: nginx.conf: support PATCH method
[15:25:08] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot commented on issue #549 nginx.conf: support PATCH method: :carousel_horse:
[[Test Badge](
[15:25:08] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @MayeulC commented on issue #549 nginx.conf: support PATCH method: testme
[16:57:30] <gredin67> > <> ou ptete appeler `ynh_add_nginx_conf` ptete

ça donnerait donc ça en gros? @ljf
[17:17:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sans la ligne du milieu
[17:18:42] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> Application veloren completely failed the continuous integration tests on
[17:21:43] <Salamandar> > <selfhoster1312> Salamandar: by curiosity what were some problems upstream? i'm curious because i'd like my yunohome project to be versatile so supporting your usecases interests me :)

Hmmmm there were some weird graphical issues
[17:23:18] <Salamandar> And I couldn't find how to configure some things, like have yunohost as the main page
[17:25:35] <Salamandar> But if anyone feels like contributing (mostly means "opening issues to guide me"), i'm down !
[17:30:55] <Salamandar> TBH I didn't know if I wanted :
* yunohost as default page of homer and custom pages not handled by the regen hook
* the default page manually edited by the user and yunohost apps list as a secondary page accessible via a link
[17:31:01] <Salamandar> the first one seems more sane though
[17:56:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [test_apps] @alexAubin pushed 2 commits to master:
[17:56:15] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [test_apps] @alexAubin merged pull request #6: Update index.html
[17:56:31] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [test_apps/master] Merge pull request #6 from kay0u/patch-1 Update index.html - Alexandre Aubin
[17:56:31] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [test_apps/master] Update index.html - Kayou
[18:23:11] <MayeulC> hmm the latest ssowat update broke some basic auth I had behind a "proxy web app" app :/
[18:23:37] <MayeulC> (I just removed the includes and access_by_lua_file from the nginx conf to fix it)
[18:27:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 🙄
[18:45:40] <tituspijean> MayeulC can you be more specific on said app, your YunoHost+SSO versions, on which headers it uses, and if it has the `auth_header=false` in `/etc/ssowat/conf.json`?
[19:14:54] <yalh76> I don't understand the link between ci\_package\_check and mongo...
but you should look at\_package\_check/blob/d6bee6cee0bef22cbe43b0498aaedd90ebd7d9ca/

It only install yunohost buster if yunohost is not alreay installed
[19:50:44] <Gérard Collin> yalh76: It only occurs on the CI server, when you ask for a test, using !testme. On my laptop, and in a VM on the cloud, the install is smooth... I know that's crazy
[20:01:27] <yalh76> > <> yalh76: It only occurs on the CI server, when you ask for a test, using !testme. On my laptop, and in a VM on the cloud, the install is smooth... I know that's crazy

I still don't understand you. I don't know what you are speaking about ....
I was just replying to the question you asked "One question about the ci-apps server: Is it running on buster ? I mean, not the LXD tests containers but the host ?"
[20:03:49] <gredin67> meet the new config panel for synapse :D
[20:03:56] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @Salamandar opened pull request #1614: Add Endi to catalog
[20:10:13] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> Application decidim completely failed the continuous integration tests on
[20:12:19] <Gérard Collin> > <> I still don't understand you. I don't know what you are speaking about ....
> I was just replying to the question you asked "One question about the ci-apps server: Is it running on buster ? I mean, not the LXD tests containers but the host ?"

Ok, I have an application, mongo-express (, that requires mongo to run.
[20:14:16] <Gérard Collin> During install script, I install mongo for Debian using: ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies --repo="deb $(ynh_get_debian_release)/mongodb-org/$mongo_version main" --package="mongodb-org mongodb-org-server mongodb-org-tools mongodb-mongosh" --key="$mongo_version.asc"
[20:15:14] <Gérard Collin> If Install this application in my local or a cloud yunohost, it just works
[20:15:49] <Gérard Collin> On the CI server, mongo crashes. Even mongod --help crashes
[20:16:35] <Gérard Collin> If I change my script to install mongo for Debian buster instead, it just works
[20:17:27] <Gérard Collin> This is quite strange and honestly I feel a bit stuck with that 😥
[20:18:29] <eric_G> I don't know if it's the same issue but I have also a problem with Mongo in RocketChat :
[20:24:52] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @ericgaspar pushed 1 commit to testing: Update screenshot.png
[20:24:56] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [nextcloud_ynh] @yunohost-bot pushed 1 commit to testing: Auto-update README
[20:27:09] <Gérard Collin> > <> I don't know if it's the same issue but I have also a problem with Mongo in RocketChat :

I looked at your logs and yes it's the same issue:
[20:27:15] <Gérard Collin> 613983 [37m[1mDEBUG [mJan 17 23:31:50 systemd[1]: mongod.service: Failed with result '\''signal'\''.'
[20:28:44] <Gérard Collin> > <> I don't know if it's the same issue but I have also a problem with Mongo in RocketChat :

