Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[02:55:35] <乙木> 疑似是玩原神玩的。
[02:55:36] <乙木> https://draugr.de/upload/74aface463b4e2e1bbb2f73946db1e9bc0cc11c7/0fh5hUGFLrLuvIdw9gT7dSulau6IDVog0IKujjnO/mmexport1679968396533.jpg
[02:55:36] <乙木> https://draugr.de/upload/74aface463b4e2e1bbb2f73946db1e9bc0cc11c7/j5LI4ZPISJLvqCwVtinmrcXg8gfMdn6jjOIMEchm/mmexport1679968398697.jpg
[07:34:13] <hercut> bonjour à tous.
[07:36:59] <hercut> Petite question rapide, dans la partie application, c'est possible de pouvoir trier par dernière application mis à jour, mais surtout dernières applications ajoutées ! Parce qu'il y a de plus en plus d'applications et ça serait sympathique de pouvoir trier et de voir rapidement les nouveautés.
[08:22:42] <jbove> Question about this problem: after an upgrade of the Gitea application, the server already redirects me back to the "yunohost/sso/" route instead of opening Gitea. Where do I start to resolve this?
[08:22:43] <jbove> Question about this problem: after an upgrade of the Gitea application, the server always redirects me back to the "yunohost/sso/" route instead of opening Gitea. Where do I start to resolve this?
[10:20:56] <carrabelloy[m]> #tituspijean Sure, here's the translation of your message:

"This is not a picture, it's just what my terminal outputted. Also, not everyone can speak English. It's like if I asked you to drive my double-decker truck from Cologne to France. You have a driver's license, so you should be able to do it, right? This is an inadequate comparison, but it may explain why I have trouble with English. I never had any English classes and it wasn't important back then. Nonetheless, thank you for your help. I've found someone who can help me translate what you write to me and what I write to you. Unfortunately, I can't access the help section, and I have a problem with fail2ban. I had to deal with two hacks on my server and I blocked the IPs. I tried to make fail2ban even stronger via Webmin, but I must have missed something because I now have two errors on my YunoHost system. The first error is that it can't be reset to YunoHost. The configuration file /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/yunohost-jails.conf seems to have been manually modified.

This is probably OK if you know what you're doing! YunoHost won't update this file automatically in the future... but please be careful as future upgrades of YunoHost could contain important recommended changes. If you want, you can inspect the differences with yunohost tools regen-conf fail2ban --dry-run --with-diff and force the recommended configuration reset with yunohost tools regen-conf fail2ban --force.

The configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config seems to have been manually modified.

This is probably OK if you know what you're doing! YunoHost won't update this file automatically in the future... but please be careful as future upgrades of YunoHost could contain important recommended changes. If you want, you can inspect the differences with yunohost tools regen-conf ssh --dry-run --with-diff and force the recommended configuration reset with yunohost tools regen-conf ssh --force.

So, my fail2ban isn't working properly now. The second error I made was that I implemented wrong packages in the source list. I fixed that, but I still haven't done everything right in this area. So it still gives me error messages like these in the Yunohost admin panel:

"Everything looks OK for Web! Found 1 significant problem(s) (and 1 warning(s)) in relation to email! Failed to get status information via dbus for service mailman3-web, systemctl didn't recognize this service ('NoSuchUnit'). unable to retrieve string to translate with key '2023-03-28 05:20:10,241 fail2ban.configreader [1644881]: ERROR Found no accessible config files for 'fail2ban' under /etc/fail2ban' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning) unable to retrieve string to translate with key '2023-03-28 05:20:10,242 fail2ban.configreader [1644881]: ERROR No section: 'Definition'' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning) unable to retrieve string to translate with key '2023-03-28 05:20:10,242 fail2ban.configreader [1644881]: ERROR No section: 'Definition'' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning) unable to retrieve string to translate with key '2023-03-28 05:20:10,242 fail2ban.configreader [1644881

Sorry, I did not see the rest of your message. Here is the translation of the remaining part:

"Although I have fixed the source list, there are still errors. I am not a programmer, but I have sought help, as I did with the translation, and I read as best I can. Maybe this will help to create a German translation of everything I have listed to contribute even more to YunoHost. But that's beside the point. Thank you for your support and help with the problems and for the great work on the YunoHost system. Can you please translate everything for me?"

[12:31:19] <Christopher> I am trying to create a couple of backups. For some reason, my Yunohost web portal has become very slow. I was able to get a back up of Pixelfed, Peertube, and Collabora. I downloaded those backups and then deleted their archives. I performed a back up of Hubzilla and it took several hours to complete. I downloaded it and deleted the archive. Now I am trying to backup Misskey. The Yunohost web portal is running very slow. SSH into the server seems to be fast. I have over 100gb is storage and it says the archive will be around 23gb. When I try to back up Misskey using the web portal, it gives a 504 Timeout. When I try to back up using the command line, it also fails. I have tried restarting the server. I have tried to restart the Misskey service. I have tried restarting the mysql and the postresql services. Misskey seems to be working as it should when I visit the site. Below is the log it generates when failing. What else can I try? I won't be available again until later today, but I would like the minds thinking to get whoever can help. Much appreciated. https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/erejetafax
[13:02:08] <tane> > <@jbove:libera.chat> Question about this problem: after an upgrade of the Gitea application, the server always redirects me back to the "yunohost/sso/" route instead of opening Gitea. Where do I start to resolve this?

The first thing i would check is whether the make public switch is on in the app settings.
[14:22:45] <Guest52> LOG: https://paste.yunohost.org/nafecoconi
[14:36:58] <davidpeach> hello
[14:39:34] <carrabelloy[m]> > <@Guest52:libera.chat> LOG: https://paste.yunohost.org/nafecoconi


[14:40:47] <davidpeach> has anyome here used github actions to deploy projects to yunohost at all please? presumably into a "my webapp" container.
[14:41:31] <davidpeach> im looking to deploy laravel possibly.
[15:46:27] <zeith123> Hi i have problem installing any app.
[15:46:28] <zeith123> bipiwagore
[15:46:53] <zeith123> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/bipiwagore
[16:10:46] <ponytail> I installed Yourls
What's my admin username and password?

The one which I set up during the install is showing invalid.
[19:27:33] <Eda> Hi everyone. In a group of mine we are thinking of switching from signal to xmpp because we need a chatroom of more than 1000 members. Signal is limited to 1000. I see here is the biggest room I could find (2k users). Do you have advice about where to host such big chatrooms? Do you think we will have latency or other problems, and does this relate to the server that hists the room? Other advice?
[19:56:22] <Eda> (Forgot to say that we need encryption 😬)
[20:37:37] <fch> > (Forgot to say that we need encryption 😬)
Omemo does not work well on mucs, bcs every user has to validate all keys from every other user on each client
[21:02:56] <Eda> And if we remove encryption and disable presence?
[21:06:56] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> why not Matrix tho
[21:55:19] <nachoLIBRE> Does anyone know I'd the telegram bridge will bridge all new convo or do I have to make a group?
[22:14:06] <carrabelloy[m]> who can help me with this? because fail2ban is broken is not working
:~$ systemctl status fail2ban.service
● fail2ban.service - Fail2Ban Service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/fail2ban.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2023-03-28 22:01:27 UTC; 6min ago
Docs: man:fail2ban(1)
Process: 1846878 ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1846883 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /run/fail2ban (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1846884 ExecStart=/usr/bin/fail2ban-server -xf start (code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION)
Main PID: 1846884 (code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION)
CPU: 82ms