Tuesday, August 08, 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 23 24

[06:58:52] <orhtej2> When porting app between instances by copying backup `dendrite` system user did not get assigned to `ssl-cert` group, I had to run `usermod`. Is this issue with dendrite or ynh itself?
[06:59:07] <orhtej2> Meaning where should I report an issue
[07:15:27] <phinero> Guys, Is it possible to use
Libertea https://github.com/VZiChoushaDui/Libertea
Marzban https://github.com/Gozargah/Marzban
Hiddify https://github.com/hiddify/hiddify-config
X-UI https://github.com/NidukaAkalanka/x-ui-english
on YunoHost Server (VPS)
because it'll be the only way to communicate with other people in the world soon.
Wireguard protocol will be blocked soon in our country ((
[07:16:36] <phinero> Guys, Is it possible to use
Libertea https://github.com/VZiChoushaDui/Libertea
Marzban https://github.com/Gozargah/Marzban
Hiddify https://github.com/hiddify/hiddify-config
X-UI https://github.com/NidukaAkalanka/x-ui-english
on YunoHost Server (VPS)
because it'll be the only way to communicate with other people in the world.
Wireguard protocol will be blocked (I think so) very soon in our country ((
[07:17:56] <phinero> Guys, Is it possible to use
Libertea https://github.com/VZiChoushaDui/Libertea
Marzban https://github.com/Gozargah/Marzban
Hiddify https://github.com/hiddify/hiddify-config
X-UI https://github.com/NidukaAkalanka/x-ui-english
on YunoHost Server (VPS)
because it'll be the only way to communicate with other people in the world.
It seems so that Wireguard protocol will be blocked very soon in our country ((
S.O.S )
[07:19:20] <orhtej2> > When porting app between instances by copying backup `dendrite` system user did not get assigned to `ssl-cert` group, I had to run `usermod`. Is this issue with dendrite or ynh itself?

Logs before someone asks ;) https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/dininakosu
[07:36:38] <Mateusz Szymański> > <@phinero:matrix.org> Guys, Is it possible to use
> Libertea https://github.com/VZiChoushaDui/Libertea
> Marzban https://github.com/Gozargah/Marzban
> Hiddify https://github.com/hiddify/hiddify-config
> X-UI https://github.com/NidukaAkalanka/x-ui-english
> on YunoHost Server (VPS)
> because it'll be the only way to communicate with other people in the world.
> It seems so that Wireguard protocol will be blocked very soon in our country ((
> S.O.S )

have a look at the app catalog yourself :) https://yunohost.org/en/apps
[07:37:59] <Mateusz Szymański> (the answer being no-no-no-no)
[07:50:07] <phinero> > <@orhtej2:matrix.org> have a look at the app catalog yourself :) https://yunohost.org/en/apps

I tried to add a request to the wish list but no one was interested in this (
[07:52:45] <tituspijean[m]> It was not about disinterest, more about we had absolutely no idea what that was, and how all these subcomponents work together.
[07:52:58] <Mateusz Szymański> > <@phinero:matrix.org> I tried to add a request to the wish list but no one was interested in this (
> https://github.com/YunoHost/doc/pull/2257

I understand the confusion here given X's 'blurb' looks like it was auto translated and sounds like gibberish :/
[08:23:17] <phinero> 😀 'll try to install some of those new projects on VPS with yunohost installed and 'll see what happens ))
But it seems that help'll be needed to configure ports and fwall )
[08:32:04] <phinero> 😀 'll try to install some of those new projects on VPS with yunohost installed and see what happens ))
But it seems that help'll be needed to configure ports and fwall )
[08:43:27] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update can't enter SSO (
[08:47:03] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update SSO have got an issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (the same date) without any problems

[08:47:14] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update SSO have got an issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (the same data) without any problems

[08:49:36] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update SSO have got an issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes
[08:50:06] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got a SSO issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes
[08:50:20] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes
[08:51:08] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes. No diagnosis errors.
[08:58:01] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes. No diagnosis errors. Backup restore doesn't help
[09:03:05] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (with the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes. No diagnosis errors. Backup restore doesn't help
[09:08:13] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (with the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes. No diagnosis errors. Backup restore doesn't help.
Changed password - all the same (
[09:20:23] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (with the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes. No diagnosis errors. Backup restore doesn't help.
Changed password - all the same (
Got it, the solution is "remove cookies from site" ))
[09:20:34] <phinero> ## Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login) (
How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (with the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes. No diagnosis errors. Backup restore doesn't help.
Changed password - all the same (

Got it, the solution is "remove cookies from site" )
[09:20:43] <phinero> ## Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login)

How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (with the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes. No diagnosis errors. Backup restore doesn't help.
Changed password - all the same (

Got it, the solution is "remove cookies from site" )
[09:20:55] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login)

How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (with the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes. No diagnosis errors. Backup restore doesn't help.
Changed password - all the same (

Got it, the solution is "remove cookies from site" )
[09:21:08] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login)

How to get log? Re-login doesn't help. Can login admin panel (with the same data) without any problems
Didn't make any other changes. No diagnosis errors. Backup restore doesn't help.
Changed password - all the same (

Got it, the solution is "remove cookies from site" ))
[09:22:46] <phinero> Hm... After todays SerxNG update have got SSO issue (can't login)

Got it, the solution is "remove cookies" ))
[10:44:14] <phinero> 😀 I install some of those new projects on VPS with yunohost installed and see what happens ))
But it seems that help'll be needed to configure ports and fwall )
[10:44:36] <phinero> 😀 I'm going to install some of those new projects on VPS with yunohost installed and see what happens ))
But it seems that help'll be needed to configure ports and fwall )
[10:44:53] <phinero> 😀 I'm going to install some of those new projects on VPS with yunohost installed and see what will happen ))
But it seems that help'll be needed to configure ports and fwall )
[11:32:33] <orhtej2> @Claus @Chatpitaine Caverne update on https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/prosody_ynh/issues/15 is to reinstall Prosody and see if it still fails.
[11:36:20] <Chatpitaine Caverne> orhtej2: It works. Prosody service is running.
[11:37:18] <orhtej2> if you have Github account can you please comment on that issue?
[11:41:49] <Chatpitaine Caverne> Done. Thank you orhtej2
[11:46:22] <orhtej2> Thanks!
[13:09:38] <matt> Salut lapineige[m] , j'ai fait un rapide scan de mon instance avec ncdu et c'est très facile à utiliser. Même si c'est par le terminal, c'est très graphique et tu peux voir facilement les tailles des fichiers et dossiers de ton serveur.
[19:03:16] <lapineige> Oui j'utilise dust pour ça, qui fait grosso modo pareil, mais ça ne dit pas quels fichiers/dossiers ont été crée récemment
[19:03:43] <lapineige> Le besoin, c'est d'identifier qu'est-ce qui a pris beaucoup de place récemment (et un éventuel problème / truc à supprimer)
[19:04:13] <lapineige> (Au fait, étonnamment ma mention contient le @ de liberachat, je croyais que le pont était suspendu ?)
[19:07:57] <lapineige> > <@phinero:matrix.org> 😀 I'm going to install some of those new projects on VPS with yunohost installed and see what will happen ))
> But it seems that help'll be needed to configure ports and fwall )

In the admin UI you can open the desired ports