The funny thing is that if you change your install script to install mongo for buster instead, it will work in the CI server
[20:30:51] <eric_G> I think that doesn't show this issue.
[20:31:26] <eric_G> maybe something to do with CI-dev?
[20:53:43] <tituspijean> FYI
admin@ci-apps-dev:~$ lsb\_release -c
Codename: bullseye
[20:53:58] <tituspijean> FYI

admin@ci-apps-dev:~$ lsb_release -c
Codename: bullseye
[20:55:55] <tituspijean> aaand I got fail2banned by ci-apps 😆
[21:00:15] <tituspijean> based off the webadmin login page of the server (failing api btw), it's bullseye too
[21:03:53] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar changes_requested pull request #1614 Add Endi to catalog
[21:03:54] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar commented on pull request #1614 Add Endi to catalog: suggestion
[21:03:54] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar edited review pull request #1614: Add Endi to catalog
[21:06:05] <tituspijean> bullseye you mean?
[21:06:46] <eric_G> Stretch?
[21:07:09] <tituspijean> damn I'm lost
[21:07:09] <eric_G> 😶‍🌫️
[21:07:10] <tituspijean> buster ~ ynh 4.x
bullseye ~ ynh 11.x
[21:07:25] <tituspijean> > <> 😶‍🌫️

*oh you*
[21:07:25] <yalh76> You don't have to care of the version of the host of the CI, the important is the verison of the LXC.
as we see in, the test is made in a yunohost, so it's a bullseye...
[21:10:36] <yalh76> > <> I don't know if it's the same issue but I have also a problem with Mongo in RocketChat :

for that you should compare with wekan, that also use mongodb
[21:17:40] <eric_G> OK thanks. I noticed that `ynh_mongo_db` used by Wekan is installing Mongo from buster repo: `ynh\_install\_extra\_app\_dependencies --repo="deb buster/mongodb-org/$mongo\_version main" --package="mongodb-org mongodb-org-server mongodb-org-tools mongodb-mongosh" --key="$mongo\_version.asc"`
[21:17:54] <eric_G>
[21:18:48] <eric_G> RocketChat was using Bullseye Debian repo
[21:20:11] <Gérard Collin> > <> OK thanks. I noticed that `ynh_mongo_db` used by Wekan is installing Mongo from buster repo: `ynh\_install\_extra\_app\_dependencies --repo="deb buster/mongodb-org/$mongo\_version main" --package="mongodb-org mongodb-org-server mongodb-org-tools mongodb-mongosh" --key="$mongo\_version.asc"`

Yes it is, and it works. It doesn't makes sense right? Hence my question about the version of Debian the CI server is running in
[21:29:09] <yalh76> CI on bullseye and lxc on bullseye.

For\_ynh/blob/7915ec5426b77473b947ee8523a780b1f1a7cf21/scripts/ynh\_mongo\_db\_\_2#L316 , instead of using `$(ynh_get_debian_release)` maybe you should keep what is writen in the helper:\_helpers/blob/fe4757bf54ddb3a5ac1a71b88b976934f81695cd/ynh\_mongo\_db/ynh\_mongo\_db\_\_2#L316 `buster`

its' actually used for wekan =>\_ynh/blob/9305a6dd6a8b29adf0e11ee9ee51952c4efdcb22/scripts/ynh\_mongo\_db\_\_2#L316
and working like a charm ....
[21:31:36] <yalh76> in addition ynh_mongo_db__2, as been developped and tested for mongo 4.4 and 5.0, not 6.0
[21:52:58] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar approved pull request #1614 Add Endi to catalog
[21:53:34] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar pushed 3 commits to master:
[21:53:35] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps] @ericgaspar merged pull request #1614: Add Endi to catalog
[21:53:41] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Add Endi to catalog - Salamandar
[21:53:41] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] remove initial level for Endi Co-authored-by: Éric Gaspar <> - Salamandar
[21:53:47] <Yunohost Git/Infra notifications> [apps/master] Merge pull request #1614 from Salamandar/patch-2 Add Endi to catalog - Éric Gaspar
[22:25:12] <Gérard Collin> > <> CI on bullseye and lxc on bullseye.
> For\_ynh/blob/7915ec5426b77473b947ee8523a780b1f1a7cf21/scripts/ynh\_mongo\_db\_\_2#L316 , instead of using `$(ynh_get_debian_release)` maybe you should keep what is writen in the helper:\_helpers/blob/fe4757bf54ddb3a5ac1a71b88b976934f81695cd/ynh\_mongo\_db/ynh\_mongo\_db\_\_2#L316 `buster`
> its' actually used for wekan =>\_ynh/blob/9305a6dd6a8b29adf0e11ee9ee51952c4efdcb22/scripts/ynh\_mongo\_db\_\_2#L316
> and working like a charm ....

Thanks for the info
[22:28:10] <Gérard Collin> > <> CI on bullseye and lxc on bullseye.
> For\_ynh/blob/7915ec5426b77473b947ee8523a780b1f1a7cf21/scripts/ynh\_mongo\_db\_\_2#L316 , instead of using `$(ynh_get_debian_release)` maybe you should keep what is writen in the helper:\_helpers/blob/fe4757bf54ddb3a5ac1a71b88b976934f81695cd/ynh\_mongo\_db/ynh\_mongo\_db\_\_2#L316 `buster`
> its' actually used for wekan =>\_ynh/blob/9305a6dd6a8b29adf0e11ee9ee51952c4efdcb22/scripts/ynh\_mongo\_db\_\_2#L316
> and working like a charm ....

I don't feel comfortable installing mongo for buster in bullseye just because it's the only way to pass the CI. There is the risk of breaking stuff whenever people updates their distro
[22:29:15] <Gérard Collin> And you have the thrill of hunting for a bug like this 😀