Wednesday, March 22, 2023
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[09:11:10] <theragehero> Hello, I'm trying to embed a Nextcloud form on Wordpress. It says that Firefox is not able to show that page (also with other browsers). Both nc and wp are on ynh, one on a subdomain and the other on the main domain. Which setting do I have to change on nginx to be able to embed it? Thank you
[09:48:52] <nalla22> Hello, I have a problem with Synapse. Unlike all other YunoHost applications, Synapse does not save its data in /var but in another linux root!
I would like to save all Synapse data only in the /var root on my storage volume and keep the other roots for my system SSD. How to put synapse in /var?
[10:08:18] <> I have at the moment OMV 6 installed which is based on Debian 11. Is it possible to install yunohost on it?
[11:15:31] <wilow04[m]> no.fresh install of yunohost.
[11:15:51] <wilow04[m]> or with script on fresh debian 11
[12:03:20] <> Where can I find the script?
[12:14:56] <tituspijean> Joker 🇩🇪
[12:35:03] <listmonkUser> Mon installation listmonk est plantée. Impossible de reinstaller
[12:35:03] <listmonkUser> Bonjour,
[12:35:11] <listmonkUser> Problème de checksum
[12:35:21] <listmonkUser> Peut on esperer un retrour à la normale?
[12:35:35] <listmonkUser> Une solution pour installer l'ancienne version?
[12:36:35] <tituspijean> Bonjour, merci de partager les logs justifiant du plantage et de l'impossibilité de réinstallation.
[12:36:54] <listmonkUser> YunoHost packagers need to investigate and update the app manifest to reflect this change
[12:37:16] <listmonkUser>
[12:37:47] <listmonkUser> Merci
[12:44:26] <tituspijean> listmonkUser J'ai envoyé un fix sur le dépôt de l'app. Si tu es pressé: `sudo yunohost app install -F`
[12:45:58] <listmonkUser> Merci, génial la réactivité. Je teste tout de suite ;-)
[14:09:13] <tituspijean>
[14:09:17] <tituspijean> > I also don't get contact in the Matrix anymore 
[14:14:27] <tituspijean> That's a backup/restore action log. Please share the Matrix-synapse service log
[14:18:11] <tituspijean> 2023-03-21 16:27:46,942: DEBUG - + yunohost tools shell -c 'from yunohost.permission import permission_url; permission_url('\''synapse.server_client_infos'\'' ,url='\''domain6.tld/.well-known/matrix'\''   ,auth_header=False )'
2023-03-21 16:27:47,383: WARNING - This URL is either unavailable, or conflicts with the already installed app(s):
2023-03-21 16:27:47,384: WARNING -  * domain6.tld/ → Funkwhale (funkwhale)
Mmmh that's weird.
[14:19:20] <tituspijean> Ah OK I see. You need to move funkwhale to its own dedicated domain or subdomain 
[14:25:23] <tituspijean> 1. Make sure you have a backup of Synapse on hand
2. Make sure you delete Synapse app: `yunohost app remove matrix-synapse` (this may fail)
3. Move Funkwhale
4. Restore Synapse backup
5. If it fails, share log.
[14:45:57] <tituspijean> I have given you the instructions tobsolve the issue. Move funkwhale to another domain. Then we cleanup the mess.
[15:42:41] <tituspijean> These are data directories that are not deleted unless you use the `--flag` with the `yunohost app remove` command. That's why they get renamed with the date and time when you install the app again. You may delete them manually if you have a proper backup.
[15:42:45] <miro5001[m]> Salut tout le monde. J'encadre deux étudiants pour leurs projets de fin d'étude. J'ai besoin d'échanger avec eux de gros documents. Là, j'ai créé un répertoire dans nextcloud que j'ai partagé pour qu'ils puissent m'envoyer ces documents.
Y-a-t-il un autre moyen que vous utilisez ? Ou que vous conseillez ?
[15:43:18] <tituspijean> C'est une excellente solution, merci d'utiliser Nextcloud et YunoHost  
[15:43:46] <tituspijean> (Sans cahier des charges plus précis, on ne peut pas trop te conseiller)
[15:44:25] <tituspijean> > <> These are data directories that are not deleted unless you use the `--flag` with the `yunohost app remove` command. That's why they get renamed with the date and time when you install the app again. You may delete them manually if you have a proper backup.

`--purge`, I meant .
[15:56:49] <miro5001[m]> > <@titus[m]> (Sans cahier des charges plus précis, on ne peut pas trop te conseiller)

En fait c'est des étudiants infirmiers qui préparent une vidéo pour l'inclure dans les outils éducatifs du cours "don du sang, déroulement du prélèvement". On a presque terminé la préparation du script (échange par mail, je corrige ce qu'ils m'envoient). Actuellement, ils ont des prises vidéos et photos qu'ils vont m'envoyer, l'un d'eux m'a demandé mon whatsapp que je n'ai pas. Alors j'ai créé un répertoire dans nextcloud que j'ai partagé pour qu'ils puissent les uploader. On fera le tri pour choisir quoi inclure dans la vidéo et qui correspond au script. Par la suite le montage.
[17:43:04] <adrien> > <@wilow04[m]> dites, javai une question, mais jai personne a qui la poser

Quelle est ta question ?
[18:08:39] <carrabelloy> It would be really nice if you did something as an alternative to DNS settings. Since it is now annoying with the DNS settings. I have now stored so many settings at Hetzner. Which are required, but it's always the same, the data is never correct.
[20:03:04] <rastanet> > Good evening,
> I installed Yunohost on a RPI 4 with an external USB hard disk.
> I was also able to install Nextcloud which works well with one exception...
> I can't do a logout. The function is active, but every time I do it, I come back to the Nextcloud desktop.
> Could there be an error in my configuration?
> I specify that for the tests, I created a user (other than the user of Yunohost) with the admin rights
> Thanks

Hello, désolé de relancer ce sujet, mais avez-vous une idée ? Merci
[20:08:21] <usaydtest> Does anyone know how I can find out why matrix synapse isn't sending email notifications? i cant see anything in the logs
[20:15:41] <tituspijean> Have you checked your homeserver.yaml file against Synapse's own documentation?
[20:19:55] <tituspijean> Check Synapse logs too, in case of it complains about emails too.